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Pavel Tomešek has Passed Away
Manager of the Mír 70 cinema in Krnov, CZ
24.03.1965 - 26.06.2022 |
Read more at in70mm.com The 70mm Newsletter
Written by: Martin Bodesinsky, Krnov |
26.06.2022 |
70mm community in the Czech Republic has lost a big enthusiast, friend, a
long-time manager of the Mir 70 cinema and the organizer of the
internationally famous 70mm film festival Krrr! Even though we expected it,
we still can't believe it. We will all miss you here…" Martin Bodesinsky, Krnov
Sunday 26 June 2022 in the early morning hours, Mr. Pavel Tomešek, the
manager of the Mír 70 cinema in
Krnov, lost his long and unequal battle with an insidious illness.
His professional life had been connected with various cinemas for more than
four decades and under his leadership, the cinema in Krnov became a unique
place, combining state-of-the-art projection and sound technology with fully
functional equipment for the projection of nowadays unused film materials
and formats.
He managed to transfer his enthusiasm for screening classic film strips to
his team of co-workers and thus wrote the Krnov cinema into the imaginary
map of cinemas hosting international 70mm film festivals. Thanks to the KRRR!
festival, visitors from all over the world have been coming to Krnov for
more than 15 years.
70mm projection was Pavel's love of his life. He has helped to preserve and
re-establish it not only in "his" cinema, but thanks to his enthusiasm and
knowledge, the audience in Zlín and Dobruška could experience this technical
rarity at least once, and he has also established close cooperation with the
operators of the 70mm
amphitheatre in Banská Bystrica, so that the festival there and the
festival in Krnov are connected both in terms of programming and personnel.
Last but not least, we should not forget about the support of cinephiles and
young filmmakers, for whom the Krnov cinema has managed to create the
necessary background for both the creation and presentation of new works.
For his activities, Pavel Tomešek has been nominated several times for the
Personality of Culture in Krnov and this year he will also receive an award
from the Association of Czech Film Clubs at the 48th Summer Film School in
Uherské Hradiště.
Pavel, thank you for everything.
More in 70mm reading:
Home of "7OMM Seminar" at
Kino Mir 70, Krnov, Czech Republic
Panoramic Film Presentation
in Banská Bystrica, Slovak Republik, 2019
Krnov 2022
Festival Report
2022 (CZ)
2022 (DE)
Pavel's "Oscar
"To Pavel Tomasek for his long time dedication to Czech 70mm projectors and
the Krnov 70mm festival"
Paul and Thomas,
I have received a symbolic Oscar statuette from you for my many years of
work as a projectionist and organizer of the KRRR Film Fest. I was very
surprised and especially pleased. You can't imagine how happy I was.
Especially in these difficult times, when at the same time I'm fighting with
an illness. You have confirmed to me that what I am doing even in the 70mm
area is not completely useless and has some sense. Thank you very much!
From Krnov
Pavel, 14. April 2022
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22-01-25 |