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1960 Smell-O-Vision
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Cinerama 360
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in70mm.com Mission:
• To record the history of the large format movies and the 70mm cinemas as remembered by the people who worked with the films. Both during making and during running the films in projection rooms and as the audience, looking at the curved screen.
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Danish 70mm and 3-strip Cinemas

The 70mm Newsletter
Compiled by: Thomas Hauerslev Date: 12.02.2017
Cinema opened Cinema 70mm Premiere First 70mm film Cinema closed
23.10.58 3 Falke Bio 23.10.58 South Pacific 14.12.82
01.12.58 Århus Hallen 01.12.58 Windjammer (Cinemiracle) 03.01.59
09.01.59 Fyns Forum 09.01.59 Windjammer (Cinemiracle) 25.01.59
29.01.59 Aalborg Hallen 29.01.59 Windjammer (Cinemiracle) 08.02.59
17.02.59 Herning Hallen 17.02.59 Windjammer (Cinemiracle) 27.02.59
12.03.59 Århus Hallen 12.03.59 Windjammer (Cinemiracle) 19.04.59
01.05.59 Forum, København 01.05.59 Windjammer (Cinemiracle) 13.09.59
06.10.59 Det ny Scala 06.10.59 Windjammer (Cinemiracle) 29.03.60
15.08.58 Europa Bio, Aalborg 29.12.59 Sleeping Beauty 07.12.80
26.12.59 Kinopalæet 01.02.60 Solomon and Sheeba 15.03.81
14.01.55 Kosmorama, Århus 23.05.60 South Pacific .04.85
18.01.38 Palladium 13.08.60 Can Can .12.77
21.08.58 Grand, Odense 06.02.61 Porgy and Bess 10.12.87
29.02.56 Villabyerne __.__ .61   . .7
07.07.61 Drive in Bio . .61    
  Bellevue .08.61   27.05.90
. .5 Bio, Rønne 04.09.61 South Pacific 01.03.85
  Slots Bio, Hillerød 16.10.61 Can Can  
03.11.61 Imperial Bio 03.11.61 Exodus  
28.01.55 Fotorama, Herning . .62   .06.80
14.05.55 Lido, Vejle 08.01.62 South Pacific  
  Atlantic 16.07.62   . .7
31.08.62 Kinopalæet 31.08.62 Seven Wonders of the World (Cinerama) 20.10.63
07.12.50 Bio, Brørup 10.09.62 South Pacific  
. .27 Kino, Horsens .10.62   15.08.85
  Kino, Ejby 09.10.62 South Pacific 03.11.91
26.12.56 Kinoteatret, Grindsted 26.12.62 Exodus  
15.11.55 Bio, Varde 07.01.63 South Pacific  
  Kosmorama, Haderslev . .63    
  Bio, Roskilde 16.04.63 West side story . .82
26.12.55 Scala Teatret, Svendborg .04.63 Spartacus  
  Nora Bio 11.08.63   . .7
  Kino, Slagelse .02.64   . .
. .55 Bio, Skjern . .64   12.01.1992
01.12.58 Kino, Grenå . .64    
  Kino, Roskilde . .64    
16.08.54 Bio, Herning . .65   23.10.88
22.12.56 Folketeatret, Århus 08.03.65 The Fall of the Roman Empire  
15.09.38 Bio Lyngby .04.65 The Fall of the Roman Empire  
30.01.58 Biografteater, Skagen .08.66 Those Magnificent Men in their Flying Machines 18.08.91
. .24 Rialto 06.10.66 Doctor Zhivago 30.06.80
21.08.48 Folketeatret, Odense .01.67   . .95
21.12.49 Kino, Kolding 12.04.67    
04.10.57 Apollo Teatret, Odense .07.67 Doctor Zhivago . .
  Bio, Rødby 14.08.67 The Great Race  
02.11.57 Scala, Aalborg .08.67    
  Kino, Vordingborg .09.67 The Sound of Music  
  Biografen, Stege . .67    
04.12.42 Alexandra 02.11.67 War and Peace . .81
  Bio, Rungsted .12.67   . .
23.04.55 Husum Bio .01.68 The Fall of the Roman Empire 30.04.89
  Kinoteatret, Odense .01.68    
.01.68 Kino, Thisted . .68    
  Kino, Ringsted . .68    
26.12.57 Kosmorama, Helsingør .08.68 Camelot . .82
  Nørreport Bio .1 .68   .03.80
.08.53 Park, Risskov .04.69   . .82
  Bio, Hørsholm . .69   . .92
  Billedteateret, Helsingør . .69   . .92
  Amager Bio . .69   .02.86
  Bio, Løgstør . .69    
. .37 Astra Teatret, Åbyhøj . .69   31.12.86
  Scala, Slagelse .1 .69   . .89
01.12.69 Imperial, Dalum 01.12.69 Chitty Chitty Bang Bang 23.12.85
. .20 Bio, Vordingborg .04.70   20.01.90
05.11.50 Kinoteatret, Skanderborg 03.06.70 Funny Girl 01.05.88
31.10.26 Park Teatret .12.70   . .7
  Phønix Teatret, Ikast 28.12.70 Gone With the Wind . .84
01.04.71 Bil Bio . .71   . .84
01.09.71 Mercur Teatret .09.71   . .
08.03.72 Scala, Holstebro . .72    
.09.73 Rialto 2 . .    
. .43 Malling Bio 21.11.74 Where Eagels Dare  
. .76 Park Bio . .    
. .7 Cinema 180, Bakken . .7   . .82
.05.81 Cinema 2000, Tivoli .05.81   .09.83
01.11.34 Biografen, Nørresundby . .85 Doctor Zhivago 29.11.87
23.04.73 ABCinema+D (A-sal) 31.10.86 Out of Africa 31.03.89
02.04.89 Biffen, Aalborg . .89    
01.11.89 Tycho Brahe Planetarium 01.11.89 The Dream is Alive  
18.10.12 Palads Teatret 29.05.90 Lawrence of Arabia  
.05.90 Cinema 2000, Århus .05.90   .08.90
. .90 Cinema 180, Aalborg . .90   . .94
29.06.92 Ripley's Motion Master 29.06.92   . .92
23.10.36 Bio, Slagelse . .93   30.12.2003
22.08.94 Spacebio 22.08.94   ca 1996
 __.__.1995 Symfonien, Aalborg . .95   2014
xx.08.2000 DGI Byen xx.08.2000 Baraka xx.08.2000


Klædefabrikken, Odense 03.09.2000 Baraka 03.09.2000


Rungstedlund, Rungsted 13.08.2010 "Out of Africa" 13.08.2010
15.02.2013 Biffen, Nordkraft, Aalborg 06.09.2009 "The Master" -
10.08.2013 Kronborg, Helsingør 10.08.2013 "Hamlet" 10.08.2013
09.05.2016 Teater Nordkraft, Aalborg 09.05.2016 The Hateful Eight 14.05.2016
29.03.1938 Gentofte Kino 26.08.2020 Tenet -
Further in 70mm reading:

70mm film i Danmark

CDS Cinemas

Cinemas woldwide capable of showing 70mm 5-perf.

70mm Cinemas

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Updated 28-07-24