• Go to
The Super Panatar Variable
Type Anamorphic Lens |
Tribute to Brian Guckian
By Mark Lyndon
The Irish Film Institute paid warm tribute
to Brian Guckian
who was well known as a leading champion of 70mm film
and worked as a projectionist there.
The screening of "Le Mans", dedicated to his memory, was well
attended by members of the Institute and visitors far and wide. The
screening took place on November 30th in Cinema 1 which has a seating
capacity of 258 of which 75% was occupied. The audience in total, numbered
over 200. |
For Editorial Reference About The Making Of Doctor Zhivago
By Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Because of the fame of the novel on which "Doctor Zhivago" is based, the
epic scope of the story against a background of one of history's most
crucial periods, and the picture's distinguished producer, director and
cast, the M-G-M Publicity Department has prepared this factual service
booklet. |

• Go to
Facts About The
Making Of Doctor
Zhivago |
Techniques for Dolby Stereo Film and Video Releases
By Larry Blake
As of June 1985, over 600 films have been
mixed in Dolby Stereo, averaging approximately 120 releases per year during
the past two years. Along the same lines, the use of Dolby 70mm prints by
major Hollywood studios has been steadily increasing over the past few
years. Since 1982 approximately 15 films per year have been released in Dolby
70mm prints, and by the end of last year the grand total hit the 75 mark. |
Retro's 12th Season Announced
By Worral &
We begin the season on an exciting note. Issue #34 features Mark
Mawston's exclusive interview with legendary stills photographer Keith
Hamshire, who takes us behind the scenes on Stanley Kubricks's "2001: A
Space Odyssey" and reveals fascinating facts and rare photos from this
landmark movie for which Kubrick chose Keith to photograph pivotal aspects
of the production. |
Hateful Eights opens in 7OMM at the Grand Rex
By Thomas Hauerslev
"The Hateful Eight" opened on continental Europe to a sold out house at the
largest cinema in Europe. The Grand Rex in Paris. I had the opportunity to
talk to Stéphane LANDFRIED about
the spectacular premiere. |
Mixing Dolby
Stereo Film Sound
By Larry Blake
The release in 1977 of George Lucas' Star Wars was to the Dolby Stereo
System and stereo film mixing what The Jazz Singer had been to Vitaphone and
film sound 50 years earlier: it simultaneously brought the system to the
attention of both the film industry and the general public. |
8 Salopards en 70 mm
- au cinéma le 6
5 mois de travail
ont été nécessaires
pour rendre possible
cette prestigieuse
tournée d’avant-premières
dans ce "sublime
format 70mm" choisi
par Quentin
Tarantino. La
version présentée
comporte 8 minutes
de film
supplémentaire par
rapport à la version
qui sera exploitée
en numérique. |
Scissorhands”: The
70mm and CDS
By Michael Coate
70mm and Cinema
Digital Sound
presentations of
“Edward Scissorhands”
in North America.
The 70mm prints were
pillarboxed blow-ups
sourced from
spherical 35mm. The
audio was either
Six-Track Dolby
Stereo or Cinema
Digital Sound. The
channel layout for
these presentations
was Left-Center-Right-Surround |
Hateful Eight is a
Wonderful Cinematic
Experience for the
true Cinefile
By Tyler Purcell
It was clearly made
with the heart's of
many others like
myself, who strive
to keep shooting
film and keep it
alive for future
generations. The
shooting crew, team
over at Panavision,
the great finishing
guys at FotoKem and
DGA projectionist,
all did an amazing
job making this
film. Everything
came together
Quentin's vision was
a complete and utter
success. |
et messieurs, voici
le Cinerama!
By Anders M
A few years ago,
when the first
Cinerama travelogs
came out on DVDs and Blu-rays, the last
thing on people's
minds would have
been localized
versions. So with
great surprise I
found out that "This
is Cinerama" and
"Windjammer" have
both been released
on Blu-ray and DVD
in France with
French subtitles
this past summer. |
Hateful Eight may be the start of a welcome back, or not!
Paulo Roberto P.
Tarantino said in his own words that inside modern multiplex theaters
he feels that he is in front of a large TV set.
He felt, that we need to bring
back the best method to capture images on film, and that obviously is by
photographing in 65 mm negatives AND projecting the result in a very large
screen. |
Cinema Technology
Magazine's 7Omm Issue
By Jim Slater
The December 2015 issue of Cinema Technology Magazine will bring you all the
news and information from the IBC Big Cinema Event 2015 in Amsterdam, with
details of the seminars and the showings, and of all the latest technologies
being readied for cinema use. We will also have a special 70mm issue, with
news of the new installation at London's Prince Charles Cinema, a full
report on the Todd-AO Festival, Widescreen Weekend and news of 70mm
festivals. |
Playback of magnetic
sound tracks on 70mm cinema prints at the Schauburg
By Clemens Scherer
At the Schauburg cinema in Karlsruhe the decision was made to have new
sound heads manufactured, not the usual ones, but with an updated position
of the pickups to reflect the average shrinkage of the prints. Running over
these sound heads, all the tracks are oscillating more symmetrically to
their pickups. One could consider in addition to have new guidance rollers
manufactured, optimized for the now smaller prints. |
Teccon Precision Magnetic
Recording Heads
By Teccon Enterprices
Teccon was founded on the philosophy that precision products demand
precision workmanship from beginning to end, that talent be supported by the
appropriate equipment regardless of cost and that client guidelines be met
with professional expertise in all respects. |
on the 60th Anniversary of Todd-AO screening of Oklahoma
By Dick Whitney
began working at American Optical 41 years ago, and today I work for Zeiss,
which is now sponsoring the Museum. They purchased AO’s eyeglass business 10
years ago. My Father, Donald Whitney, began working at AO in 1947 in
ophthalmic lens design. He was hired by John Davis, who later would be
involved in Todd–AO. |
On" with Udo Heimansberg
Looking through a collection of old dust covered boxes I've found some older
"What's On"- Issues from my trips to London in 1969 and 1971/72.
My first trip to London was in August 1969. Of course my main reason was not
at all sightseeing but visiting record shops to buy soundtrack albums and
going to the movies, especially those running 70mm films. I didn't care much
about “Swinging London”- which I regret today… |

