"IN 70MM" NEWS |
Passing of Peter
By Mark Lyndon
The passing of Peter
O'Toole marks the
definitive ending of
an epic era of film
making. From the
legendary title role
of Lawrence of
Arabia to the highly
rated portrayal of
RJ Johnston, the
tutor of Pu Yi - The
Last Emperor, his
70mm career spanned
twenty five glorious
years within a much
longer range of half
a century plus. |
180 in Denmark
By Thomas
There were at least
four Cinema 180 70mm
installations in
Denmark between late
1970s and mid 1990s.
In this page you can
see images from
three of them. The
only installation I
remember was in
Aalborg, where I
took some notes when
I visited in 1991. |
unterm Sternenhimmel
Von Cameron Glendinning
Es begann, als mir zu Ohren kam, dass ein gewisses Lager geräumt
werden sollte, in dem sich viele Cinerama-Filme befanden. Ein paar bestimmte
Jungs hatten die Leute dort belogen und ihnen vorgegaukelt, sie wollten das
Magnetfilm-Material wiederverwenden, während sie in Wahrheit nur die
Soundtracks anhören wollten. |
"War and Peace" in 70mm is so rare. It is like a very fine wine. You HAVE to
appreciate it
By Bal, Pol, Lyndon, Wolthuis and Hauerslev
Show it in 70mm and they will come. The EYE museum
respectfully showed the film in 70mm, and the audience did come, and in
greater numbers than expected.
The presentation was a marvel to behold. The three projectionists did a
fantastic job keeping the film in focus and steady throughout the
performance. |
refrigerator and a
DP70, please
By Gerhard Witte
The Saturn
electronics store on
Tauentzienstraße 9
in Berlin's Europa
Center has exhibited
an authentic Todd-AO
DP70 70mm projector
in their department
of Hi-Fi and
electronics. The
machine can be seen
on the third floor
in the Megastore's
HiFi department. |
Cinerama Memories
from Detroit
By Robert
I had first gone to
see "This is Cinerama" with my parents in 1953 but was too young to appreciate
or remember the experience. Later, When I was older my family took me to see
"South Seas Adventure" and it made a permanent impact. The Music Hall then
showed "Windjammer", repeated
"Seven Wonders" and all the rest, however, I had
never seen Search for Paradise until the performance at the Dome last year. |
50th Anniversary
with some
disappointments but
lots of laughter and
By Sebastian Rosacker
It was a digital 4K screening. The film was beautifully restored with
sparkling and sharp colors, projection and sound.
If the atmosphere was high before the film, it was if possible even higher
now. Lots of laughter was heard through the auditorium and for every new
celebrity that entered the screen there was a warm applause.
And the question is if there really exists another film with so many
celebrities than "IT'S A MAD, MAD, MAD, MAD WORLD". |
50-årsjubileum med några besvikelser men massor av skratt och glädje
Av Sebastian Rosacker
Det var en digital 4K visning. Filmen var fantastiskt
restaurerad med sprudlande, klara och skarpa färger, bild och ljud.
Om atmosfären var hög innan var det om möjligt ännu högre nu. Massor av
skratt fyllde salongen och varje gång någon ny celebritet dök upp på duken
bemöttes vederbörande med en varm applåd.
