My "Windjammer" Story
By Sven Libaek
The world premiere was a typical Hollywood event, and there we were, three
young Norwegian boys, who a year earlier could only have dreamt about
attending such a spectacle. |
Cinerama at the Melbourne Plaza
By Eric White
For twelve years, from 1958 until 1970, Cinerama was exhibited at Melbourne’s Plaza theatre. It was very popular in a period when the cinema business was struggling. The Plaza basked in the glow of this popularity. As the 1960’s progressed however, changing tastes in film and presentation meant that cinemas like the Plaza, and its big brother upstairs the Regent, were no longer needed. This is the story of the Plaza’s Cinerama period and its final days. |
Cinerama Downunder
By David Coles
My fascination with that most cumbersome of widescreen oddities began in 1961 when I saw "Seven Wonders of the World". I was quite unprepared for the you-are-there realism of sight and sound created by
Cinerama's unique presentation format. From my very first hit I was hooked. I have tried substitutes Showscan, 70mm, IMAX 3D, IMAX Dome, Circlorama, but none of them come close to curing my irrational addiction to Cinerama. |
Site", A short film in 65mm Omnimax
By The Big Frame
The film focuses on the 1986 apparition of Halley's Comet over
central Australia. Set near the majestic Milky Way of the
southern night sky and contrasted by the spectacle of a total lunar eclipse. |
Camera 65 and the Metro Bourke Street Bigger than…
By Eric White
The Bourke Street Metro was
a two-gallery theatre, like the Collins Street Athenaeum, and as was the
case there, the projection rake was quite steep. |
The Lost World of 70mm Theatres
By Ian Hanson
Not so long ago a movie would appear with the tag ‘Presented in 70mm and six-track stereophonic sound.’ Such descriptors have all but disappeared from newspapers, radio and television. This story is about the rise and fall of 70mm film presentations and some of the theatres that used to screen them regularly; a review from a personal perspective, aided by some input from other keen followers of the subject.
A comment to "The lost world of 70mm Theatres" |
Australian 70mm Festival - Film is back!
By Sam McCabe
To coincide with the launch of "Murder on the Orient Express" on 70mm, the
Sun Theatre, Yarraville, Melbourne, Australia is hosting a whole week of 7
films on glorious 70mm. The festival will feature films new and old,
classics and cult. Old style presentation is back at the sun too, with every
film introduced, film programmes and intermissions on the longer films. |
The Astor Cinema
By George Florence & Kevin Adams
My involvement has seen the culmination and fruition of a life-long
dream, and a labour of love. It has been very gratifying that well over
one and a half million patrons have passed through our doors in the
years since we opened in our current format. That so many identified in
this "real-cinema experience" is deeply appreciated, as it re-inforced
my firm beleif that the Astor needed to be saved and preserved as a
living museum to cinema-going at its grandest. |
H8 Down Under
By Brian Walters
The following day I
attended the 1:30 PM
session at the
beautiful art deco
“Rivoli Complex“
cinema one. Both of these cinemas showed off the great quality of the
Ultra Panavision 70 process to audiences that had mostly never seen this
film format. On display was not only the razor sharp grainless image, but
also the solid saturated colour rendition that only film presentations can
currently deliver. |
HATEFUL 8 @ the SUN theatre
By Bert Murphy
Getting the Projector into the bio was every bit the nightmare I had been
imagining it to be. First, rolling it down the street on casters like an
armoured shopping trolley got a few glances from passing traffic. Then into
the foyer for the next challenge. It wouldn't fit in the lift. No problem;
release the lamp house mount from the pedestal and carry it along behind.
Florence and 70mm at The Astor
By Eric White
George Florence, the cinema's long-time
proprietor, has a deep passion for film in general and 70mm presentation in
particular. He considers film to be superior as a medium to anything
similar, particularly in the area of sound reproduction. Magnetic analogue
recording and reproduction gives superior results to digital processes. Many
digital remixes are inferior and George fears that unique original four and
six track mixes for classic films may be lost. |
conversation with John Mitchell
By Cameron Glendinning
Let's go to Australia and meet a man who has a complete 3-strip Cinerama
cinema in his garden.
It all started when he heard on the grapevine that a certain storehouse
was to be emptied.
+ Mitchell: Gallery of
older pictures |
unterm Sternenhimmel
Von Cameron Glendinning
Es begann, als mir zu Ohren kam, dass ein gewisses Lager geräumt
werden sollte, in dem sich viele Cinerama-Filme befanden. Ein paar bestimmte
Jungs hatten die Leute dort belogen und ihnen vorgegaukelt, sie wollten das
Magnetfilm-Material wiederverwenden, während sie in Wahrheit nur die
Soundtracks anhören wollten. |
Mitchell gets his
Academy certificate
David Coles
I returned home to
Australia with the parchment, and
instructions from a man named Thomas to photograph the Award handover |
for John Mitchell
By Bill Lawrence
There were many people who made the 60th Anniversary of Cinerama
celebrations at the Widescreen Weekend in Bradford a success, but the
contribution made by one man was particularly exceptional. |
Who is David Coles? At the impressionable age of 12 my mother took me to the Sydney Plaza Theatre to see “Seven Wonders of the World” and I immediately became a Cinerama addict - determined to find out all about this wondrous process. |
The Picture - Tom
Down Under
By David Coles
Tom March spent a
week in Sydney and had been looking forward meeting in
person John H. Mitchell - the man who has been keeping the 3-strip flame
alive Down Under for over 35 years. A two night 'Cinerama Festival' was held, with "In
The Picture" and a variety of 3-strip items shown on Friday
evening, and a feature "The Best of Cinerama" being screened
on the Saturday. |

