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"How many DP70 were made by Philips in Eindhoven, Holland?"
DP70 Serial Numbers
: 0600 - 2532

The 70mm Newsletter
Written by: Thomas Hauerslev, with a lot of help from many fans of the DP70Date: 10.08.2019
The serial number is the small metal plate on the back of the mechanism between the two oil taps, or on earlier models, just above the shutter.

"How many DP70 machines did Philips Cinema produce in Eindhoven, Holland?"

That is a question which I have been trying to find the answer to for many years. The short answer is 1577 machines. This is a qualified guess, based on all the numbers in this list. "Huh! How is that?" Well, since the early 1980s I have been collecting DP70 serial numbers as a hobby. Whenever I visited a cinema with one or more DP70s I wrote the number down, and recorded the theatre name. Over time, many friends and projectionists have sent me similar information, and to date, this list now includes nearly 700 machines. The list of serial DP70 numbers has been assembled over nearly 40 years and serves no other purpose than being a very needy interest, but also a work of love.

More in 70mm reading:

Missing DP70 numbers

DP70 - The Todd-AO Projector
DP70 Story
DP70 Cinemas everywhere

70mm Projectors

The serial number is read on the small metal plate on the back of the mechanism between the two oil taps, or on earlier models, just above the shutter. The number plate changes location between machines: #1459 and #1473 (Original install: Palladium, Copenhagen, Denmark). The list of numbers starts off at #601 and ends with #2532 and then jumps to a final stop at #2729. There are no numbers between 999 and 1300 (with a few exceptions, which I think are mistakes). On many machines found in the US, additional United Artists number plates have been added to the machines. Those, I assume, are Todd-AO Corporation numbers.

I have been unable to find precise information as to the exact number of machines manufactured. It will remain a total mystery how many DP70 projectors Philips Cinema manufactured from 1955 until the end, around 1966. The Philips company has been very helpful, but alas, have been unable to find any records. Kinoton was kind to reply in 2001, and they estimated around 1500 machines had been built. Kinoton was located in Munich, Germany, and was the distributor of spare parts for the DP70.

28. August 2001

Dear Mr. Hauerslev

Unfortunately I cannot give you any information about the production figures of the DP70. You would have to turn to Philips Eindhoven in the Netherlands. The only thing I can tell you is a number of 1500 DP70 projectors which we sold in the period from 1955 until 1968. I hope this will help you a little bit.

Regarding spare parts for the DP70, most of them are still produced and supplied.

Best regards
Renate Zoller
Kinoton, Germany

If I assume that all numbers collected so far gives a random image of all the machines ever made, then my guess is that Philips Cinema made 1577 DP70 Todd-AO projectors. In the table below, you can see a breakdown of each series with my notes. The list is not complete, not will it ever be, but it does give a very good impression of how popular the Todd-AO Projector was. Especially since everything Todd-AO is now long gone in Hollywood, and digital cinema has taken over mainstream cinema, we still have the original 70mm projector left in many cinemas. Perhaps the most successful element of the entire Todd-AO Process?  

Although much effort has been made to keep the list up-to-date, you must be prepared to find that some machines have been removed. The machines have been located at one point since 1982 and may not be installed any longer. The list does not reflect where the machines are today. Some projectors have been moved or scrapped since the date of recording between 1982 and today.  Also, please take a look at this list on this page called "Missing DP70 numbers", which are theatres with DP70s where the mechanism serial number haven't been recorded yet, or where plate is removed etc. As soon as the mechanism numbers are added, the machines are moved to the regular lists.

Feel free to send your information to me:
Thomas Hauerslev



DP70 Series


SeriesMachines foundBuilt in
of 100
% foundNotes
1000-11003--It seems odd to have only three mechanism with 1000/1100 numbers, since no other machines in both ranges have been found in 40 years. It is probably Todd-AO numbers, and not Philips mechanism numbers.
1300441003,0%Including three from 1000-1100 range
150011550,7%45 machines missing. A gap between 1515 - 1559.
250012320,8%Including #2729. It seems odd to have one mechanism with a 2700 number, since there no machines above 2532. Digit two "7" could have been misread.
 50-3,2%Theatres with DP70s where the mechanism serial number haven't been recorded yet, or where plate is removed. As soon as the mechanism numbers are added, the machines are moved to the regular lists.

machines found so far

machines built (approximately)

of all machines found
DP70s = (15 x 100) + 55 + 32 = 1487



DP70 numbers
This list has been made during 40s and counting. Each machine has been "spotted" at some point, and may be long gone today. The list represents all 667+ machines where they were at the time of recording. The list is updated every now and then, if new information comes in.

