"IN 70MM" NEWS |
Terpning und Joseph L. Mankiewicz's “CLEOPATRA“
Von Gerhard Witte
Einen Blick auf die verschiedenen Plakate zum
Film "Cleopatra" (UK, USA, Switzerland, 1963) und die Kontroversen die mit
Herstellung der berühmten Plakatkunst verbunden waren. Howard Terpning ist
ein Kunstmaler und Zeichner unserer Zeit. Er ist der bekannteste und meist
geehrte Maler für Bilder der Western-Kunst. |
Terpning and Joseph L. Mankiewicz's “Cleopatra“
By Gerhard Witte
A look at the different “Cleopatra” posters and the controversy surrounding
the making of the famous poster art. Howard Terpning is a painter and
illustrator of our time. He is the most renowned and honored Western artist
painting today. |
Oslo 70mm Festival
By Jan Olsen
The Norwegian film
institute proudly
presents the 10th
Oslo 70mm festival 4
- 13 January 2013.
The program is a mix
of vintage original
prints, blow-ups and
restored classics.
Review of "The Master" in 70mm
By Ramon Lamarca Marques
I never thought I would be able to see any major release of an originated
65mm film on a 70mm print in the West End. This fact alone brought a sense
of awe that had been missing from the experience of going to the pictures
for a long time. |
at the Warwick
Student Cinema
By James
Unlike most cinemas
today, WSC operates
a changeover system
at the majority of
35-mm and 70-mm film
screenings. Reels of
approximately 20
minutes' duration
are made up and
individually for the
full cinema
experience. |
It In 70mm! - 70mm
Festival New York
The Film Society of
Lincoln Center will
present 15 films in
their original 70mm
glory, featuring a
mix of beloved
classics and rarely
screened gems, all
at the Walter Reade
Theater from
December 21 -
January 1, 2013 |
of Arabia", 50th Anniversary Limited Collector's Blu-Ray Edition
By Gerhard Witte
of Arabia", the 50th Anniversary Limited Collector's Blu-Ray Edition has been
published with an impressive hardcover coffee-table book and also with an
authentic 70mm film frame. |
Trumbull - A Conversation
By Wolfram Hannemann
I’m absolutely confident that the digital image has caught up with film in
terms of frame rate, resolution, steadiness, brightness and colour
saturation. I’ve gone totally digital; I’m not interested in film at all. |
Premiere's "The
Master" in 70mm
By Jean-Marc
We will be screening
"The Master" in 70mm
from January 2013 at
our L’Arlequin, a
famous 3-screen
arthouse cinema with
a lovely 400-seat
main auditorium.
This will be the
only cinema in Paris
to show the film in
70mm. |
Todd-AO Process
By The Todd-AO Corporation
The ultimate result of intensive research by a team of research and
engineering scientists headed by Dr. Brian O'Brian: "a process of motion
picture photography and projection that establishes the illusion of
participation in the action" |
Stereo Surround On 70mm
By John Iles
“Superman the Movie” had an outstanding soundtrack for its day thanks to the
enthusiasm of Gordon McCullum and his crew at Pinewood. Today almost all films are made with stereo-surrounds (5.1) although not all
Directors and re-recorders take full use of the possibilities. |
Young 1900 - 1956
Von Udo Heimansberg
Victor Young wurde in Chicago in eine musikalische Familie hineingeboren-
seine Eltern waren viel auf Tournee und schickten den kleinen Victor
1906 nach Warschau zu den Großeltern. |
By William Latady
Finally, one week
before opening
night, installation
of the Cinerama
system was
Projectors had been
aligned so that
magnification of all
three were equal,
and the three films
so positioned that
they formed one
image. |
DP70 for sale
A DP70 is for sale
from the Saint
Lazare Pasquier in
Paris (France) 8eme
Serial number:
#2181. If you are
interested you can
contact the cinema
directly. |
about Tonhallen
By Udo
I was absolutely thrilled to find my favourite Cinema, the Cinerama
Tonhallen Theater
on your page! I enclosed a photograph taken from the outside in December
1965. It's from the
archive of the town
of Düsseldorf |
Mission Todd-AO:
Salzburg, Austria
By Thomas Hauerslev
Based in Zell am See for a week
in February 2012, it was easy to reach Salzburg by
train to find the filming locations of the Todd-AO 70mm classic "The Sound of Music".
