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FuturVision Business Plan Addendum
Systems, Inc.
February 24, 1987 |
Read more at in70mm.com The 70mm Newsletter
Information supplied by: Robert Weisgerber.
Transcribed for in70mm.com from vintage documents by Anders M Olsson,
Sweden |
26.03.2019 |
World's largest anamorphic projection lens manufacture by ISCO
Göttingen, Germany for FuturVision 360.
The purpose of this document is to update the FuturCinema Systems, Incorporated
(the "Company") Business Plan dated December 22, 1986. In addition to reviewing
the recent activities of the Company a separate set of financial projections are
attached that remove the effect (both cost and revenue) of co-venturing in
feature film production. While still important, the Company expects that such
co-venture projects would be developed separately, perhaps as Limited
Panavision - As noted in the Business Plan, Panavision is the premier supplier
of cameras and lenses to the feature film market. Their proposal to the Company
dated October 7th, 1986 (attached) has now been consumated. This represents a
unique relationship for Panavision and makes a valuable statement for the
Company as to Panavision's perception of the potential importance of FuturVision
360 to the motion picture industry. Pursuant to that agreement, Panavision is
now working on the first of the interim camera lenses, design of the optical
printer elements required of the conversion of films in the IMAX format to
FuturVision 360 and completion of their newly designed 65mm camera.
Conoco - Arrangements have been made for the first test transfers of motion
picture films in the IMAX format to FuturVision 360. Conoco, sponsor of two
successful films in this format, is making their films available for this
conversion in order to significantly expand the audience potential from less
than 60 IMAX theaters worldwide to a planned 300 FuturVision 360 theaters that
will include not only special venue environments such theme parks and science
centers but FuturVision feature film "Showcase" theaters as well. Those involved
in this project in addition to Conoco include: MacGillivray-Freeman, the major
producer of IMAX films and the producer of "To Fly" and "Flyers" sponsored by
Conoco; Panavision, designer and supplying specialized printer optics; and Metrocolor Lab (formerly MGM), supplying laboratory services.
Arena Production - A traveling arena extravaganza featuring FuturVision 360
along with lasers, projection television, and moving mechanical models is in the
final stages of pre-production. This project is being undertaken by a major
arena owner/operator. FuturVision 360 was selected for the large screen motion
picture portion of the project in that it represents the only compatible, large
screen exhibition system that can be reliably moved from arena to arena.
Corporate Sponsored Film -A proposal for a corporate sponsored film featuring a
tour through America's national park system was completed and budgeted as an
IMAX production. Due to the cost effectiveness of the FuturVision 360 system, it
was re-budgeted in the FuturVision 360 format and is now being presented to
corporations to secure the necessary corporate financial support.
More in 70mm reading:
FuturVision 360 70mm system
Internet link:
World's largest anamorphic projection lens manufacture by ISCO
Göttingen, Germany for FuturVision 360.
Theaters -Loews Theaters with whom the company has an exhibition agreement
(outlined in the Business Plan) opened their new 8-plex in Secacus, New Jersey
in December 1986 with their large 70mm auditorium configured for FuturVision 360
making it the first new theater complex to be so equipped. The Company in
cooperation with Loews is now in the process of installing the system in the
Loews "Tower East" theater in Manhatten, the theater used by Loews for their
major screenings. In addition, the company is in advanced stages of discussion
aimed toward adding a second theater chain to the FuturVision 360 "Showcase"
network. This chain is located in the mid-west and specializes in providing a
"showcase" atmosphere and product. Due to the compatibility between their goals
and the Company's goals they requested being a part of the network.
Audio - Sound has long been considered the forgotten "stepchild" of motion
pictures. As detailed in the Business Plan the Company's objective was to
provide discreet multiple channel sound competitive in quality to that of the
compact audio disk. This was achieved initially with a "double system" audio
configuration where the audio is stored on a tape separate from and slaved to
the film through the use of a synchronizer (Business Plan Fig. 5). Although
completely automated, this represents a change from the normal theater
operation. At the time the Business Plan was being completed work was in
progress to develop a single system alternative for the feature film theater.
