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Cinemiracle Flat Screen Presentation
| Read more at in70mm.com The 70mm Newsletter
Written by: R. H. McCullough.
Prepared for in70mm.com by: Anders M. Olsson (Sweden). |
16.10.2017 |
of flat screen installation in Ridgeway Theatre, Stamford, CT, USA -
click to see enlargement
1. It is possible that many theatres are adaptable for Cinemiracle projection provided a flat screen is used.
2. Cinemiracle can be projected on a flat screen from zero to 23 degrees.
3. The screen must be tilted when projecting at an angle, by pulling out at the bottom to offset keystone distortion.
4. We use a shirred cotton cloth material, properly flame-proofed, for our flat screen projection, which absorbs light and is very efficient for good sound transmission.
5. Wall to wall projection is also a requisite for flat screen projection.
6. Forty-eight feet is our minimum width for flat screen projection.
7. The maximum width depends upon the width and height in front of the theatre stage proscenium.
1. Remember it is possible to utilize a part of the projection equipment already in use in the theatre to be surveyed, such as projector lamps, projection lenses, rectifiers, or the motor generator.
2. We use three Cinemiracle projectors and our rewind equipment installed in the regular theatre booth.
3. All three Cinemiracle projectors project straight ahead, without the use of mirrors.
4. Adjustable lens mounts on the two end projectors are used for image match.
5. It will be necessary in many projection rooms to cut new port openings and move wiring to make room for the new ports.
6. Three projectionists are required for this type of operation, one for each Cinemiracle projector.
7. All wiring will be temporary with this installation.
8. With our Flat Screen presentation, at the beginning of the Cinemiracle performance, all three projectors are started simultaneously. After the overture, the prologue is projected (small screen), then at the end of the prologue, the opening scene of the Windjammer takes place and is projected with the full three Cinemiracle panels (large screen).
The overture and prologue are included on "B" Projector reel. This entire reel of film is magnastriped and carries the full recording.
Build-up film is ahead of "A" and "C" "Windjammer" film reels of equal footage to that of the overture and the prologue to keep synchronization with "B" projector.
9. After removing the theatre's regular projection equipment to make room for Cinemiracle equipment, it will be necessary to reinstall the regular equipment, which should be estimated during the survey.
1. We do not use our 7-channel stereophonic sound system with our flat screen projection system.
2. We use the single track magnetic sound recorded on the "B" reel, which is magnastriped on the outer edge of the film sprocket perforation.
3. The electrical counterpart from this sound source is picked up by a single track sound reproducer on top of "B" projector and transmitted to one of the theatre's sound preamplifiers or the preamplifier equipment C-M Equipment Corporation will furnish, and we will channel through the regular theatre sound system.
4. In most instances we will be able to use most of the theatre's sound equipment with our flat screen system.
5. If the theatre to be surveyed for a proposed installation has CinemaScope stereophonic sound, we will utilize all three stage speakers and connect them in parallel.
1. We do not propose using a drapery installation or a front curtain for our flat screen presentation.
2. It is planned to use a curtain slide from a stereopticon from the regular projection booth.
In many theatres it is possible that some part of the projection room equipment can be used for a Cinemiracle installation. During each survey check this situation very carefully.
More in 70mm reading:
"Windjammer" in Cinemiracle
Sales Manual For Louis De Rochemont's
"Windjammer" Synopsis
Internet link:
Equipment Required For A Cinemiracle Angle
Projection System, Supplied By The C-M Equipment Corporation For
Paramount, Seattle
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The following figures are based on a survey by R.H. McCullough and installation includes additional equipment besides what is already on hand for the Cinemiracle installation.
4 - Cinemiracle projector mechanisms, which includes one spare $4,966.00
3 - Drive motors and motor mounts, and one spare motor 652.50
3 - Pedestals 471.00
1 - Spare intermittent movement 280.00
12 - 10,500 Ft. Film reels 708.00
3 Sets - Feed and take-up film magazine assemblies, including torque motors, film chutes and loop covers 3,000.00
Electrical control equipment 2,000.00
Cinemiracle film storage and rewind equipment 1,109.95
2 - RCA penthouse sound reproducers, including preamplifier, volume control and switching panel 1,851.00
3 - 7" Projection lenses 277.87
2 - Cinemiracle adjustable lens mounts 125.00
3 - 12 Ft. Sections 8" Thermaflex for lamp ventilating ducts 62.28
4 - Electrical juntion plug-in boxes with portable cables 490.00
1 - Projection screen, top and bottom masking, and supporting cables $ 484.64
Film splicer and splicing tape 180.00
1 - Strong Electric Company (used 16˝" reflector type projection lamp 900.00
2 - Additional rectifiers 1,680.00
Labor for installation, temporary wiring, etc. 1,425.00
Sales tax 769.52
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22-01-25 |