• |
R. Bjercke passed away By Kaare Terland
In the mid-fifties he co-chaired on the Board of The Christian
Radich Foundation in Oslo. In that position he became instrumental
in the negotiation with Louis de Rochemont II in using the S/S
Christian Radich as the windjammer in the Cinemiracle production |
Bio Scraps 70mm projector DP70 #1640
By Thomas Hauerslev
Copenhagen: DP70 serial number #1640, installed
for the 70mm opening of Imperial Bio in Copenhagen in 1961 has been
taken out and scrapped. Sister machine #1644 will continue 70mm and
35mm operation is needed |
Golden Head" and "Russian Adventure" Update
By Dave Strohmaier
We are almost done with the 2K "The Golden Head" and
"Cinerama's Russian Adventure" remastering and they look
pretty darn good. |
the Picture" - Now Shooting
By Strohmaier / Hauerslev
Wednesday November 2nd, 2011 will be the first time the Cinerama
camera will shoot 3 strip since "How The West Was Won" over 50 years
ago. |
Brownlow @ the Schauburg
By Thomas Hauerslev
Kevin Brownlow gave his lecture to an enthusiastic
audience on a October Friday evening. The OSCAR winner
was warmly welcomed by the 70mm delegates, who all
enjoyed hearing about early large format presentations |
Log of "Seven Wonders" in Cinerama
By Richard J. Pietschmann
We were given permission to photograph and record a close-up of the Pope,
and in order to get the camera close enough it was necessary to build a
temporary scaffold for the camera and blimp. |
Sent Home
By Richard J. Pietschmann
If all goes well today with the schedule, we will leave this afternoon
for Agra to do the Taj Mahal sequence.. Will be there two or three days and
then expect to leave for Darjeeling |
Richard Greenhalgh
By Tom March
It is with great sadness that I report to all
of Rich’s friends that he has gone to the great movie theater in the sky.
worlds first Imax theatre
Krys Jawlosewicz
Cinesphere's original Imax projector serial #001, which
is still used today, was the prototype used at Expo '70. The projector was
rebuilt in 1986 and upgraded to Imax HD, 48 frames per second (fps)
capability in 1990. |
Paramount Odeon, Liverpool -
England 1934 - 2011
By Mike Taylor
The Paramount was the first cinema in Liverpool to install CinemaScope
and Todd-AO, and as the leading cinema at that time it became the home
for all future 70mm "Road Show" presentations |
My "Windjammer" Story
By Sven Libaek
The world premiere was a typical Hollywood event, and there we were, three
young Norwegian boys, who a year earlier could only have dreamt about
attending such a spectacle. |
Festival at Seattle Cinerama Theatre
By Greg Wood
15 classic 70mm and Cinerama
movies screened during the Cinerama Film Festival, including extremely
rare 70mm prints from studio vaults |
Site", A short film in 65mm Omnimax
By The Big Frame
The film focuses on the 1986 apparition of Halley's Comet over
central Australia. Set near the majestic Milky Way of the
southern night sky and contrasted by the spectacle of a total lunar eclipse. |
"Samsara" world premiere September 2011
By Thomas Hauerslev
No 70mm prints have been
planned - yet. The premiere in Canada will be a state-of-the-art
high-end 4K digital presentation, with full uncompressed 6-track
digital sound. |
Miyagishima, Panavision Passed Away
By Bill Hogan
For more than half a century starting in 1954 Tak was one of the
most esteemed design engineers in the motion picture industry. |
Presented in “Polyvision”
San Francisco Silent Film Festival will present the U.S. premiere of
Abel Gance’s legendary "Napoleon" in its complete restoration by Academy
Award®-winning Kevin Brownlow |