Och frågan är om det verkligen existerar någon annan film med så många
celebriteter som "EN DING, DING, DING, DING VÄRLD". |
Flicker Alley and Cinerama Inc. are pleased to announce the home
video digital premieres of "Cinerama Holiday" (1955) and "South
Seas Adventure" (1958). Both films will be released in Deluxe Combo Blu-ray/DVD
editions in conjunction with the 50th Anniversary of Pacific Theatres'
historic Cinerama Dome in Hollywood, California. These two widescreen
treasures will be presented in the "Smilebox" curved screen simulation |
for Grauman Chinese's DP70s
By Kurt Wahler
Researcher Kurt Wahlner is looking for information on the installation dates
for the 3 Norelco DP70s the theatre had for many years. He is researching a
page on projectors and sound systems for his Grauman's Chinese fan site. He
is trying to piece together the history of all the projection and sound
systems for the Chinese over the years, and there have been a good number. |
of Peace" 70MM
Remastering In 2K
By Dave
I took both existing
70mm prints from the
vaults down to Todd-AO in Hollywood for a digital transfer from the
original 6 channel magnetic striped print. We brought both 70mm prints to
make sure to check that at least one of them would have a usable track. A
few days later I got a call from the guys at Todd AO transfer room and they
said the sound on the prints was fine and the new digital track was ready
for pick up. |
The Picture - Tom
Down Under
By David Coles
Tom March spent a
week in Sydney and had been looking forward meeting in
person John H. Mitchell - the man who has been keeping the 3-strip flame
alive Down Under for over 35 years. A two night 'Cinerama Festival' was held, with "In
The Picture" and a variety of 3-strip items shown on Friday
evening, and a feature "The Best of Cinerama" being screened
on the Saturday. |
and Peace" in Amsterdam 9. November 2013
Sergei Bondarchuk's epic film will be shown in Amsterdam at the EYE film
museum on 9. November 2013. The presentation will be in original Sovscope
70. First half is very faded Eastman color, but the second half is reported
to be in "glorious" Orwo color. This print runs 5 hours and 37 minutes. The
sound is of course 6-track magnetic, however, some wear and tear is to be
expected from this rare print. The print is in Russian with Dutch and French
subtitles. This screening is introduced by Gerwin van der Pol |
Sverige till Seattle
Av Anders M
Det finns bara tre platser i världen där man kan se riktig tre-projektors
Cinerama, och Seattle har potential att bli den allra bästa av dem.
Precis som sina "syskon" i Bradford och Los Angeles, borde bion
kunna locka fans från hela världen.
• Go to
From Sweden to
Seattle Gallery |
Sweden to Seattle
By Anders M
There are only three
places in the world
where you can see
real three-projector
Cinerama, and
Seattle has the
potential to become
the very best of
them. Like its
"siblings" in
Bradford and Los
Angeles, the cinema
should be able to
attract fans from
all over the world.
• Go to
From Sweden to
Seattle Gallery |
9th 70mm Film Fest
Krnov 2014
By Klima & Tomesek
One of the main task
of the 70mm festival
is to recall now
unused film format
which dazzled
visitors in its time
by brilliant display
of details in
picture and and
insurmountable sound
to nowadays public -
Cinerama 70mm Film Festival 2013
Howard B. Haas
The marquee listed 8 epic 70mm films, for the three week 70mm Film Festival
of September 2013. I had traveled from Philadelphia for my first visit to
Seattle, for the 2nd week of the festival, for what was to be an
exhilarating experience of enjoying some of the most famous ever 70mm movies
on a 90 feet wide screen. |
Retro Announce 2014 Season
By Dave Worral and Lee Pheiffer
60's and 70's were probably the greatest period ever for the film industry -
an era that brought the cinemagoer a choice of several classic movies
released every week, film posters that were works of art, and ice cream
usherettes that brought your ice pop to your seat - and wore stockings too!
CINEMA RETRO is devoted to those great films of the 60's and
70's. |
By Simone Odino
Rising from the ashes of my former web site, a naïve attempt made in the
late '90s, my blog focuses on curios perspectives about the movie, with the
intention to celebrate the craft of the talented people whose contribution
to the movie is neglected, forgotten or otherwise limited in general
recognition. |
By Simone Odino
Dalle ceneri di un mio vecchio sito, un tentativo un pò naif a cavallo tra
gli anni '90 e 2000, questo blog si concentra sugli aspetti più curiosi e
meno conosciuti del film, con l'intenzione generale di celebrare il talento
di coloro il cui contributo è ignorato o poco conosciuto. |
O'Brien, Jr. Passed
Brian O'Brien, Jr., 90, born March 13, 1923, passed away at Matulaitis
Rehabilitation and Skilled Care on September 11, 2013, after a period of
declining health. He was born in Pittsburgh, PA, the only child of Brian and
Ethel (Dickerman) O’Brien. Brian was predeceased by his beloved wife,
Kathryn "Towie" (Jensen) O’Brien. |
Festival 2013 introductions
By Wolfram Hannemann
Good morning, Widescreeners! According to
our mission statement that „we will show and watch everything, provided
that it is 70mm wide“, we have prepared another fine selection of
rarities and oddities that will make your hearts jump. And to be honest:
who cares about color, anyway? The wider the image, the better it
compensates for faded colors, doesn’t it?
