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Perspecta Stereophonic Sound
Study of the Basic Principles and the Equipment Required to Obtain
Stereophonic Sound From a Single Optical Track |
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Theatre Equipment Products Mgr. Fairchild Recording Equipment Co.
Published in
20.05.2024 |
A FRONT (left) and rear (right) view of the power supply and
integrator unit necessary in order to obtain the optical stereophonic
Many exhibitors because of financial, physical, or personal
reasons did not install magnetic stereophonic sound in their theatres.
The fact that this new method of sound presentation was an "extra" which
helped bring in customers, however, made directional sound a valuable
asset. A solution to this problem appears to be offered by the Perspecta
stereophonic sound system which makes it possible to obtain directional
sound from a single optical track using standard projection equipment
and procedures. This article prepared by one of the men responsible for
the development of the equipment needed is an attempt to clear up some
of the confusion found concerning such things as to how the system works,
what is needed, the theory and also information on installation and
Stereophonic sound can now be recorded on and reproduced from a single
optical track of any existing variety. In fact, during the past several
months, hundreds of theatres have been equipped to show film with
stereophonic sound recorded by this method. This accomplishment, Perspecta Stereophonic Sound, is the result of an idea conceived by C.
Robert Fine and the development of the practical equipment by Fairchild
Recording Equipment Company, under the direction of Ray F. Crews. The
system was quickly accepted by the motion picture industry's major
producers as the standard for stereophonic sound.
Standard Equipment Used
The basic intent of the development was to provide stereophonic sound on
standard film without modification of the film nor modification of the
projector in which it is used. This means that all film productions made
by the Perspecta method can be played on all existing optical sound
reproducing systems with no changes whatsoever. If the theatre is not
equipped for directional sound, no consideration need be given to the
use of the film. However, if stereophonic reproduction is desired, and
the theatre has magnetic-type sound-reproducing equipment, the only
additional equipment, required is an "integrator." In those houses in
which stereophonic equipment has not been installed, it is necessary, of
course, to add three power amplifiers and three horn systems.
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THIS DIAGRAM illustrates what a theatre operator must do to install
Perspecta stereophonic sound if the theatre is already equipped for a
magnetic track system. The only equipment needed is one integrator unit
and a transfer switch. The black symbols seen represent existing
How Perspecta Works
In the actual reproduction of stereophonic sound, the audience is
conscious primarily of the difference in sound intensity from different
directions. For example, when a voice originates near the left side of
the screen, it is identified as coming from the left only because it is
louder from the left speaker than sound emanating from the center and
right speakers. The Perspecta sound method of recording is particularly
adaptable to accentuation of the volume difference effect between
speakers. As a result, the most startling and spectacular effects can be
To understand the basic concept of Perspecta sound, one must first
remember that standard theatre sound equipment reproduces sound audible
to the audience between approximately 70 and 8,000 cycles. The heart of
the Perspecta sound system, then, is a specially-designed unit called an
integrator, which accepts all sound on the optical track and then does
two things: first, it separates the whole recording into two sections,
one being the true audio of the program material from 63 cycles upward,
and the other being control frequencies which are below 63 cycles.
The control frequencies are then separated by band-pass filters, with
the result that a separate control voltage is supplied to each of the
individual circuits feeding the three theatre channels. Thus, these
control frequencies present on the Perspecta sound track accurately
govern the distribution of sound to the three theatre horn systems. To
be specific, let's assume that the action and sound on the left side of
the stage is to be accentuated. The studio mixer raises the volume of
the 30-cycle control signal being recorded and reduces the volume of the
35- and 40-cycle carriers by the desired amounts. As the action and
sound move to the center of the stage, the volume of the 35-cycle
carrier is raised and the 30-cycle (left) and 40-cycle (right) carrier
signals are reduced. Of course, any combination of levels can be
obtained to give the impression the sound is coming from any
intermediate location on the screen. It also is possible to raise all
carriers to full output at the same time.
THIS is Perspecta stereophonic film. The three low-frequency tones
which govern the sound have been recorded on same track with other
In practice, the recording is made in the conventional manner and volume
variation is accomplished by including the three low-level,
low-frequency carrier signals on the same track with the speech and
music. When played through a standard, single-channel optical sound
system, these carrier tones are inaudible. Because of this, the
Perspecta release print will play as single sound in any theatre in the
world. However, the same Perspecta release print will produce the finest
stereophonic sound in a theatre equipped with the Fairchild Perspecta
Integrator and multiple speakers and amplifiers.
Installation Considerations
To install the integrator, it is necessary only to connect the output of
the projectors to the input of the integrator at a point past the changeover
position. Only one integrator is used in a projection booth. A selection of
input impedances is available so that low-impedance (500 ohm) and
high-impedance sound head outputs are accommodated by a preamplifier with a
wide range of gain. The output impedance of the three channels is 600 ohms
for connection to the input of the three theatre power amplifiers. A
three-gang, 600-ohm, 20-step volume control is then inserted at the output
of the integrator to control the auditorium sound level.
No changes whatsoever are made to the projectors. The film carries
normal-sized sprocket holes, thus requiring no special splicing machine.
This film is not subject to the hazards of magnetic-type recording, as
it is not affected by heavy AC fields nor subject to easy abrasion. Hum
troubles are at a minimum because the system operates with lower gain
than the magnetic-type recording.
Perspecta directional (control) tones continued to exist on prints made in
later years. They could show up many years later, as seen on this sample
from a newer print of a 1956 movie being inspected in 2013. Image: Paul
Another feature noticeable to the listener is the quietness of the
no-signal sections of the picture being presented. In Perspecta sound
recording there is only one track to contend with so far as
signal-to-noise ratio is concerned, where-as in multitrack systems all
channels are open, whether carrying sound or not. With the Perspecta
Integrator in operation each channel is closed except during the actual
transmission of sound.
From Projectionist's Standpoint
Perspecta sound presents no novel procedures to learn. The same film is
used as in the past; the same method of threading, and the same old
splicer familiar to all projectionists. The motor-operated, enclosed
rewinder may be used as usual, and the film can be located without harm
near motors or rectifiers.
With the integrator, it is possible to run not only stereophonic prints
but also conventional optical non-stereophonic prints without even
throwing a switch.
This ease of operation is accomplished by an automatic switching
arrangement built into the integrator. When a single-optical-track film
is being run, this switch moves to the "mono-sound" position and the
sound comes out through center horns only. When a Perspecta-sound-track
film is being run, the switch moves automatically to the "Perspecta
sound" position and the sound enters each horn as originally planned by
the sound recording studio.
Maintenance of the unit is quite elementary, as the equipment has been
thoroughly designed following conventional practices. The unit has good
accessibility for maintenance purposes.
Compatibility with existing equipment and method is an outstanding
advantage of Perspecta Stereophonic Sound system. Comparative simplicity
of the integrator and the entire system keeps installation and
maintenance costs low.

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