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From The Novel By Boris Pasternak
A Carlo Ponti Production For
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer |
Read more at in70mm.com The 70mm Newsletter
Written by: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Inc Culver City, California, 1966. Upton 0-3311. Prepared for in70mm.com
from old MGM press by
Brian Guckian, Ireland |
01.01.2015 |
"Doctor Zhivago" Opens To Record Breaking Business
full page advert for the 70mm release. Click the image to see enlargement
"Doctor Zhivago" is playing to record breaking business in its second
week at the Loew’s Capitol Theatre in
New York and the Paramount Theatre
in Hollywood with both engagements having the largest advance sales of
any Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer roadshow attraction in the history of the
David Lean’s film of Boris Pasternak’s Nobel Prize winning novel
completed its second capacity week at the Loew’s Capitol, January 5,
with a smashing gross of $70,224.
Capacity since the first performance, the Carlo Ponti Production had an
SRO opening week gross of $56,679. The second higher week reflected
increased ticket prices for the New Year’s Eve performance.
With hundreds being turned away from the Loew’s boxoffice during the
first two weeks, advance sales in New York are now in excess of
$200,000, and continuing to build.
The first week gross of $35,877 at the Paramount Theatre was the biggest
opening of any previous MGM roadshow attraction, topping "Ben-Hur" and
"How the West Was Won" with first week grosses of $32,855 and $32,114,
Advance sales in los Angeles also are the largest for any MGM roadshow
engagement. Projection for the second week ending tomorrow, January 6,
at the Paramount indicates a gross comparable to the first week.
More in 70mm reading:
“Doctor Zhivago”: The North
American Roadshow and 70mm Engagements
Facts For Editorial Reference About The
Making Of Doctor Zhivago
Omar Sharif Passed Away
MGM Press (PDF)
"Doctor Zhivago" reviews (PDF)
70mm Blow Up List
1965 - by in70mm.com
Five New Roadshow Engagements Of "Doctor Zhivago"
premiere of "Doctor Zhivago" in New York, 1964. Image by MGM
Five new roadshow
engagements of David lean’s Film of "Doctor Zhivago"
have been set for the Bismarck Palace, Chicago, January 27; Warner
Theatre, Washington, D.C., February 2; Units Artists Theatre, Detroit,
February 2; Beach theatre, Miami beach, February 2; and Orpheum Theatre,
San Francisco, February 9, it was announced by Robert H. O’Brien,
president of MGM. Theatre bookings were made as a result of the
tremendously enthusiastic critical and public acclaim following the world
premieres of "Doctor Zhivago" at Loew’s Capitol Theatre in New York and Paramount Theatre in
Hollywood. "Doctor Zhivago" also will have its first overseas premiere in London in
early spring, to be followed by Roadshow engagements throughout the
world during 1966.
lean, two-time Academy Award winner for
"Lawrence of Arabia" and
on the River Kwai", remains as planned at the MGM Studios in Culver City
to supervise the 70mm prints.
Starring in "Doctor Zhivago" are Geraldine Chaplin,
Julie Christie, Tom Courtenay, Alec Guinness, Siobhan McKenna, Ralph
Richardson, Omar Sharif, Rod Steiger and Rita Tushingham.
The screen play was written by Robert Bolt.
Hollywood Press Previews
of "Doctor Zhivago" lined up in Madrid during filming. Image by MGM
So much excitement was generated for
"Doctor Zhivago" through the
advance campaign, that it was necessary to take over the entire seating
capacity of the 1500-seat Hollywood Paramount Theatre for two evenings
in order to hold press previews.
Admittance was by invitation and all seats were reserved for both
This permitted reviewers for Los Angeles newspapers to have extensive
analyses of the picture in print the morning and afternoon when the
first public performances began rather than the following day as is
usually the case after the opening of a production.
In attendance at the previews (held the two days immediately preceeding
the charity premiere) were:
National press and magazine reviewers.
News and feature syndicate writers.
All groups of photographers.
TV and Radio commentators.
Audio and Visual news programmers.
Major disk jockies.
Record Company executives and A&R men.
Trade reviewers, reporters and columnists.
Mutual ticket agency representatives.
Group sales workers.
Store promotion men and women.
Fashion experts and merchandising representatives.
Industry leaders.
Educational opinion makers.