The goal was to maintain the double system quality while placing six channels of
audio directly on the film's magnetic stripes. The viability of this concept has
now been proven and work is underway with the DBX Corporation, a major company
in the audio processing field, to finalize an audio processor for this
configuration proprietary to FuturVision 360. For conventional 70mm films the
sound is now carried on the magnetic stripes. Therefore, the development of the
single system capability represents the achievement of the final goal in the
Company's objective of maintaining total compatibility with today's motion
picture theater operating practices while at the same time delivering a dramatic
improvement in the theater-going experience. In a letter to the Company, dated
February 13, 1987, DBX states, ". . . In fact, I expect that the dynamic range
of the complete system (70 mm mag striped film, plus dbx proprietary companding)
will exceed that of the best digital audio systems available today.". A
significant added benefit to the Company is that while the revenue as projected
in the Business Plan does not change with the single system alternative, the
"bottom line" will be improved in that the cost is reduced from $45 thousand for
a double system package to approximately $3 thousand for the single system
Frame Rate/Screen Brightness Conversion - There are a variety of simple and
inexpensive ways to change the speed of the projector from today's standard of
24 frames per second to the FuturVision 360 rate of 30 frames per second.
Likewise, it is simple to change the lamp voltage to go from today's relatively
dark picture to the bright, highly saturated FuturVision 360 picture made
possible by the reduction in flicker when projecting at the 30 frame-per-second
rate. However, for optimum convenience to the projectionist and speed of
changing between the conventional set-up and the FuturVision 360 set-up, the
Company's goal was to accomplish both the speed change and the screen brightness
change with the "flip" of a single switch. This goal has now been achieved and
the Company will soon be installing the first production model at the Loews
Tower East Theater.
World's largest anamorphic projection lens manufacture by ISCO
Göttingen, Germany for FuturVision 360.
IMAX PROPOSAL - The Company has been in discussion with
IMAX management for
several months regarding the possibility of a cooperative effort between the two
companies. The essence of this proposed arrangement (a portion of which is
attached to this addendum) would be that IMAX would continue to serve the "1st
tier" special venue markets and would cooperate with FuturCinema Systems, Inc in
the opening of the "2nd tier" markets with product transferred from the IMAX
format to the FuturVision 360 format. This will serve IMAX by both enticing
corporate sponsors to produce special venue films and as well as allowing them
to participate in filling the demand for product in those markets not able to
justify the expense of an IMAX system. This vacuum for product in the "2nd
tier" market, created largely by IMAX, is now being filled by IMAX competitors.
Trade Publication Articles - In addition to articles already published on the
FuturVision 360 System there is a series of articles currently in various stages
of completion requested by:
*American Cinematographer - including Panavision's first announcement of their
new 65mm camera.
*High Technology Magazine
*New Yorker Magazine
*Delta Airlines Sky Magazine
Press Releases
In addition to those which have already appeared, the following
press releases are currently being developed:
* Panavision - Announcing Panavision's development of camera optics for the FuturVision 360 System.
* Optical Radiation Corporation (ORC)- Announcing ORC's development of the
FuturVision 360 proprietary projection optics and the development of the
combined 24fps/30fps projection speed and lamp intensity conversion switch.
* FuturVison 360 installation at the Loews Tower East Theater.
* A second theater chain to join Loews in the creation of the FuturVision 360
"Showcase" Circuit.
Industry Environment
Industry interest continues to grow in the use of large format motion pictures
and 30 frame-per-second production/exhibition frame rate to enhance the quality
of motion pictures (see the New York Post and The Hollywood Reporter articles
attached). This industry interest along with the modern camera and camera optics
technology being developed by Panavision should significantly enhance the
industry's perception of FuturVision 360 which incorporates those tools, adds
additional technology of its own and creates a dramatic increase in the
theater-going experience.