Sensurround - A new dimension to the motion picture
By Thomas Hauerslev
Sometimes you see a film which leaves an impression which will be
remembered for many years. In 1980 I saw
the movie “Earthquake”, presented in Sensurround and I have never
forgotten it. |
Sensurround, Eine neue Dimension für den Film
Von Thomas Hauerslev
Manchmal sieht man einen Film der einen so starken Eindruck hinterlässt,
dass man ihn für viele Jahre nicht vergessen kann. 1980 sah ich den Film
”Erdbeben” in Sensurround, was ich bis heute nicht vergessen habe. |
Savoy Adverts
By Gerhard Witte
See more adverts - with captions in two languages - from the former
Savoy cinema in Hamburg. The first purpose built Todd-AO Cinema in
Europe. |
Heroes" - Cinema Retro ‘Movie Classics’ Special
By Dave Worrall
For the fans of 70mm blow-up "Kelly's Heroes", an 80 page special
edition of Cinema Retro about this classic MGM road-show will be
published in July 2011 |
Magnetic Striping Machine for Sale
By Bruce A Heller
Complete Westrex recording unit. This unit striped prints of "2001: A
Space Odyssey" and "Lawrence of Arabia". Unit is in tip top working
condition and comes with Oxide medium and spare filters. |
Weekend Mission Report 2011
By Thomas Hauerslev
After a one year absence I was delighted to be back at the
Pictureville Cinema, and to see the movie family of widescreeners
again |
Bloom visits Pictureville Cinema
By Thomas Hauerslev
Actress Claire Bloom gave a delightful insight to her career on the
first evening of the Widescreen Weekend and received the BIFF’s
Lifetime Achievement Award. |
Academy member, Joe Dunton
By Tony Sloman
Joe is a man who has wide-screen sprockets running through his veins, who
has done more to achieve widescreen perfection that any one single
individual ever since Henri Chretien invented what we now know as
CinemaScope |
KRRR! 6th 70mm Film Fest Krnov
By Jakub Klima
We have selected some titles for this year festival
that will have their cinema premier in the Czech Republic. The first is
an all-time musical "The Sound of Music" and the second is
historical epic "55 days in Peking“ |
Rust, Passed Away
By Bill Lawrence
Howard Rust was the little guy who strode like a giant in people’s
hearts. He was much loved by those knew him and the world is a heavier
place for his passing. |
Composer Sven-Erik Libaek interviewed
By Hauerslev / Strohmaier
Sven talks about the "Windjammer" music group that he and the other guys
were in, and much, much more |
It’s Bigger AND Bolder AND Better, It Must Be IMAX(?)
By Joeseph Kleiman
If we’re to believe the fashion
press, a couple of days ago, “David Andersen…launched his womenswear
collection in an IMAX movie theater alongside a 3-D fashion film” |
Widescreen Weekend 2011
By Lawrence & Hauerslev
Weekend 2011 runs from Friday 25 March - Monday 28 March. Full program and information about, hotel bookings and tickets will be
published sometimes during January 2011 |

• Go to
Carl Davis: “All Art aspires to the
condition of Music” |
Retro Announce 2012 Season
By Pfeiffer and Worral
There is plenty of excitement in store for season 8 of Cinema Retro
beginning with our eye-popping cover girl for issue #22, Sybil
Danning. As usual, this issue will be eclectic in terms of content:
special features on two Cinerama epics: "Krakatoa, East of Java" and
the making of "How the West Was Won". |
Festival - Seattle October 2011
By Paul
8,000 miles is a long way to go to see a film but when that film is
"How The West Was Won", and it is being shown in three-strip
Cinerama I was on the plane before I could tell my bank I’d left the
country. |
Hollywood ... hier spricht Anna!
