it possible that
there is still life
in the 70mm format?
By Bill Kallay
an entertaining film
and Anderson has
clearly loosened up
on being too
serious. The film is
lighthearted, if not
a little slow, and
the acting is well
done. I laughed
quite a few times
and thought that
Joaquin Phoenix
commands the screen.
I also enjoyed the
sense that I felt
like I was back in
1970 when the film
take place. I was
also reminded of how
much I miss seeing
70mm in a large
theatre. |
Vice" is released
When private eye Doc Sportello's ex-old lady suddenly out of nowhere
shows up with a story about her current billionaire land developer
boyfriend whom she just happens to be in love with, and a plot by his
wife and her boyfriend to kidnap that billionaire and throw him in a
loony bin…well, easy for her to say. |
at the BFI IMAX in London
By Ulrich
The IMAX sequences – grainless, razor sharp, and amazingly detailed, backed
up by that marvelous almost SENSURROUND -like sound – really gave me that
hyper realistic first person experience which I not even sensed with our
beloved Cinerama. This visual impression soon dragged me into the movie –
not leaving much brain capacity to think about the one or the other logical
disruption of the plot and the somewhat overloaded storyline. |
Negative Sources and
4K Screens
Paulo Roberto P. Elias
Up to the 1970’s
anyone who wished to
enjoy watching a
feature film at home
would have to resort
to some sort of
projector, mostly 16
mm equipment, then
rent the film, and
learn how to set up
everything. The
video disc changed
all that. The movie
industry was still
struggling to
survive, with
closing down
everywhere. Film
libraries were
beginning to fade
way or get stuck
forever in the
vaults of the
studios. |
is my Country" in
Otherwise, this
Soviet "cinerama,"
which is being
presented here by
the Soviet Ministry
of Culture in
conjunction with the
Soviet exhibition at
the Coliseum, is a
generally handsome
and impressive
travelogue, notably
short on people and
propaganda and long
on spectacular
views. |
Largest Panorama Cinema in Moscow
The largest panorama cinema "Mir" [Peace] in Europe opened in Moscow on the
28th of February [probably 1958]. The first audience for the first
performance were all the craftsmen and architects who had participated in
the construction of this mile stone cinema. |
in London
By Mark Lyndon
And yet, 70mm projection cannot be taken for granted. Even as
"Interstellar" is smashing a box office records and Hollywood film
directors are committing to 70mm principal photography and prints; there are
cinema chains that are removing, yes removing 70mm projection from their
houses. Who advises them, the captain of the Titanic?
• Go to The art of film projection is not dead yet |
is back to ARCADIA
By Francesco Gualeni
When Mr. Piero
Fumagalli heard
about that
possibility, he
asked Warner Bros
Italy for a 70MM
print beside the 4K
Digital version. The
70MM print arrived
from London on
Monday the 3rd of
November 2014 in 8
film cans all
locked. Mr. Piero
Fumagalli himself
inspected each reel
making sure the film
was free of any
damages. |
David Samuelson
By Mark Lyndon
These days, David is confined to a wheelchair in a care home in North
London, complete with fiercely protective staff. Luckily, on the day, they
came to accept and even welcome our presence. We were here to bear witness
to greatness. David Samuelson retains a dogged and defiant Churchillian
spirit - a point blank refusal to bow to the ravages of time and fortune. |
of CinemaScope
By David Samuelson
Fox's introduction of CinemaScope proved to be every bit
as momentous as the introduction of sound, and the cinema has benefitted
from the continued development and perfection of an imperfect original
invention. The fidelity of the sound in "The Jazz Singer" (1927) is a long
way from the sound we experience in the cinema today, and so it is with
anamorphic lenses. Chretien, Skouras, Sponable and Gottschalk would not
believe the image quality we see on our screens today. |
performance, one review (your results may vary)
By Vince Young
It had been years since I had set foot in the Ziegfeld, now about to
enter its 45th year of existence, since it had gone through two changes
in ownership after the original Walter Reade Organization. I wanted to
see if a 70mm presentation nowadays could hold a candle to similar
wide-gauge engagements in the past. |
Search For Paradise
CD Soundtrack
The sound track to
the 1957 SEARCH FOR
PARADISE was only
issued in Mono on
vinyl but this CD
release has been
mixed from the
original movie sound
track in stereo.
Composed by Dimitri
Tiomkin and with him
conducting the
Cinerama Symphony
Orchestra, the score
sounds glorious.
Opera star Robert
Merrill sings on the
solo numbers on the
sound track and also
on the pop versions. |
in 70mm im Berliner Zoo-Palast
Von Gerhard Witte
"Interstellar" - ein bildgewaltiges Science-Fiction-Epos mit
einer Lauflänge von 169 Minuten. Der Film ist sicherlich, wie eigentlich
bei vielen Dingen im Leben, Geschmackssache. Hier will ich mich auch nur
kurz halten. Ich hatte gewisse Schwierigkeiten, dem teils
metaphysischen, "außerirdischen" Inhalt, vor allem im zweiten Teil des
Films, zu folgen – vielleicht fehlt es mir da auch an der nötigen
Vorstellungskraft. |
in 70mm at the Zoo Palast cinema in Berlin
By Gerhard Witte
"Interstellar" - a visually stunning science-fiction epic with
a running time of 169 minutes. The movie is certainly, as is the case with
many things in life, a question of taste. I will be brief and say only this.