• Go to
"Star Wars" |
Remembering “Star Wars” |
Wars - Special Edition”
• Go to
“The Empire Strikes Back”
• Go to
“Return of the Jedi” |
Remembering "Return of the Jedi" |
Hunter of Light in 65mm
By Michael Fatali
I have been a hunter of light in the American landscape for nearly
thirty-years now. I have been very lucky to acquire several 65mm cameras. My
experiences of capturing images with 65mm has really just begun. Seven years
it took for me to build the cameras, cranes, dollies, MOCO systems and even
a Cinebulle to move the cameras into some amazing remote and rugged
wildernesses. |
By Bob Whearley
A crew from Panavision Inc. mounted $25.000 worth of camera gear on a
Cyclone Racer car at the Nu-Pike last week. They were shooting some
spectacular action footage to show to potential buyers of the 65-mm.
wide-screen process.
The cameramen, headed by John R. Moore, executive vice president of
Panavision, then climbed aboard the cars and spent an entire afternoon
hanging on for dear life. |
there still a Future for 65mm Filming and Original 70mm prints?
By Johan Wolthuis
Let us hope and emphasize that all cinema directors, their projection
supervisors and other staff members will do their utmost to handle the new
70mm prints with the highest possible care to prevent any damage on these
new unique 70mm prints with Datasat (DTS) time code. So we will be able to
watch these for a long time without any scratches ! Not only in the United
States, but also in Europe there is still a lot of interest in 70mm film. |
High impact immersive
widescreen filmmaking with Douglas Trumbull
Interviewed by Tony Earnshaw
I have discovered that if you embrace digital technology from a new
perspective and you say, ‘Let’s just get rid of all the historical artefacts
and beliefs of what an image is or what it should look like and start over
and do it all digitally and take advantage of high resolution cameras that
are available and that very people use, the high resolutions projectors that
are available that very people use and take advantage of the fact that the
digital projectors that are in tens of thousands of movie theatres can run
at 144fps and no one’s using it. |
Screen Weekend 2015
By Mark Lyndon
Having been cancelled, for reasons which remain unclear, the Wide Screen
Weekend strand of the sadly defunct Bradford International Film Festival,
returned triumphantly to the Pictureville Cinema, following intense behind
the scenes lobbying of the Science Museum hierarchy. The Picturehouse
organisation can feel justly proud of their achievement.
• Go to
Francois Carrin's trip to the Widescreen
Go to
Wide Screen Weekend gallery 2015 |
Vetter Passed Away
By Robert Weisgerber
With all the trials and tribulations that Dick went through over the
years in Hollywood
he always believed
firmly in the 70mm
format and the value
it brought to
feature films,
yesterday, today and
tomorrow. He was
knowledgeable and
was willing to share
it all, but most
importantly a true
gentleman. We will
all miss him! |

• Go to
David Samuelson: A
Lifetime with the Movies |
Dave Strohmaier and the "We have all seen it as a kid" thing
By Thomas Hauerslev
We went to see "Seven
Wonders of the World" in 1957, It was an interesting and very unique
movie experience,
because because seeing that in the widescreen format was kind of mind
boggling. That is probably why Cinerama lasted so long, because it was so
different. Not only did it create a wide screen in the cinema, but it was
different on its own right, and people felt they were moving with the
theatre. |
Widescreen Weekend
Wolfram Hannemann
To get the look he wanted for the film, director Norman Jewison
told Director of
Photography Oswald
Morris, to shoot the
film in an earthy
tone. Morris saw a
woman wearing brown
nylon hosiery,
thought "That's the
tone we want," asked
the woman for the
stockings on the
spot, and shot the
entire film with a
stocking over the
lens. Morris did shoot the film in anamorphic Panavison on 35mm film
stock and it was blown up to 70mm for roadshow engagements. |
with producer Randy Gitsch
By Thomas hauerslev
Cinerama has not played here
in years. Many, many years, and you can now get a clue as to the excitement
of the live experience, seeing it in a real theatre on a big screen, and
enjoy that experience. It is very theatrical. There is a lot of Showmanship
in Cinerama and this is a chance to go back to a theatre and learn about
what that was like. |
The music of
By Udo Heimansberg
The music for BATTLE OF THE
BULGE was his only score recorded in full stereophonic sound- and also his
last one! In 1967 Warner records published a soundtrack album featuring the
original recordings, but only about 40 minutes of music, including the
infamous “Tank Men's Song”. The LP quickly disappeared, became a collector's
item sold at high prices. There was a Japanese Vinyl re-issue in the 80s and
a CD in the 90s, also from Japan. Beside a long playing record of “THE NIGHT
OF THE IGUANA” no other works by Benjamin Frankel were available- until
1998! |
Passing of Brian Guckian, Ireland
By Mark Lyndon
Over the years, our
friendship grew,
extending to my wife
Margaret. We were
looking forward to
our reunion with
Brian and were
deeply shocked and
saddened by the
tragic news from
Dublin. Brian
achieved much in his
tragically short
life. He was a
passionate advocate
for film, at a time
when film exhibition
was becoming
increasingly rare,
less valued and
appreciated. A co
founder of the 70mm
workshop, his
scholarship and
research made a
contribution to our
knowledge of the
subject. |
Annakin. Director in Todd-AO and Ultra Panavision 70
Von Thomas Hauerslev
Doch was die
Entscheidung angeht, die „Fliegenden Kisten“ in Todd-AO zu drehen, so war dies
einfach die logische Wahl. Es war damals das größte Filmformat und ich wusste,
dass ich die Leinwand mit vielen Menschen und Flugzeugen füllen wollte. Wirklich
beeindruckend sind nun diese winzigen Flugzeuge in einem riesigen leeren Himmel,
und das erreicht man nur mit 70mm. |
the button Max!"
By Thomas
All this in 70MM would not be the same without the
Schauburg with its rich history, red curtains and curved screen. From
the box-office lady
who welcomes you in
a friendly voice, to
the rare GONG before
the film begins, or
the exhibited DP70
projector in the
• Go to
Todd-AO Festival Images |
aufs Knöpfchen,
Von Thomas
All dies in 70mm wäre nicht dasselbe ohne die Schauburg mit ihrer
ereignisreichen Vergangenheit, den roten Vorhängen und der gekrümmten
Leinwand. Von der Dame an der Kasse, die sie freundlich begrüßt, bis zum
seltenen GONG zu Vorführungsbeginn oder dem ausgestellten DP70-Projektor
im Foyer.
• Go to
Todd-AO Festival Images |
Festival Film
Introductions, 2015
By Wolfram
Welcome to the 11th
Todd-AO 70mm film
festival. With our
intros we want to
give our projection
team enough time to
perfectly lace up
those big, wide
rolls of film in our
DP70. Beware! It
will be one of the
most colourful
festivals we had in
recent years. That
means that we won’t
be just treated to
red or magenta, but
to real colours –
thanks to two brand
new 70mm prints, two
Orwo prints and two
post 1982 prints.
But don’t panic: you
will also be able to
see those unique
faded prints as
well! You see, we
got everything
covered! |
47-year Odyssey with "2OO1"
By Edward Oines
I first saw '2OO1' as a not quite 14 year old in January 1969. It
was being shown at the smallest theater in Sioux Falls, SD, and was
leaving in 2 days, and I had to convince my mother to let my then 18 year
old brother to take me on a school night. My memories were mainly of being
struck by how realistic everything looked, when compared to Star Trek. I was
hooked |
new DP75 70MM Projector for sale
By Herbert Born
Complete Philips / Kinoton DP75 70MM Projector for sale at the Schauburg Cinerama in
Karlsruhe in Germany. The machine have only 11 hours of running
time and is as such brand new. The DP75 is equipped for 70mm, complete with DATASAT
70MM reader and Panavision's Ultra Panavision 70 projection lens. The
machine is ready to Show "The Hateful Eight" in Ultra Panavision 70. |
Florence and 70mm at The Astor
By Eric White
George Florence, the cinema's long-time
proprietor, has a deep passion for film in general and 70mm presentation in
particular. He considers film to be superior as a medium to anything
similar, particularly in the area of sound reproduction. Magnetic analogue
recording and reproduction gives superior results to digital processes. Many
digital remixes are inferior and George fears that unique original four and
six track mixes for classic films may be lost. |
Trumbull's "Silent
Running" screens in
By Lisa Brook,
Widescreen Weekend
As a very
special addition to
Widescreen Weekend
2015 our keynote
guest Douglas
Trumbull presents
his directorial
sci-fi masterpiece
"Silent Running",
offering an in-depth
introduction to this
much loved classic.
In a future where
Earth’s vegetation
is extinct the last
examples of plant
life are cultivated
in eco-domes aboard
vast space craft
Valley Forge.
Festival Preparations
By Born & Hauerslev
The Todd-AO Festival is due
to begin in a week from now. Here is a quick look behind the scenes about
all the preparations which goes into this remarkable weekend. Festival
planning actually starts a few days after the previous weekend has ended and
continues through the year. The first 70mm prints starts to arrive in early
August. Projection team are quality checking each reel of vintage 70mm film
which has been brought out of the freezers after many years in storage. |
2015 European
Cinerama Festival
Randy Gitsch and Dave Strohmaier
are comign to
Denmark and Sweden to
present a slate of
motion pictures
they’ve digitally
re-mastered, in a traveling film
festival in Malmø
and Copenhagen.
Each venue will
program from a
roster of available
titles, including
features and
originally from
3-panel and 70mm. |
man with the camera. Coburg's film historian
Manfred Romboy
Jürgen A. Brückner, born in 1941, virtually inherited the passion for films.
In 1938 his father, Rudolf Brückner, a factory owner in Coburg, bought a
Siemens film camera. His father bought the camera so that he could film both
of his sons at the time. It was no surprise that the crafty Jürgen managed to get his father´s camera´s up and running when he was a
child. This meant that much of his fathers stock of undeveloped film got
drastically reduced!
Go to Der
Mann mit der Kamera. Coburgs Filmchronist |
father never really talked about the motion picture business
Cyrus Todd in
I worked in the motion picture business for about four years in New York,
and then I moved back to Ireland became a chef. I did that for about twenty years. My legs have gotten old and I decided to find
something else. And a friend of a friend said I should get into the
appliance business – there was somebody looking for help, and instead of
standing behind a stove and cooking, now I stand in front of them and sell
them! |
musical Journey
around the World in
Cinerama Sound
By Gerhard Witte
As I already owned the musical scores of several Cinerama films I thought,
"most likely a simple compilation of the scores".
My guess was wrong. This new 2-CD set is really a surprise and a listening
pleasure. It assembles the musical highlights of all 5 Cinerama travelogue
film scores together, cleverly compiled and digitally restored
from the 35mm magnetic Cinerama films. |