Von Anna
Ich werfe das Gepäck in eine Ecke,
ziehe mich um und haste zur Schauburg. Erst als ich vor dem handgemalten
Festivalposter stehe, auf dem die wunderbaren Worte „70mm“, „Todd-AO“ und
„Cinerama“ prangen, fällt die Anspannung von mir ab und verwandelt sich in
pure Freude. |
Brownlow Interview - Part 2
Von Mark Lyndon
Der Film begann schlichtweg als jugendliche Angeberei. Ich hatte nicht
die Absicht, den Film zu machen |
Brownlow Interview - Part 1
Von Mark Lyndon
Meine Mutter sagte, ich solle sofort nach Hause kommen – und das tat ich;
sie sagte, Abel Gance sei im NFT, er hätte gerade Kontakt aufgenommen. |
Inc. Scans 70mm
By Dave Strohmaier
Inspired by the scanning and remastering of "Windjammer" and their
library of Cinerama films, Cinerama Inc. decided to go ahead and see
what could be done about three "lost" 70mm films in their vault. |
Cinerama Films
By Tom March
Now that the digital scanning of the negatives
has begun, Dave Strohmaier and I were invited to the Image Trends Lab to
observe the progress of the restoration work. |
Urgel Cinema, Barcelona, Spain
By Ramon Lamarca
The Urgel cinema is a
beautiful anachronism in today’s exhibition landscape. This beautiful
and huge cinema is a good reminder of what going to the pictures used to
be. |
Visit With Miklós Rózsa
By Jeffrey Dane
It seemed almost every square foot of wall space was lined with
autograph letters (and some manuscript pages) of the composers, mounted
in special frames so that when turned around the overside of each letter
could also be read. |
Engagements in Rochester, NY
By Jim Barg
When I moved back to Rochester from London last year, I had the time
to research for any information regarding local 70mm engagements,
and the results are presented here. |
Birth of IMAX
By Diane Disse
The brainchild
of three gutsy people with a great idea
but no office
space, Imax Corporation
built a whole
new industry
that today sits
poised on the
threshold of fast
and explosive
changes. |
A Conversation
with Mark Magidson and Ron Fricke
Transcribed by Peggy & Paul Rayton
This interview has been
transcribed from the original event recording. It has been slightly modified
to optimise clarity in reading. |
Internet Sightings
By Thomas Hauerslev
A compilation of "Samsara" internet sightings found this morning
after a standard Tuesday Morning Internet search |
Radich and Sørlandet in Ireland
By Brian Guckian
I had never seen the Christian Radich in the flesh, and was suitably in
awe. It was hard to believe the Christian Radich is just short of 75
years old, so well is it maintained and looked after. |
& Cinerama in Israel
By Alex Asp
Tel-Aviv have a Cinerama theater which was built in the sixties,
originally as a circus-like building, but that was never finished due to
a lack of funds. |
By Jean-Luc Peart
Krnov was indeed the place to be this year
for this rare event, especially for people with some knowledge of the
Russian language! |
Tree of Life" in 65mm - no 70mm prints
By THomas Hauerslev
Much expected The Tree of Life has opened in Europe to great
reviews. No 70mm prints and yet another lost opportunity to do
something great. |
Dunton/"Dance Craze" Q/A
Following the first 70mm screening af "Dance Craze" in 30 years the
audience asked Joe Dunton questions about the making of this ground
braking film |
in Sweden
By Peter Andren
Update your knowledge about Swedish DP70's and see what happened to:
1354, 1355, 1659, 1737, 1816, 1837, 1844, 1845, 2347, 2350 and 2511
plus a few scrapped machines. |
the Sleeping Giant" - Research and Findings
By 65/70mm Workshop
This Paper questions the dominant belief that digital acquisition and
presentation of movie content will entirely supercede motion
picture-based film production and exhibition. |
October 2011
By Born & Hauerslev
The 7th “Todd-AO 70mm Festival“ is being prepared at the Schauburg
in Karlsruhe. A majestic weekend in the splensour of 70mm on the
curved Cinerama screen. This year we are honored by a visit by our
special guest, acclaimed film historian and OSCAR winner Mr. Kevin
Brownlow, who will give his exciting lecture about early large
format films |
70mm filmfestival in Krnov
By Hans Haenssler
Thanks to the good organisation of Klima, Tomesek and many
other people, it was a interesting event for the
visitors of the latest 70mm festival in Krnov in the Czech Republic. |
Bloody Marvellous"
By The Widescreeners
What do I think about the Widescreen Weekend? Read what the
widescreeners think after spending 4 days in a cinema in Bradford |
"Circlorama" Visits Widescreen Weekend
By Thomas Hauerslev
A grand day in Pictureville with the granddaddy of Circlorama, Mr.