• Go to
Todd-AO 70mm Festival
• Go to
Festival Program
• Go to
Pictures from 9th
Todd-AO Festival |
Festival - 70mm Foreword for 2013
Von Born & Hauerslev
Herzlich willkommen beim 9. Todd-AO
Festival in der Schauburg in Karlsruhe! Das internationale
70mm-Filmfestival, wo Filme im GROSSFORMAT so vorgeführt werden, wie es
ursprünglich gedacht war: IN 70MM auf der GEKRÜMMTEN Leinwand.
...Und jetzt: „Gong“, Projektor starten, Vorhang auf, Beleuchtung dimmen,
Blende auf, Scharfstellen, Soundcheck.....Film ab.........Auf ein
weiteres unvergessliches Wochenende in der Schauburg! |
Festival - 70mm Foreword for 2013
By Born & Hauerslev
Welcome to the 9th Todd-AO festival at the Schauburg
Cinerama in Karlsruhe. The international 70mm Film Festival, which
celebrates LARGE format films as they were meant to be seen: IN 70MM on
the CURVED screen.
…and now, "Gong", start projector, cue curtain, dim the lights, open
dowser, focus, check sound.....the show is running.........another
unforgettable weekend at the Schauburg! |
mit Kameramann Peter Rohe
Von Gerhard Fromm
Von der technischen Seite her hatte man sich von Anfang an für das
70-mm-Format entschieden, da der Film auf einer extrem großen Leinwand
gezeigt werden sollte. Mit 6 mal 18 Metern hat die Leinwand zwar etwa die
Größe eines Drive-In-Kinos, der Zuschauerraum im BMW-Museum ist dagegen
unverhältnismäßig klein. Bei etwa 120 Besuchern sitzt man praktisch direkt
vor Korn und Auflösung. |
with Director of Photography Peter Rohe
By Gerhard Fromm
With regards to technology it was decided from the beginning to use the 70mm
format because the film would be shown on an extremely large screen. With 6 by
18 meters the screen is almost the size of that in a drive-in, but in comparison
the auditorium inside the BMW museum is relatively small. With a capacity of 120
visitors you are directly sitting in front of grain and resolution. |
Die Geschichte des Todd-AO Projektors
Von Thomas Hauerslev
Heute haben die meisten Kinos auf digitale Vorführverfahren umgestellt und
der DP70 wird - wie auch alle anderen Filmprojektoren - nur noch selten
benötigt. In den meisten Kinos haben sie nun ausgedient, es gibt jedoch ein
paar rühmliche Ausnahmen wie etwa die Schauburg oder andere 70mm-Kinos. |
A Story of the Todd-AO Projector
By Thomas Hauerslev
Today, when most cinemas have converted to digital presentations, there is
less need for the DP70 – or any other film projector – and most of the
machines are now redundant, with notable exceptions such as the Schauburg,
and other 70mm venues. |
the Picture': The Return of Cinerama
By Johan Wolthuis
'In the Picture' had its
European premiere on April 27, 2013, half a year after the Hollywood
premiere, during the Widescreen Festival Weekend in Bradford , UK in the
beautiful Pictureville Cinema, which is part of the National Media Museum
and the only theatre in Europe with facilities to screen original Cinerama
films. |
Weekend, Bradford, 2014
By Jennifer Hall
The dates for the next Widescreen Weekend are 10
– 13 April 2014. The one change to note here is
that Widescreen Weekend commences on Thursday
evening with a double bill and concludes after
the last show on Sunday evening. We will be
announcing programme information in January 2014
and will be in touch in December to update you
and let you know when passes will be on sale. |
Conversation with Sir Sydney Samuelson
By Thomas Hauerslev
Sydney Samuelson gives a fascinating insight about his work with the
international and British film industry in the 1960s and 70s. Sir Sydney and his three
brothers managed Samuelson Film Service in London, a company which
supplied all the technical equipment for film productions all over the
world. Their
costumers included David Lean, Stanley Kubrick, and Ken Annakin. In this conversation Sydney
reveals a little bit about what went on in the
movie business, during the time of "2001: A Space Odyssey", "Ryan's Daughter"