World's largest anamorphic projection lens manufacture by ISCO
Göttingen, Germany for FuturVision 360.
18618 OXNARD STREET • TARZANA, CALIFORNIA 91356-1492 • (818) 881-1702 • (213)
TELEFAX: (818) 342-8166
TELEX: 651497
October 7, 1986
Mr. Eric V. Knutsen
FuturCinema Systems, Inc.
305 East 46 Street
New York, New York 10017
Dear Eric:
With respect to our conversation today and Len Adler's letter to you dated
September 11th, I would confirm the following:
1. The anamorphic lenses to be produced for FuturCinema Systems by Panavision
will be held proprietary for FuturCinema Systems.
2. These lenses will carry the identification "FuturVision 360" in addition to
normal Panavision nomenclature.
3. Panavision would not charge more rental to FuturVision for these lenses than
they do for their conventional anamorphic lenses. The final rental price to the
producer can be established by FuturVision and the difference between the two
can be considered "commission." Subsequent sets of lenses would not be more
expensive to FuturCinema Systems.
4. Panavision acknowledges that FuturCinema Systems would like a working
relationship of further development of optics and optical systems. Such projects
could be discussed on a project by project basis.
5. FuturCinema Systems would have the right of first refusal on rental of a
camera on or around July, 1987.
Takuo "Tak" Miyagishima
will be available should you have any questions while I'm away
in Europe, or if you need to reach me, my assistant, Peggy Cook, will know where
to contact me.
Chief Executive Officer
cc: Tak Miyagishima
71 Chapel Street
PO Box 100C
Newton Massachusetts 02195
Telephone (617) 964-3210 Telex 92-2522 Fax (617) 527-5288
February 13, 1987
Mr. Eric Knutsen
Futurcinema Systems
305 East 46th St.
New York, NY 10017
Dear Eric:
Thanks for your time on the telephone today. Following is a brief summary of the
situation to date.
We have tested the frequency response and dynamic range available from 30 FPS 70
mm film set up for a 6-channel magnetic audio stripe. The high-frequency
response is excellent, especially with the Teccon heads we tested. Low-frequency
response is not as good, partly due to the high film speed and partly due to the
inherrent losses in analog magnetic recording. As you are already aware, dynamic
range is only fair, but it is more than adequate to allow dbx's
wideband-compander noise-reduction systems to work very well.
We have made a test recording on 30 FPS 70 mm striped film using one of our
standard dbx systems. As you have heard yourself, the audible results were
extremely encouraging. At the same time, they underscored the need for
modification of our standard compander designs to suit the requirements of your
cinema process.
What we must do, in effect, is create a proprietary dbx process for Futurecinema
to suit the conditions on the analog magnetic audio track available. I am
confident that we will obtain results from the completed system comparable to
those from digital-audio sources. In fact, I expect that the dynamic range of
the complete system (70 mm mag striped film, plus dbx proprietary companding)
will exceed that of the best digital audio systems available today.
As you are aware, I envision that dbx will design and provide a custom system
package including magnetic-head preamplification and noise reduction, housed in
a modular rack package similar to our 900-series signal-processor rack. Before
dbx can undertake a project to design such a system as a product, we must have
some assurances regarding the quantity and timing of Futurcinema's expected
purchases. This would preferably take the form of an NRE charge to cover the
costs of designing the system, and a contract specifying a minimum number of
systems to be purchased over a specified length of time.
I will estimate the engineering resources required to design the system and
provide you with an estimate of the NRE charges that would therefore be
involved. Since I will be traveling for the next two weeks, I should be able to
let you know these figures in early March. After that time, we should be back in
touch to discuss the situation as it has evolved til then.
Good luck in moving this project forward while I am away.
Sincerely Yours,
Leslie B. Tyler
Vice President, Engineering
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