PrototypeKingsway TheatreTorontoCanada
PrototypeTodd-AO Studios, Stage 2Hollywood (CA)USA
601Boston Light and Sound (1019)Boston (MA)USA
6??Boston Light and Sound (Base 1013)Boston (MA)USA
603Tim Burke (private)Hollywood (CA)USA
605Kallet Shoppingtown Theatre #? (Base 1049)Dewitt (NY)USA
607 CLACO Equipment And Service, In storage Utah USA
608 lAero TheatreSanta Monica (CA)USA
609Tim Burke (private)Hollywood (CA)USA
611Boston Light and Sound (1010)Boston (MA)USA
616 rCoronet (Base 1030)San Francisco (CA)USA
618 lCoronet (Base 1020)San Francisco (CA)USA
621Carey Williams (Private) Chicago (IL)USA
625 Loew's Harvard Square Theatre #1 Cambridge, MA USA
627 Boston Light and Sound Boston, MA USA
631Carey Williams (Private) Chicago (IL)USA
635Kallet Shoppingtown Theatre #3 (Base 1048)Dewitt (NY)USA
638 In storage 3 blocks away from 639 Tulsa (OK) USA
639 Brook Restaurant Tulsa (OK) USA
645 Southport Theatre Southport England
646 cParamount Main Theatre (Base 1027)Hollywood (CA)USA
647 lParamount Main Theatre (Base 1053)Hollywood (CA)USA
651Tim Burke (private)Hollywood (CA)USA
652Tim Burke (private)Hollywood (CA)USA
659The John Anson Ford AmphitheatreLos Angeles (CA)USA
660The John Anson Ford AmphitheatreLos Angeles (CA)USA
663 cLaemmles RoyalLos Angeles (CA)USA
679 rAero TheatreSanta Monica (CA)USA
680 rBruin (Base 6624)Westwood Village (CA)USA
681 CBruin (Cannibalized)Westwood Village (CA)USA
684 lParamount Studio Theatre (Base 1044)Hollywood (CA)USA
685 rParamount Studio Theatre (Base 1047)Hollywood (CA)USA
687Loews/SONY 12-plex, screen #6 (part)Webster (NY)USA
693Tim Burke (private)Hollywood (CA)USA
694Boston Light and Sound (1120)Boston (MA)USA
695Boston Light and Sound (1119)Boston (MA)USA
696 rParamount Main Theatre (Base 6441)Hollywood (CA)USA
709Eastman Kodak TheatreRochester (NY)USA
710Eastman Kodak TheatreRochester (NY)USA
713King Cinema (Base 1094)Seattle (WA)USA
714King Cinema (Base 1087)Seattle (WA)USA
715Motion Picture Academy
Linwood Dunn Theater
Hollywood (CA)USA
719CLACO Equipment And Service, In storage Salt Late City (Utah)USA
730Brad Morris (p) Los Angeles USA
739 Boston Light and Sound Boston, MA USA
741 CLACO Equipment And Service, In storage UtahUSA
742 CLACO Equipment And Service, In storage UtahUSA
748Michael Trudell (private)Southern CaliforniaUSA
750Loews/SONY 12-plex, screen #6Webster (NY)USA
751 (p)Bob LeaderMaryville (WA)USA
752 lMann Chinese Hollywood #3Hollywood (CA)USA
754 rMann Chinese Hollywood #3Hollywood (CA)USA
757 lGerman Film Museum?Germany
758 MoviElite cinema Wettingen Switzerland
760Mr. Oliver Oschmann (Private)WürzburgGermany
764 rRoyal Filmpalast #AMünchenGermany
765 rRoyalFrankfurth am MainGermany
770Royal Filmpalast #EMünchenGermany
774 rGrindel #1HamburgGermany
776 lSavoyHamburgGermany
778 lFilm House TheatreRichmondEngland
779 rFilm House TheatreRichmondEngland
781Museum Lichtspiele #3MünchenGermany
782 MoviElite cinema Wettingen Switzerland
785Schauburg (storage)KarlsruheGermany
794Oak wood box with Thomas HauerslevCopenhagenDenmark
796 lRigolettoStockholmSweden
