| | KRRR! 2019 |  • Go to KRRR! 70mm Filmfest in Krnov, 2019 Report |  • Go to KRRR! 14th 70mm Film Fest Krnov 2019 |  • Go to Gallery 14th 7OMM Seminar, Krnov |
| KRRR! 2018 |  • Go to Impressions from the KRRR! |  • Go to The hidden festival, you should never miss |  • Go to Mission report KRRR! 70mm Seminar • Go to Gallery: Krnov 7OMM Seminar 2018 |  • Go to KRRR! 13th 70mm Film Fest Krnov 2018 |
| KRRR! 2017 | KRRR! 12th 70mm Film Fest Krnov 2017 the next 70mm Film Fest regularly taking place in Krnov is knocking on the door again. After a year the majestic cinema Mir 70 will become a place where true film fans of celluloid from many European counties - especially enthusiasts loving widescreen format - will meet. Three days of a rare occasion to see great 70mm movies screened on a 105 square meters of slightly curved screen and good opportunity to remember history of “old school” cinema technology in today's sterile digital era. | Notes from the 12th 7OMM Seminar in Krnov, Czech Republic By Thomas Hauerslev I like the fact it is actually real film - scratches, dust and all - shown on film projectors by people for people. I appreciate that someone is doing the work upstairs that requires skills, expertise, and an understanding of showmanship. An experience with Reel People projecting a film for you. It's the real thing! It does not get more authentic than this.
• Go to gallery 12th 7OMM Seminar | • Go to 12th 70mm Seminar, Kino Mir 70 |  • Go to KRRR! 11th 70mm Film Fest Krnov 2017 |
| KRRR! 2016 | KRRR! 2016 Festival Report By Hans Hanessler Yesterday I came back from the 70 mm festival in Krnov. In all it was about 26 hours of films to watch, but I left some minutes off. The travelling by car to Krnov is about 900 km. So I stopped at Pilzen on the way to Krnov and also on the way back. There you can drink the good Pilzner beer in an very old pub from 1648. The weather in Krnov was rain and only 7 degrees Celsius temperature. There is only one hotel left in town and they were some other visitors of the festival from Sweden. | KRRR! 11th 70mm Film Fest Krnov 2016 By The Kino Mir 70 Team Under patronage of the Municipal centre of information and culture Krnov, together with Ministry of Culture, under the patronage of town major of Krnov, the Kino Mir 70 theatre will again be the meeting point for film enthusiasts from not only the Czech Republic but also visitors from many counties, including Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Holland, Poland, United Kingdom and the United States. |
| KRRR! 2015 | Report from 10th International 70mm festival in KRNOV By Johan Wolthuis This year the program of the “KRRR! 70mm Film Fest” was again very international and of course all 70mm, however, it was a pity, six of a total of eight 70mm prints were blow-ups and most of them were faded. The Kino Mir 70 theatre was again the meeting point for film enthusiasts from not only the Czech Republic but also visitors from many European countries, including Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Holland, Poland, United Kingdom and the United States. | KRRR! 10th 70mm Film Fest Krnov 2015 By The Kino Mir 70 Team Under patronage of the Municipal centre of information and culture Krnov, together with Ministry of Culture, under the patronage of town major of Krnov, the Kino Mir 70 theatre will again be the meeting point for film enthusiasts from not only the Czech Republic but also visitors from many counties, including Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Holland, Poland, United Kingdom and the United States. The event is organized in collaboration with town Krnov, supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.