• Go to
MY FAIR LADY: 50th Anniversary Edition |
Award®-Winning “My
Fair Lady” is Newly
Restored for
Re-Release and
Special Blu-ray™/DVD
Acclaimed film
historian and
Robert A. Harris
restored the film to
its original beauty.
The 4K restoration
comes from an 8K
scan of the original
negative and other
surviving 65mm
elements. Harris has
previously restored
such film classics
as “Lawrence of
“Vertigo,” “Rear
Window” and “The
Godfather.” The
limited theatrical
engagement will be
followed by the
release of the film
on Blu-ray + DVD
Combo Pack “My Fair
Lady: 50th
Anniversary Edition”
from CBS Home
Entertainment and
Paramount Home Media
available October
27. |
and Dust Devils
Susan Jane Todd in Conversation with Thomas Hauerslev
My father had the difficult job of following in his father’s footsteps. I
think my father always wanted to be a philosopher: that was his Major in
college. He loved fine art – painting and sculpture. And good literature.
But he got stuck with "Scent of Mystery" this because his father died. They
were just about to work on a Todd-AO movie – "Don Quixote". He couldn’t do
it because he was in so much grief – so he made this project. |
“The Best of Cinerama”. And a new restoration of “This is Cinerama”
By Dave Strohmaier
This title that was created with select clips from all the shows,
except “Windjammer”. The postproduction process was performed at the
Forum Theater in Los Angeles and was a bit unusual. The Cinerama editors
assembled the work picture in a few months using old existing prints of
the five travelogues, then cleaned and rejuvenated at Pix Fix. That’s
why no negatives were ever located for “Best of” in the vaults. |
Troller (1932 -
By Troller Family
Beatrice Stocklin
Troller passed away
on August 18, 2015
after a valiant
battle with cancer.
Beatrice was born on
February 18th, 1932
in Basel,
Switzerland, where
she attended
the school of arts
and crafts. With her
late husband, artist
Fred Troller, she
starred in the
second Cinerama
feature "CINERAMA
HOLIDAY" (1955),
directed by Robert
L. Bendick and
Philippe De Lacy. |