and may others. |
CP100 Cinema
By Robin Dakin
used to own the very first CP100 used for "Tommy" at the Odeon West End,
although not the Quintaphonic decoder. It was only used for "Tommy" then
removed. After that,
its history seems
unclear. I spoke to
many people about it
and got nowhere. I
got it from a dealer
of equipment for
spares in 1995 and
swapped it for a
television picture
tube |
Cinema Jewel, the Savoy, Has Reopened
By Gerhard Witte
The very first purpose built German cinema for Todd-AO was the Savoy-Filmtheater in Hamburg. March 14,
1957 marked the opening date of this grand cinema. Nearly 60 years later and
despite several closures, and near-threats of demolition, this cinema, still
exists. And now more beautiful than ever. Thanks to German cinema
entrepreneur Hans-Joachim Flebbe, the Savoy reopened on June 19, 2013, as a
Premium Movie Theater. |
Kinojuwel, das Savoy, ist wiedereröffnet worden
Von Gerhard Witte
Das erste extra für Todd-AO erbaute Kino war das Hamburger Savoy-Filmtheater,
das am 14. März 1957 festlich eingeweiht wurde. Fast 60 Jahre später
existiert das Kino immer noch, trotz mehrerer Schließungen und der Gefahr
des Abrisses - und heute schöner als je zuvor. Dank des Kinounternehmers
Hans-Joachim Flebbe wurde das Savoy-Filmtheater als Premium-Filmtheater am
19. Juni 2013 wiedereröffnet. |
Konow, Danish Stills Photographer on "Hamlet"
By Thomas Hauerslev
My job is to make people go and see the film: I shoot still photos that are
supposed to show the sense of a scene. In the old days there were photos
outside the cinema – around maybe 35 photos, that people looked at before
they went in to see a film. My role is to take those photos, and also photos
for publicity, for magazines; and later on, books that have to do with
certain directors. So that’s what it’s all about. A good still image is something that captures the scene, in a way that
will encourage people to see the film. |
sollte man 700 km fahren um Hamlet in 70mm zu sehen?
Von Ulrich Rostek
Ich las es auf “in70mm.com” – wo auch sonst? Kenneth Branaghs „Hamlet“
sollte in Schloss Kronborg aufgeführt werden, dem Ort, an dem Shakespeares
Drama ursprünglich spielt. Das ganze sollte in 70 mm und 6-Kanal-Magnetton
gezeigt werden, also perfekt geeignet, um ein wortgewaltiges
Shakespeare-Drama wiederzugeben. So ein Ereignis würde es so schnell nicht
wieder geben. Aber für mich als ein Kind des Ruhrgebiets liegt Helsingör
nicht gerade um die Ecke. Würde sich eine Fahrt von über 700 km lohnen nur
für einen Film? |
drive 400 miles to see Hamlet in 70mm?
By Ulrich Rostek
I read it on „in70mm.com“ – where else? Kenneth Branagh’s “Hamlet” was to be
performed open air at Kronborg Castle, the site Shakespeare’s drama was
originally set. And it would be performed in 70mm and 6-track-magnetic-sound
– the perfect mean to reproduce Shakespeare’s lines. Such an event would not
happen again in the near future. But for me - living in the Ruhr region in
West Germany – Helsingør is not just next door. It would be more than 400
miles to drive. Would it really be worth it for one single movie? |
Cinerama Big Screen
70MM Festival
Film buffs will be
treated to classic
widescreen movies
during the "Big
Screen 70MM
including extremely
rare 70mm prints
from studio vaults
and archives.
The festival opens Sept. 13 and runs through September 29. The festival will feature two of only seven movies ever produced
for Cinerama's three-projector technology, "This is Cinerama" and "How The West
Was Won". |
in 70mm at Kronborg Castle
By Thomas Hauerslev
A magical evening unfolded in the courtyard of Denmark' s Kronborg Castle in
Elsinore on the evening of Saturday 10 August 2013. This was truly a totally unique experience watching this film behind the
thick walls of Kronborg Castle. It can hardly become more authentic than
this - and all in 70mm with 6-track Dolby Stereo SR - WOW!
