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7OMM Seminar Film Program
Kino Mir 70, Krnov, Czech Republic

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Edited by: Thomas Hauerslev Date: 08.03.2025

7OMM Seminar 2025

Friday 04.04.2025

13:00 Cocoon (1985) 117 min. – 40th Anniversary
15:30 Dune: Part Two (2024) 166 min.
19:00 Opening ceremony + North by Northwest (1959) 131 min.

Saturday 05.04.2025

09:30 Ready Player One (2018) 140 min.
12:00 Lecture by Ivan Školuda
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Lecture by Thomas Hauerslev
15:00 Can Can (1960) 131 min. – 65th Anniversary
18:00 The Black Tulip (1964) 115 min.
20:30 The Brutalist (2024) 215 min.

Sunday 06.04.2025

09:30 Doctor Zhivago (1965) 197 min. – 60th Anniversary
13:15 Fragments 90 min.
15:15 Cliffhanger (1993) 113 min.
17:30 The Deluge I (1974) 160 min.
20:30 The Deluge II (1974) 137 min.
More in 70mm reading:

Kino Mir 70's 7OMM Seminar Krnov

7OMM Seminar 2024

Friday 12. 4. 2024

13:00 Ulzana (1974) 86 min. – 50th Anniversary
15:00 Oppenheimer (2023) 180 min.
19:00 Opening + My Fair Lady (1964) 170 min. – 60th Anniversary

Saturday 13. 4. 2024

09:30 The Aeronauts (2019) 101 min.
11:30 Lunch
12:15 Lectures by Radomír Kokeš and Ivan Školuda
14:00 Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) 138 min.
17:00 A Bridge Too Far (1977) 175 min.
21:00 Napoleon (2023) 158 min.

Sunday 14. 4. 2024

09:30 Top Gun (1986) 106 min.
11:30 Lunch
12:30 Fragments
14:15 Solomon & Sheba (1959) 177 min. – 65th Anniversary
17:00 Joker (2019) 122 min.

7OMM Seminar 2023

Friday 28.04.2023

Friday 28.04.2023
13:00 La Seconde Verité (1966) 86 min.
15:00 Mutiny on the Bounty (1962) 178 min.
19:00 Opening + Airport (1970) 137 min.

Saturday 29.04.2023

09:30 Camelot (1967) 179 min.
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Lecture Thomas Hauerslev "Also in 70mm" and Ivan Školuda about KRRR! 2023
16:00 The Longest Day (1962) 181 min.
20:00 The Godfather, part III (1990) 162 min.

Sunday 30.04.2023

09:30 Amadeus (1984) 157 min.
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Movie fragments
15:00 Blade Runner (1982) 115 min.
18:00 Titanic (1997) 194 min.


7OMM Seminar 2022

Friday 1 April 2022
13:00 Alfred the Great (1969) 122 min.
16:00 Kong: Skull Island (2017) 118 min.
19:15 Opening + Grease (1978) 110 min.

Saturday 2 April 2022
9:00 Kelly's Heroes (1970) 144 min.
12:00 Lunch
13:30 Lecture on Distribution by Michael Málek
14:15 Daughter of Dismay (2019) 9 min.
15:00 Silverado (1985) 133 min.
18:15 Chorus Line (1985) 113 min.
21:00 Death on the Nile (2022) 127 min.

Sunday 3 April 2022
9:00 A lecture by Aleksas Gilaitis
10:15 Grand Prix (1966) 176 min.
14:00 Chip Ahoy + Beauty and the Beast (1991) 7+84 min.

Kino Mir 70 60th Anniversary Summer Program 2021

Friday 8/20/2021
- Superman (1978) 143 min. 7OMM EN / CZ subtitles
- To Hell and Back (1955) 106 min. 35mm Technicolor MG EN / CZ subtitles
- The Godfather: Part III (1992) 162 min. 7OMM EN / CZ subtitles
- Anna and the King (1999) 142 min. 16mm EN / CZ subtitles Summer cinema

Saturday 8/21/2021
- Old Shatterhand (1964) 116 min. 7OMM CZ / EN subtitles
- krátký film + Přednáška 60 let kina Mír 70
- The Poseidon Adventure (1972) 117 min. 35mm EN / CZ subtitles
- The Last of the Mohicans (1992) 107 min. 35mm EN / CZ subtitles
- Dune (1984) 137 min. 7OMM EN / CZ subtitles
- Becket (1964) 148 min. 16mm Technicolor EN / CZ subtitles Summer cinema

Sunday 22.8.2021
- Papillon (1973) 151 min. 35mm Technicolor EN / CZ subtitles
- "Murder on the Orient Express" (2017) 130 min. 7OMM EN / CZ subtitles