I had a certain amount of difficulty in following the partially
meta-physical "extra-terrestrial" content, particularly in the second half
of the film. Maybe I am just lacking the necessary powers of imagination. |
in 70MM at the Ziegfeld in New York
By Howard Haas
Countless movie
premieres and
special events like
Dr. Who screenings
are hosted at the
Ziegfeld. But, with
more than 1100
seats, the Ziegfeld
was designed for
movies to be
exclusively only
there before opening
wide, and in the
multiplex era, the
Ziegfeld's future is
in grave doubt. The
Ziegfeld is the last
huge single screen
movie theater still
showing daily movies
in New York City so
I am happy to enjoy
a movie there, and
was doubly happy to
see the 70mm epic
• Go to
Dennis Furbush's Gallery: "Interstellar" in 70MM at the Ziegfeld in New
York, November 2014 |
Now Playing in 70MM
By readers
Just went through a wormhole and then through a black hole - can we do that
again please? WOW! The IMAX experience now made me falling in love with the
film by putting everything into the right perspective. To sum it up: if you
have not seen INTERSTELLAR in IMAX 15/70 you haven't seen it at all. |
La Magia Del 70mm Al Cinema Arcadia Di Melzo (Milano)
Laura Fumagalli & Alessandra Pinna Berchet
Da Giovedì 6 Novembre grazie alla volontà del regista Christopher Nolan
e della Warner Bros Distribution, il cinema ARCADIA di Melzo sarà
l’unico cinema in Italia e uno dei pochissimi in Europa a proiettare il
film "Interstellar" nella speciale versione 70MM. In Europa sono
segnalate ufficialmente solo quattro sale oltre a Melzo: Londra,
Berlino, Copenaghen, Elbeuf in Francia e in tutto il mondo sono solo una
quindicina. |
Grand Mercure
Cinema, will be
in 70mm
By Richard PATRY,
Président Directeur
The Grand
Mercure Cinema, in
Elbeuf, Normandy,
France will be the
only French cinema
to show Christopher
in the optimal
conditions as
envisioned by the
director: in 70mm
film format.
Christopher Nolan,
wished to promote
the distribution of
his new masterpiece,
70mm print with 5
perforations. In
Europe, only five
cinema theatres will
screen the film in
70mm: in Berlin,
Copenhagen, London,
Milan and at the
Grand Mercure Cinema
in Elbeuf |

• Go to
opens in 5/70 and IMAX 70MM
• Go to
Grand Mercure
in 70mm |
Cutts Passed Away
By Duncan McGregor
Tony Cutts – projectionist extraordinaire – lost his two year fight
against cancer and passed away in the Marie Curie Hospice here in
Bradford. He saw the introduction of widescreen cinema in 1952, the
transition to wide gauge 70mm film, the introduction of stereophonic
surround sound in cinemas, 3D, VistaVision, Imax, Cinerama – Tony saw and
experienced it all first hand.
• Go to
Tony Cutts Gallery
from Bradford 1996 -
2012 |
Report from The 10th Todd-AO 70mm festival in Karlsruhe
By Johan Wolthuis
The beautiful Schauburg Theatre in Karlsruhe, was the place to be for 70mm
fans from all over the world. In the first weekend of October people from
Germany, England, Switzerland, Danemark, Austria, France, Tjech Republic,
the Netherlands and even an enthousiastic film student from Japan, came
especially to visit this famous film festival. With its unique program of
famous 70mm films presented on the large curved Cinerama screen. |
Projectionist and Head Programmer Dan Halsted
is bringing 70mm back
to The Hollywood Theatre
By Morgan Montague
Dan has been a projectionist in the Portland for over 10 years, has served
as the technical director at the Hollywood and moved into programming for
the theatre. He first started doing his own events by presenting rare 35mm
prints of obscure exploitation films, and eventually became the head
programmer. He initiated the 70mm project and it is virtually his entire
doing. |
In Spain" released
on Blu-Ray
Redwind Productions
Inc., in association
with Cinerama Inc,
is proud to present
for the very first
time – the lost and
now re-mastered 70mm
treat, filmed
entirely in
titled “Scent of
Mystery” and
presented in
this unique and
magical adventure,
follows a mystery
novelist, played by
Denholm Elliott, who
discovers a plan to
murder an American
heiress, played by
Beverly Bentley,
while on vacation in
Spain. |
Paris Update
By Jean-Noël
The so called
"control desk" was
the pre-control
table to test the
SOUND equipement
before a
Kinopanorama Show
(3x35 and 70 with
sep mag sound). It
was also used to do
the intermission
from the booth,
during the early
70mm years. At the
bottom of that desk,
located very close
to the sound dubbers,
there was 18
racks. The MAIN
theatre control
table was removed
since 1974, during
the new orchestra
refit. |
the Hollywood
Theatre Bring 70mm
Film Back to
By Morgan
Exciting news here
in Portland, Oregon.
An achievable goal
for our area. This
cinema was
Portland’s 3 Strip
and 70mm Cinerama
venue back in the
day. The foundation
that is running it
is trying to
modernize the
theatre while at the
same time keeping
much of its glorious
past in tack as
well. As this comes
to past I hope to be
the Jimmy Olson cub
reporter on the spot
to provide updates
readers. |

• Go to "Interstellar"
opens in 5/70 and IMAX 70MM |
"IN 70MM" NEWS |
Sie „The Hateful Eight“, hier kommen die glorreichen Zehn!!!
Von Mark Lyndon
Willkommen, Bienvenue, Welcome! Meine Damen und Herren, Ladies and
Gentlemen, es bereitet mir große Freude, diese Begrüßungsworte für das
zehnte Todd-AO-Filmfestival in diesem vielversprechenden Jahr hier in
der Schauburg in Karlsruhe zu schreiben. |
Festival 70mm Film
By Wolfram
The 10th anniversary
program features
more colors than
just the „official Todd-AO pink“. Thanks to Sovscope! Obviousely
communism was able to succeed where capitalism failed – striking 70mm prints which do not fade. However, pink
will still be very present during this weekend, in various stages. A
fact that we all have to live with. At least we still get organic
material fed into our projectors at 24 frames per second as opposed to
zeros and ones coming from a hard drive. And I am sure that this is
exactly the reason we all are here for. |
the Hateful Eight, here comes the Glorious Ten!!! - 70mm Foreword for
By Mark Lyndon
Wilkommen, Bien-venue, Welcome! Meine
Damen und Herren, Ladies and Gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure to
write these words of welcome to the tenth Todd-AO Film Festival in what
promises to be a vintage year, here at the Schauburg Cinerama Theatre in
Karlsruhe. |
from the 10th
Todd-AO Festival
See some snap shorts
from the Todd-AO
Festival at the
grand Schauburg
Cinerama cinema in
Karlsruhe, germany.
Gallery will be
updated evry day as
the festival
continues through
the weekend |
Alley presents
"Seven Wonders of
the World" and
"Search for
Flicker Alley, in association with Cinerama, Inc., releases two historic
gems - Seven Wonders of the World and Search for Paradise - presented in
brand new, beautifully restored editions.