Curved Harkness 70mm Screen For Schauburg
By Thomas Hauerslev
The Schauburg Cinerama in
Karlsruhe will get a new screen installed early in September 2015. The
current screen was 9 year old and we
needed to replace it. Since we can take the screen aside and use the back
stage for live performances too, wear and tear was starting to show on our
screen. It is a Harkness Perlux 140 with a 1,4 gain which gives the
most neutral colors and most pleasing look of all screen types and helps to
eliminate the cross reflections of the deeply curved Cinerama screen at the
Schauburg. |
part of
history! A campaign
to re-start Mike
Todd Jr's.
Smell-O-Vision for
future screenings of
"Holiday In Spain"
"Scent of Mystery"
was the first and
only film to feature
a sophisticated
automated scent
track with "each
dramatic point woven
into the actual
presence of a smell.
Help bring this
recently restored
Cinerama treat to
the very big screen
in new and improved
Smell-O-Vision by
supporting two pilot
screenings. We need
to make these
scented events as
great as they can
possibly be so we
can tour Cinema with
Scent all around the
world in 2016! |
India's First 65mm Camera
By K. Ramachandra Babu
Sometime back I met the maker of India's First 65mm Camera,
Cinematographer T. V. Somasundaram who provided me some photographs of the
65mm camera which will be of historical importance for in70mm.com. |
from 10th International 70mm festival in KRNOV
By Johan Wolthuis
This year the program of the “KRRR! 70mm Film Fest” was again very
international and of course all 70mm, however, it was a pity, six of a total
of eight 70mm prints were blow-ups and most of them were faded. The Kino Mir
70 theatre was again the meeting point for film enthusiasts from not only
the Czech Republic but also visitors from many European countries, including
Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Holland, Poland, United Kingdom and the
United States. |
Returns to the
Prince Charles
Prince Charles
The past few months
we have been
calibrating, and
testing our 70mm
projector. And what
a beauty it is! To
celebrate this new
addition to The
Prince Charles
Cinema projection
booth, we're
screening some of
our favourite films
both new (and old)
on glorious,
breathtaking 70mm,
and we invite you
all to join us!

• Go to
Restoration of
"Vertigo" |
/ 70mm Film Scanning in the UK
By Gary Welch
CINE Solutions are now able to offer expert scanning of 65/70mm film
using the Cintel Millennium 2 Machine in the U.K.
The company was originally set up by Cintel engineers to continue the
worldwide support and service for all Cintel built machines, following
its demise in 2012. Since then we have started to get enquiries for high
quality film scanning of all kinds, but are seeing a growing interest in
70mm film to 2k and 4k data from European archives. |
David Samuelson: A
Lifetime with the Movies
By Lyndon and Hauerslev
I was a cinema newsreel cameraman, with
Fox Movietone. We covered the Ascot horse racing and I was
assigned to film when the Queen went down and talked to all the
jockeys. We had to film that from quite a long way away, because CinemaScope was about wide screen, it didn’t cross their minds to equip
me with a long lens. The only CinemaScope lens I had was a wide one, and
the Queen was tiny, a long way away. I took the decision, to go down from my
assigned location to the ground level and film the Queen. |
Big" World Premiere Screening, 8. October 2015, Schauburg Cinerama,
By Wolfram Hanneman
The Todd-AO Festival has become one of the most important festivals for 70mm
films worldwide, luring audiences from all around the world each year into
the unique Schauburg theatre! In this documentary German film maker Wolfram
Hannemann is not only offering an inside view into the festival, but also
gets the audience in front of the camera and lets them talk about their
favorite subject. Their dedication speaks for itself! |
Gold" at the Schauburg
Cinerama Press
Schauburg Cinerama and in70mm.com are proud to announce a rare presentation
of a Carl Foreman production of a J. Lee Thomson film "MacKenna's Gold" from
1969 on Thursday 8. October, 2015. The film will presented in 35mm
Technicolor and 4-track magnetic stereo. This screening is our farewell
tribute to Egyptian actor Omar Sharif who played greatest film doctor of all
time. "MacKenna's Gold" was the pinnacle of his acting career in the '60s. |
Mann mit der Kamera. Coburgs Filmchronist
Von Manfred Romboy
Coburgs Filmchronist von Manfred Romboy, DGPh Lust am Film wurde dem
1941 geborenen Jürgen A. Brückner quasi in die Wiege gelegt. 1938 hatte
sich sein Vater Rudolf Brückner, ein Coburger Fabrikant, eine
Siemens-Filmkamera gekauft. Es versteht sich, dass als beliebte
Filmobjekte auch seine beiden Söhne herhalten mussten. Eventuell hat das
katzenartige Abschnurren der väterlichen Doppel 8-Kamera schon im
Unterbewusstsein des kleinen Jürgen die Grundlagen seiner später so
ausgeprägten Filmaffinität gelegt. |
Update from
Phillip Grace
Corrections to your page DP70s in Australia. The 70mm projectors at
Horsham, Victoria are not DP70. They are Cinemeccanica Victoria X. They were
originally installed new in the Chelsea Theatre, Melbourne, then moved a
little way down the street to the Forum Twin Cinemas (Cinema One) also in
Melbourne, and screened a lot of 70mm on both sites. When the Forum Twin
closed in 1982 or 1983 the Victoria X machines were sold to Horsham. |

• Go to
Visit to the
Filmhouse in
Edinburgh, Scotland
• Go to the gallery:
Filmhouse, Edinburgh |
"Spaciovision" Theatre, Paris, France
By Christian Karl
Other major and
significant theatre
dedicated to the
widescreen 70mm was
the Broadway which
was opened by one of
the managers of the
Kinopanorama the
first April 1977
with the process "Spaciovision"
on his large curved
screen given for
380m2. |

• Go to
Theatre, Paris, France
By Christian Karl
My first movie at
the Kinopanorama was
"Lawrence of Arabia"
and my first in
70mm, a real
discovery and
experience, in
January 1975,
followed by about
forty more memorable
visits (including
“West Side Story”- a
few times, “El Cid”,
“War and Peace”,
“The Sound of
Music”, “My Fair
Lady”, “Lawrence of
Arabia” restoration
...) until December
1989 with “Indiana
Jones and the last
Crusade”. |
70mm IMAX Projector
By Vaughan, McGregor and
van der Post
When IMAX opened at the NMeM in 1983, a little over 10 years after the IMAX
technology premiered in Japan, it was the first ever IMAX cinema in Europe
and contained Britain’s largest cinema screen. This summer we say goodbye to
the good old 70mm IMAX projector at Picturehouse at National Media Museum,
as it will be converted to digital and the cinema will be refurbished. |
Film Archive, Proudly Presents "3-D RARITIES"
By Bob Furmanek
We've just had three sold out showings
at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Traditionally, New York audiences
can be tough and they loved it. Many films got applause from young and old
alike and word-of-mouth was excellent following each performance. We want
people around the world to see these beautifully restored treasures on the
big screen. For the Cinerama fans, we have stereoscopic footage taken on a
roller-coaster from 1922! |
Sharif Passed Away
By Mark Lyndon
We must bid him a
very fond farewell.
For 70mm
"Lawrence of
Arabia", regarded by
many as the greatest
film ever made, was
a true triumph of
the art and science
of cinema. "Doctor
Zhivago", was a rôle
which made him the
brightest star in
the film firmament,
adored and idolised
by millions. He left
this world, like his
great Zhivago, after
a fatal heart
attack. |