7OMM Seminar 2020 - cancelled because of Covid 19 Pandemic

THU 26.03.2020
14.30 La Seconde Vérité. French with Czech and English subtitles
16.30 Kelly's Heroes
19.45 “Dune”

FRI 27.03.2020
10.00 Alfred the Great
13.15 The Godfather: Part III
19.00 “Grease”

SAT 28.03.2020
9.00 Grand Prix
14.30 Playtime
17:00 Cinema 180 Lecture by Thomas Hauerslev
19.00 Silverado
22.15 Chorus Line

SUN 29.03.2020
10.00 "Dunkirk"
14.30 Beauty and the Beast
16.30 Kong: Skull Island

7OMM Seminar 2019

FRIDAY 5. April 2019
• 13:30 Front Beyond the Front Line (Igor Gostev, 1977)
• 17:00 The Rose (Mark Rydell, 1979)
• 19:45 Lord Jim (Richard Brooks, 1965) (+opening speech)

SATURDAY 6. April 2019
• 09:00 The King and I (Walter Lang, 1956)
• 13:00 Todd-AO Lecture by Thomas Hauerslev
• 14:30 Mike Todd's "Around the World in 80 Days" in Todd-AO (Michael Anderson, 1956)
• 18:15 Armageddon (Michael Bay, 1998)
• 21:30 Phantom Thread (Paul Thomas Anderson, 2017)

SUNDAY  7. April 2019
• 09:00 Custer of the West (Robert Siodmak, 1967)
• 12:15 In Harm's Way (Otto Preminger, 1965)
• 16:00 Armageddon (Michael Bay, 1998)

7OMM Seminar 2018

FRIDAY 13. April 2018
14.00 Proryv / Прорыв / Breakthrough (1986)
16.30 Murder on the Orient Express (2017)
19.30 The Last Emperor (1987)

SATURDAY 14. April 2018
9.00 For those I loved / Au nom de tous les miens (1983)
12.45 Presentation "IN 7OMM: Past and Present" by Thomas Hauerslev
14.00 Phantom Thread (2017) - CANCELLED
14.00 The Exorcist (1973)
17.00 South Pacific (1958)
20.45 Apocalypse Now (1979)

SUNDAY  15. April 2018
9.00 Little Buddha (1993)
12.00 Lethal Weapon 3 (1992)
14.30 Proryv / Прорыв / Breakthrough (1986)

Prices of accreditation are 800 CZK for 3 days and 650 CZK for 2 days pass.

7OMM Seminar 2017

FRIDAY 7. 4. 2017

14:00 Úvod - zahájení / introduction 10 min
14:10 Romance o zamilovaných / Romans o vlyublyonnykh 135 min
17:00 Úvod - introduction 10 min
17:10 Vysoká hra patriotů / Patriot Games 117
19:45 Slav. zahájení 15 min
20:00 Úvod / introduction 10 min
20:10 Říše slunce / Empire of the Sun 154 min

SATURDAY 8. 4. 2017

09:00 Úvod  / introduction 10 min 09:10
09:10 Navždy a daleko / Far and Away 135 min
11:45 přednáška - lecture 60 min - biografmuseet.dk Presents “DANISH 7OMM ROADSHOW CINEMA”
12:45 Přestávka na oběd / lunch break 120 min
14:45 Úvod / introduction 10 min
14:55 Goya - oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis 136 min + intermission
17:45 Úvod / introduction 10 min
17:55 Hook 144 min
20:30 Úvod / introduction 10 min
20:40 STAR! 186 min + intermission

SUNDAY  9. 4. 2017

09:00 Úkaz krátkých filmů / Short 70mm 45 min
10:00 Úvod / introduction 10 min
10:10 Kam orli nelétají / Where Eagles Dare 168 min + intermission
13:30 Úvod / introduction 10 min
13:40 Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice 151 min

7OMM Seminar 2016

FRIDAY 8. 4. 2016
TABOR UCHODIT V NEBO 14:00 USSR-Moldavia 1976 99 mins. 80 Kč
ELVIS: THAT'S THE WAY IT IS 16:15 USA 1970 97 mins. 100 Kč
REMEMBER AFRICA 19:00 USA 1985 161 mins. 120 Kč

SATURDAY 9. 4. 2016
QUEST FOR FIRE 9:00 CAN-FRA 1981 100 mins. 100 Kč
ŽOLDNIERSKI TRUD (short) 11:15 Poland 1973 13 mins.
Lecture: Meopta Prerov – A Brief History of Optics (for accredited visitors only)
HEAVEN´S GATE 13:30 USA 1980 149 mins. 120 Kč
CLEOPATRA 16:45 UK/USA 1963 248 mins. 120 Kč
INTERSTELLAR 21:45 USA/UK 2014 169 mins. 120 Kč