Little did I know
the day of walking
was going to be so
cold, that my bottle
of water was going
to freeze to a
slush-icy substance.
• go to
The Gallery |
The Panoramas |
at the Tonhallen
By Thomas David Boehm
A former friend of mine, Arno Buchholtz, who died many years ago, was a
projectionist at the Tonhalle. There he took some slides which show the
projection room with the Cinermiracle-setup. |
70mm Film Maker Attending Schauburg's Todd-AO Festival
Hans Kristian Bukholm will introduce his 70mm short film "Svalbard -
Arctic Seasons" Sunday afternoon which is very rarely shown out side
Norway. There will be a q/a after the screening. |
70 Camera on Display in Schauburg
One of the original M.C.S.-70 Superpanorama cameras, originally made by
Jan Jacobsen in the early 1960s, will be on display during 8. Todd-AO
70mm-Festival 2012 on the Saturday and Sunday in the Schauburg foyer. |
Todd-AO Festival About to Begin
The bill board is ready, the posters are printed, the flyer are all over
town and the chandeliers have been cleaned. |
at Cinerama's 60th Anniversary
By Anders M Olsson
Impressions from the Cinerama festival in Los Angeles.
Film star Russ Tamblyn introduced "Brothers Grimm". |
60th Anniversary By Tom
A picture report from the "Cinerama center of the world"
at the Dome in LA - people from Europe and the US are
together celebrating the 60th anniversary of Cinerama |
South Seas Adventure
in Venice
By Randy Gitsch On Sept. 2, Dave Strohmaier,
Tom March and myself
left Los Angeles
headed for the 69th
edition of the
progenitor of all
film festivals, the
Venice International
Film Festival in,
where else, Venice,
Italy. |
Master" Presseheft
Von Schauburg
Ein eindrucksvolles Portrait von
Herumtreibern und Suchenden im Amerika der Nachkriegszeit, schildert den Weg
des Marine-Veterans
Freddie, der verstört und
orientierungslos aus dem Krieg zurückkehrt, bis er in den Bann einer
Bewegung namens „The Cause“ sowie ihres charismatischen Anführers Lancaster
Dodd. |
Master" goes to Karlsruhe for 70mm Festival
in70mm.com Newswire
Thomas Anderson's latest film "The Master" will be shown in 70mm at
one of Europe's most prestigious 70mm film festivals, the "Todd-AO Festival"
on Sunday October 7, 2012 at the Schauburg Cinerama cinema in Karlsruhe in
Germany. It is a single screening of one of the most anticipated films
of 2012. |
of "The Master" in 65mm
By Weinstein Publicity
Panavision went totally out
of their way to service us in using cameras that have largely gone
unused for decades. At times we had a guy from Panavision staying with
us, just so he could handle technical issues with the cameras |
Week of "The Master"
in 70mm
"The Master" opened
in even more 70mm
prints Friday 21.
September 2012. Here
are some comments,
adverts and pictures
of the second week
of release of the
new film in 70mm |
Filming of "Svalbard
- Arctic Seasons"
By Thomas
We chose 65mm because the
film is going to be
shown on a big
curved screen,
covering more than
100' angle from the
audiences point of
view. No smaller
format could give
the same feeling of
being present in an
arctic environment. |
Full credits for
"Svalbard - Arctic
The film will
officially open the
new 70mm cinema at
The Nansen
Environmental and
Remote Sensing
Center in Bergen,
Norway November 28,
1996. |
Master" in 70mm, Los Angeles
By Paul Rayton
Though some of us never thought
we'd see such again, "it's alive"!!!: A new film running as a commercial
release, in more than one location, and ads bearing some kind of tagline
about "70mm Presentation"!