798 rRigolettoStockholmSweden
803Bahía BlancaBuenos AiresArgentina
806 sWorcester Polytechnic InstituteWorcester (MA)USA
807 CLACO Equipment And Service, In storage Utah USA
812David Grant?Australia
814 pVal Gilmore (p)Ballendyne Co MayoIreland
817 lCivic Cinema #1AucklandNew Zealand
818 pVal Gilmore (p)Ballendyne Co MayoIreland
819Luna Cinema, screen 1Leederville Australia
823Orla Nielsen (p)AalborgDenmark
824Orla Nielsen (p)AalborgDenmark
825 rCivic Cinema #1AucklandNew Zealand
827 far rLouis Lumiere Palais de Festival Grand salleCannesFrance
830 far lLouis Lumiere Palais de Festival Grand salleCannesFrance
834Bahía BlancaBuenos AiresArgentina
838Irish Film CenterDublinIreland
841Thomas Deg/Odeon Festival Park (private)Stoke-on-TrentEngland
847 Southport Theatre Southport England
851 CIrish Film Center (parts)DublinIreland
854 rCinerama #1RotterdamHolland
856 CLACO Equipment And Service, In storage Utah USA
859Dolby Laboratories, Inc. (storage)Wootton BassetEngland
860 rEdinburgh Film TheatreEdinburghScotland
863 lEdinburgh Film TheatreEdinburghScotland
864Stephen Rowley (p)Whitchurch, ShropshireUK
866 CHoyts Warehouse (parts)AucklandNew Zealand
867Dolby Laboratories, Inc. (storage)Wootton BassetEngland
868 Rex (spares)BerkhamstedEngland
869Stephen Rowley (p)Whitchurch, ShropshireUK
870Anthony Storey (p)PeterboroughEngland
872 Rex (spares) BerkhamstedEngland
873Worcester Polytechnic Institute (59-103)Worcester  (MA)USA
880Warner TheatreWashington (DC)USA
881Warner TheatreWashington (DC)USA
886Schauburg (storage)KarlsruheGermany
887Phillip Maddison (p)DrillhamAustralia
888Phillip Maddison (p)DrillhamAustralia
890 CLACO Equipment And Service, In storage Utah USA
891 CLACO Equipment And Service, In storage Utah USA
892Anthony Storey (p) PeterboroughEngland
893 rRex Theatre Charlton Australia
895 lRex Theatre Charlton Australia
896Anthony Storey (p) PeterboroughEngland
898Cinema Pine #3Ste. Adéle, QuebecCanada
901 lMuseum of the moving image (MOMI)LondonEngland
902 rMuseum of the moving image (MOMI)LondonEngland
904Motion Picture Academy
Linwood Dunn Theater
Hollywood (CA)USA
907Jean-Pierre Gutzeit (Private)BerlinGermany
908Jean-Pierre Gutzeit (Private)BerlinGermany
910 rDirectors Guild of America (Base 59-152)Los Angeles (CA)USA
911 lDirectors Guild of America (Base 59-153)Los Angeles (CA)USA
913 lHollywood TheatrePortland (OR)USA
915 rHollywood TheatrePortland (OR)USA
920 rMann Chinese Hollywood #1Hollywood (CA)USA
921 lMann Chinese Hollywood #1Hollywood (CA)USA
923Kodak. "Theatre on the Ridge"Rochester (NY)USA
924Kodak. "Theatre on the Ridge"Rochester (NY)USA
933 rRivieraStockholmSweden
935 lRivieraStockholmSweden
938 CLACO Equipment And Service, In storage Utah USA
941 Tim Burke (private)Los Angeles (Ca)USA
942 CLACO Equipment And Service, In storage Utah USA
943 Tim Burke (private)Los Angeles (Ca)USA
944 CLACO Equipment And Service, In storage Utah USA
953 CLACO Equipment And Service, In storage Utah USA
954 CLACO Equipment And Service, In storage Utah USA
967 CLACO Equipment And Service, In storage Utah USA

