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Tab Presentation
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The 70mm Newsletter
by: Ramon
Lamarca Marques,
Brian Guckian
and Mike Taylor |
07.03.2009 |
Bio's blue tabs also protect the screen from dirt and dust. Image from
December 2007 by Thomas Hauerslev
Proper curtain tab presentation in cinemas was once commonplace but
today has sadly been neglected, along with associated lighting effects
that helped create a sense of anticipation in the audience.
The multiplex cinema model generally does not allow for tab and lighting
installation due to the low-margin nature of the present cinema industry
and the cost effect of multiple screens.
However, within the Premiere screen
concept there is scope for the Exhibitor to re-introduce curtain tabs
and associated lighting into their most important screen(s) in a
complex, to accompany a 70mm upgrade in the same auditoria.
To assist with re-introducing the "lost art" of tab and lighting
presentation, we are very grateful to Nordisk Film and Thomas Hauerslev
for a photographic sequence of the
presentation at the
Imperial Bio, Copenhagen.
The sequence is presented as a MS PowerPoint file, which allows the
viewer to step through each part of the lighting and tab movement
sequence, in order to study its design. The intention is to inform and
inspire, and to promote further enquiry.
DOWNLOAD Curtain tab presentation at the
Bio, Copenhagen
Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer
in 70mm reading:
Imperial Bio, Copenhagen 2008
65/70mm Workshop
Internet link: |
Tab (screen curtains) for presentation (by Mike Taylor)
Ideal Kinema. Courtesy Mike Taylor / PPT Collection
It has always been my view that the discontinued use of screen curtains has
certainly dumbed-down the presentation of motion pictures.
Particularly in the case of 70mm - presentation for what was the Premiere
Screen in the large down-town or ornate theatre during the golden years of
What is lacking to-day is the original spirit of the showmanship of the
likes of Mike Todd. The sense of occasion of going to a cinema where
showmanship and presentation is the first priority of the management has
virtually gone forever.
Ideal Kinema. Courtesy Mike Taylor / PPT Collection
It is also my view, that to return to 70mm presentation, we should not
be looking at multiplex involvement as their criteria is towards Digital
Imaging and NOT cinema. The added attraction for these cinemas is
alternative content such as concerts, boxing, and football matches. 70mm
projection would be of no interest to these people.
I still feel we should be looking at single-screen cinemas with large
screens and where the curtains still exist with the scope to expand and
promote 70mm in the true Mike Todd spirit.
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