• Go to "The Master"
Cast & Credits |
New York |
Release |
Venice |
Master" in 70mm Release
Following some
pre-70mm shows, "The Master" is now opening in 70mm across USA. Follow
this page for the
facts about "The
Master" in the
coming months.
• Go to "The Master"
Cast & Credits |
New York |
Los Angeles |
Venice |
Cast & Credits
By Gerber &
The clarity and
grandeur of the
large-scale images
in "Norway-The Film"
are due to the fact
that the film was
shot in 70mm, with
the same Panavision
camera used for
"Lawrence of
Arabia." |
Cast & Credits
By Gerber &
Gerber’s 17-minute-plus film, “Symbiosis”, is
a classic
affirmation that
effective film can
be made by someone
with equal devotion
to science and art.
It explores the
mutually dependent
relationship between
man and nature |
70 Superpanorama
Camera For Sale
This is the
opportunity to get
your very own 65mm
camera. This camera
is very rare, only
about 6 copies were
made for the MCS
Superpanorama 70
process in Germany. |
Venice Adventure
March & Gitsch
Day 1 in Venice. It
was all travel, a
long trip from LA
with a stopover in
Frankfurt. We met up
with Michael Wilder
of Image Trends and
his wife, Peggy and
we all registered at
the festival. |
Film in Gartenbau
The Gartenbau is one
of the few Austrian
cinemas still able
to play the 70mm.
The Viennale and the
Gartenbaukino have
decided that it is
time to make it
possible in Vienna
to relive a chapter
of legendary film
culture for the
first time in two
Go to
Festivals and
Screenings |
Notes on Shooting "Lawrence of Arabia"
By Mike Fox
Lawrence of Arabia is still regarded as the finest example of desert
cinematography ever photographed in the history of feature filmmaking. I
can’t think what a talented DoP today would have to do to beat
it or even match it. |
zu den dreharbeiten Von "Lawrence von Arabien"
Von Mike Fox
"Lawrence of Arabia" nach mehr als einem halbes
Jahrhundert als bestes Beispiel für Wüstenfotografie in der Geschichte
des Spielfilm gelten kann. Ich wüßte nicht, was ein heutiger Kameramann
tun könnte, um das zu schlagen oder auch nur damit gleichzuziehen. |
Calling Danny Boy!"
Cinema Retro updates "Where Eagles Dare" special Edition.
By popular demand, this newly revised and
updated edition contains all of the text from the original issue plus 36
pages of brand new material including rare archival photos and documents
from the estate of producer Elliott Kastner - plus a new, exclusive
interview with director Brian G. Hutton.
Go to
"Where Eagles
Dare" - 40th Anniversary |
opens in New York
By Dennis Furbush
The film was
magnificent! I got a
seat in the 3rd row
front. The image was
incredibly sharp. It
was a huge screen.
This is the first
digital projection I
have seen. Simply
amazing, I had no
idea. |
Limited Time Offer, 70mm T-shirt By Wolfram Hannemann I
have constantly been asked by widescreen enthusiasts whether my 70mm t-shirt would be available for sale. I have decided to give it a try, and will offer a limited special edition of the „70mm“ t-shirt. |
Master", a new film
in 65mm by Paul
Thomas Anderson
70mm adverts now
seen in San
Francisco newspapers - follow
this page for the
facts about "The
Master" in the
coming months |
 Fricke & Magidson and The Making of "Samsara"
haben ein 70mm-Kamerasystem verwendet, das es so bereits seit 50 Jahren gibt
und das immer noch die qualitativ hochwertigsten Aufnahmen liefert. Der
Transport des Films und der Ausrüstung von einem Drehort zum andern ist
natürlich sehr kostspielig und schwieriger denn je.
& Magidson and The Making of "Samsara"
We used a 70mm camera system that’s
been around for 50 years and is still the highest quality way of
capturing imagery. There’s a big price to pay getting film stock in and
out of places and moving that equipment around, it’s harder now than
ever. |
Goes to Venice - Sensational Festival Screening
By Randy Gitsch
The Venice International Film Festival has now finalized the schedule for
its 69th edition, and we wanted you to be the first to know when and where
you'll get to see digital Cinerama within it. |
in Amazing
AlamoScope: 70mm at
the Ritz!
