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Alamo New Mission / San Francisco |
Read more at in70mm.com The 70mm Newsletter
and photographed by: Jim
Cassedy / Lead Projectionist / New Mission Theater / San Francisco |
15.07.2023 |
& one of the JJ's. I've been told the 35mm mag sound works too, but I've
never personally tested it.
We will be showing
"Oppenheimer" in 70mm here at the: ALAMO NEW MISSION /
San Francisco.
It's still Wednesday here in CA [12. July 2023], and so far, our
"Oppenheimer" print hasn't arrived yet. However, starting this coming
weekend, we are running several other 70mm titles (some with magnetic sound
tracks) in the days leading up to the "Oppenheimer" release, so I'm
already up to my ears in 70mm content.
To paraphrase a famous line from JAWS: "I'm going to need a bigger
booth!" - - and 9 reels of "Oppenheimer" still to come!
I've got today (Wed) off, but I'm going to be going in very early Thursday
morning to switch our JJ's over to 70mm, and check light levels & sound,
etc, and run a reel or two from
“The Last Boy Scout” since that print looked a bit rough and I want
to check it on screen. The leaders are all pretty bad- - so I'm also
bringing in an extra set of "emergency" leaders from home so at least the
change overs will be smooth! lol
Attached are a few pictures, all taken by me, so feel free to use them as
you please. I've included some background info, just in case you're
interested. Keep In Touch!
More in 70mm reading:
70mm Cinemas in North
Presentations in San Francisco
in70mm.com's Library
Presented on the big screen in 7OMM
Peripheral Vision, Scopes,
Dimensions and Panoramas
Alamo New Mission.
#1 - DTS & Mag Sound for 70mm, Dolby Digital for 35mm.
Processors are Trinnov and Dolby CP-650, and a Dolby mag sound preamp rack.
Bonus Trivia: The proj is on a very slight (2°) upward angle, which is
just enough to make the proj doors close when trying to thread up. The
yellow elastic cord is used to hold the doors open while threading/cleaning
the projector)
Automation panel came with the console - it's not used and
we run everything manually.
Auditorium. The New Mission was
built in 1916, and originally sat appx 2500. The two balconies have been cut
up into 4 auditoriums, but the main auditorium which now seats just over 300
looks still pretty much 'original'.
Go: back - top - back issues - news index Updated
22-01-25 |