Stanley Long, who delighted the audience with stories about the
widest of all widescreen systems |
Cinerama "Renault Dauphine" Tentative shooting script By Cinerama Inc. The sequence must be presented in such a way that there is a humorous angle which remove it from the category of a strictly "educational" commercial film.
Der „Delphi Filmpalast am Zoo“
Von Gerhard Witte
Nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg ein Neuanfang. Die Berliner fieberten 1949
der Eröffnung eines neuen Großkinos entgegen. |
Delphi Filmpalast am Zoo
By Gerhard Witte
After the Second World War, 1949 was a new beginning. Berliners greeted the
opening of a large new cinema with great fanfare |
Bat Whispers
By Milestone Film, New York
For years, the only material for The Bat Whispers were 16mm prints. Robert Gitt decided to restore The
Bat Whispers he located the 65mm
Magnifilm master positive lavender, internegative, and optical sound negative
which still existed. |
Curved screen of the Eden Palast Kino
Image by Herbert Born
Foreign correspondent Herbert Born recently made a pilgrimage to
his home town of Aachen where he took some pictures of the Eden
cinema for in70mm.com readers |
2011, 2010,
2009, 2008,
2007, 2006,
2005, 2004,
1994 |
Mitchell - A Rememberance
By Dan Sherlock
Film historian, editor, and sound editor Rick Mitchell passed away of
natural causes in his apartment in Los Angeles just south of
Hollywood |
soundtrack "55 Days at Peking"
Expanded by well over an
hour beyond its original LP release, this comprehensive re-issue
contains additional material that was not used in the final cut of
the film. |
Für jeden etwas
auf dem 7. Todd-AO 70mm Festival in der Filmtheater Schauburg
By Brian Guckian
This year’s 70mm festival drew visitors from all over Europe, as well as
further afield from the US. Attendees received a comprehensive souvenir
programme emphasising how this is as much an educational event as it is
an entertaining one, and a must for anyone who is serious about Cinema. |
Karlsruhe Film introductions
Friday |
Saturday |
By Wolfram Hannemann
Variety is
the spice of life. And variety is also reflected in this
year’s festival. We have it all! And features quite a
number of productions which haven’t been shown before in this
Sunday |
Todd-AO Festival Foreword
By/von Born / Hauerslev
we are proud to present our program. We welcome all of you, and hope you
will enjoy the 7th Todd-AO Festival. /
Vor diesem Hintergrund präsentieren wir Ihnen mit Stolz unser Programm. Wir
heißen Sie alle herzlich willkommen und wünschen Ihnen viel Vergnügen beim
7. Todd-AO-Festival. |
Last Billboard Painter of Karlsruhe
By Herbert Born
We are proud to use Mr. Haas' skills on our facade.
Few cinemas have room for it, but we do, and the audience appreciate the
work he does
• Go to the gallery:
Mr. Haas - Billboard Painter of Karlsruhe, Germany |
A Short Film in 70mm
By Michael Milne
The score was recorded in 12 tracks at Todd AO in Hollywood. We
ended up with 6 sound tracks on the 70mm print and 6 more tracks running
in synch on a 35mm magnetic tape. It was spectacular wrap around sound! |
70mm Short Films
By Bill
There is a long 70mm short-film tradition in Canada. In this page, five
films are presented with full credits and background |
Big Screen Films Get Major Digital Makeover
The complete catalog of
Cinerama's 3-panel travelogue epics
will be remastered in high definition for limited theatrical screenings at
any digital venue and a home video release will follow.