In the world of film
nothing can ever
match the power and
glory of 70mm film.
A gargantuan
creation of the
1950s, 70mm quickly
became the permanent
benchmark of
transforming every
title released in
the format into a
mind-expanding epic.
• Go to
70mm Festivals and
Screenings |
screening: "Those
Magnificent Men"
By Sebastian
On March 16, 2013 at
2pm, the ROYAL
theater in Malmö
Sweden, will
celebrate its 52nd
anniversary, by
showing an original
and classic 70mm
film on the curved
screen! |
8 Special For Sale
By Thomas
A Danish car museum
is selling its
entire collection of
rare cars. What is
of interest for
in70mm.com readers
is lot 141 - the car
Hannibal 8, featured
in the 70mm film
"The Great Race"
starring Jack
Lemmon, Tony Curtis
and Nathalie Wood.
Inc. Scans "Holiday In Spain"
By Dave Strohmaier
Inspired by the scanning and remastering of "Windjammer" and their
library of Cinerama films, Cinerama Inc. decided to go ahead and see
what could be done with Mike Todd Jr.'s "lost" 70mm film |
Cinerama Dome
Cinerama's 60th
Join us September
28th - October 4th
at Hollywood's
Dome to celebrate
Cinerama's 60th
Anniversary! For the
WEEK we will be
playing twelve
classic Cinerama
productions |
Strohmaier and Randy Gitsch - in conversation with Mark Lyndon
Cinerama’s future might evolve into a name on more than just a couple of theaters;
Cinerama could come to mean a curved screen presentation; a noticeable
distinct curved screen, perhaps not 146 degrees, but certainly more than
a marginal curved screen. |
- The First Movie Produced By Todd-AO
By Gordon Macrae
On Sunday night
I will act as the host of one of the most important telecasts of my career.
At that time, I will tell the story of how "Oklahoma!" was made. I will be
helped in my storytelling with most of the principals from "Oklahoma!",
including the wonderful team of Rodgers and Hammerstein. |
Process Shown At MGM Studio
By The Reflector
This screening, followed by a second showing in the evening to people
prominent in the Hollywood motion picture industry, resulted in "rave"
notices in Hollywood and Los Angeles papers, as well as feature stories
in the New York Times and Variety
Go to
The Saga of Todd-AO |
A 30-Year Look Back
And The Original
70mm Engagements
By Mike Coate
thirty years ago today, Walt Disney’s “Tron”
was released in
about 1,100 cinemas
in the United States
and Canada. The
though unsuccessful
film was a visual
and aural delight |
Siegmund Remembered
By Thomas Hauerslev
It is with great sadness I must report the
passing of Walter Siegmund, one of the pioneers
and engineers of the Todd-AO process. Walt was
extremely kind and helpful, and always referred
the "days of Todd-AO" to be among the happiest
days of the working life. |
White" in System 65
By Kodak
“The 65mm stock is
absolutely incredible and it has no rival now,” exclaims the
cinematographer. “It is simply the best format we had to work with. |
VistaVision Projector
By Larry Davee
The design of a new projector mechanism normally involves between one
and two years of engineering work—and this time they wanted it done in
four weeks. They wanted a miracle. And—miraculously—they got it. |
Is Cinerama”: The Original Roadshow Engagements
By Mike Coate
This list consists only of first-run, reserved-seat engagements. Not
included in the list are return engagements, mobile presentations, drive-in
engagements, the 70mm single-panel re-release engagements, and contemporary
screenings. |
the West Was Won”: The Original Cinerama Presentations
By Mike Coate
This list consists only of first-run, reserved-seat engagements. Not
included in the list are return engagements, mobile presentations, drive-in
engagements, the 70mm single-panel re-release engagements, and contemporary
screenings. |
“Todd-AO theater in São Paulo, Brazil
By Paulo R Elias
In70mm reader João Carlos Reis Pinto wrote me an e-mail
calling my attention to the current status of the Windsor theater in São
Paulo, Brazil |
for John Mitchell
By Bill Lawrence
There were many people who made the 60th Anniversary of Cinerama
celebrations at the Widescreen Weekend in Bradford a success, but the
contribution made by one man was particularly exceptional. |
Mitchell gets his
Academy certificate
David Coles
I returned home to
Australia with the parchment, and
instructions from a man named Thomas to photograph the Award handover |
Gitsch: A Bio
In 1990, he became one of the founding members of the Association of
Moving Image Archivists and in 1999, he produced the critically
acclaimed documentary on film preservation and restoration, "Keepers of
the Frame" |
A new film gate for the DP70 projector
By Emmy Rosbeek
We have some news about the DP70 projector: We made a new film gate for
this projector. |
Wonderful World of the Brothers Grimm - "Lost" Cinerama Film Reviewed
By Mark Lyndon
This legendary “lost” Cinerama feature has held up well over the years.