• Go to
Images from ”Hamlet”
in 70mm at Kronborg |
Branagh's "HAMLET"
on 65mm
By Eastman Kodak
"We shot on 65mm film because we see our "Hamlet", the complete
Hamlet, as an epic film. An epic film demands an epic format. One which
gives us absolute quality. One that gives nearly four times the picture
information in each frame, relative to 35mm. |
Lean’s Film of
“Ryan’s Daughter”
By Brian Guckian
Cinemagoers were
treated to a rare
70mm screening of
David Lean’s “Ryan’s
Daughter” at the
Irish Film Institute
in Dublin. The print
was in excellent
condition, with
little or no colour
fading, and provided
an ideal opportunity
to encounter anew
Freddie Young, BSC’s
cinematography on
what was to be
Lean’s penultimate
work. |
Todd-AO 70mm Festival
By Born & Hauerslev
The 9th “Todd-AO 70mm
Festival“ to be held from 20 - 22 September 2013 at the Schauburg in
Karlsruhe, Germany. The festival celebrates the world of LARGE FORMAT film, by offering
a series of epic films projected on a curved screen in 70mm on vintage
and historically correct Philips DP70 and DP75 projectors. Some films are in their original versions and
some "70mm Vintage Classics", are dubbed into German. |
Master" in 70mm at the Grand Lake, Oakland
By Orla Nielsen
70mm film photo documentation from our
USA vacation in the fall of 2012. During several weeks we travelled from San
Francisco to Los Angeles, and saw "The Master" in 70mm, the iWERKS Special
Venue 70mm show at Hearst Castle and finally we joined the Cinerama 60th
Festival in Los Angeles for a few days. It was a memorable trip.
Go to 70mm iWERKS Special Venue at Hearst
Go to Cinerama 60 at the Cinerama Dome, Los
Angeles |
of the Empire
By Robin Dakin
We arrived at
Leicester Square
early on a Saturday
morning to join a
Cinema Theatre
Association visit to
the Odeons and
Empire. The Empire
was the third visit,
its vast auditorium
was amazing with the
constant colour
changing lighting
scheme. |
Sepia records has
remastered the
soundtrack from the
original tapes in
stereo and together
with the studio LP
are releasing the
"Windjammer" music
on 2CDs. It took a
lot of hard work by
Audio Mechanics in
LA to get the
somewhat warped 1/4"
tapes to properly
play back but they
did it! The tapes
were originally
recorded for a sound
track album but then
when Columbia
Records committed to
a LP version that
was it. |
By Martin Hart
I was wandering
through my hard
drives and came
across these images
that I've had for
ages. The Delrama
attachment were made by De Oude Delft in Delft, Holland. It's the same company
that built the big Delrama anamorphic attachments for Technicolor's
Technirama process. |
A Danish Summer of 70mm
By Thomas Hauerslev
Three large format films will be presented this summer. "Samsara"
on 28 August 2013. Kenneth Branagh's "Hamlet" on
10th August on Kronborg Castle, where the play "Hamlet" is
set. "Baraka" will return in 70mm at "Biffen". A unique
opportunity to see the difference between the digital
standard of 4K and the power and glory of full double-width 70mm film! |
Rivoli Murals
By John
In designing and executing the murals of the Rivoli theatre, I attempted to
tell the story of TODD-AO through design, color, pattern and composition.
The color scheme employs sixteen shades of hues, luminous and clear, derived
from the three primary colors. |
ein neues Filmverfahren
By Philips Press, 1956
Den Besuchern der Photokina Köln 1956 wird zum ersten Mal auf
europäischen Boden ein neues, sehr eindrucksvolles Filmverfahren vorgeführt,
bei dem die Zuschauer nicht mehr passive Betrachter bleiben, sondern
gewissermaßen in das Spiel auf der Leinwand einbezogen werden. |
and iWERKS 8/70
Cameras Filming
"Lost Kingdom"
By Grant
I ran the Fries 8/65
at 60 fps, and it
was a hell of a
thing. I was
convinced that if
the pull-down
mechanism went
wrong, the whole
thing would explode
out of the side of
the camera and take
my head off! |
- A new film process
By Philips Press, 1956
A new and very impressive film process is shown in Europe for the first time
to visitors of the Photokina exhibition in Cologne in 1956. It takes the
audience away from its role as passive onlookers, giving it a real sense of
participating in the action on the screen. |
The Origins of Cinerama
Mark Trompeteler
Since Cinerama, Cinemascope, Todd-AO, 70 mm, Imax and other large format and
widescreen cinema exhibition formats, screens that almost fill the front wall
of a cinema auditorium have become almost a norm in the modern cinema
experience. |
Celebrates Cinerama’s 60th. Anniversary
By Mark Trompeteler
Cinema professionals, writers, academics and fans travelled from all over
the world to this year’s [2012] Widescreen Weekend, at the National Media
Museum in Bradford. Mark Trompeteler reports on Cinerama’s very own UK based
“Diamond Jubilee” celebrations. |
visit to the
locations of Ryan’s
By Elizabeth
Raffo Setti
Ever since I saw
"Ryan's Daughter" in
a cinema, I have
wanted to visit the
sets in Ireland. The
idea has since
followed me, but it
seemed at times to
be an impossible
task. |
visita às locações de “A filha de Ryan”
Por Elizabeth
Raffo Setti
Minha visita às locações de “A Filha de Ryan”.