Release Date: November 11, 2014. Flicker Alley and Cinerama, Inc. invite
you to celebrate the
rich spectacles of
Cinerama's Seven Wonders
of the World and Search for Paradise, both newly restored and never
before seen on home video. Both Deluxe Blu-ray/DVD Combo Editions are
available for pre-order on the Flicker Alley website. |
65 - le 70 mm
redevient le format
d’excellence au
Jacques Morell
On attendait la sortie imminente de la nouvelle caméra Panavision
numérique 65mm développée avec le concours de la NASA. L’information est
parue en début d’année avec une photo d’une version prototype. Et depuis
plus rien.
Surprise! La bonne nouvelle est venue d’Allemagne.
ARRI, dont les différentes versions de caméras numériques de la gamme
ALEXA sont la référence depuis des années sur les plateaux de tournages
en Europe et dans le monde entier, sera non seulement la marque leader
du cinéma 35mm numérique |
65 - The splendor of 70mm is reborn
Jacques Morell
We were waiting for the new Panavision digital 65mm camera developed
with NASA engineers. The information has been published in January with
a picture of the prototype. And no more news 9 months later…
The breaking news is coming from Germany! ARRI is the leader of digital 35mm cameras all over the world with its
complete range of ALEXA cameras. |
Reverse Spectrum
A film made not with a camera but by exposing 70mm print stock to
precisely calibrated colored light in a film printer, resulting in a
uniform field of color with no frame lines. The color moves gradually
through the visible light spectrum from violet to red, then back to
violet. Symmetrical in its construction, it is the same film shown
starting from either end and is not rewound between screenings. The film
can be presented only by means of a 70mm film projector. |

Go to A
Visit to ARRI in München
• Go to gallery
A Visual Visit to ARRI in München |
Large Format With Gerhard Fromm
By Thomas Hauerslev
the late 1990s, Mr. Gerhard Fromm invited me to come to München to talk
about movies and cameras and in 2009 I was on my way to see him.
I left Copenhagen on a cold Thursday January night, and
I was not travelling alone for this epic adventure. My friend of many years, Orla Nielsen joined me en-route and boarded the
City Night Line train in Odense. The following morning we would
arrive - by train - in south Bavaria to look for traces of the MCS 70
film process.
• Go to
Re-visiting Large Format With Gerhard Fromm |
Cinerama Premieres
New "Oklahoma!" DCP
2. October 2014
By Born &
Zinnemann's beloved OSCAR winning musical "Oklahhoma!" (1955) will
have it's European DCP premiere at one of the most prestigious 70mm cinemas;
the Schauburg in Karlsruhe, Germany. It is a single screening of the new and
much anticipated digital 4K restoration of this classic musical by Rodgers &
Hammerstein. |
Retro Issue #30 and
"Foto Files #1: Spy
Girls" Special
By Worral &
Our new line of
special issues is
called Foto Files.
The images are
derived from the
Cinema Retro
archives. Our
premiere issue is
dedicated to "Spy
Girls" of the
1960s and 1970s.
It's an 80-page
magazine that
emphasizes rare and
exciting photographs
of those actresses
who were "deadlier
than the male" in
some of the best
retro spy movies
ever made! |

• Go to
70mm-Festival 2014 |
Displays from 10th
Todd-AO 70mm
Festival, 2014
Less than 100 films
were made in 65mm.
Still, those titles
acquired such an
aura of mystique,
that fans are flying
from around
the world to see
Here is a preview of
the famous poster
displays from the
Schauburg Cinerama
in Karlsruhe, as we
are approaching the
10th Todd-AO
Festival in October
2014 |
JAHRE. Der erste
70mm Panorama-Spielfilm
Ruth Pergen & Klaus
Der Mensch ist groß.
Aber wie schwer ist
es, seine Größe,
seine Größe in Leid
und in Freude, zu
erkennen und
schwerer noch zu
gestalten. Der
berühmte ukrainische
Schriftsteller und
Regisseur Alexander
Dowshenko besaß
diese Menschenliebe
und diese
Meisterschaft, in
all seinen Werken
dem Menschen ein
Denkmal zu setzen. |
Spectacular 70MM Festival
By Howard B Hass
On Sunday, I found myself in the historic auditorium
of the AFI Silver, at the “70mm Spectacular, Part 3” watching the first ever
Todd-AO movie, "Oklahoma!". This screening was from
the new DCP restoration, made from the 65mm negative. The film, especially
its colors, looked gorgeous, really phenomenal. The scenery and costumes
looked great. As wonderful as it looked, no 4k DCP has the resolution of 70mm. |
Shattering: Coasters, Quakes, Battles, Sounds and Lawyers
By Andreas Fuchs
“Why would you want to know about Sensurround,” Mark Collins, director
of projection technology at Marcus Theatres, wonders after I asked while
we were talking about Cine-Sation. “Ah,
that’s right … 1974 … Earthquake …” The November 15
release of the Universal Studios film not only created a heightened sense of
involvement with the action on the screen, not unlike the in-seat
transducers discussed, but also an entire genre of disaster movies that has
been accompanying us all the way to today. |
Weekend 2014
By Mark Trumpeteler
This year’s Widescreen Weekend was well attended with, as always, a busy
schedule. It was good to see local cinemagoers coming in to create a few
“full houses” or near “full houses” for a number of the screenings. With
its now established policy of providing a seamless integration between
showing film prints and DCPs, the absence of faded “magentavision”
prints and programming intervals that provide sufficient time for meals,
refreshments, socialising and networking – it’s a formula that delegates
seem to really enjoy. |
70MM Movie Magic at
Projecting "Out of
Africa" at 140
By Thomas
Orla and I like to
show 70mm like this.
We prefer to do it
with the authentic
70mm print from
1986. It's an
analogue experience
with reels to carry,
lenses to focus,
buttons to push and
dowsers to pull.
It's large format
70mm film and the
audience sits right
in front of you and
can hear the
film-loops making
their characteristic
projector noise.
It's very "reel" and
authentic and not as
sterile as modern
cinema has become.