• Go to
Omar Sharif Passed
• Go to
Western in Super
Technirama 70
Gerhard Schwach
Some years ago I recorded a Spaghetti Western from 1967 which was shot in
Super Technirama 70!
The German Title was „Tal der Hoffnung“, the italian one „Clint il
Solitario“ but I have doubts that it was ever shown in Germany or Austria in
cinemas. |
Für 70mm Breitfilm
Für den 70mm Breitfilm
kommen große Bildwände in Betracht, die auch möglichst voll ausgenutzt
werden sollen. Dabei treten hinsichtlich der Brennweitenfestlegung
Schwierigkeiten auf. Hier hilft das T-Kiptagon, bei dem die Möglichkeit
besteht, die Brennweiten mit einem entsprechenden Vorsatz zu verändern,
und zwar um ca. ± 8 %. |
Amüsement By Deutsches Filmmuseum
Das Kino des Deutschen Filmmuseums zeigt im Juli vier 70mm-Filme – eine
seltene Gelegenheit, die man sich nicht entgehen lassen sollte. Bis Anfang
der 1970er Jahre war 70mm das Format für aufwändige Großproduktionen. Nach
wie vor gibt es Liebhaber des Formats: Paul Thomas Anderson drehte 2012
Teile von "THE MASTER" mit einer 65mm-Kamera, Christopher Nolan nutzte für
den Dreh von "INTERSTELLAR" sowohl 35mm-Kameras als auch 65mm-IMAXKameras
und sorgte dafür, dass sein Film zusätzlich zum digitalen Format auch als
70mm-Analogfilm in die Kinos kam. |
German Travelogue "Flying Clipper – Traumreise unter weißen Segeln" in
Germany and in the USA
By Gerhard Witte
"Flying Clipper", perhaps a German answer to the successful Cinemiracle
movie "Windjammer", had its World Premiere at Munich's "Royal-Palast" on
Goetheplatz on Wednesday, December 19, 1962. The travelogue is the first
German feature film production shot in the new wide-gauge film process
called "MCS 70" which had been developed by Modern Cinema Systems (MCS) Film
KG. |
Reisefilm "Flying Clipper – Traumreise unter weißen Segeln" in Deutschland
und in den USA
Von Gerhard Witte
"Flying Clipper", vielleicht eine deutsche Antwort zum
erfolgreichen Cinemiracle-Film "Windjammer", hatte seine Welt-Premiere in
Münchens "Royal-Palast" am Goetheplatz am Mittwoch, den 19. Dezember 1962.
Der Reisebericht ist der erste deutsche Spielfilm, den man in dem neuen
Breitfilmverfahren mit dem Namen "MCS 70" drehte, das damals von der Firma
Modern-Cinema-Systems (MCS) Film KG entwickelt wurde. |
Vice,” directed by Paul Thomas Anderson
Press by Warner Brothers
“Inherent Vice,” an adaptation of Thomas Pynchon’s seventh and funniest
novel, is the seventh film written and directed by Paul Thomas
Anderson—and the very first film adaptation ever of Pynchon’s
legendarily inventive, culturally kaleidoscopic work. A surf noir, the
story dives headlong into the smoky haze and neon afterglow of the
American counterculture via a psychedelic spin on the classic detective
yarn. |
directed by Christopher Nolan
Press by Warner Brothers
Acclaimed filmmaker Christopher Nolan directs an international cast in “Interstellar.” With our time on Earth coming to an end, a team of
explorers undertakes the most important mission in human history:
travelling beyond this galaxy to discover whether mankind has a future
among the stars. |
and the Resurrecting
of Dinosaur
By Tyler Purcell
After seeing the
70mm test footage,
there was a rousing
applause. The next
thing we saw was a
DCP version of the
material and it
really shows how
proper film
projection truly
trumps digital. The
blacks were mushy
and undefined, the
highlights were
clearly peaking and
the whole image
looked flat. All of
that beautiful depth
seen in the film
projection was lost.
We sadly realized
this format,
developed in the
50's, is still
better then all the
money we've thrown
at conventional
digital projection. |
1990, Restored "Lawrence of Arabia" premieres in Copenhagen, Denmark
By Thomas Hauerslev
The restored
"Lawrence of Arabia"
opened in 70mm and
six-track Dolby
Stereo SR at the
prestigious Imperial
Bio, 31. May. Much
to the surprise of
everyone - not least
the distribution
company, "Lawrence"
played extremely
well for 4 weeks.
There were two shows
a day, for a price
of DKK 40/45 pr.
ticket. The gross
was DKK 853.000 in
29 days and 58
• Go to the gallery: "Lawrence of Arabia" in
70MM Dolby Stereo on DP70 #1644, Imperial Bio, Copenhagen, Denmark, 31. May
1990 - 28. june 1990 |

