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A day with Doug Trumbull |
Trumbull - A Conversation
By Wolfram Hannemann
I’m absolutely confident that the digital image has caught up with film in
terms of frame rate, resolution, steadiness, brightness and colour
saturation. I’ve gone totally digital; I’m not interested in film at all. |
High impact immersive
widescreen filmmaking with Douglas Trumbull
Interviewed by Tony Earnshaw
I have discovered that if you embrace digital technology from a new
perspective and you say, ‘Let’s just get rid of all the historical artefacts
and beliefs of what an image is or what it should look like and start over
and do it all digitally and take advantage of high resolution cameras that
are available and that very people use, the high resolutions projectors that
are available that very people use and take advantage of the fact that the
digital projectors that are in tens of thousands of movie theatres can run
at 144fps and no one’s using it. |
Doug Trumbull Gets an OSCAR The Gordon E. Sawyer Award
goes to Douglas Trumbull, for his lifetime of technical contributions
and leadership in the motion picture |
and Gentlemen, This is MAGI Cinema
By Thomas Hauerslev
MAGI is very high frame rate, five
times faster than usual, 4K image resolution and 3D. Films presented
in MAGI is referred to, by people whop have seen demonstrations, as being hyper-realistic, far brighter
(up to 28 foot lamberts), sharper than anything seen previously, and in particular
better that any current 3D techniques. The screen simply
disappears between the viewer and the action on the curved screen. |
The original Showscan Office:
Showscan Corporation
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Culver City
CA 90232 USA
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