The audience can see
what you are doing
and what they are
paying for. This is
real people behind
the projector. It's
a unique experience. |
at the Swiss Museum of Transport in Lucerne
By Gerhard Witte
On the 50th anniversary of EXPO 64, CIRCARAMA can be experienced again for
the first time with a restored version of the same film at a special
exhibition at the Swiss Museum of Transport in Lucerne from 1 August and is
expected to be shown there until 31 December 2014. For this screening, the
nine 35mm films for the 360 degree projection have been digitised. The
individual segments and the sound were synchronized. Colour changes that had
occurred over the years were corrected. |
im Verkehrshaus der
Schweiz in Luzern
Von Gerhard Witte
Zum 50-jährigen Jubiläum der EXPO 64 ist CIRCARAMA mit dem gleichen, nun
restaurierten Film ab dem 1. August im Verkehrshaus der Schweiz in Luzern in
einer Sonderausstellung erstmals wieder erlebbar und soll dort noch bis zum
31. Dezember 2014 vorgeführt werden. Für die Wiederaufführung digitalisierte
man die neun 35mm-Filme für die 360-Grad-Projektion. Die einzelnen Segmente
und der Ton wurden synchronisiert. Alterungsbedingte Farbveränderungen
wurden behoben. |
Lieder-Meine Träume"
in Germany
Udo Heimansberg
In the southern part of
Germany in the Frankfurt branch of 20th Century Fox
there was a guy who hated this end of the film and cut it off himself. A far
relative of Robert
Wise wrote to the producer/director
about this screening, and their reaction came immediately. The film was
completed again and there might have been only a handful of screenings at
the time. |
Hateful Eight - in
By Thomas
The Weinstein
Company haven't got
the logos quite
right. It's a 70mm
blow-up logo created
by Paramount
30+years ago,
stacked on top of a
vintage 1953
CinemaScope logo by
20th Century Fox
with a "Super" added
in the middle. The
combined "logo" is
gibberish and
confusing. It does
not make any sense,
except if "The
Hateful Eight" is
shot in Super 35,
and then blown up to
70mm for limited
engagements. |
Birthday Bradford Celebrates Cinerama’s 60th. Anniversary
By Mark Trompeteler
The largest number of core delegates, in the region of 180, that the
museum staff can ever remember attending the Widescreen Weekend gathered
at the museum’s Pictureville Cinema in late April. Not only to
celebrate all things widescreen, but particularly this year [2012],
Cinerama’s sixtieth birthday. |
Weekend 2013
By Mark Trompeteler
The National Media Museum’s annual festival of all things widescreen was
again held earlier this year in Bradford, in the UK.
Mark Trompeteler reports on a very successful and enjoyable event which
included acknowledgement of Cinemascope’s 60th Birthday. |

• Go to
A Picture Visit to
Kinopanorama in
Paris, 1990 |
Retrospective in Paris
By Johan Wolthuis
The Paris 70mm Retrospective was launched in a most extraordinary way with a
lecture by Jean-Pierre Verscheure in French; entitled "Une Histoire du
format 70mm". In a marathon three and a half hour power point presentation
on the giant screen, he showed the audience beautiful images of the history
of widescreen in 70mm, accompanied with short clips from various 70mm films. |
Arane 65/70mm Laboratory in France
By Thomas Hauerslev
In July 2008 I met
with Francois Carrin,
who had arranged a
tour at the only
remaining large
format film
laboratory in Europe
- the Gulliver Arane,
in the Paris suburb
of Clichy. I was
very excited to go
and looked forward
to see the
laboratory. On a
previous attempt to
see a 65mm/70mm
laboratory, I
visited Technicolor
in London, but when
I arrived, they
would not allow me
to take pictures. I
hoped this visit in
Paris would be a lot
better. Arane
Gulliver turned out
to be all I could
wish for.
• Go to
Gulliver Arane
65mm/70mm Laboratory (gallery) |
restoration of the Todd-AO feature Oklahoma
By Paulo Roberto P. Elias
Come 2014 and we were
finally granted the result of years of lab work trying to recover the
original elements of the Todd-AO feature "Oklahoma!", directed by the
renowned Fred Zinemann, and released for theatrical exhibition in 1955. |
restauração do clássico Todd-AO “Oklahoma”
Escrito por Paulo Roberto P. Elias
Depois de vários anos de esforço, foi finalmente
liberada para exibição digital em cinemas e masterização para mídia a
cópia restaurada do filme Oklahoma, adaptação do musical da Broadway e
dirigido pelo notável Fred Zinemann. O filme foi lançado em 1955 nos
Estados Unidos em cinemas adaptados para o processo Todd-AO e nos demais
adaptados para a projeção em CinemaScope. |
DP70s in Casablanca
Thomas David
Some months ago
Rainer and friend
from Norway
travelled to
Morocco, where he
discovered old 70mm
projectors on
display in the lobby
of the CINEMA RIF in
Casablanca. He made
the attached photos
and asked me to send
them to you. |
Last Cinerama Wrap
By Strohmaier &
The digital scanning
is complete and it
has been about two
years since it was
filmed, so now that
we have the HD
digital version of
the film, it’s about
time for a wrap
party. The BBQ and
movie screening were
a great success and
a good time was had
by everyone. |
Panorama Varnsdorf,
Czech Republic
By Pavel
Majitelem kina jsem se stal v roce 2001. K mému konečnému rozhodnutí kino od
města Varnsdorf odkoupit přispěly názory statiků, stavbařů a projektantů, že
kino by šlo zachránit s rozumně vynaloženými finančními prostředky. Hlavně
to však byla touha znovu otevřít v minulosti prestižní a prosperující kino
70mm. |
Panorama Varnsdorf,
Czech Republic
By Pavel
I became owner of the cinema in 2001. My final decision to buy the cinema
from the city Varnsdorf was influenced by opinions of structural engineers,
builders and designers that cinema could be saved with reasonable expenses.