Go to
LEDEZ - The French
Master Projectionist |
Air "2OO1: A Space
Odyssey" &
"Interstellar" in
By Donatella
Two special events
(on Friday 26 and
Saturday, June 27),
two extraordinary
science fiction
movies, "2001: A
Space Odyssey" by
Stanley Kubrick and
"Interstellar" of
Christopher Nolan,
which will be
screened in 70mm
format that offers a
brighter and clearer
resolution, three
times higher than
the standard
screening format. |
PAMPAS" will get a
4k digital
By Thomas
Schauburg Digital
Division will scan a
pristine original
70mm print from the
first release in
1966, which came
directly from the
65mm camera
original. This print
already has the
color corrections,
but it is faded. The
print will be
cleaned and scanned
at 4K Resolution.
Schauburg's scan
expert Vincent Koch
will restore the
color. |
Todd-AO 70mm-Festival 2015
By Born & Hauerslev
We have launched the 11th instalment of the “Todd-AO 70mm
Festival“ to be held from 9 - 11 October 2015 at the Schauburg
Cinerama in Karlsruhe, Germany. For three days in October
Filmtheater Schauburg celebrates the world of LARGE FORMAT film,
by offering a series of epic films in 70mm - the HD of film
formats. |
2015 European
Cinerama Festival
Tour in Oslo
By Anders M
I've seen these films many times, but only on deeply curved screens, and
on my own smallish TV. Never before had I seen them on a large flat
screen. When seated at least halfway back into the cinema, the smilebox
process made the illusion of a curved screen complete. If I hadn't known
better, I could have sworn that I was actually sitting in front of a
curved screen.
• Go to Gallery:
Cinerama Remaster,
Oslo, Norway |
in Varnsdorf – eine neue Hoffnung?
Von Ulrich Rostek
Was macht der Abhängige,
wenn ihm das Suchtmittel ausgeht? Er sucht sich neue Quellen. Nachdem das
traditionelle Widescreen Weekend in Bradford auf den Herbst verschoben wurde
und ich das 70mm-Event in Krnov aus terminlichen Gründen leider nicht
wahrnehmen konnte, war ich froh, auf „In70mm.com“ die Ankündigung eines
bislang noch nicht in Erscheinung getretenen 70-mm-Festivals im
tschechischen Varnsdorf zu entdecken. Gespannt machte ich mich auf einen
wieder einmal weiten Weg. |
in Varnsdorf - a new hope?
By Ulrich Rostek
Hard times for a 70mm addict. The traditional Widescreen Weekend in Bradford
was shifted to October and business kept me away from Krnov. So I felt
happy, when an up till then unknown event was announced on “In70mm.com”.
Once again I took a long journey only to watch a couple of movies. Imbedded
in a beautiful landscape not too far away from either the German or the
Polish border the Czech smalltown Varnsdorf is not the center of the world
and tourist attractions are somewhat limited. |
Out “Windjammer”
By Randy Gitch
After 22 days on marquees and movie screens, the 2015 European Cinerama
Festival Tour has closed its’ last show in Oslo, Norway with a sold-out
presentation of “Windjammer: The Voyage of the Christian Radich” at the
Norwegian Film Institute’s Cinemateket. The film is a Norwegian
favorite. |
70MM Cinemas of London's West End, September 1990
By Thomas Hauerslev
In September 1990, I visited
London to see and photograph the 70mm cinemas. Looking at the
pictures from London in 1990 so many years later inspired me to make a
gallery to share the images for the first time. Maybe someone will see them
and enjoy looking back at a time when things were different, and of course -
a lot better. In fact, at least 70mm better.
• Go to
70MM Cinemas Gallery |
By Thomas Hauerslev
The Dominion on
Tottenham Ct. Road,
London. More than
2000 seats in
several floors. Once
the home of "South
Pacific" in Todd-AO
where it played for
4 years and 22
weeks. A world
record. Has been
used a live theatre
for 25-30 years,
with the occasional
film presentation in
between. |
Leicester Sq., London
By Thomas Hauerslev
The magnificent Empire on Leicester Square in London, England. One
of the most beautiful large cinemas of the modern age. For many years one of
the the leading 70mm houses in England. Home of many 70mm premieres
including "Far and Away", "Backdraft", "Black Rain", "Top Gun",
"Brainstorm", "Ryan's Daughter", "Doctor Zhivago" and "Ben Hur".
• Go to
Empire Cinema, Leicester Sq., London |
Todd-AO 70mm-Festival 2015
May 2015 / in70mm.com news. We have launched the 11th instalment of the
“Todd-AO 70mm Festival“ to be held from 9 - 11 October 2015 at the
Schauburg Cinerama in Karlsruhe, Germany. For three days in October
Filmtheater Schauburg
celebrates the world of LARGE FORMAT film, by offering a series of epic
films in 70mm - the HD of film formats.
We feel our 2015 program has it all: Space adventures,
Musical, Drama, War, Nazis, Religion, Music, Songs, Mystery, Cars,
Chases, Panzer, Adventure, Revenge and true love. Bring your family,
your children, your grand mother to see the films again in a big cinema.
One of very few original cinemas, still equipped with 70mm projectors.
The huge screen is 18 meters wide, curved and covered by a "Cinerama
red" curtain. It’s the perfect framework to present 70mm in the
splendour of 6-track magnetic sound. For 2015, a brand new Harkness
screen will be installed prior to the festival. No expenses are spared
to give you the very best experience.
Herbert Born Filmtheater Schauburg
• Go to
Cinerama, Karlsruhe, Germany
Go to Schauburg Cinerama, Picture
Presentation |
2011, 2010,
2009, 2008,
2007, 2006,
2005, 2004,
2003, 2002,
1994 |
5 YEARS AGO - 2010 |
Todd-AO at the Savoy, Düsseldorf, Germany
• Some ruminations after "The Reel
Thing XXV"
Fred Waller's 1950 Diary |
10 YEARS AGO - 2005 |
"Man in the 5th
• 70mm films in
Olivier Brunet's "Fanny's
Wedding" |
2000 |
Witness" in Super Panavision 70
Technirama on Wheels
A Brief History of Philips
Cinema |
20 YEARS AGO - 1995 |
A Message
from Freddie A. Young
first encounter with 70mm film
Todd-AO - Distortion
Correcting Printing Process |

Go to
Presented in
70mm Dolby Stereo |
keep you alive to
serve this ship. Row
well, and live."
By Morgan Montague
To celebrate our 10th anniversary, my wife and I decided to make a train
trip up to Seattle from Portland. Our intent, being fans of Charlton
Heston's films, and "Ben-Hur", in particular, was to take
advantage of the 1 day showing at the newly upgraded Cinerama Theatre.
And Seattle is such a great weekend destination for fun and culture! |

Go to
Presented in 70mm
Dolby Stereo |

Go to David Lean's Film of "Doctor
Zhivago" |
First 70MM IMAX
Cinema in England
By Thomas
I went up to
Bradford to see
National Museum of
Photography, Film &
Television on a
1-day return trip by
train during a visit
to London. I had
read about this new
museum in Screen
International some
years before and it
came highly
recommended. I was
interested to see
the IMAX cinema. |
"World Preview" in
By Gerhard Witte
The Cinerama movie
"How the West Was
Won" (USA) had its
official World
Premiere on
Thursday, November
01, 1962 at London's
Casino Cinerama
Theatre, where it
successfully ran for
more than 120 weeks.
Previously, there
had already been a
"World Preview" of
the movie at the
Empire Cinerama
Theatre in Paris on
Tuesday, October 02,
1962. |
Wows On Curved Or
Flat Screens
By Randy Gitsch
In Karlsruhe’s Schauburg Cinerama Theater, where the screen is curved 120
degrees, Smilebox® had viewers recalling seeing analog Cinerama in Berlin,
when it first premiered there, in 3-strip projection, in 1959.
• Go to
Picture Highlights
from the 2015
European Cinerama
Festival Tour |