"Doctor Zhivago" Stars At Premiere
premiere flyer. Click the image to see enlargement
Through the presence in New York and Hollywood of Omar Sharif, Geraldine
Chaplin, Julie Christie and Rod Steiger, prior to the premiere nights,
much valuable exposure was obtained in the press and through the media
of TV and radio.
All four stars attended the New York premiere. All but Steiger were at
the Hollywood affair and were widely photographed and appeared on the
telecast of the evening's activities.
Sharif, Miss Chaplin and Steiger were in Hollywood well in advance of
the premiere here and did much to create interest in the premiere.
Omar Sharif
First member of the starring cast to come to this country was Sharif. In
New York, he did interviews and made television appearances.
He flew across the country, making stops for publicity and exploitation
His airport arrival sparked news art of him being sold a premiere ticket
by Mrs. Frank Sinatra to the Hollywood event.
He did syndicated column interviews with Hedda Hopper, Bob Thomas (AP)
and Vernon Scott (UPI).
He was interviewed extensively for a national radio show, the Ralph
Story program.
Following the premiere, he was honored by members of the Hollywood Press
Correspondents Association at a breakfast. The affair on December 30
will spark official recognition for Sharif at the annual Golden Globe
affair which precedes the Academy Awards.
Geraldine Chaplin
This star's visit to Hollywood marked her return to the place of her
birth. Her arrival at the airport, with her oldest brother, Charles
Chaplin, Jr., meeting her, was covered by TV newsreels. Film was shown
on news programs on 6 of the 7 Los Angeles stations.
Press coverage on her included interviews with:
Vernon Scott (UPI)
Harrison Carroll (LA Herald-Examiner)
Charles Champlin (LA Times - Sunday feature)
Army Archerd (Variety and King features)
Abe Greenberg (Citizen-News)
Lydia Lane (syndicated beauty feature)
Peter Bart (NY Times)
Sidney Skolsky (Tintype)
Radio-TV coverage included:
Ralph Story network radio program
Bill Knight of KCOP
"Nine On the Line" show - KHJ-TV-Wayne Thomas
Pamela Mason, Channel 7, Syndicated TV
"Adams At Noon", KNX-TV show
"Teen Topics" - KFWB Radio
Miss Chaplin also did a Harpers Bazaar Fashion Layout for future
Rod Steiger
His arrival at the airport was covered photographically.
He was interviewed by:
Bob Thomas (AP)
Hedda Hopper for future Sunday Syndicated feature
Sidney Skolsky for tintype
Christian Science Monitor
Cinema Magazine
George Jackson (Herald-Examiner)
Brilliant east-and-west Premieres launch "Doctor
of "Doctor Zhivago" at the Paramount cinema in Hollywood. Image by MGM
the brief span of twenty-four hours, 2461 non-stop jet miles apart,
brilliant star-and-celebrity-studded audiences attended gala world premieres
of "Doctor Zhivago" to dazzle Broadway and Hollywood.
Record crowds attracted to Loew's Capitol Theatre in New York on the
evening of December 22, and the Paramount Theatre in Hollywood the
following night, enthusiastically acclaimed Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's
presentation of the David Lean film as one of the most eagerly
anticipated motion pictures in years.
Adding glamorous excitement to both premieres were two new sensational
and fascinating young feminine stars, Geraldine Chaplin and Julie
Christie, making their first "in person" appear¬ances before American
film fans.
They flew into New York for the premiere with their co-stars of "Doctor Zhivago", Omar Sharif, Rod Steiger, Tom Courtenay and Rita Tushingham,
two-time Academy Award winning Director David Lean and Producer Carlo
Among the prominent entertainment, political and society notables who
purchased $150 tickets for the opening night benefit performance, with
all proceeds going to the Will Rogers Memorial Hospital and O'Donnell's
Research Laboratories, were: MGM President Robert H. O'Brien, Senator
and Mrs. Jacob K. Javits, Sophia Loren, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ewell, Keir
Dullea, Robert Morse, Chet Huntley, Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Cerf, Mr. and
Mrs. Bernard S. Gimbel.