However, it was mainly the desire to reopen in the past prestigious and
thriving 70mm cinema. |
"Hamlet" in Ireland
By Brian Guckian,
Branagh’s stunning,
adaptation of
Shakespeare’s great
work debuted for the
first time in 70mm
at the Irish Film
Institute on June
30th. The showing
attracted a large
audience, most of
who, going by a
straw poll, had come
because of the
faithfulness of the
adaptation and
quality of the
acting |
Means not only Krnov,
but also a sound of
roaring film
By Stanislav Novotný
During past nine
years a new
tradition has been
established for
Czech 70mm film fans
in North-Moravian
city of Krnov. When
mid-April comes,
flowers start to be
in bloom and days
are longer and
longer – those are
not only marks of
forthcoming spring –
it is also an
inviting enticement
for real film
connoisseurs from
Czech Republic,
Slovakia, Poland and
other not only
countries. |
commemorate William Wyler's monumental epic "BEN-HUR" shot in MGM's Camera
By Gerhard Witte
MGM was in troubled financial waters when they undertook "Ben-Hur". In
the successful wide-screen, religious-epic epoch of the 1950s it was MGM's
made go-for-broke move - a film which would either sink or save the studio.
As Hollywood production cost began to inflate markedly, MGM realized that
they could save a lot of money by shooting the entire film in Italy.
• Go to
William Wyler's
monumental epic
Erinnerung an William Wylers monumentales Epos "BEN-HUR", gefilmt in MGMs
Camera 65
Von Gerhard Witte
Als Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer das "Ben-Hur"-Projekt annahm, befand sich das Studio
in einer schwierigen finanziellen Lage. In der erfolgreichen Phase der
religiösen Breitfilm-Epen in den 1950er Jahren setzte MGM mit diesem Film
alles auf eine Karte - er bedeutete entweder die Rettung oder den Untergang
des Studios. Da das Produzieren von Filmen in Hollywood immer
kostenaufwändiger wurde, erkannte MGM, dass man eine Menge Geld einsparen
könnte, wenn man die Dreharbeiten des gesamten Films nach Italien verlegen
• Go to PDF:
Zur Erinnerung an
William Wylers
monumentales Epos
saw NAPOLEON on Sunday in Amsterdam
Udo Heimansberg
very special event took place on Sunday, 15th of June 2014.
A screening of the 5 ½ hour version of Abel Gance's masterpiece from 1927, "NAPOLEON" at the Ziggo Dome in Amsterdam before an audience of about
10.000 people! |
Arromanches 360
By Thomas Hauerslev
The "Arromanches 360" circular cinema was created upon the initiative of Lower Normandy Regional Council for the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Landing in 1994. The cinema presents an exceptional film projected on 9 screens in a circular cinema. The Circorama is the only cinema of its kind in France.
• Go to
Cinema Circulaire
360 (gallery) |
Sales Brochures
Provided by
Robert Weisgerber
Sales Brochure #1
Sales Brochure #2
AP65 65mm camera
Conference 1954 at American Optical Company
Research Center
By Brian O'Brien, Jr
The people on the picture are from left to right: Skyler Sanford, Bob Surtees,
Brian O'Brien, Jr., Walter Siegmund, Mike Todd, Steve Macnielle, Fred Zinneman, Art Miller,
Brian O'Brien, Oscar Hammerstein, Arthur Hornblow |
The 70mm World In Thirty Seven Days
By Brian Walters
While I did at
times feel a bit like Phileas Fogg, having to make key connections for
various forms of transport, including planes, trains, buses and ferries, my
trip was a little less adventurous but very interesting none the less. When
reflecting on all the 70mm presentations I watched on my trip it was
interesting that all of them had been projected by the Philips DP70
projector, the original, most esteemed and enduring of all 70mm projectors. |
of Fire", The 70mm Engagements
By Mike Coate
The following is a list of the known 70mm first-run engagements of
“Streets of Fire” in North America. All opened June 1, 1984. Any move-overs,
sub-run and international engagements have not been included. |
was there - in a small way - at the birth of Todd-AO
By Michael Williams
During the refurbishment time I was promoted to Third Projectionist, so on
the opening night I was allowed to to lace up, to change from 35mm to 70mm
and best of all to show "OKLAHOMA!" in all its original Glory This
experience has stayed with me throughout my life. |
70mm Movie Musical Oklahoma! at 30fps
By Bryant Frazer
The restoration premiered April 10 at the Chinese Theater, but the restoration process actually began about nine years ago. At
that time, FotoKem had the opportunity to assess the degraded quality of the
film's camera negative, which was badly faded. At that point, Fox asked that
a new interpositive be made. |
Schauburg Celebrates
Sensurround's 40th Anniversary
By Thomas
The Schauburg
Cinerama cinema in
Karlsruhe is proudly
celebrating the 40th
anniversary of
shows "Earthquake"
in 70MM in October
2014 during the 10th
Todd-AO Film
Festival. Cinema
manager Herbert Born
has started
preparing this
special performance:
"It takes a lot of
preparation. We are
bringing in -
literally - a
truckload of
subwoofers to
on The 70mm Aalborg
Film Festival at The
By Mark Lyndon
Shortly after the
one day 70MM Film
Festival at The
Biffen in Aalborg in
April, some
excellent reports
were published here;
narrating and
celebrating the
tremendous success
it enjoyed as a
showcase for and
demonstration of the
best of true film -
in 70mm, naturally.
With the perspective
of a few weeks more,
it is now worth
reflecting on and
asserting what a
genuine film
festival is actually
for and what it
actually does. |
Restorations at
Widescreen Weekend
By Dave
Strohmaier & Tom March
Dave Strohmaier and Randy Gitsch returned to Widescreen Weekend for
their eighth appearance bringing along two new Cinerama restorations,
“Seven Wonders of the World” and “Search for Paradise”
which were digitally scanned at Image Trends in Austin, Texas. Here are some
“Cinerama Highlights” from this year’s Widescreen Weekend. |
30 June 2014
Pour prolonger la conférence du Conservatoire des
techniques sur le 70 mm, la Cinémathèque présente un corpus de onze
films représentatifs de la production de ce format dit de prestige. |
Restaurierung im
Von Herbert Born
Einer meiner Mitarbeiter, Vincent Koch, hat aber seit vielen Jahren ein
Computer Bildbearbeitungsprogramm geschrieben und ständig
weiterentwickelt, das aus den gefadeten Bildinformationen den
Ursprungszustand zurückrechnen kann. Darauf hin und nach einigen Test
bekamen wir den Auftrag, diese Restauration er 3 Filmrollen
durchzuführen |
Bronston's Epic "55
Days at Peking" on
BluRay – it is
really stunning!