Festival at the Schauburg
By Born & Hauerslev
Be amazed! Come and see 70mm in all it spectacular splendour and
"sharp as hell" quality - nothing beats 70mm as the best
possible way to experience motion pictures in a state of the art
cinema |
Interview with Ron Fricke
By The Big Frame
Working in the 35mm format, I was feeling that
there was something lacking. Once I saw the IMAX theater and saw the film, I realized
this is how it should be done. |
By Thomas Hauerslev
In 1992, my wife and I went to France to see "New Magic" in Showscan. On that July day I
finally had my only-ever encounter with Showscan and the most vivid illusion
of reality I have ever seen |
Showscan Film
By Showscan
Showscan is photographed on 65mm
at a rate of 60fps and projects images 2.5 times faster and significantly
brighter and larger than standard 35mm film. The brighter image result in
greater picture clarity and an enhanced sense of dimensionality and realism |
Magic" in 70mm Showscan
By Brock/Trumbull
Entertainment Corporation
To explain the Showscan process to the audience, Mr Kellar
approaches the camera, until only his eyes fill the giant screen. An
elaborate display with all the brilliance and clarity 70mm can offer, and in full six-channel stereo.
Impact of Showscan
By in70mm.com Readers
The lights went down and the movie began. My reaction was that my jaw
dropped to the floor due to the incredible picture sharpness and "you
are there" effect. |
Future is Now
By Showscan
Showscan can provide a revolutionary film presentation that can
never be duplicated in the home. The obvious results will restore you,
the exhibitor, to a more profitable position in the industry. |
in Hamburg
Gerhard Witte
Den Film “Windjammer" habe ich erstmals als kleiner Junge anfangs der
60er Jahre in Düsseldorf gesehen. Das war ein unvergessliches Erlebnis
für mich und weckte in mir mein starkes Interesse für Breitwand-Kino und
Filmmusik. |
in Hamburg
Gerhard Witte
I saw “Windjammer" the first time as a little boy at the beginning of
the 1960s in Düsseldorf on a huge deep curved screen. That was an
unforgettable event to me and awoke my interest in widescreen cinema and
film-music. |
Returns to Hamburg
By Thomas Hauerslev
For the first time in nearly 50 years, "Windjammer", a
Cinemiracle Adventure, is back in Hamburg at the
Metropolis Cinema |
Making of "Dance Craze"
By Joe Dunton
After the first concert, we hired a cinema in Brighton and the band sang along with the
film because they knew the words. They told their mates in the other bands of this whole 2 tone
group and I got permission from all of them in the
end. |
sails into the Kinemathek Hamburg
By Randy Gitsch
The Kinemathek Hamburg has invited us to screen our
remastered "Windjammer" on Thursday, May 5, at 8 P.M.
Dave Strohmaier and myself will present our "Windjammer Gets a
Facelift!" show. |
2011 Film Introductions
Essential Widescreen Weekend basics are the film introductions.
Prepared and read by the guests for the guests with great dedication and
gives wonderful background and knowledge about each production. |
Drake, Plymouth, England
By Kinematograph Weekly
The aim in designing The Drake
was to match up to the conception of the showman's ideal form of
presentation. We aimed at nothing less than perfection in public
entertainment. |
"Mag Men" 2CD Released
Intrada presents entire
score in splendid stereo from actual session elements courtesy 20th
Century Fox, Ron Shillingford of the Ron Goodwin estate. Every cue
survives in terrific condition |
from Mexico
By Miguel Carrara
A collection of 70mm film movie posters from Mexico and Spain |
“Napoleon” – une pièce de resistance
By Mark Trompeteler
I had always wanted
to see the Brownlow restoration on the big screen as it is intended
to be seen. |
Cast & Crew Interviews in Oslo
By Thomas Hauerslev
A small team, two Norwegians and a Dane, met with some of the
cast and crew from the Cinemiracle adventure "Windjammer" to talk
about the history |
Fair Cinerama facility in Seattle
By Matt Lutthans
1982, I saw "It happened at the
World's Fair" projected onto the dome, but had no idea about the
Cinerama connection that the building had |
• Go to
in70mm.com News 2011 |