Go to In 7OMM with Doug Louden,
Part 2
Go to
In 7OMM with Doug Louden, Part 1 |
7OMM with Doug Louden
By Doug Louden
Leaving school in 1975, I started as a projectionist for Hoyts Theatres as a
spool boy winding 70mm reissues of "The Sound of Music" and "Hello, Dolly!".
My dreams came true in 1976 when I worked at the Hoyts Plaza theatre with
Tom Omaye as my head projectionist and in 1989 I got the life time ambition
to run my own cinema on the south coast of Sydney before I moved to London
in 1992 |

• Go to
70mm Release Summary Sydney
• Go to
Centre on George Street |
Pitt Centre |
Hoyts Entertainment Centre |
Village Cinema City
• Go to
CinemaScope 55
Spherical |
Super Panavision 70 |
Super Technirama 70 |
Todd-AO |
Ultra Panavision 70 |
VistaVision |
in 35mm - Part 1 |
• Go to
Films in Sydney by Mr. Peter Fraser |
| |
DP70 |
DP70s in Australia
Plaza | Astor |
Update from
Phillip Grace
Corrections to your page DP70s in Australia. The 70mm projectors at
Horsham, Victoria are not DP70. They are Cinemeccanica Victoria X. They were
originally installed new in the Chelsea Theatre, Melbourne, then moved a
little way down the street to the Forum Twin Cinemas (Cinema One) also in
Melbourne, and screened a lot of 70mm on both sites. When the Forum Twin
closed in 1982 or 1983 the Victoria X machines were sold to Horsham. |
is the correct
colour of a DP70?
Clive Woodward
We are puzzled by
trying to work out
the correct colour
to repaint them.
Ours are a brownish
'hammertone' / 'hammertex'
colour. I note from
photos on your
website many appear
to be grey. Even the
brown on our units
varies from part to
part. Do you know of
the 'official'
original colour for
DP70 projectors? |
Scent of Mystery
lives again!
By Tammy Burnstock
Fifty-five years after its original scented release, Scent of Mystery (AKA
Holiday in Spain) lives once again in glorious Smell-O-Vision! In two
special events: for the Widescreen Weekend Festival, Bradford UK and in
front of a full house at the Danish Film Institute in Copenhagen, the movie
was screened with a new experimental participatory scent track. |
The history of
some cost- saving approaches to the 70mm experience
By Eric White
‘Blow-ups’ became popular as a sort of
Claytons 70mm: the 70mm you have when you are not having 70mm. |
Why 70mm Matters
By Brian Walters
The 70mm format has experienced a phoenix like re - birth due to the efforts
of film makers like Christopher Nolan, Paul Thomas Anderson and Quentin
Tarantino, who have against the odds, released films using the large
negative 70mm release print format, after being instrumental in brokering a
deal with the six major Hollywood studios to guarantee the availability of
Eastman Kodak film negative for a further five years. |
70mm Trailer Anomaly
By Brian Walters
Some of the excellent sounding 70mm trailer examples were for “The Fly“,
“Commando“ and “Full Metal Jacket“, all wonderfully dynamic sounding
trailers that far exceeded the sound of the feature presentations which were
to be in 35mm stereo optical sound only. The picture quality of these
trailers, even though only blow ups from 35mm, was also usually superior
because of the improved brightness, picture stability and improved
definition from longer focal length lenses employed with 70mm projection. |
The 70mm World In Thirty Seven Days
By Brian Walters
While I did at
times feel a bit like Phileas Fogg, having to make key connections for
various forms of transport, including planes, trains, buses and ferries, my
trip was a little less adventurous but very interesting none the less. When
reflecting on all the 70mm presentations I watched on my trip it was
interesting that all of them had been projected by the Philips DP70
projector, the original, most esteemed and enduring of all 70mm projectors. |

Go to
An exceptional run at the
Sun |

Go to
70mm Cinema and Film in Australia |