By Gerhard Witte
I have never
seen the movie in
such a quality –
with razor sharp
images, superb
contrast levels and
impressive colors.
The Blu-Ray is
highly recommended.
It is the Roadshow
Version of the movie
with Overture,
Intermisson (Entr`acte)
and Playout Music |
Weekend – Es ist
Ulrich Rostek
Auch ein ungesunder Lebensstil gehört zu den Traditionen des Widescreen
Weekend. Die Hochgeschwindigkeits-Druckbetankung mit Drinks und Snacks
während der knapp bemessenen Pausen ist nicht unbedingt das, was
Ernährungswissenschaftler für erstrebenswert halten. Aber was tun? Keine
Zeit! So ein Film-Marathon ist schliesslich harte Arbeit. Wir sind nicht
zum Vergnügen hier. |
Weekend – It is
Ulrich Rostek
Unhealthy lifestyle
is also a kind of
tradition during
Bradford Widescreen
Weekend. High speed
food intake during
the short breaks
between the movies
is not really
recommended by
nutritionists but at
least we are all in
a hurry. Watching
movies all day long
is a hard work to
do. We are not there
for fun. |
Day in Aalborg
Johan Wolthuis
On the Friday of April 25, I travelled all the way from my hometown
Arnhem in The Netherlands to Aalborg in the far North of Denmark during
a twelve hour train ride to join the celebration of 25 year Biffen 70mm
Cinema on Saturday.
The day started in
the morning with "West Side Story"
on the curved screen
as it should be
screened! |

• Go to 70mm Blow - Up Home
Page |
| |
2011, 2010,
2009, 2008,
2007, 2006,
2005, 2004,
2003, 2002,
2001, 2000,
1999, 1998 |
1994 |
5 YEARS AGO - 2009 |
"The Alamo" lost 70mm version
• Large Format in Brazil / 70mm In
"Where Eagles Dare" - 40th Anniversary
1969 - 2009 |
10 YEARS AGO - 2004 |
about the new "Mad World" 70mm print
The Danes And The Windjammers
Sensurround Horror Stories |
15 YEARS AGO - 1999 |
Planning the Wide Screen Weekend
• The
Work of Jan Jacobsen
Radio City Music Hall |
20 YEARS AGO - 1994 |
Todd-AO Concept Tests
• The
70mm Promotion Tour 1994 Part #1
A new Newsletter |
Golden Elephant Award
By Johan Wolthuis
International 70mm Publishers in The Netherlands has taken the initiative to
create a new Award for those people who have worked for many, many years
promoting and researching the heritage of 70mm film and original Cinerama
and have never received any official recognition. |
Rayton Remembers
"Scent of Mystery"
in 3 minutes and 49
By Thomas Hauerslev
I believe the odours
were directed
towards us by little
pipes in between the
seats in front of
us. I remember a
scent of some
shaving cream, and a
couple of other
smells, vaguely. I
didn’t have the
complaint about the
smell lingering
afterwards, which
apparently was one
of them – but still
I was getting some
smells. But OK – it
was a process, but
possibly not
perfect. |
Song Filming in 65mm
Director Terence Davies has begun principal photography in Scotland on
"Sunset Song", a film adaptation of Lewis Grassic Gibbon’s 1932 classic novel.
To capture the landscape, the filmmakers have chosen to shoot on 65mm film,
a creative decision that the producers say “will ensure depth, clarity and
emotional impact on the screen”. |
70mm Film Event
By Ben Wales
The 70mm programme
comprised of two
70mm feature films
and a Lecture and
Q&A with Oliver
Todd, this was ideal
as more time was
available for “70mm
Fans” to chat and
Eat and have a few
Beers together,
making it a good
relaxing day and by
the end of the day
Oliver was greatly
impressed with the
“70mm Experience" |
til Aalborg
By Brian Mac
A visit to beautiful Denmark, Aalborg and Biffen
Art Cinema is a must
for those who
appreciate film –
not just the stories
and personalities on
screen, but also to
witness best
practice in cinema
design and
presentation, and to
learn more about
Cinema history and
heritage. |
Michael Todd in Conversation with Thomas Hauerslev
My name is Oliver Michael Todd. I was born in New York where I lived the
first six years of my life. I went to University in the US and actually took
a little detour from University and went to Los Angeles before I became a
school teacher and over a series of years and different locations found
myself lucky enough to find a job in Copenhagen. |
Vergessene Tal In
Von Udo
1969 wurde im Gschnitztal in Tirol in der Nähe
des kleinen Ortes Trins der Film
"Das Vergessene Tal" gedreht. Zu
den Dreharbeiten eingeflogen wurden Stars wie Michael Caine, Omar Sharif,
Per Oscarsson und Florinda Bolkan, Einheimische spielten mit als Statisten
und verwandelten sich so in ihre Vorfahren zur Zeit des 30jährigen Krieges. |
the Widescreen
Weekend from 10 to
13 April 2014
By Gerhard Witte
2006 had been the
last time I visited
Widescreen Weekend.
At the time, of
course, I was
impressed by the
3-strip screenings
of "Windjammer" and
the all-time hit
"How the West Was
Won". All projected
onto the deeply
curved screen in the
Pictureville Cinema.
