Soviet Circular Panorama.
An engineering fairy tale and technical reality.
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The 70mm Newsletter
by: Grigorij Shandorovich,
Moscow, Russia |
01.09.2009 |
lifeguards of the Panorama
On the left - to the right: Alexander Zenin Author nearly all
photography, videoinstaller. This is me, Grigoriy Peskov, former Master
Field Engineer (1980-1990) of the panorama. Oleg Batyaev, Author of the
site projectionist to Russia, cinema engineer. Aleksand YAvorskiy Acting
master field engineer Cinematechnik.
To begin with there is some theory. The image is formed of 11 segments
(in the beginning was 22: 11 projectors and screens in two ranks, but it
is short time).
in 70mm reading:
Soviet Circular Panorama - in
The true history of Circlorama
Circlorama Theatre, Picadilly
Circus, London, England
Memories of Circlorama
"Circlorama Cavalcade" credits
Foreign 70mm Films in Russia
Internet link:
Kinopanorama Moscow
Russian projectionist forum
1959 Circular Panaorama with 22 projectors
Modern Circular Panorama with 11 projectors
Panorama in 1959
11 was chosen not for no reason -
Circarama by Walt Disney has served as a prototype in which was 11х16mm, and
we (in the USSR) have created 11х35mm. I don't know why, but projection
frame rate of 25 fps has been chosen. Now, analyzing, I understand: most
likely for simplification of editing and lip-sync by film manufacturer.
Editor would like to thank Ilona Schioler, for
her help editing the Russian and English language texts.
Panorama today
cinema with 22 screens. Two times 11 screens stacked upon each other
During the trip across the USA,
Chruschev has visited Circarama and has been admired by it. On arrival home,
the secretary general has desired "to catch up and overtake" America and for
three (3!) month we has been constructed Circular panorama! How many has
left on designing and equipment manufacturing? I don't know. By calculations
of our film experts (headed by the genius at cinema - professor Goldovskij),
nine segments was quite enough.
The Final variant with 11
But have chosen 11 - for compatibility with Circarama and an exchange of
films with America. As a result - nothing did change back then.
Moreover, later Circarama has passed on… guess… yes, a nine-segment
variant. Even here two powers chased, well it was already history, in my
opinion, the USSR likely was better off. But it is already exact not
Circular panorama illustration in journal "Technology youth".
Now about panorama equipment. It is
unique and has been made not in one complete set but in three! Except
Moscow, the Circular panorama of the Soviet system has been installed in
Prague (Czechoslovakia), Tokyo (Japan) and London
(England)! In Prague the installation was only short lived, but in Japan the
installation was working until the mid-1980s. An Englishmen have bought the
patent, have constructed by own strength and showed the soviet films (as in
those days only the powerful country could afford to shoot film on 11
wide-film movie cameras, equipping expeditions in all country, involving
army, helicopters, aircraft, vessels and scale financial expenses).
The most important thing in Circular panorama - synchronism, for which
special units under the name rotasync (from "rotation" and "synchronisation"
- rota + sync) are intended. But the main thing - all mechanisms are put in
action by synchronous electric motors.
Circular Panoramic projector
projector, the PKP-1
For the second generation of circular panorama (the first it is not
considered, have quickly refused it (in 4 years), having mounted anamorphic
attachments and turned them on 90 degrees clockwise, having stretched
thereby a picture on a vertical) under the special order of the country
leaders, on LOMO (the Leningrad Optical-Mechanical Factory, nowadays the
city of St. Petersburg) have been made devices of PKP-5 model (KPT-model
based). Projection head moulding was too special: sound head was absent, but
landing apertures under it there are not present.
Xenon lamphouse (modernized 1986) PKP-5
One more important detail. Represent 22 devices (an initial variant) on
coals (an arc lamp)? I do not represent. And the designer have not
presented, or having presented - have refused at moment. The experimental
xenon lighters (first in the USSR) also have mounted. Not so powerful (1000
w only), but more also is impossible: screens each other light and the
strict balance of reasonable light exposure is necessary.
Xenon lamphouse (modernized 1986) PKP-5
Change is made under my participation torch since experimental 1 kvt
lamphouse came to get fat badness.
lamp 3 kvt.
Works in mode ~ 1 - 1.5 kvt
Rotasync Synchronisation
Rotasync Synchronisation.
The synchronous engine (3-phases), therefore also synchronous that on each
shift (change) of phases it moves on 1 step (1 step=60 degrees. From here -
frequency of rotation=1750 rev/min under condition of 50 Hz in the
industrial electric system). So far all is clear. BUT! At giving on such
engine of pressure, it is started very sharply. It can lead to strong
mechanical damages and equipment destruction. For the synchronous engine
(and synchronous work of a panorama) "smooth start-up" is necessary
synchronous. In it also are engaged Rotasync. These motor-generators
transform 3-phase (120 degrees phase shift) an alternating current frequency
of 50 Hz, to 3-phase alternating current with the frequency smoothly
changing from 0 Hz to 50 Hz.
cabinet of Rotasync controls.
Here is how it occurs. Rotasync are dispersed from a industrial network to
the synchronously standard turns. In this condition on their exit 220х3
frequency… 0 Hz! During this steady moment engines of devices (including
35-mm magnetic film reproducer) are connected to them. There is a minimum
jerk, anchors rise in accurate position (roughly speaking, jerk is, but
minimum - plus-minus of 29 degrees). After that rotasync start to brake
smoothly at the expense of shunts to 0 turns (a full stop). Accordingly
frequency smoothly grows about 0 Hz to 50 Hz. After a stop there comes the
heaviest and critical moment - switching into a industrial electrical
network at which corners of phases (phasing) NECESSARILY should coincide,
differently occurs strong blow and equipment makes "caboom".
of original 22-screen set-up
9 independent channels of sounding have been initially conceived! Simply
smartly: 7 channels behind screens, 1 effects channel over a ceiling and
1 effects channel under a floor. Unfortunately, on a ceiling and in a
floor channels have quickly failed and have been dismantled. Only 7
channels behind screens really work.
A magnetic sound of 35-mm tape.
by fonograf / sound dubber: The oldest emplyee of the Panorama since
the first day of operation, Lyudmila Pavlovna Vanjukova. Regrettably she
retired during the summer of 2008.
from 1963
Worn-out magnetic head
For sound reproduction it is used separate magnetic film
reproducer (with synchronous engines too), which played a sound from a
perforated 35-mm magnetic film. 9-channel magnetic heads, also made under
the special order, are mounted on devices.
Management. Technical management
master console table
All film complex copes on-line from auditorium from a special
control panel. The special film mechanic - the operator of the panel
is engaged in film demonstration.
2-go device for Aleksand YAvorskiy
The Repair is made by summer 2009. Will Repaired 2, the most spoiled device.
Regrettably further work while they are stopped, by reason of problems with
management owner Circular Panorama.
Films last 20 minutes, metric area of everyone - on the average 600 meters
(for one projector, in the sum - increase on 11). To a great regret,
newest of them was mad in 1993. At present Circular panorama
is in very poor technical and economic situation, but at the expense
of a handful of self-denying workers is live and works five days in a week!
The collective of the Russian site of cinema technical workers carries
out the action on technical rescue of it really a miracle of the world.
On a course of restoration you we will inform in due time.
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