For a fifty year old feel good film it still felt and looked pretty
good. George Pal produced and directed the fairy tale sequences with
Harry Levin for the real life drama. |
the Picture": Filming Completed
By Dave Strohmaier
We shot the very last shot with the Cinerama camera the camera can go
back to sleep for another 60 years until some other film makers discover
it again! |
Wars" Presented in
Dimension 150
By Derek Young
When "Star Wars"
premiered in London
in 1977, it was the
last film to be
presented in
Dimension 150 at the
Odeon Marble Arch |
and "This is
Cinerama" released Blu-ray and DVD
By Flicker Alley
Now digitally
remastered, the
color, the music,
the true artistry of
these classics are
reborn. Release date
is medio September
2012, in conjunction
with Cinerama's
Official 60th
Go to
Cinerama |
By Johan Wolthuis
A brand new
publication from
International 70mm
about the unique large format process which has been brought back to life by the unbelievable work done by Dave Strohmaier and Randy
Go to "Digital & 65mm" |
By Bill Lawrence
March has made an
contribution to
bringing life back
to the finest of
widescreen formats
that we all love.
Kevin Brownlow
John Mitchell |

• Go to
Widescreen Weekend group pictures
• Go to
Bradford, Widescreeen Weekend 2012
• Go to
Academy of the Wide
Screen Weekend |
2011, 2010,
2009, 2008,
2007, 2006,
2005, 2004,
2003, 2002,
2001, 2000,
1999, 1998 |
2005, 2004, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996, 1995, 1994 |
5 YEARS AGO - 2007 |
The true history of Circlorama 1962-65 "Keepers of the Frame" - complete press kit DEFA 70mm in Oslo |
10 YEARS AGO - 2002 |
Treasures On The Really Big Screen 4 track magnetic stereo at the Egyptian The Lion King: The IMAX Experience |
15 YEARS AGO - 1997 |
John O'Callaghan 70mm Short Film Maker Vinterpalatset A Story of Magnificence, Proud and Mourned Historical Wide Screen Gathering |
Ramine visits
Widescreen Weekend
Thomas Hauerslev
Ramine was in "South
Seas Adventure", and
attended the
Cinerama world
premiere in 1958,
and again for the
digital world
premiere of the same
film in 2012.
Go to
Saturday Gallery |
Can't Be Done, but Here it is, 16mm to 70mm blow up
For years I have had this small advert in my collection. If any of readers
have more information about "The Concert for Bangladesh" being
show in 70mm, please
let the editor know. |
& Hoepfner FH99
By Hans-L Wißkirchen
Less than 50 FH99 70mm machines were made. It had a lot of
advantages and the design was strictly modular. The FH 99 could be assembled as left or
right machine, because every part from the film path could be turned left
/right and/or upside down during assembling. |
and Gentlemen, This is Cinerama!
By Thomas Hauerslev
Cinerama's 60th anniversary is celebrated in 2012, with the digital
re-release of the original 3-strip film on Blu-ray and in selected
theatres. Cinerama premiered in 1952 and revolutionized the exhibition
industry with wide screns and 7-channel stereophonic sound |
at the Cinerama Dome
By Tom March
Debbie Reynolds
signed autographs
and posed for
pictures after doing
a couple of takes of
her scene in "In the
Picture". |
Conquers USA
By Mark Lyndon
The audience gasped audibly, then cheered wholeheartedly when the screen
opened up to reveal the world famous ‘Napoleon triptych’. The Eagle of
Destiny had landed.