Robert M. Weitman, MGM vice president and studio head; Benjamin
Melniker, vice president and general counsel; Maurice Silverstein,
president of MGM International; Morris E. Lefko, vice president and
general sales manager; vice president John B. Burns, Laurence Tisch, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Englehard. Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. L. Gardner, Mrs. Elizabeth M. Graham, Princess
Diane Eristavi, Miss Ann Fogarty, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Revson, Mr. and
Mrs. Jules C. Stein, Mr. and Mrs. S. Joseph Tankoos, and Mrs. and Mrs.
George Zauderer.
After the gay Pink Champagne Ball in the Imperial Ballroom of Hotel
Americana, which climaxed the New York premiere, Geraldine Chaplin,
Julie Christie, Qmar Sharif and Director Lean were airborne with only a
few hours sleep, headed for Hollywood.
With tickets for the West Coast Premiere of "Doctor Zhivago" sold out
days ahead, another glittering audience of film stars and social leaders
packed the Hollywood Paramount Theatre. The performance sponsored by the
Women's Guild of the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center raised a record net of
$115,000, the entire proceeds contributing to the philanthropic
organization's program of Free Bed Care, Research and Education at the
Medical Center.
Director Lean, Geraldine Chaplin, Julie Christie and Omar Sharif shared
the opening night spotlight with a dazzling array of Hollywood's top
stars and personalities including: Julie Andrews, Polly Bergen, Joey
Bishop, George Burns, Richard Chamberlain, Cyd Charisse and Tony Martin,
Nancy Davis, Kirk Douglas, Tony Franciosa, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Greer Carson,
Sonja Henie, Carolyn Jones.
Angela Lansbury, Janet Leigh, Dean Martin, David McCallum, Gregory Peck,
Ronald Reagan, Donna Reed, Edward G. Robinson, Barbara Rush, Rosalind
Russell, Jean Simmons, Nancy Sinatra, Jr., and Robert Vaughn.
Lights, bleachers, souvenir programs and a live telecast from 7:30 to
8:30 by KHJ-TV with noted columnist Army Archerd at the microphone added
colorful Interest to one of the roost exciting of all Hollywood
As in New York, following the Paramount premiere, the festivities
shifted to the Beverly Hills Hotel where a gala supper party, also under
sponsorship of the Cedars-Sinai Women's Guild, climaxed another
memorable evening.
Radio And TV Coverage In New York
Lean and his Zhivago cast: Julie Christie, Geraldine Chaplin and Omar
Sharif. Image by MGM
Nov. 15th
Nov. 16th
Nov. 17th Nov. 18th Nov. 19th
Nov. 22nd Jan. 2
Julie Christie
Dec. 15th
Mike Wallace Interview CBS
Dec. 16th
I've Got a Secret
Interview Today Show at NBC
Tonight Show NBC
Interview Martha Deane, WOR
Interview Mimi Benzell NBC
Radio interview Casper Citron
Interview with Kathleen Carroll WPIX-TV
Monitor NBC 30 Rockefeller Plaza
Ed Sullivan Show
Monitor NBC interview Mimi Benzelle interview WNEW Radio Guy Savino Mike
Wallace interview Arlene Francis of WOR
Geraldine Chaplin
Dec. 7th Interview Marlene Sanders ABC
Dec. 8th -
Dec. 9th Martha Deane-WOR (live Interview)
Dec. 10th NBG Radio News (Leonard Probst)
Dec. 10th Tonight Show
Dec. 12th What's My Line
"Doctor Zhivago" National Magazines
Lean with his Zhivago cast: Julie Christie (right) and Geraldine Chaplin
(left). Image by MGM
Before and After Premieres
Interest In the openings on "DOCTOR ZHIVAGO" was enhanced by publication
In advance of the first showing of major breaks by the following
Geraldine Chaplin - text and COVER
Geraldlne Chaplin - picture layout including Production (April 10)
Julie Christie profile and COVER (Dec. 20)
Omar Sharif COVER and short text on production
(Dec. 25).
Geraldine Chaplin text and color layout (Dec.)
Geraldine Chaplin COVER and interview (June)
Julie Christie interview (Dec.)
Production - 5 pages (Dec.)
Production with color art - (May)
Geraldine Chaplin (March)
Geraldine Chaplin COVER and feature (May).