• Go to
The 2015 European
Cinerama Festival
Tour |
• Go to
10th 70mm Festival
Go to
Film Festival in
Centrum Panorama
By Pavel Nejtek
We cordially invite you to the 12th Neisse Film Festival, on the section
70mm films entitled "NFF Panorama Festival 70mm FILM". The program are 70mm
projection films, lectures, meetings with friends, fun and good food and
drinks. |

Go to
Small Collection of
Vintage Industry
Adverts |
70mm short subject remastering work completed
By Dave Strohmaier
The 6-track magnetic prints were certainly faded to the usual Eastman color
magenta, and we realized that at some point we should do a digital makeover
to protect the assets. Tom March and I went to the vaults last January to
pull the titles and examine them for overall condition. We could see that
the fading was even more severe that when the prints were shown a few years
back. Since no negatives were ever located we would have to relay on color
recovery techniques to try to rebuild back as much color as possible. |
Incol 70/35
projection booth as
By Paulo Roberto P. Elias
When the 70mm craze of the 1960’s was in progress a significant number
of regular 35mm theaters refurbished their installations to give
shelter to the relative more complex 70mm projection system.
It took quite a long time but when the demise of the 70mm format
exhibition started there was a coincidental decadence of the so-called
street theaters and palace theaters that was due to the financial burden
imposed by public administrators and service providers to major
exhibitors and independent theater owners. |
Oregon USA 70mm
By Morgan Montague
The Hollywood Theatre in Portland has completed its 70mm restoration project
and to great success. Large format film began running again through the
projectors at the cinema, with 5 Sold Out performances of
"2OO1: A Space Odyssey". Originally, only 1 performance was
scheduled, which sold out immediately. To meet the demand another
performance was added and it too sold out. And then another, and so on.
Community response was simply overwhelming. |
Movies with artificial
smells in cinemas
By Gerhard Witte
There was a race to get smells into films at the end of 1950s between the
"Smell-O-Vision!" and the "AromaRama" processes. AromaRama was won at the
time by the Walter Reade Organization with a documentary called "Behind the
Great Wall". "AromaRama" had been unveiled in the DeMille
Theatre in New York
with the movie's
premiere on December
08, 1959. |
Greatest Show in Todd-AO: Mission Report from Karlsruhe
By Thomas Hauerslev
The Todd-AO Festival at the Schauburg is not only pretzel,
sekt, schnitzel and Hoepfner's hefewize, it is indeed
about going to the movies in style. An experience all by itself.
Seeing the films at the Schauburg like seeing the films as they were originally presented -
in a big cinema, on a a huge curved screen with red curtains and a Gong.
It's all about showmanship and presentation, and very few cinemas do
it better than the staff of the Schauburg. |
10th 70mm Film Fest Krnov 2015
By The
Kino Mir 70 Team
Under patronage of the Municipal centre of information and culture
Krnov, together with Ministry of Culture, under the patronage of
town major of Krnov, the Kino Mir 70 theatre will again be the
meeting point for film enthusiasts from not only the Czech Republic
but also visitors from many counties, including Austria,
Denmark, France, Germany, Holland, Poland, United Kingdom and the
United States. The event is organized in collaboration with town Krnov, supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic. |
Ethel O’Brien Printer. Letters from Walt
By Walter P Siegmund
During our big move from Pomfret to Brooklyn many things were found
which were long hidden and forgotten, including more old Todd-AO files and
photos. You will may find the enclosed material of further interest in
connection with the printing of the Todd-AO “Process”. These are
descriptions and original calculations on various ideas about corrective
printing the release prints. |
Homage To D W Griffith" A short Film In Ultra Panavision 70
By Dan Sherlock
The last Ultra Panavision 70 film that was released was reportedly KHARTOUM
in 1966. As it turns out, there was one more Ultra Panavision 70 short
subject that was made over 20 years later. In 1988, the equipment and lenses
were used for a special short subject that was also the only time the format
used a speed of 30 frames per second rather than the normal 24 frames per
second format. |
Presentations - Letters from Directors
By Paul Rayton
Back in the heydays of 70mm exhibition of movies, it was not uncommon for a
projectionist to open a shipping case of a 70mm title and find a "personal"
letter from someone associated with the film. Typically it would be signed
by the Director, or the Producer. Subjects addressed would be things like
the illumination level on screen, and the audio playback level. Apparently
many cinemas typically ran sound a bit too low. These messages were
typically reminding us projectionists to run the sound at the "Dolby
Standard" of a fader setting of "7". |
2015 European
Cinerama Festival
Randy Gitsch has
announced that Dave
Strohmaier and he
have been invited to
present a slate of
motion pictures
they’ve digitally
re-mastered, in a
traveling film
festival in four
cities in Germany,
Austria and Norway.
Each venue will
program from a
roster of available
titles, including
features and
originally from
3-panel and 70mm.
TOUR, as it is now
called, will kick
off on April 18 with
multiple screenings
at the Schauburg
Cinerama in
Karlsruhe, Germany. |
Finalizes Motion Picture Film Agreements with Major Hollywood Studios
Kodak announced today that it has finalized new film supply
agreements with all six major Hollywood studios. As part of these
agreements, Kodak will continue to provide motion picture film to the
six major Hollywood
studios for their
movie and television productions.
Kodak has been engaged in broad discussions with prominent filmmakers,
studios, independent artists, production companies, and film processors
to enable film to remain a fundamental medium. |