Minha vontade de estar no cenário desse filme começou desde a primeira vez
que vi o filme. |
Randy Gitsch
By Bill Lawrence
Randy Gitsch is a key part of the revival of Cinerama and a regularly
welcomed guest at the Widescreen Weekend. For this, and his continued
work in film preservation and filmmaking, we are delighted to welcome
Randy Gitsch to the Academy of the Widescreen Weekend. |
Krrr! 70mm Film Festival Krnov
By Martin Leskovský
the patronage of the Municipal Information and Culture Centre Krnov and the
Krnov’s major as well as with the support of the Nation Film Archive, the
traditional 70mm Film Fest took place in a local Mir 70 cinema from 12 to 14
April. |
at the Casino in
By Peter Philips
The pictures are taken of the left hand DP70 projector and two show it laced
up with one of the reels of "Zulu". I used to know the Chief
Engineer for
Cinerama at the time
and I made several
visits to the Casino
and got shown
around. |
3-strip 70MM Print of "Vigilant Switzerland" recently found in Archves of
the Swiss Army
By Herbert Born
This is the only existing 3-panel-70mm print of this movie. A total of 5
prints were made for the LAUSANNE FAIR in 1964. Projected with 3 70mm
projectors on a 450 square meters screen. |
Weekend "Audience on
By Thomas
The traditional
"on-stage" picture -
a unique
tradition since
1998. A very enthusiastic
audience went on
stage to have their
picture taken. See
the image and
download for free |
Wayne Was Set To
Play Lawrence Of
By Brian Hannan
A decade before
David Lean’s
Oscar-winning epic
"Lawrence of
Arabia", John Wayne
was in line to play
the hero, according
to a new book, The
Making Of Lawrence
of Arabia, launched
this weekend at the
Widescreen Weekend
by Scottish film
historian Brian
Hannan. |
Olsson is reporting from Bradford, see the
pictures here:
WSW 2013 gallery Friday
2013 gallery Saturday
WSW 2013 gallery Sunday
As usual every film is introduced by experts,
read introductions here:
WSW Introductions |
| |
2011, 2010,
2009, 2008,
2007, 2006,
2005, 2004,
2003, 2002,
2001, 2000,
1999, 1998 |
1994 |
5 YEARS AGO - 2008 |
A film on historic scaling of
Nanga Parbat
70mm in the Slovak Republic
On Location in Paris with
ARRI 765
Film in India
70mm Cinema History |
10 YEARS AGO - 2003 |
Working for Louis deRochemont
The Photography of "Patton" by
George J. Mitchell
Cinerama and Todd-AO at the Syossett
"Meet The Chief",
Jan Niebuhr |
15 YEARS AGO - 1998 |
Miracle of Todd-AO Final review May 1, 1956
Time Traveling to the New Neon
Jan Jacob Kotte
1998 Best 70mm Vote |
By Bill Lawrence
Johan is still promoting 70mm and celebrating movies in 70mm and Cinerama
and 60 years on from the birth of his great passion and in recognition of
his tireless work we are delighted to welcome him to the Widescreen Academy. |
Interview with Mr Hans-Kristian Bukholm
By Thomas Hauerslev
70mm really started with me when I was 14 years old and I saw David
Lean’s masterpiece “Lawrence of Arabia” at a small
cinema in Bergen on the west coast of Norway. Being able to count the grains of sand in the
desert, that was a major thing for me when I decided to become a
cinematographer. |
70mm Rundown in Rio
By Paulo Roberto P. Elias
My last adventure, reporting the presence of 70mm in my hometown had little
or non-existent documents to rely upon. I recently had access to film
adverts from newspaper files available to the general public, so this is a
new investigation on the subject on 70mm in Rio in Brazil |
Ken Annakin 90th Birthday Salute 2004
One of the most esteemed and talented Directors in British Cinema history -
Mr. Ken Annakin! He’s going to do a short introduction to his personal
favourite: Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines, in a beautifully
restored 70mm print. |
Magnificent Todd-AO
Day in Sweden
By Thomas
Retired opera singer
and 70mm fan,
Sebastian Rosacker,
rented the Royal and
invited all his
friends to come and
enjoy "Those
Magnificent Men in
Their Flying
Machines" in Todd-AO
with him. The
audience - more than
300 - gave him a
well-deserved round
of applause for his
initiative. |
and the 70mm Film
By Thomas
The Royal is located
on the pedestrian
area of central
Malmö in Sweden. It
opened in 1961 with
"Windjammer". In
2012 it was "face
lifted" with new
seats and restrooms.