Paul E. Vollmers (Private)

Sister Lakes (MI) USA
1105The Paramount TheatreAnderson (IN)USA
1106The Paramount TheatreAnderson (IN)USA
1330 CLACO Equipment And Service, In storage Utah USA
1332 CWarner Beverly HillsLos Angeles (CA)USA
1333International RecordingLos Angeles (CA)USA
1336Tim Burke (p)Los Angeles (CA)USA
1337 CLACO Equipment And Service, In storage Utah USA
1339 rVillage (Base 59-147)Westwood Village (CA)USA
1340International RecordingLos Angeles (CA)USA
1341 lVillage (Base 59-145)Westwood Village (CA)USA
1342 Tim Burke (private)Los Angeles (Ca)USA
1343 Tim Burke (private)Los Angeles (Ca)USA
1346 rSvensk FilmindustriStockholmSweden
1347 lCity Film Theater #1MünchenGermany
1348 lSvensk FilmindustriStockholmSweden
1349 lEmpire #1 (spares)LondonEngland
1350 lAstoriaStockholmSweden
1351Rialto #4NiceFrance
1352Picturehouse CinemaHackneyEngland
1354 rNorwegian Film InstituteOsloNorway
1355 lNorwegian Film InstituteOsloNorway
1356Glasgow Film TheatreGlasgowScotland
1358Rialto #3NiceFrance
1359Ian Fisher (parts machine)ChristchurchNew Zealand
1361Ian Fisher (parts machine)ChristchurchNew Zealand
1363 rAstoriaStockholmSweden
1366 sUnited Artists Movies #2Thousand Oaks (CA)USA
1368United Artists Theatre Corp. storage facilityHollywoodUSA
1369 sWestwood VillageWestwood Village (CA)USA
1371 sUnited Artists Galaxy #1 (Base 59-175)San Francisco (CA)USA
1372 lTim Burke (private)Los Angeles (Ca)USA
1374 lTim Burke (private)Los Angeles (Ca)USA
1375 lGrand Lake Theatre #2Oakland (CA)USA
1376 rGrand Lake Theatre #2Oakland (CA)USA
1377 Boston Light and Sound Boston, MA USA
1378 CLACO Equipment And Service, In storage Utah USA
1379Greg Mueller (Private)Port Gamble (WA)USA
1383 sUnited Artists Galaxy #2 (Base 59-178)San Francisco (CA)USA
1384Paramount Center of the ArtsPeekskill (NY)USA
1391 s pRobin Dakin (Private)EssexEngland
1392Röda KvarnStockholmSweden
1394Röda KvarnStockholmSweden
1397 Rex BerkhamstedEngland
1398In storageOsloNorway
1399 rGloria Palast #1StuttgartGermany
1401 sJazzKinoAalborgDenmark
1402 cColosseum #1OsloNorway
1403 rOrla Nielsen storageAalborgDenmark
1404 lGloria Palast #1StuttgartGermany
1405 RexBerkhamstedEngland
1408Paramount Center of the ArtsPeekskill (NY)USA
1409 Mount Baker TheatreBellingham (WA)USA
1410Rich Vincent (Private)Denver (CO)USA
1411Motion Picture Academy
Linwood Dunn Theater
Hollywood (CA)USA
1415Steve Gomez (Private) (Base 59-192)San Antonio (TX)USA
1419Storage, 20th Century FoxLos Angeles (CA)USA
1421Somerville TheatreSomerville (MA)USA
1423Somerville TheatreSomerville (MA)USA
1425Lumen #1DelftHolland
1426Le Pathé Palace #1NiceFrance
1427Le Pathé Palace #1NiceFrance
1429Lumen #1DelftHolland
1434Serge BosschaertsSchotenBelgium
1438Storage, 20th Century FoxLos Angeles (CA)USA
1459Malling Bio (in storage)MallingDenmark
1466Australian Museum of Motion Pictures and TelevisionApplecrossAustralia
1468 lRobert Leader (Private)Everett (WA)USA
1469Australian Museum of Motion Pictures and TelevisionApplecrossAustralia
