• Go to
Conversation with Jean-Jacques Annaud, Director of "The Bear" (1988) |

• Go to Gallery
Max Linder Panorama,
Paris, France
• Go to Gallery
Max Linder Panorama,
November 2010
• Go to
Belguiral's Max
Linder Panorama
• Go to
Belguiral's Max Linder Panorama |

• Go to
"Licorice Pizza" in 70mm was an Outstanding Experience |

• Go to
7OMM in Paris: Plein Les Yeux! |

• Go to
2e classe CHAUVET ! Vous allez à l’Elysée!
• Go to
Soldier CHAUVET! You are going to Elysée
Palace! |

• Go to
Grand Normandie, Paris,
• Go to
UGC Grand
Normandie, Paris, France

• Temporary Closure of the
Iconic La Géode
Go to Gallery
A Visit
to La Géode, 70MM Omnimax |

• Go to
Le Cinéma Grand Mercure d’Elbeuf,
à présenter le film "2OO1: L’ODYSSÉE DE L’ESPACE"
en 70mm |
Hateful Eights opens in 7OMM at the Grand Rex
By Thomas Hauerslev
"The Hateful Eight" opened on continental Europe to a sold out house at the
largest cinema in Europe. The Grand Rex in Paris. I had the opportunity to
talk to Stéphane LANDFRIED about
the spectacular premiere. |
8 Salopards en 70 mm
- au cinéma le 6
5 mois de travail
ont été nécessaires
pour rendre possible
cette prestigieuse
tournée d’avant-premières
dans ce "sublime
format 70mm" choisi
par Quentin
Tarantino. La
version présentée
comporte 8 minutes
de film
supplémentaire par
rapport à la version
qui sera exploitée
en numérique. |
Grand Mercure
Cinema, will be
in 70mm
By Richard PATRY,
Président Directeur
The Grand
Mercure Cinema, in
Elbeuf, Normandy,
France will be the
only French cinema
to show Christopher
in the optimal
conditions as
envisioned by the
director: in 70mm
film format.
Christopher Nolan,
wished to promote
the distribution of
his new masterpiece,
70mm print with 5
perforations. In
Europe, only five
cinema theatres will
screen the film in
70mm: in Berlin,
Copenhagen, London,
Milan and at the
Grand Mercure Cinema
in Elbeuf |

• Go to
opens in 5/70 and IMAX 70MM
• Go to
Grand Mercure
in 70mm |
Arane 65/70mm Laboratory in France
By Thomas Hauerslev
In July 2008 I met
with Francois Carrin,
who had arranged a
tour at the only
remaining large
format film
laboratory in Europe
- the Gulliver Arane,
in the Paris suburb of Clichy. I was very excited to go and looked forward
to see the laboratory.
• Go to
Gulliver Arane
65mm/70mm Laboratory (gallery) |
Restoration of "Play Time"
I saw about forty 70mm boxes come in; among those are
about twenty boxes of 300m. size, quite rusty, but
identified as being the original film. I expected the
Go to
La restauration de Playtime a été
une aventure passionnante et très enrichissante |
Conversations with Olivier
Brunet, "Fanny's Wedding"
By Ramon Lamarca
Choosing 70mm could have been a way to try to conceal my weaknesses... I
have no true answers to that. I still wonder. I think truth is now in the
eye of the audience. The film does not belong to me anymore.
Go to
"Fanny's Wedding" in 70mm
Go to
Olivier Brunet Intro |

• Go to
A Picture Visit to
Kinopanorama in
Paris, 1990 |
Empire - Cinerama, Paris Kingdom
of curved screen
by Francois Carrin
CINERAMA arrived in 1955 in Paris near the Place de l'Etoile. It was a theatre called EMPIRE
which was chosen to play "This is CINERAMA" |

• Go to
It's alive at the Cinémathèque Française |
Retrospective in Paris
By Johan Wolthuis
The Paris 70mm Retrospective was launched in a most extraordinary way with a
lecture by Jean-Pierre Verscheure in French; entitled "Une Histoire du
format 70mm". In a marathon three and a half hour power point presentation
on the giant screen, he showed the audience beautiful images of the history
of widescreen in 70mm, accompanied with short clips from various 70mm films. |

• Go to Loïc LEDEZ -
The French Master Projectionist
• Go to Loïc LEDEZ - The French Master
Projectionist |
Francois Carrin (France)
By Thomas Hauerslev
His encyclopaedic knowledge of cinemas in his country’s capital is
amazing. I have visited him in France and met his family including
the cats – one of which is called “My Fair Lady”. |
Visite Chez Monsieur Cinerama
François CARRIN est plus connu à l’ALICC sous le pseudo de Mr. CINERAMA.
En effet, notre conseiller à la rédaction d’ Infos-Ciné est passionné
par les techniques d’écran large. Il a consacré toute sa vie
professionnelle aux activités de métreuréconomiste de la construction.
En marge de sa profession, il a été projectionniste dans un cinéma de la
banlieue de Valenciennes de 1963 à 1973, à Quiévrechain, petite ville de
7000 habitants à la frontière belge. |
Conversation Avec François Carrin
François CARRIN. S’intéresser à l’écran large, au triple écran, avoir été projectionniste
et avoir fréquenté ces installations un peu hors normes, ce n’est pas
courant à l’ALICC. François nous explique donc son CINEMA PARADISIO personnel. |
To understand the 65mm project By Luc Barthélémy Luc is working on his own 65mm film scanner/recorder project. He has been a film fan since the 1970s and the past few years he has bought some large format equipment on e-Bay, which he is putting together for a private LF project. |