This gallery was
made on Saturday 16.
March 2013. |
Cinerama Remaster
By Randy Gitsch
The entire library of 3-strip Cinerama and Cinemiracle productions are being
Remastered for theatrical showings. These credits are technically complete
for the moment, however may be added to, in case of the last two travelogues
(7WW & SFP), which are being worked on now. |
and the 70mm Film
By Thomas Hauerslev
"Live" update from Malmö, Sweden, where Sebastian and his friends are
preparing Saturday's Todd-AO show of "Magnificent Men" in 70mm. See a few
images from the projection room where the film is being inspected -
personally - by Sebastian. Nothing is left to change when we are talking
about 70mm |
Weekend 2013
will pay tribute with screenings devoted to the 60th
anniversary of 20th Century Fox’s cinematographic process CinemaScope
and showcase the heyday of the Hollywood musical
with two glorious 70mm prints of "Hello,
Dolly!", and "The Sound of Music" (1965), which will be screened from the Phillips DP70
projector. This is the Rolls Royce of 70mm film
projectors and the only projector ever to have
been awarded an Oscar for its design and
engineering! |
pair of DP70s on their way to the scrap dealer in a back street, somewhere
in Tunisia.
Photographer unknown. Picture taken February 2013
• Go to
DP70s in
• Go to
The Todd-AO Projector
Movie Roadshows
By Kim Holston
A new book identifies and examines reserved-seat feature films from "Dante's
Inferno" to "Man of La Mancha". Roadshows were prestigious productions
- many in 70mm - requiring advance purchase of the "hard-ticket" for
specific seats. As the intermission came to a close, Entr' acte music
heralded the second half. Audiences left the theaters to Exit Music. |
8th 70mm Film Fest Krnov
By Pavel Tomešek
The traditional 70mm weekend in Krnov is approaching again and MIR 70 cinema
invites devotees of 70mm projection technology to attend a unique movie
experience. Film titles for this year´s program have already been booked and
MIR 70 cinema is preparing for an imposing event. |
Color recovery
By Dave
Where we had several areas of missing negatives in "Seven Wonders",
"South Seas
Adventure" as well as the next title "Search for Paradise" we were able to go
to the Library of Congress original deposit Eastman color prints stored
there since the mid
1950s and scan these
areas off of the
faded prints. |
Festival Diary 2012
By David Coles
A whole week of rarely seen Cinerama features, documentaries, breakdown
films and a 3-panel film advertisement – all presented at the worlds most
famous Cinerama venue – the Dome, near the corner of
Sunset & Vine in beautiful downtown Hollywood, U.S.A. |
Master" - Die Deutschland-Premiere in Panavision Super 70
Von Clemens Scherer
Für eine Präsentation im Rahmen ihres 8. TODD-AO Festivals erhielt sie
kurzfristig und überraschend eine 70mm Kopie des neuen Films von Paul Thomas
Anderson. Auf diese Deutschlandpremiere von "The Master" konnte man sehr
gespannt sein. |
Master" - Germany-Premiere in Panavision Super 70
By Clemens Scherer
For a presentation within the framework of the 8. TODD-AO Festivals (Oct.
5-7, 2012), the Schauburg had a surprise adjustment to the calendar, being
granted the honor to show the new film from director Paul Thomas Anderson,
"The Master" in a 70 mm print. |
Editing Equipment for Sale
By Steve Pepin
We have closed down our last 70mm screens and have some goodies in excellent
condition that needs a new home. |
70mm Film Festival
By Paul Sutton
The screening of
"War and Peace" was
a marvel to behold,
almost as much as
the film itself,
because the average
age of the patrons,
in the packed
cinema, was probably
the late twenties.