• Go to 10th 70mm Festival Pictures | 10th 70mm Festival in Krnov By Johan C. M. Wolthuis Krnov is a little town in the north east of the Czech Republic, on the Opava River, near the Polish border. The city was founded in 1221. Krnov has an 18th-century castle, several churches and abbeys as well as a lookout tower from 1903. The Krnov Synagogue is one of the few large synagogues to have survived the Nazi occupation of Europe. Its industrial center manufactures textiles, beverages and musical instruments. |
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| | KRRR! 2014 | Krrr! Means not only Krnov, but also a sound of roaring film projector By Stanislav Novotný During past nine years a new tradition has been established for Czech 70mm film fans in North-Moravian city of Krnov. When mid-April comes, flowers start to be in bloom and days are longer and longer – those are not only marks of forthcoming spring – it is also an inviting enticement for real film connoisseurs from Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and other not only neighbouring countries. | KRRR! 9th 70mm Film Fest Krnov 2014 By Klima & Tomesek One of the main task of the 70mm festival is to recall now unused film format which dazzled visitors in its time by brilliant display of details in picture and and insurmountable sound to nowadays public - DESPITE ALL THE DRAWBACKS THAT OLD AND WORN-OUT COPIES OF 70mm FILMS BRING. |
| KRRR! 2013 | KRRR! 8th 70mm Film Fest Krnov By Pavel Tomešek The traditional 70mm weekend in Krnov is approaching again and MIR 70 cinema invites devotees of 70mm projection technology to attend a unique movie experience. Film titles for this year´s program have already been booked and MIR 70 cinema is preparing for an imposing event. |
| KRRR! 2012 | KRRR! 7th 70mm Film Fest Krnov By Jakub Klima We have selected some titles for this year festival that will have their cinema premier in the Czech Republic. "Ice Station Zebra", "How the West Was Won“ and „Krakatoa, East of Java“, our homage to the greatest, film format of all time – CINERAMA. |
| KRRR! 2011 | KRRR! 70mm filmfestival in Krnov By Hans Haenssler Thanks to the good organisation of Klima, Tomesek and many other people, it was a interesting event for the visitors of the latest 70mm festival in Krnov in the Czech Republic. | KRRR! 6th 70mm Film Fest Krnov By Jakub Klima We have selected some titles for this year festival that will have their cinema premier in the Czech Republic. The first is an all-time musical "The Sound of Music" and the second is historical epic "55 days in Peking“ |
| KRRR! 2010 | KRRR! 5th 70mm Film Fest Krnov By Jakub Klima The Kino Mir 70 theatre will again be the meeting point for 70mm film enthusiasts from many European counties. | 5th 70mm film festival in Krnov: say KRRR! wide and aloud! By Jakub Klima It was for the fifth time that lovers of widescreen entertainment can enjoy another 70mm event which took place in Krnov during first weekend in April 2010 |  • Go to KRRR! 5th 70mm Film Fest Krnov |
| KRRR! 2009 | 4th Seminar of 70mm film in Krnov 2009 By Jakub Klima April 2009. Again the audience in the Czech Republic can experience the unique quality of the 70mm format. | 70mm Seminar Krnov - Gallery By Jakub Klíma It was long weekend, but wonderful and lots of good memories. And most of all... GREAT movies in 70mm!!! - more images to come |
| KRRR! 2008 | Third 70mm Seminar in the Czech Republic 2008 By Jakub Klíma We welcome you to the third 70mm seminar in the Czeck Republic. | Krnov_70mm Report By Thomas Hauerslev They are doing a marvellous job at the Kino Mir 70 keeping the best movie experience alive by waving the 70mm flag.
• Go to 3rd Seminar of 70mm Gallery |
| KRRR! 2007 | 2nd Seminar of 70mm film in Krnov 2007 By Jakub Klíma For the first time in many years the audience, mostly students, projectionists and teachers from the city of Krnov in the Czech Republic experienced the unique quality of the 70mm format. The event was successful and team who organized it decided to go continue with a second meeting 16-18. March 2007 |
| KRRR! 2006 | First 70mm Seminar in the Czech Republic 2006 By Jakub KlímaWe have started on project mapping a history of 70mm format in the Czech Republic. There will be a lot of interesting information, I guess, for your website. We will be happy to share this with another 70mm fans. |
| MORE 70MM CINEMA FROM THE OLD EAST | 70mm in the Slovak Republic By Martin Leskovský In 1975 on my 15th birthday, I saw a projection of 70mm film for the first time. Although I have had much information about widescreen technology this experience branded me until now. | Chrudim Cinema Exhibition By Stanislav Novotný The cinema exhibition lasted attracted a lot of visitors, including projectionists who worked in Chrudim's 70mm cinema | Soviet 70mm Films in Russia By Dmitry Silyanov I am to send to you the list of the Soviet films, demonstrated in 70 mm format in the period from 1961 till 1990. Unfortunately, I have not the information, what from these films were shot on 70mm negative, and what are blow-up in 70mm. | 70mm open-air cinema in Chrudim By Stanislav Novotný We had the 70mm open-air cinema in Chrudim, which was operational from 1969 till 1995. This cinema was equipped with two UM 70/35 |
| BANSKÁ BYSTRICA 2016 |  • Go to Panoramic Film Presentation in Banská Bystrica |
| KRRR! IN KRNOV |  • Go to 7OMM Seminar, Kino Mir 70, Krnov, Czech Republic |  • Go to 7OMM Seminar, Kino Mir 70, Krnov, Czech Republic | |