Go to
in Triptych was an Absolute Triumph
Go to Kevin Brownlow
Carl Davis |
Janes - Widescreen Weekend Guest
By Tom March
He will be traveling
to Bradford as a
very special guest
and will be on stage
doing his home movie
presentation. He is
looking forward to
meeting and greeting
all the many fans of
Cinerama and 70mm
who are attending
the Festival this
year |
Fall Of The Roman Empire
La-La Land Records and Sony Music present the remastered and expanded
release of renowned composer Dimitri Tiomkin's original motion picture score
to the 1964 Roman era-set feature film epic THE FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE |
Printed Program
By Herbert Born
I'm pleased to announce the
web publication of all our printed programs brochures from the past
Todd-AO Festivals. Publication also include our free monthly magazine
(in German) with our current program. All free of charge for on-line
reading and free down-load. |
in Germany
By Gerhard Witte
In Europe, cinemas
for 3-strip films
were only set up on
a wide scale fairly
late, that is at the
end of the 1950s and
the beginning of the
1960s. By then,
other wide-screen
methods such as
CinemaScope and
perhaps also Todd-AO
had been broadly
The Grindel Filmtheater |
The "Savoy" in Hamburg |
in Deutschland
Von Gerhard Witte
Kinos für 3-Streifen
Filme wurden in
Europa erst spät
nämlich Ende der
50er, Anfang der
60er Jahre. Zu
dieser Zeit hatten
sich andere
wie CinemaScope und
vielleicht auch
Todd-AO im Großen
und Ganzen bereits
Das Grindel Filmtheater |
in Hamburg |
in Triptych was an Absolute Triumph
By Mark Lyndon via SMS
Americans love a young hero who is up against it. How they cheered Nappy on.
The Triptych was... An absolute triumph. The
whole audience rose to their feet and roared their approval as only
Americans know how. |
Ways To Zlín And Prague
Jean-Pierre Gutzeit
Zum 50. Jubiläum des „Zlín Film Festivals“ Anfang Mai 2010 in der
tschechischen Republik erhielt ich eine Einladung der Programm-Betreuerin
Marketa Pasmova, um eine frisch aus der Taufe gehobene 70mm-Filmereihe zu
begleiten. |
on Projecting
By Thomas Hauerslev
The audience is the most
important factor, and it is paramount to take good care of them, and that is why a projectionist is
still needed. If he is removed "Cinema" will become a fake plastic
experience, and you might as well stay at home to see the film. |
 l'esprit vers
le Cinerama
By Abel Gance
La celebre lettre de Abel Gance ecrite pour le programme de "Windjammer"en
Fevrier 1962. Souvenez vous que le titre francais etait "La Grande Rencontre" |
towards Cinerama
By Abel Gance
The original famous letter from Abel Gance, written for the French
souvenir program of "Windjammer", in February 1962 |
KRRR! 7th 70mm Film Fest Krnov
By Jakub Klima
We have selected some titles for this year festival that will have their
cinema premier in the Czech Republic. "Ice Station Zebra", "How the West Was Won“
and „Krakatoa, East of Java“, our homage to the greatest, film
format of all time – CINERAMA. |
jeden etwas auf dem 7. Todd-AO 70mm Festival im Schauburg Filmtheater
Von Brian Guckian
Das diesjährige 70mm Festival lockte Gäste aus ganz Europa, einige kamen
sogar aus den USA angereist. Die Teilnehmer erhielten eine ausführliche
Festival-Broschüre, die den sowohl lehrreichen als auch unterhaltsamen
Aspekt des Festivals auswies, das für alle ernsthaften Freunde des
Filmes und des Kinos ein „Muss“ ist. |
Book: "The Making of Tron"
By Bill Kallay
The Making of Tron traces the making of this groundbreaking computer
driven film from its inception, through its setbacks and in-fighting, to
its enormous influence on modern culture. |
Ben-Hur: The Complete Soundtrack Collection This 5CD “Complete Soundtrack Collection” includes every film cue, every outtake, every alternate and every additional take preserved by the studio, mastered from the original six-track recordings |
the Movies with Gerhard Fromm
By Thomas Hauerslev
Gerhard Fromm (b. 1932) has spent a lifetime with movies. From small
beginnings with DEFA in Berlin, to big European 70mm productions in the 1960s. From
working with Heinz Hölscher, Jan Jacobsen and Leni Riefenstahl, to teaching
camera techniques to students in his later life. |
Doug Trumbull Gets an OSCAR The Gordon E. Sawyer Award goes to Douglas Trumbull, for his lifetime of technical contributions and leadership in the motion picture industry. |
conversation with John Mitchell
By Cameron Glendinning
Let's go to Australia and meet a man who has a complete 3-strip Cinerama
cinema in his garden.