1472Astor / FilmpalastBerlinGermany
1473Malling BioMallingDenmark
1474 lIMAX, Forum der TechnikMünchenGermany
1477 sGloria Center #1WiennaAustria
1482 rTheater aan de Parades-HertogenboschHolland
1485 rRobert Leader (Private)Ewerett (WA)USA
1487 lTheater aan de Parades-HertogenboschHolland
1489Filmarchiv AustriaWiennaAustria
1490Filmarchiv AustriaWiennaAustria
1492Schauburg StorageKarlsruheGermany
1493Schauburg StorageKarlsruheGermany
1496 sHerbert Born/SchauburgKarlsruheGermany
1497 sKolosseum Center #2WiennaAustria
1499 sHerbert Born/SchauburgKarlsruheGermany
1502 sSafari ParkBeekse BergenHolland
1507Gerhard Wellein (private)AbenbergGermany
1509Grindel #1HamburgGermany
1511Comedia #1LyonFrance
1512Comedia #1LyonFrance
1513Francois Carrin (Private)QuievrechainFrance
1514Gerhard Wellein (private)AbenbergGermany
1515 rdeFabriekZaandamHolland
1559Hollywood Cinemas #2SumnerNew Zealand
1567Cine and Concert Hall "Cosmos"MoscowRussia
1568Cine and Concert Hall "Cosmos"MoscowRussia
1604Carlos Serrano (Private)ConcepcionChile
1605 rLumen #2DelftHolland
1606 lLumen #2DelftHolland
1607Carlos Serrano (Private)ConcepcionChile
1609Tim Burke (private)Hollywood (CA)USA
1611 rGaumont Ambassade #2ParisFrance
1615 lGaumont Ambassade #2ParisFrance
1617 CNordisk Film Storage (spares)CopenhagenDenmark
1619 lGaumont Ambassade #1ParisFrance
1620Park BiograferneHässleholmSweden
1622 rPicturevilleBradfordEngland
1624Haskola BioReykjavikIceland
1625Gullivier / Arane LaboratoryParisFrance
1626Park BiograferneHässleholmSweden
1628Haskola BioReykjavikIceland
1629 sGeorge V #2ParisFrance
1630 lUniversumBonnGermany
1638 rUniversumBonnGermany
1639 CLACO Equipment And Service, In storage Utah USA
1640 rImperial Bio (scrapped December 2011)CopenhagenDenmark
1641Cinema PalaceMaastrichtHolland
1642Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI)Worcester (MA)USA
1643Cinema PalaceMaastrichtHolland
1644 lImperial BioCopenhagenDenmark
1645 lBioVanlřseDenmark
1646 rBioVanlřseDenmark
1650 lLeo KinoInnsbruckAustria
1651 lGjövik KinoGjövikNorway
1652 rLeo KinoInnsbruckAustria
1653 rGjövik KinoGjövikNorway
1654Theater Aan de Parades-HertogenboschHolland
1656Emiel de Jong (private)GeldropHolland
1657Ton Beetz (private)GeldropHolland
1659 rPrivateStockholmSweden
1662 lRoyalMalmöSweden
1665 CLACO Equipment And Service, In storage Utah USA
1669Tim Burke (private)Los AngelesUSA
1671 lBruin (Base 6623)Westwood Village (CA)USA
1674IMAX 3D theatreIndianapolis, Indiana  USA
1675Panavision, Inc (Base 59-231)Woodland Hills (CA)USA
1680 Tim Burke (private)Los Angeles (Ca)USA
1686 rWarnerSan Pedro, Los Angeles (CA)USA
1693Kevin Koontz (p)Pittsburgh (PA)USA
1697Kevin Koontz (p)Pittsburgh (PA)USA
1699 Malco Towne Cinema #11 Rogers (AK) USA
1700 Malco Towne Cinema #2 Rogers (AK) USA
1701 lWarnerSan Pedro, Los Angeles (CA)USA
1705 sFilmhuis the HaqueAmsterdamHolland
1706Luc Barthelemy (Private)ParisFrance
1709 lFilmhusetStockholmSweden
1710Serge  Bosscharerts (Private)SchotenBelgium