Now, 8 years later
the great
opportunity watching
the last two
Cinerama `holy
grails´ "Seven
Wonders of the
World" and "Search
for Paradise" on the
curved Cinerama
screen. That was the
reason why I
travelled to
England. |
at the "EXPO" in Lausanne, Switzerland
By Gerhard Witte
The "EXPO" in Lausanne in 1964 is often called it "EXPO
of Projection". In the hall of the Swiss Federal Railways "CIRCARAMA"
was presented on 9 screens and with 9 projectors. For the EXPO a new CIRCARAMA film
was produced in
Eastman Color and 35mm film with Mitchell cameras to ensure the best image quality. |
Partly Photographed
in 8-perf 65mm
By Bas Devos,
We shot in an 8-perf format to approach the 4:3 ratio. We wanted
to achieve a heightened reality for certain shots. Approx. 12 min in the
films final cut is 65mm footage. This includes a monolithic ending
sequence of 6½ min. Due to the length of an 8 perf 65mm reel, we had to
cut the shot in two parts and stich it together in post to have one
fluent 6½ min shot. |
Widescreen Weekend
Having dubbed Wood
as well as Moreno,
Nixon felt she
deserved a cut of
the movie-album
royalties. Neither
the movie nor the
record producers
would bow to her
demands. Leonard
Bernstein broke the
stalemate by
volunteering a
percentage of his
income, a gesture of
since Nixon had been
of his at New York
concerts. He ceded
one-quarter of one
percent of his
royalties to her |
Cinerama shows
"2001" and
"Brainstorm" in
blazing 70MM
The Festival's
banner event is
Douglas Trumbull's
film, UFOTOG. The
12-minute science
fiction adventure
was written and
directed by Trumbull
and demonstrates his
new technical
process, MAGI − a
new cinematic
language that
invites the audience
to experience a
powerful immersion
in the story that is
not possible using
conventional film
standards. Christie
Digital will provide
a special digital
projector to
premiere the
footage, which was
captured in 4k 3D at
120 frames per
second. |
in Spain" Screens in
By Dave
Upon hearing that
this rare film,
which was largely
filmed in Malaga had
been reconstructed
and re-mastered,
Festival director
Juan Antonio Vigar
and local
newspaperman and
film historian,
Francisco Grinan
contacted David
Strohmaier about the
possibility of
showing the film at
this years
festivities. |
Cinerama restores "Vigilant Switzerland"
By Herbert Born
All three panels were scanned from the original and faded but mint 70mm
archive prints and are now in the process of being color graded to get the
original look back. "FORTRESS OF PEACE" will be shown in 70mm at the 2014
Todd-AO 70mm festival this October. An original 3-Panel-screening of the
DCP's in work is planned later this year. |
Suisse Vigilante
By Freek Dozy
When I was 20 years old I visited the Swiss exhibition 1964. I have in my
collection the original prospectus (16 pages) of the Swiss Army pavilion
1964 Lausanne. Also an article in the ‘Kinotechniek’ from Germany. |
W. Williams Passed
The Williams
It was at UCLA that
he and fellow
faculty member, Dr.
Richard Vetter,
invented a
photographic and
presentation system
Introduced in 1966,
the system was soon
being installed in
movie theaters
around the world and
for a time, the
D-150 process was
one of Cinerama's
chief rivals |
signing in Aalborg -
Johan Wolthuis to
attend 70mm Event
By Thomas
On Saturday April 26
Johan Wolthuis,
Dutch 70mm
enthusiast of the
International 70mm
Publishers, will be
present in Aalborg
(Denmark) on the
occasion of Biffen's
25th Anniversary.
Johan will be
present to talk
about his passion
for 70mm, sell his
latest publication
History", and do
book signing during
the 70MM Event. |
A Space Odyssey -
The Missing Pieces
By Ken Kunkel
It is strange how
the mind works. The
older one gets, one
can forget what
happened yesterday
but can remember
details from decades
ago. When I was a
senior in high
school, I took my
two younger sisters
to the Warner
Cinerama Theatre in
downtown Pittsburgh
to see "2001: A
Space Odyssey." It
was the first week
in town. |
70mm Projector is
Is there anyone
among the readers of, who
might know what
brand this 70mm
machine is? Maybe of
Italian origin, but
it does not look
like a FEDI or a
Prevost. Any
comments about the
brand and use of
this 70mm projector
is most welcome,
please. Pictures are
also most welcome. |
Goes IMAX 70MM
...a page in
This is a page in
progress with
stories about
Christopher Nolan's
new film "Intersellar",
which is being
released in IMAX
70mm by November
2014. The idea is to
update the page
regularly with
information about
IMAX cinemas showing
the film in 70mm,
bits and pieces,
links and stills as
they become
available. You - the
reader - is invited
to contribute with
reviews, adverts etc
- anything you see
fit to share.
to Projection and
Wide Film
By Rick Mitchell
It is the intention of this book to deal with the subject of “Wide Screen“
as it relates to the mainstream theatrical motion picture industry and its
history, with reference, where appropriate, to its effect upon such related
areas as documentary, industrial, and non-theatrical production and
exhibition. Notable techniques and processes, the events and situations
within the industry which precipitated their introduction, and the
subsequent loss of popularity of some them will be covered mostly in
chronological order as new developments were generally founded upon, or a
reaction to, a previous one.
• Go to
W.K.L. Dickson and
the 1.33:1 Frame
• Go to
Projection and Wide
Film (1895-1930) |
PANORAMA Varnsdorf, Czech Republic
By Pavel
Jako majitel kina CENTRUM PANORAMA Varnsdorf který bylo projektováno jako
70mm kino a do dnešního dne přes veškerou modernizaci tj. digitalizace jsme
uchovali v provozu původní vybavení kina s projektory UM3570 takže jsme
schopni projekce jak 6-kanálového magnetického záznamu tak i záznamu DTS. |
PANORAMA Varnsdorf, Czech Republic
By Pavel
As owner of the cinema CENTRUM PANORAMA Varnsdorf, which was designed as
70mm cinema and despite all possible modernization including digitalisation
we keep running the original equipment of the cinema with projectors
UM3570 so that we are able to provide projection of the 6-chanel magnetic
recording as well as DTS recording. |
to How The West Was Won
By Professor Sir Christopher Frayling
How The West Was Won began life not with a script commission from the
executives at Cinerama Inc or with an original treatment sent in from an
agent, but with a series of seven historical articles in Life
magazine—running from April 6th to May 18th 1959. |
Restored Oklahoma!
to open TCM Classic
Film Festival
This unique 4k
restored from 65mm
Todd-AO elements by
Twentieth Century
Fox and Fotokem,
will be screened at
30 frames per second
— the same frame
rate as when the
film was originally
released in 1955.