It all started when he heard on the grapevine that a certain storehouse
was to be emptied. |
unterm Sternenhimmel
Von Cameron Glendinning
Es begann, als mir zu Ohren kam, dass ein gewisses Lager geräumt
werden sollte, in dem sich viele Cinerama-Filme befanden. Ein paar bestimmte
Jungs hatten die Leute dort belogen und ihnen vorgegaukelt, sie wollten das
Magnetfilm-Material wiederverwenden, während sie in Wahrheit nur die
Soundtracks anhören wollten. |
Cinerama in Cardif By Michael Williams I came across the sound log of the Cinerama crew whilst shooting footage for "Seven Wonders Of
The World" and suddenly realised that I had indeed met the Cinerama crew. |
Lasse Kolstad passed away By Kaare Terland Four days after his ninetieth birthday Lasse Kolstad passed away. He was one of the main actors in Norway and mastered all disciplines from classics to musicals. |
The hunt for RAMAs continues The "Rama" page, now in its 5th year. More than 100 new and vintage RAMAs documented so far from:
2008 |
2009 |
2010 |
2011 - send in your RAMA now! |
Widescreen Weekend 2012 By Jennifer Hall Some of the films we will be screening in
this years festival are Cinerama's "South Sea Adventure", "The Wonderful World
of the Brothers Grimm", "Around the World in 80 Days" and lots of 60th
Anniversary of Cinerama material. |
2012 - First day of shooting "In the Picture"
By Michael J Cahill
It is Saturday January 14, 2012 and today the Barn is
the centerpiece for a brief scene in an all-new short
film for Cinerama called “In the Picture”, produced by
Anthony Saenz and directed by Dave Strohmaier. |
Cinerama in Tel Aviv By Peter Phillips I used to know one of the technical staff at Cinerama London in the early 1970s and he had been involved with the installation at Tel Aviv |
70mm at the Odeon Leicester Square By Nigel Wolland My first involvement with the Odeon Leicester Square came in 1978 when I was
invited to help out at the Royal Film Performance, the film was Columbia
Pictures', "Close Encounters of the Third Kind", the first to be presented in 70mm Dolby at the Odeon |
"Samsara" is a Triumph of the Moving Image By Mark Lyndon
We are shown potent and
compelling images of birth and death: the face of Tollund Man,
contrasted with an intimate portrait of an embryo in late development,
followed by the funeral of a man in his prime, lovingly placed in a gun
shaped coffin. |
- A Brief Technical History
By Adler & Elm
In 1966, Draken was equipped for 70mm projection, with two Zeiss
Favorit 70 projectors. The first 70mm presentation was the Metro Goldwyn
Mayer production of "Operation Crossbow" |
Digital Sound First they moved. Then they talked. Then came
alive with color. Now the ultimate sound experience comes to the
movies. Introducing CDS, the Boxoffice
sensation of the 90s. Available in 35mm and 70mm. |
The MGM PANAVISION Enlarged-film System By Douglas Shearer To make our system universally adaptable a 65mm negative has been chosen having standard perforations with the incorporation of a mild anamorphic squeeze in the taking lens system. |