1711 rFilmhusetStockholmSweden
1712Royal theaterHeerlenHolland
1713Royal theaterHeerlenHolland
1714 lCinema PalaceHaarlemHolland
1715 lGeorge V #1ParisFrance
1718Patrick Vuylstčke (p)Marcq-en-OstreventFrance
1720 rJ Branbergen (p)OldekerkHolland
1721Cinema PalaceHaarlemHolland
1722Ton Beetz (private) (cannibalized June 2009)GeldropHolland
1727Royal English CinemaGrazAustria
1728Royal English CinemaGrazAustria
1734Saga #1EnköpingSweden
1737 rSandrew #1StockholmSweden
1739Mr. Jack Pascaux (p)BourgesFrance
1740Mr. Jack Pascaux (p)BourgesFrance
1741Wanda Group?China
1743City Film TheaterBremenGermany
1744 lWanda Group?China
1751 sGeorge V #4ParisFrance
1752Pathe MassinaNiceFrance
1753Pathe MassinaNiceFrance
1754Studio GulliverParisFrance
1755 sGeorge V #5ParisFrance
1760 sGeorge V #7ParisFrance
1761Cinema in FunchalMadeiraPortugal
1762Cinema in FunchalMadeiraPortugal
1763 rOrla Nielsen storage (scrapped)AalborgDenmark
1764 lLido #1VejleDenmark
1768Folkets HusSundsvallSweden
1774Folkets Hus - machine is junkedSundsvallSweden
1779 sPrivateBrisbaneAustralia
1784 rUGC Cine City #2ParisFrance
1788 lBrian Walters (Private)Banora PointAustralia
1792Apollo Cinema #1StockerauAustria
1794Cinematheque Francaise. Salles Jean EpsteinParisFrance
1796 r CIn storageOsloNorway
1797 CColosseum #1 (spares)OsloNorway
1800 sUtrechtRembrandt BoswijkHolland
1808Private (p)BarcelonaSpain
1809Private (p)BarcelonaSpain
1810 lBen Wales (p)SouthhamptonEngland
1811 rBen Wales (p)SouthhamptonEngland
1814 lApollo Center #1WiennaAustria
1815 rApollo Center #1WiennaAustria
1816 lBergakungen GöteborgSweden
1817 rRoyalMalmöSweden
1820Plaza Futura TheatreEindhovenHolland
1821Plaza Futura TheatreEindhovenHolland
1826 rUGC Cine City #1ParisFrance
1828Studio GulliverParisFrance
1833Grindel (in storage)HamburgGermany
1834Grindel (in storage)HamburgGermany
1838 lSpegelnUppsalaSweden
1844 sBiografmuseetSäterSweden
1845 sBiografmuseetSäterSweden
1854 rIan Fisher (private)ChristchurchNew Zealand
1855 lGeorge V #6ParisFrance
1859Stefan Scholz (p)HamburgGermany
1860 lOlympia #1CannesFrance
1861 rOlympia #1CannesFrance
1866Schauburg StorageKarlsruheGermany
1867 rIMAX, Forum der TechnikMünchenGermany
1868Laboratory L.T.C. Saint CloudParisFrance
1870 rRoyal #2 (City)BerlinGermany
1873Laboratory L.T.C. Saint CloudParisFrance
1875Folkets Hus - machine is junkedSundsvallSweden
1877 lRoyal #2 (City)BerlinGermany
1880Hollywood Megaplex #1LinzAustria
1881Hollywood Megaplex #2LinzAustria
1890 lIan Fisher (scrapped, parts machine)ChristchurchNew Zealand
1892 lEgyptian (Base 6479)Seattle (WA)USA
1894 cPatrick Vuylstčke (p) (spares)Marcq-en-OstreventFrance
1896Yves SEBAN (private)Verneuil en Halatte (oise)France
1899 sSwedish Philips HouseStockholmSweden
1900 rCinematheque Francaise. Palais de ChaillotParisFrance
1901 l CCinematheque Francaise. Palais de ChaillotParisFrance
1902Cinematheque Francaise. Salles Jean EpsteinParisFrance
1903 cCinematheque Francaise. Palais de ChaillotParisFrance