The original 6 -
track soundtrack has
been also restored
and re - mastered at
Twentieth Century
Fox, in
collaboration with
End Point Audio and
Chase Audio by
Deluxe. |
Gäbler Verstorben
Von Herbert Born
Dieter Gäbler
verstarb vergangenen
Mittwoch, 5. März
2014 nach schwerer
Krankheit. Viele
Gäste unseres 70mm
Festivals lernten
Dieter Gäbler als
aufgeschlossenen und
Zeitzeugen kennen,
der zweimal als
Ehrengast unser
Festival besuchte. |
Gäbler passed away
By Herbert Born
Dieter Gäbler, German DoP and well known MCS-70 camera technician, passed
away last Wednesday, March 06, 2014. We remember him as a very passionate
filmmaker and a very friendly and likable friend who was always very helpful
in answering questions during our long research conversations. |
Me and It's a Mad,
Mad, Mad, Mad World - a 50 year Love Story
By Stefan Adler
I might as well have bought a private 70mm print to get it right from the
beginning! What's $ 20.000:- or more for nostalgic remembrance purposes for
an old 70 mil' projectionist? A mere trifle! The possibility of having
"prime beef" running through two lusty warm purring kittenlike DP70:s in the
living room was appealing, but somewhat hard to get a household majority to
vote for. |
and Peace" Souvenir Program
WAR AND PEACE follows the fortunes and
intricate relationships of four aristocratic families in Russia during the
eight turbulent years, 1805-1812 when the vast country was caught up in the
swirling and irresistible tides of history. The families are the ROSTOVS, the BOLKONSKYS, the KURAGINS, and the BEZUKHOVS.
The story begins in 1805 when the spectre of Napoleon hung over the tapestry
of Eastern Europe like a shroud.
• Go to "War and Peace" Souvenir Program Stills |
Kino, Innsbruck,
By Thomas
I visited the Leo
Kino on a very sunny
Saturday in February
to give a lecture
about film formats,
followed by a 4K
presentation of "A
Year Along The
Abandoned Road" and
a rare screening of
"Gorillas in the
Mist" in 70mm and
Dolby A. Here you
have some images of
the only remaining
70mm cinema in
Austria |
By Johan Wolthuis
The new WIDESCREEN HISTORY publication summarise the history of
Widescreen processes
and related
subjects. The
intention was to
make a publication
with a lot of
information on
CinemaScope systems,
70mm, etc., With a
little history about
sound and color and
as important aspect:
a lot of classic
illustrations in
colour and black and
white. |
A SPACE ODYSSEY" Production Information
By Warner Brothers, 2001
"2001: A Space Odyssey" tells
the story of astronauts Dave Bowman and Frank Poole, aboard the spaceship Discovery, who are sent on
an exploratory mission to a point near the outer reaches of the Solar
System. The operation runs smoothly at first but then slowly, inexplicably,
things begin to go wrong. The true nature of the mission is called into
question and Discovery's highly sophisticated onboard computer, the
HAL-9000, appears to be sabotaging the crew he was designed to assist,
jeopardizing not only the mission but the lives of everyone onboard. |
A Space Odyssey
The Running time of
2001: A Space
Odyssey is 2 hours
20 minutes, plus 10
minutes of OVERTURE,
music (3 minutes)
with full House
lights on. Dim House
lights towards end
of overture - allow
for Censor
certificate and open
full screen on LION
2001: a space
odyssey Campaign
By Donn Reyes, MGM
I found an unbounded enthusiasm for 2001 on the part of local managers
and/or agents which is reflected positively and powerfully in the work of
their publicity and promotion departments. In my opinion, a large measure of
this enthusiasm springs from the fact that the managers/agents and their
pub/promo people have never had a picture quite like 2001 to sell before,
and as such, 2001 constitutes a definite challenge to them. |
Todd visits
Thomas Hauerslev
On Monday 27.
January 2014 I had
invited expatriate
and Copenhagen
resident Mr. Oliver
Todd to our house
for dinner and a
talk about his life.
Three hours went by
very quickly talking
about family, film
and food and living
in Copenhagen.
Despite admitting he
only knows very
little about his
famous granddad and
70mm, Oliver has
agreed to be
interviewed about
his life some times
soon. |
Films I Saw Growing
Ashley Ward
My first 70mm film was "The Alamo". It was at the 2:00 matinee, on December
24, 1960. Yes, it was the full-length roadshow version of the film. The
venue was the Valley Theatre, in Cincinnati, Ohio. The Valley Theatre had a
seating capacity of 1500 persons, and was configured as a Todd-AO house. It
had a 120 degree curved screen. |
First time on CD is
the original movie
sound track to the
1955 released
"Cinerama Holiday"
re-mixed from the
movie audio tapes
combined with music
from the studio
recording issued on
the LP, making this
Morton Gould score
release as complete
as possible for
sound track buffs. |
Film Event at Biffen, Aalborg Denmark, 26. April 2014
By Nielsen & Hauerslev
"Biffen" in Aalborg,
Denmark, is
celebrating its 25th
anniversary with a
1-day 70MM Festival.
One day with 70mm
films, lectures,
demonstrations, and
the odd surprise on
the 10 meter wide
and deeply curved
screen. It will be
an unique
opportunity to
experience true 70MM
in one of the best
Danish cinemas. |
"Panorama Blue" in 70mm
By Daniel Sherlock
1974, an unusual movie was released to a relatively small number of theaters.
The movie was
PANORAMA BLUE, and it was billed as “the world’s mightiest adult film”
and “photographed in 70mm Super Widescreen Panoramascope”.
Was the movie actually photographed using 65mm cameras, or was it blown up
from 35mm anamorphic ‘scope format, or blown up from spherical 35mm? |
at The Camerimage Film Festival
By Strohmaier & March
The International Film Festival of the Art of Cinematography CAMERIMAGE is
the greatest and most recognized festival dedicated to the art of
cinematography and its creators. Travelling this day were Dave Strohmaier,
Douglas Knapp ASC, Rebecca Olkowski and Tom March. Dave and Doug were
invited to give two presentations that were moderated by Jon D. Witmer,
associate editor of the American Cinematographer magazine. |
9th 70mm Film Fest
Krnov 2014
By Klima & Tomesek
One of the main task
of the 70mm festival
is to recall now
unused film format
which dazzled
visitors in its time
by brilliant display
of details in
picture and and
insurmountable sound
to nowadays public -
Weekend, Bradford, 2014
The dates for the next Widescreen Weekend are 10
– 13 April 2014. The one change to note here is
that Widescreen Weekend commences on Thursday
evening with a double bill and concludes after
the last show on Sunday evening. We will be
announcing programme information in January 2014
and will be in touch in December to update you
and let you know when passes will be on sale. |