SUNDAY 10. 4. 2016
THE HATEFUL EIGHT 10:00 USA 2015 187 mins. 120 Kč
LAST ACTION HERO 13:45 USA 1993 130 mins. 120 Kč
UNTOUCHABLES 16:30 USA 1987 119 mins. 100 Kč

7OMM Seminar 2015

Friday 17.04.2015
14:15 Le Grand Bleu.
16:55 Sokolovo
20:40 Vertigo

Saturday 18.04.2015
9:30 Lecture: "Size always Matters - The Early Days of Todd-AO" Illustrated lecture by Thomas Hauerslev
11:25 Le Mans
15:45 El Cid
19:40 Jesus Christ Superstar
21:55 Terminator 2

Sunday 19.04.2015
10:10 "The Wild Bunch"
12:45 Le Grand Bleu
15:15 Jesus Christ Superstar
17:45 Terminator 2

7OMM Seminar 2014

Friday 11.04.2014
Эскадрон гусар летучих (aka The Flying Hussars Squadron)
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang - 146 min + intermission
KHARTOUM - 134 min + intermission

Saturday 12.04.2014
Чайковский / Tchaikowsky (157 min + intermission)
Hamlet - 242 min + intermission
The Fall of the Roman Empire - 188 min + intermission
RYAN´S DAUGHTER - 187 min + intermission

Sunday 13.04.2014
Анна Каренина / Anna Karenina (145 min + intermission)
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang - 146 min + intermission
KHARTOUM - 134 min + intermission

7OMM Seminar 2013

• Vysoká modrá zeď – The High Blue Wall – ČSSR, 1973
• The Shoes of the Fisherman – USA, 1968
• 2010: The Year We Make Contact – USA, 1984
• Die Hard – USA, 1988
• Edward Scissorhands – USA, 1990
• Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade – USA, 1989
• Hello, Dolly! – USA, 1969
• Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi – USA, 1983

7OMM Seminar 2012

14:00 Ice Station Zebra vintage Super Panavison 70 with 6-track magnetic stereo
17:15 Dersu Uzala vintage Sovscope 70 with 6-track magnetic stereo
20:15 The Agony and the Ecstasy new Todd-AO print and DTS

10:00 Rolling Stones: Let´s Spend the Night Together vintage 70mm print with 6-track magnetic stereo
12:15 How The West Was Won vintage 70mm print with 6-track magnetic stereo
17:00 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom in Panavision 70 with 6-track Dolby Stereo
19:30 The Deer Hunter vintage Panavision 70 print with 6-track Dolby Stereo

10:00 Krakatoa East of Java vintage 70mm print with 6-track magnetic stereo
12:45 Flying Clipper new MCS 70 Superpanorama print with DTS
16:00 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom in Panavision 70 with 6-track Dolby Stereo
18:15 The Agony and the Ecstasy new Todd-AO print and DTS

7OMM Seminar 2011

14:00 "Days of Heaven" in 70mm Panavision with 6-track Dolby Stereo
17:00 “Vzlyot”
19:45 “The Sound of Music” in Todd-AO
22:15 Small „Get Together“ (to 6th anniversary of 70mm film fest in Krnov)

10:10 "55 Days in Peking" in Super Technirama 70 and 6-track magnetic stereo
13:00 “Raiders of the Lost Ark” in 70mm Panavision with 6-track Dolby Stereo
17:00 “Play Time” filmed in 65mm and presented in 70mm with 6-track DTS sound
19:45 “Dune” filmed in Todd-AO 35, and presented in 70mm with 6-track Dolby Stereo
22:15 “Alien 3” in 70mm Panavision with 6-track Dolby Stereo

10:00 "Old Shatterhand" in MCS 70 Super Panorama and 6-track magnetic stereo
12:45 “Raiders of the Lost Ark” in 70mm Panavision with 6-track Dolby Stereo
15:15 “The Sound of Music” in Todd-AO
18:45 “Alien 3” in 70mm Panavision with 6-track Dolby Stereo

7OMM Seminar 2010

Friday, 9. April 2010
14:00 - Superman the Movie
17:00 - Capricon One
19:45 - Patton
22:15 - Small „Get Together“ (to 5th anniversary of 70mm film fest in Krnov)

Saturday, 10. April 2010
10:00 - Operation Crossbow
13:00 - Gandhi
17:00 - Batman
19:45 - Aliens
22:15 - The Exorcist

