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Todd-AO Festival
KRRR! 7OMM Seminar
GIFF 70, Gentofte
Oslo 7OMM Festival
Widescreen Weekend

Premiere | Films
People | Equipment
Library | Cinemas
Todd-AO Projector
Distortion Correcting

1926 Natural Vision
1929 Grandeur
1930 Magnifilm
1930 Realife
1930 Vitascope
1952 Cinerama
1953 CinemaScope
1954 VistaVision
1955 Todd-AO
1955 Circle Vision 360
1956 CinemaScope 55
1957 Ultra Panavision 70
1958 Cinemiracle
1958 Kinopanorama
1959 Super Panavision 70
1959 Super Technirama 70
1960 Smell-O-Vision
1961 Sovscope 70
Cinerama 360
1962 MCS-70
1963 70mm Blow Up
1963 Circarama
1963 Circlorama
1966 Dimension 150
1967 DEFA 70
1967 Pik-A-Movie
1970 IMAX / Omnimax
1974 Cinema 180
1976 Dolby Stereo
1984 Showscan
1984 Swissorama
1986 iWERKS
1989 ARRI 765
1990 CDS
1994 DTS / Datasat
2001 Super Dimension 70
2018 Magellan 65

Various Large format | 70mm to 3-strip | 3-strip to 70mm | Specialty Large Format | Special Effects in 65mm | ARC-120 | Early Large Format
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in70mm.com Mission:
• To record the history of the large format movies and the 70mm cinemas as remembered by the people who worked with the films. Both during making and during running the films in projection rooms and as the audience, looking at the curved screen.
in70mm.com, a unique internet based magazine, with articles about 70mm cinemas, 70mm people, 70mm films, 70mm sound, 70mm film credits, 70mm history and 70mm technology. Readers and fans of 70mm are always welcome to contribute.

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In Memoriam - Daniel Harold Leimeter
1941 - 08.02.2024

The 70mm Newsletter
Written by: Dan Leimeter.
Dan himself wrote these lines, sometime in the early 2000s. He was a clever and humorous guy, and this memorial he wrote about himself reflects him and his sense of humor.
Date: 31.05.2024
The Chief himself Dan Leimeter, April 17, 1999. Picture by Paul Rayton

In Memoriam

Daniel Harold Leimeter
1941 - 2024

There's no getting around it, you know. He's as dead and gone as double-features at the movies, or carbon-arc lamp houses; but he lived a rich, complete life that he enjoyed to the fullest, so there's no reason for us to assemble to mourn his passing. To eat, drink, and carouse, yes; to tell naughty tales, absolutely; to mourn, never!

He will surely be forgotten by the world long before next Tuesday, so those of us who remain should focus our attention on the present and, of course, the future. Life is way too short to waste on tedious rituals examining the misadventures of people who no longer exist.

For those who enjoyed sharing his company, please know that the feeling was completely mutual. He wished all you long lives of easy affability, exciting adventure, and extraordinary affection.

For those who are quite pleased to have seen the last of him, he is equally as happy to be shut of you as you are of him. For those who are dancing indecorously on his grave, be aware that "Tempos" still continues to "Fugit" and that your well-deserved turn in barrel is inevitably coming, perhaps sooner than you may imagine.

In all of Western Literature, there is no faux-Latin phrase more apt than "Illegitimii Non Carburundum". Discover the world you inhabit; revel in its complex mixture of amazing people, amusing kittens, and astounding beauty. Rise up and stand in the light of the sun, turn your face into the breeze, and smile with confident sincerity.

Then get on out there and kick some ass!
More in 70mm reading:

Dan Leimeter: Working at Todd-AO Sound Studios

Honorary membership - Dan Leimeter

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Updated 31-05-24