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1968: A Roadshow
The Original Reserved Seat Engagements Of ‘2001: A
Space Odyssey’
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The 70mm Newsletter
June 20, 2004 |
Herbert Born,
Sun, 30 May 2004 16:22:33 +0200
Dear Thomas,
Very interesting article about "2001" on my
favourite page in the worldwide net. I had the chance to see the new 70mm
print recently at the DFM in Frankfurt, it is still an outstanding movie and
a project, which today would not be possible to get it "green lighted" by the
The new print has a fantastic sound, but the picture is somewhat grainier
than the 70mm prints from 1968. It's printed from a dupe negative and some
few scenes have to be replaced obviously because the negative was damaged.
Print was made by CFI on Estar stock.
According to my information, all 1968 70mm prints were struck at MGM
Laboratories, Culver City, from the Original Camera Negative in A/B roll
(and in two reels even C-roll) printing to avoid doing opticals for the fade
in/outs and inserts. Kubrick was fanatic about print quality, but was
according to Con Pederson very happy with the work of MGM labs. Even a few
years later he "forced" Warner to do all the United States release prints at
MGM labs, which Warner never did before.
There must a least have been done more than 143 initial 70mm prints, as the
enclosed original leader of a German 70mm print from 1968 demonstrates. At
this time the lab started counting with Nr. 1. The print itself is the Nr.
11 of the German dubbed sound prints, this may lead to the conclusion, that
at least 11 70mm prints have been done for Germany in first run.
I have a lot more material about this film, but unfortunately not more time
today. Will follow up. Take care and all the best & keep up the good work
for all the fans of the large format out there.
best, Herbert
Schauburg, Karlsruhe, Germany
in 70mm reading:
"2001" release dates
"2001: A Space
Odyssey" Yet another soundtrack
Full credits for
"2001:A Space Odyssey"
"2001" A Concert Article
1 June 2004
Hearty congrats. Brings together all the tech/exhib lore about this landmark
production into one neat package - fun AND informative to read. Wouldn't be
surprised if your effort might touch off calls to restore the missing 20
minutes for a special DVD package - although who knows what Stanley
Kubrick's legendary will has to say about something like this... maybe those
70mm trims (and the 65mm neg) were interred (or incinerated, as the case may
be) with him! If something like the post-premiere projection room print
chopping were to happen today (!) the frames would probably show up on
eBay... It sure hurts to think of all that nice wide pristine stock being
trashed before (in most cases) being run through a projector even once.
Certainly, the engagement list is an impressive accomplishment as it stands
now – and you'll undoubtedly receive some input over the months ahead as
word spreads that will permit the filling-in of missing dates and perhaps
supplementing with additional data.
I'm truly honoured to have my name associated as a source with this project,
Mike. On behalf of all those interested in this subject matter, thanks for
taking the initiative.
Bill Kretzel
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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