Geraldine Chaplin (June)
Production - multi-pages with art
Lean (right) with Carlo Ponti (left) and Robert H. O’Brien (President of
MGM). Image by MGM
Feature - Rod Steiger with art
Geraldine Chaplin feature,
Julie Christie Feature,
Rod Steiger Feature
Omar Sharif feature,
Julie Christie,
Geraldine Chaplin,
Rita Tushingham
Production takeout with art
Geraldine Chaplin art and text,
Julie Christie
Geraldine Chaplin art and short text,
Julie Christie and Tom Courtenay,
Production feature with art by Violette Le Due
Production with art
Production with art
Following to be published:
Production in color
Julie Christie - probable cover
Geraldine Chaplin fashions
Promotion in Los Angeles included
40 24-sheet billboards were strategically placed around the city in Los
25 colorful 30-sheets were utilized,
2 giant "spectacular" boards were alternated between 3 prime-viewing
sites on Wilshire Boulevard and Sunset Boulevard.
The city was blanketed with 500 one-sheets
Short cross-plug trailers were utilized for two months in all State Wide
6 prints of the 10-minute "Moscow in Madrid" documentary-type featurette
were booked throughout the same chain of theatres.
A special documentary color trailer was made for showings at various
spots for group sales
Colorful pictorial displays were installed at all spots where
tickets were on sale. Special bumper stickers for automobiles and
"Doctor Zhivago" match folders
were widely distributed. All copy on "Doctor Zhivago" was sent to all press outlets on special
More than 50 windows in leading music stores are promised for displays
when recordings are available.
24 top bookstores will install windows after the rush Christmas
holidays. These will be augmented by displays in smaller bookstore and
book departments in general stores.
Members of the press received copies of the Pasternak novel and later
copies of Bolt's screen play as published in hard covers by Random
Quotes on "Doctor Zhivago"
ticket flyer. Click the
image to see enlargement
Lean speaks in a language of unspeakably beautiful images "Doctor
Zhivago" is warm and rewarding entertainment. It reaches that level
of taste, perception and emotional fullness where a movie becomes a
motion-picture event.
Time Magazine
When "Doctor Zhivago" ends, you feel you personally have gone
through the revolution. For sheer beauty, it can't be matched. And if
you're a betting buff, put your money on Julie Christie for the Oscar.
Hedda Hopper
"Doctor Zhivago" is a monumental picture. A turbulent era is
recreated in a vital, meaningful film. Transferred handsomely and
eloquently to the screen, it is a masterpiece comparable to "Gone
With the Wind".
George Jackson, Los Angeles Herald-Examiner
One of the most meticulously designed and executed films since the
advent of sound and color. Sweep and scope are captured by David Lean
with soaring dramatic intensity.
Daily Variety
So big, it can't be ignored. Lean is one of the legendary great movie
makers, perhaps the best around. It is as throat-catchingly magnificent
as the screen could be. I could rave on and on.
Philip K. Scheuer Los Angeles Times
Without a doubt the most handsomely mounted picture of 1965. Many scenes
sheer enchantment, exquisitely detailed. Exemplary acting by all
Los Angeles Citizen-News

David Lean's film is a majestic, magnificent picture. It has every
element that makes a smash hit. Far more than a masterful motion
picture: it is a life experience.
Hollywood Reporter.
"Doctor Zhivago" is a very, very big picture definitely an oscar
contender in all categories.
Sidney Skolsky syndicated columnist
A considerable cinematic achievement. A warm and moving narrative Julie
Christie's magnetism is so compelling the theatre crackles. She is
something special...and so is "Doctor Zhivago".
National Observer
A notable achievement of the screen, made so by superlative performances
by cast and all talents involved. A gripping and compelling motion
Motion Picture Daily
A four star picture. Under David Lean's excellent direction and the
skilful playing of a handpicked cast, the picture has come forth as one
of the finest of our time.
Kate Cameron, New York Daily News
One of the great motion pictures of our times. A chronicle of both
subtle emotions and spectacular events..."Doctor Zhivago" has
definitely enriched the screen.
Rose Pelswick., New York Journal-American
Worthy to be placed by the side of great David Lean pictures,
"Lawrence of Arabia", "The Bridge on the River Kwai", etc...a
great picture in every sense of the word.
Archer Winsten New York Post
It is the spectacle of the year... An astounding production... Julie
Christie again proves she is the star of the year.
Dorothy Manners
Go: back - top - back issues - news index Updated
22-01-25 |