• Go to
7OMM Seminar, Kino Mir 70, Krnov, Czech
Republic |
70mm Festival in Krnov
By Johan C. M. Wolthuis
Krnov is a little town in the north east of the Czech Republic, on the
Opava River, near the Polish border. The city was founded in 1221. Krnov has
an 18th-century castle, several churches and abbeys as well as a lookout
tower from 1903. The Krnov Synagogue is one of the few large synagogues to
have survived the Nazi occupation of Europe. Its industrial center
manufactures textiles, beverages and musical instruments. |
of Mystery” Playdate History
By David Coles
In its original “SCENT OF MYSTERY” incarnation a new sound
concept was featured, which unfortunately was never used again.
Todd-Belock 8-channel Stereophonic sound was essentially normal 6-track
magnetic 70mm sound, but with Perspecta-like encoding on the 6th
surround channel. This automatically directed that track to left, right and
rear auditorium speakers, as appropriate, during the showing. |
Impressions from
By Thomas Hauerslev
By far 2015 has been
the most successful
70mm festival since
the beginning in
2000. Several shows
have been sold out,
including "South
Pacific" and "War
and Peace" (1.
February). A
presentation of the
festival appeared on
national television
with more than a
million viewers. Jan
have also been
interviewed on radio
to talk about the
festival. 70mm is
indeed back and "to
be seen on the big
screen" in Oslo.
• Go to Gallery:
70mm Festival in
Oslo, 2015 |
Vice" Red Carpet
70mm Premiere in
By Jean-Luc Peart
Producer JoAnne
Sellar, Joaquin
Phoenix and Paul
Thomas Anderson were
present, for the a
brief Q&A before the
screening. The
screening was
perfect. It's a
blow-up, well done,
nice contrast,
perfect 70mm
projection stability
and brightness.
1.85:1 ratio as
expected. |
Release of "El Cid"
By Gerhard Witte
Samuel Bronston's epic premiered in 70mm in Hamburg at the impressive
"Ufa-Palast am Gänsemarkt" on 25.05.1962. On the same day the
movie also debuted at the Berlin Cinerama Capitol-Filmtheater. "El Cid"
ran at the "Ufa-Palast" for 14 weeks until 30.08.1962. |
70mm Cinemas of Casablanca
I was happy to hear that you are interested by the DP70s exposed at the hall of
my cinema RIF. They have been renewed and they have been running since 2000
until 2013. I created a museum of 35mm and 70mm at the entrance of cinema
RIF with Victoria 8 Cinemecanica, Westrex and DP70 projectors from my 3 cinemas ABC, RITZ & RIF in
Casablanca. |
Miramax Films
Presents "El Cid"
"El Cid is one of the greatest epic films ever made. Anthony Mann's sense
of composition, his use of space, and his graceful camera movements bring to
life an ancient tapestry where the transformation of an ordinary man into a
legend becomes almost a mystical experience." Martin Scorsese |
WIDESCREEN" on Blu-ray
By Wolfram
A documentary about
a very special
"family" gathering
which happens once a
year in Bradford, UK
- the "Widescreen
Weekend" at the
National Media
Museum. If you ever
wondered what
"Widescreen Weekend"
is all about, this
brand new
documentary may give
you all the answers
you need. Mostly
filmed during 2013's
"Widescreen Weekend"
at the National
Media Museum in
Bradford (UK),
Wolfram Hannemann's
short film
concentrates not
just on the people
running the
festival, but on
some of the regular
delegates as well. |

• Go to 11th
Oslo 70mm Festival, January 2015 |
for Paradise" Cue Sheet
The soundtrack of a Cinerama feature could be formatted as 6-track stereo,
with mono surround or as 7 or even 8 track stereo with stereo surrounds. In
some films surround format would change within the feature. The
projectionist would follow a cue sheet indicating when sound channels had
to be changed during the performance. This is an example from Malmø in
Sweden. |
Cinerama and
Cinemiracle shown in
By Thomas
Which large format
films were shown in
Sweden in 70mm,
Kinopanorama or
Cinerama? See the
list and let
in70mm.com know if
you can add more
details to it. All
titles, dates and
adverts are most
welcome. Many 70mm
prints are archived
in cold conditions
near Stockholmat the
official Swedish
State Film Archive. |
the soundtrack of "The Best Of Cinerama"
By Robert Weisgerber
Sepia Records and I have started the editing process for a CD release of
"The Best Of Cinerama." What makes this different than the other Sepia
Cinerama CD's is that the source elements are 35mm 7-track full coats of
the production. The full coats are a mixture of the only surviving
Cinerama 7-track audio of Act I, with narration and Act II, the music
and effects without narration |

Go to Miramax Films
Presents "El Cid" |
"Doctor Zhivago" is playing to record breaking business in its second
week at the Loew’s Capitol Theatre in New York and the Paramount Theatre
in Hollywood with both engagements having the largest advance sales of
any Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer roadshow attraction in the history of the
David Lean’s film of Boris Pasternak’s Nobel Prize winning novel
completed its second capacity week at the Loew’s Capitol, January 5,
with a smashing gross of $70,224.
Retro Magazine Goes Curved in Issue #31
By Thomas Hauerslev
Cinema Retro is essential reading. The latest issue is no exception.
Contributions from Raymond Benson, DVD, books and music CD reviews of films
from that era, Gareth Oven takes us back to Pinewoods Past plus the usual
entertaining articles about long forgotten films of the 60s and 70s. 64
pages in full (Techni)color. Cinema Retro magazine is unique, and if you are
tired of (or don't give a dam about most) contemporary films - and adore the
films from the 60s and 70s, THIS is THE magazine for you. |
restauração de Oklahoma, parte II
By Paulo Roberto P. Elias
A conversão de filme em película para vídeo a partir do interpositivo
costuma dar resultados não condizentes com a resolução do Blu-Ray, mas neste
caso a imagem supera todas as expectativas, mesmo do usuário mais exigente
e, na minha opinião, superou todas as outras transcrições semelhantes,
lançadas em passado recente. Sendo este um esforço que beneficia o resgate
da história tecnológica do cinema, a presença deste set no mercado
brasileiro deveria ser obrigatória, mas a Fox local ainda não se pronunciou
a respeito. |
restoration of Oklahoma! on Blu-Ray
By Paulo Roberto P. Elias
The current Blu-Ray release
will prove that the restoration done for Oklahoma! was indeed first rate.
The sharpness and increased depth of focus of the picture that can be
noticed is also a bonus in the magnitude of the field of vision achieved by
the Todd-AO format. More importantly, the new restoration manages to put the
colour balance back into the film. Hues and saturation are retrieved in
perfect harmony, to the extent of making the picture look like new. |
Cinerama and Cinemiracle films shown in Norway
Edited by Thomas Hauerslev
Which large format films were shown in Norway in 70mm, Kinopanorama or
Cinerama? See the list and let in70mm.com know if you can add more details
to it. All contributions: titles, dates and adverts are most welcome. Many
70mm prints are
archived in cold
conditions near the
Arctic Circle in the
official Norwegian
State Film Archive. |
Oslo 70mm Festival, January 2015
By Jan Olsen
The Norwegian film
institute proudly
presents the 11th
Oslo 70mm festival 23. January - 4. February 2015.
The program is a mix
of vintage original prints, blow-ups and restored classics. This festival,
dedicated to a movie format that was introduced more than 50 years ago, is a
dream for many movie fans around the world. |