• Go to
What the archive kept - Le Central, Puteaux,
France |
Vice" Red Carpet
70mm Premiere in
By Jean-Luc Peart
Producer JoAnne
Sellar, Joaquin
Phoenix and Paul
Thomas Anderson were
present, for the a
brief Q&A before the
screening. The
screening was
perfect. It's a
blow-up, well done,
nice contrast,
perfect 70mm
projection stability
and brightness.
1.85:1 ratio as
expected. |
Premiere's "The
Master" in 70mm
By Jean-Marc
We will be screening
"The Master" in 70mm
from January 2013 at
our L’Arlequin, a
famous 3-screen
arthouse cinema with
a lovely 400-seat
main auditorium.
This will be the
only cinema in Paris
to show the film in
70mm. |
30 June 2014
Pour prolonger la conférence du Conservatoire des
techniques sur le 70 mm, la Cinémathèque présente un corpus de onze
films représentatifs de la production de ce format dit de prestige. |
Film Festival, 2010
By Francis BARBIER
Cinerama, Ultra Panavision 70, CineMiracle, Super Panavision
70, Todd-AO, Gonflage 70mm, Sovscope 70, VistaVision, MCS-70… des noms
barbares aux oreilles et aux yeux des spectateurs les plus récents. |
 En 70mm au PARAMOUNT OPÉRA By Francois Carrin Un événement s’est produit mercredi 24 septembre 2008, un nouveau film est sorti ce jour-là en 70mm - "Faubourg 36" |

• Go to Postcards from Festival de Cannes 2007
• Go to Loïc LEDEZ, Festival de Cannes
• Go to Loïc LEDEZ - Festival de Cannes

• Go to
Postcards from Festival
de Cannes |

• Go to
Le Format 70mm A Lyon France
• Go to
70mm in Lyon, France |

Go to
Le Palais Des Congres A Lyon, France
Go to The Palais Des Congres,
Lyon, France |
"Spaciovision" Theatre, Paris, France
By Christian Karl
Other major and
significant theatre
dedicated to the
widescreen 70mm was
the Broadway which
was opened by one of
the managers of the
Kinopanorama the
first April 1977
with the process "Spaciovision"
on his large curved
screen given for
380m2. |
By Pascal Belguiral
Avant tout je suis spectateur et ainsi chaque séance que j’exécute ce
doit d’être irréprochable : point, cadrage, fixité, niveau sonore. Il en
va du respect du public, de l’œuvre projeté et de la fierté que
j’éprouve à ce que chaque projection soit de qualité. |
By Pascal Belguiral
Each show I run must be perfect: focus, framing
and sound level. It is the respect of the public and of the work
being projected that are at stake, as well as the pride I take in
providing quality to every show |
CAPRI Juan les pins
By Sylvian Coudène
The theatre was inaugurated with a Todd-AO 70mm festival, first screening
was "Cleopatra", is these times listed as a third rate film, today a
masterpiece. "Cleopatra", "West side Story", "Can Can", "My Fair Lady"
and "Lawrence of Arabia" were screened during the opening month. |
 Le CAPRI Juan les
By Sylvian Coudène
Car, bien sûr, la salle était équipée dans ce format et inaugura sa
programmation par un Festival Todd-Ao et 70mm, le premier film présenté
étant « Cléopâtre », film décrié à l’époque et considéré aujourd’hui comme
un chef-d’œuvre.
Le programme du mois d’ouverture accueillit donc Cléopâtre, West side story,
Cancan, My Fair Lady et Lawrence d’Arabie. |
Closure of the Comoedia in Lyon, France
By Jean Noel Durand Bourat
The Comoedia was the 1st and one of the very few theatre to have accommodated Todd-AO in Lyon France. As a 70mm buff having attended the 1st Todd-AO performance I was present at the last show and wrote a short article. |
The CinemaScope Grail
By Mario Beguiristain
My Paris visit to rue Henri Chrétien, named in honor of the inventor of CinemaScope. |
Trail of CinemaScope
By Thomas Hauerslev
65 - le 70 mm
redevient le format
d’excellence au
Jacques Morell
On attendait la sortie imminente de la nouvelle caméra Panavision
numérique 65mm développée avec le concours de la NASA. L’information est
parue en début d’année avec une photo d’une version prototype. Et depuis
plus rien.
Surprise! La bonne nouvelle est venue d’Allemagne.
ARRI, dont les différentes versions de caméras numériques de la gamme
ALEXA sont la référence depuis des années sur les plateaux de tournages
en Europe et dans le monde entier, sera non seulement la marque leader
du cinéma 35mm numérique |
 l'esprit vers
le Cinerama
By Abel Gance
La celebre lettre de Abel Gance ecrite pour le programme de "Windjammer"en
Fevrier 1962. Souvenez vous que le titre francais etait "La Grande Rencontre" |
La restauration de "Play Time" |
Loïc LEDEZ: Meet the Chief |
"Faubourg 36" in 70mm in Paris, France |

• Go to
70mm Cinema and Film in France |

Go to
70mm Cinema and Film in
France |