All watching in
enrapt silence. |
Box Theatre 70mm
The Music Box
Theatre is proud to
bring you a two week
festival of films
presented in
glorious 70mm. See
these films as their
creators wished them
to be seen: on the
big screen, in a
theatre, on film,
and in 70mm. |
Master" goes to
Denmark in 70mm
By Thomas
Thomas Anderson's latest film "The Master" will be shown in 70mm at
one of Europe's most prestigious 70mm cinemas, the
Imperial Bio in
Copenhagen on the request of the director. |
screening: "Those
Magnificent Men"
By Sebastian
On March 16, 2013 at
2pm, the ROYAL
theater in Malmö
Sweden, will
celebrate its 52nd
anniversary, by
showing an original
and classic 70mm
film on the curved
screen! |
Passing of Orion Jardim de Faria
Paulo Roberto P. Elias
Brazilian 70mm film pioneer Orion Jardim de Faria passed away on December
25th 2012. He was living an active, still film-dedicated personal
life. A movie lover himself, his profound knowledge of every aspect of film
making and exhibition made his acquaintance with new technology far easier. |
de Orion Jardim de Faria
Por Paulo Roberto P. Elias
O pioneiro de filmes 70mm brasileiro Orion Jardim de Faria faleceu no dia 25
de dezembro de 2012. Ele vivia uma vida plena, ainda dedicada a filmes, em
sua vida pessoal. Um amante do cinema, o seu profundo conhecimento de todos
os aspectos de realização e exibição de filmes tornaram o seu alcance da
alta tecnologia bem mais fácil. |
of Ryan's Daughter
By Ross Holden
My father Chris Holden was on
location with "Ryan's Daughter" and a full team member of Freddie
Young's Camera Team.
I was twelve at the time and on our 1st visit we stayed at the Skelligs
Hotel in Dingle, which was where the crew and cast were mainly billeted. |

• Go to Otto
Blaschek - The Making of ARRI 765 |
of BMW 850i
By Volker J. Müller
Siegfried Steiner proposed to BMW to shoot the exhibition film in the 70mm-format. The
advantages were quite obvious: More light-output, a
sharper image, larger screen, etc. The automobile manufacturer agreed
enthusiastically. |
picture projection and sound reproduction of TODD—A.O. 70mm FILM
By W. J. M. Jansen
The purpose of this paper is to explain the design of the Philips projector
for the Todd-AO system. Change-over from 35mm. to 70mm. projection, and vice
versa, should only take a few minutes to allow of both types of film being
shown in the same performance. |
film projection lenses for the DP70
The Todd-AO system requires a very large optical system. The size of this
system determines that of the lens holder. The lens is focused by means of
the knob underneath the carriage over which the entire lens holder
slides during focusing; this adjustment is free of any play.
Special attention has been paid to the precision of this adjustment, since
either a too fine or a too coarse adjustment may render focusing difficult. |
Pictures Are Few...and Prints Are Scarce
By: McLennan, Cottingham & Florine
took them our Eglinton, and they reacted to the 70mm presentation with shock
and delight. "It's like a different picture!" 70mm and stereophonic sound
made the difference. |
Seamus Walsh
There are A LOT of these crappily-built apartment buildings from the late
50's-early 60's in Los Angeles. Many of them have exotic or grandiose names. |
Making Of The Guns Of Navarone The First In A Major Opus
By Brian Hannan
Scottish film historian Brian Hannan is rewriting film history – literally.
And the first book – The Making Of The Guns Of Navarone - of a planned
massive one-million-word opus under the general title of ‘The Magnificent
60s’ gets its ‘world premiere’ at the Bradford Widescreen Festival on Sunday
April 28. |
Vivi Bak
Passed Away
By Thomas Hauerslev
Vivi Bak was found dead at her island home
in Ibiza, Spain on April 22, by her husband producer, actor Dietmar
Schönherr. She was 73. Vivi Bak starred in the HiFi-70 3D film "Operation
Taifun". |
Interview with Mr John
Sittig of Arclight - The Dome, Hollywood, Los Angeles
By Mark Lyndon
When I was seven years old living in Columbus Ohio, Cinerama had opened in
Cincinnati which was about 100 miles away and, this is before freeways,
and my parents took me to see Cinerama at the RKO Capitol Theatre in
Cincinnati; even though I was seven years old I can still remember where I
was sitting in the balcony and the thrill that I felt when Lowell Thomas
said – “Ladies and Gentlemen, This is Cinerama” |