Sunday, 11. April 2010
10:00 - Range of fragments („left-overs“) of various musical films.
12:45 - Operation Crossbow
15:15 - Patton
19:45 - Aliens

7OMM Seminar 2009

Friday, 3. April
14:30 - Signale – Ein Weltraumabenteuer (88 min. + introduction ) 70 mm 6-track magnetic
16:45 - Hauptmann Florian von der Mühle (132 min. + introduction + intermission ) 70 mm 6-track magnetic
19:45 - Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines, or How I Flew from London to Paris in 25 hours 11 minutes (138 min. + introduction + intermission ) 70 mm DTS
22:15 „Get Together“ ( to 40th anniversary 70mm screening in Mir 70 thearther )

Saturday, 4. April
10:00 - Goya (136 min. + introduction + intermission ) 70 mm 6-track magnetic
13:00 – Baraka (96 min. + intermission ) 70 mm 6-track Dolby A
15:00 – Faubourg (120 min. + introduction ) 70 mm film DTS
18:00 – 2001: Space Odyssey (149 min. + introduction + intermission) 70mm 6 track Dolby SR
21:15 - Alien (117 min. + introduction ) 70 mm 6-track Dolby A
23:30 – The Untouchables (119 min. + introduction ) 70 mm 6-track Dolby A

Sunday, 5. April
10:00 The Last Valley (125 min. + introduction + intermission ) 70 mm 6-track magnetic
12:45 Terminator 2: Judgment Day (145min + introduction ) 70 mm 6-track magnetic Dolby A
15:45 - Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines, or How I Flew from London to Paris in 25 hours 11 minutes (138 min. + introduction + intermission ) 70 mm DTS
18:45 – 2001: Space Odyssey (149 min. + introduction + intermission) 70mm 6 track Dolby SR

7OMM Seminar 2008

Friday, 18. April
"Battle of the Bulge" (Ken Annakin, 1965, english version, Czech subtitles, very red print, incomplete print )
"Pugachev" (Alexej Saltykov, 1978, original sound, Czech subtitles)
"West Side Story" (Jerome Robbins, Robert Wise, 1961, English version)

Saturday, 19. April
"Hauptmann Florian von der Mühle" (Werner W. Wallroth, 1968, German version, Czech subtitles)
"Kazimierz Wielki" (aka "Casimir the Great", Ewa Petelska, Czeslaw Petelski, 1976, polish version, Czech subttiles)
Thomas Hauerslev's popular lecture "The Wonderful of Film Formats"
"Lawrence of Arabia" (David Lean, 1962, English version, )
"Sen noci Svatojánské" (aka A Midsummer Night's Dream, Jiří Trnka, 1959)

Sunday, 20. April
"Spartacus" (Stanley Kubrick, 1960, English version, German subtitles)
"Amadeus" (Miloš Forman, 1984, English version, Czech subtitles)

7OMM Seminar 2007

Friday, 16. March
14:30 "Marooned", USA, 128 min.
17:00 "Gypsies are Found Near Heaven" (aka Queen of the Gypsies, USA), USSR, 96min
19:00 "Doctor Zhivago", USA, 196 min.
22:30 "Bela", USSR, 96 min.

Saturday, 17. March
8:30 "Flying Clipper", NSR, 150 min.
11:30 "Potopa I" aka THE DELUGE (USA), USSR(Poland), 161min.
14:30 "Potopa II" aka THE DELUGE (USA), USSR(Poland), 138min.
17:00 fragments of 70mm films, showing of single or more reels("Spartacus", "Cleopatra" etc.) - 120min
20:00 "Days of heaven", USA, 91min.
22:00 "The New World"(35mm screening), USA, 96min

Sunday, 18. March
8:30 some more fragments and "Becket", GB, 70min,
12:00 "Marooned", USA, 128min,
14:30 "Flying Clipper", NSR, 150min

7OMM Seminar 2006

17. - 19. March 2006

Jakub Klima:

"Soldaty Svobody" by Jurij Ozerov - epic communist propagand film - 6 hours!
"Tabor Ukhodit v Nebo" ("Gypsies Are Found Near Heaven") by Emil Loteanu
"Vzlyot" by Savva Kulish with Jevgenij Jevtusenko about Ciolkovskij...

Finally a mosaic of fragments of 70mm films which were found all around the Czech Rep. They were mostly in bad condition (red color were dominant on most of US production films but on ORWO material. This section of our seminar was very funny and we had a great fun with the fragments of "Cleopatra", "Alien", "West Side Story" among others.
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Updated 24-03-10