1907 rGaumont KinopanoramaParisFrance
1910Ronald RosbeekRijswijkHolland
1912Ronald RosbeekRijswijkHolland
1913 rBen Wales (p)SouthhamptonEngland
1914 lWolff Cinema GroupUtrechtHolland
1915 rNational Museum of Photography, Film & TelevisionBradfordEngland
1916 lMax Linder PanoramaParisFrance
1917 rMax Linder PanoramaParisFrance
1919 rWolff Cinema GroupUtrechtHolland
1920Coolidge Corner Theatre (Base 6311)Boston (MA)USA
1924Coolidge Corner Theatre (Base 6312)Boston (MA)USA
1932Academy Museum, The David Geffen TheaterBeverly Hills (CA)USA
1933 rSamuel Goldwyn Theatre - AMPAS (Base 6329)Beverly Hills (CA)USA
1942Academy Museum, The David Geffen TheaterBeverly Hills (CA)USA
1944Iris Stadium #7 Casper (WY) USA
1951Rick Miller (private)Henderson (NV)USA
1953CLACO Equipment And Service, In storage Utah USA
1954CLACO Equipment And Service, In storage Utah USA
1957Main Gate Cinema (cannibalised) Norfolk (VA) USA
1959Tim Burke (private)Hollywood (CA)USA
1960Seminole 4Charlottesville (VA)USA
1962Francois Carrin (private)QuievrechainFrance
1963Francois Carrin (private)QuievrechainFrance
1967Seminole 4Charlottesville (VA)USA
1980Camelot TheatrePalm Springs (CA)USA
1968Darryl F. Zanuck Theater, 20th Century FoxLos Angeles (CA)USA
1969Darryl F. Zanuck Theater, 20th Century FoxLos Angeles (CA)USA
1981Camelot TheatrePalm Springs (CA)USA
1984Cinema Rif (foyer exhibit)CasablancaMarocco
1985Travis Cape (Private) St. Louis (?) USA
1987Travis Cape (Private) St. Louis (?) USA
1989Cinema Rif (foyer exhibit)CasablancaMarocco
1993Olivier Revert (Private) MericourtFrance
1994Olivier Revert (Private) MericourtFrance
2002PrivateCleveland (OH)USA
2005Tim Burke (private)Hollywood (CA)USA
2006Cinema ABC (foyer display)CasablancaMorocco
2007Cinema Ritz (foyer display)CasablancaMorocco
2015Academy Museum, Ted Mann TheaterLos Angeles USA
2017Nordisk Film Storage (spares)CopenhagenDenmark
2018Nordisk Film Storage (spares)CopenhagenDenmark
2020Kenrick 8 Cine #1St Louis (MO)USA
2022Louis Lumiere Palais de Festival Grand salleCannesFrance
2027John Carver (Private)New Orleans (LA)USA
2029John Carver (Private)New Orleans (LA)USA
2032 cGartenbau KinoViennaAustria
2033 sKinepolis (exhibition)BruxellesBelgium
2034Jean-Pierre Verscheure (p)MonsBelgium
2036Private collectorDourBelgium
2037 lEuropa Filmtheater #1EssenGermany
2038 rGartenbau KinoWiennaAustria
2039 rEuropa Filmtheater #1EssenGermany
2044Mark Gulbrandsen (private)Salt Lake CityUSA
2048Clemens Pagel (p)KrinsSwitzerland
2051Clemens Pagel (p)KrinsSwitzerland
2052Clemens Pagel (p)KrinsSwitzerland
2056Schauburg CineramaKarlsruheGermany
2058 lFlotten Center #1ViennaAustria
2061 rFlotten Center #1ViennaAustria
2061Englewood TheatreIndependence (MO)USA
2063Virginia TheatreChampaign (IL)USA
2077Englewood TheatreIndependence (MO)USA
2082 rGrand Lake Theatre #1Oakland (CA)USA
2083 lGrand Lake Theatre #1Oakland (CA)USA
2085 Vista TheatreHollywood, CAUSA
2087Wehrenberg Theatres, St. Clair 10 Cine'Fairview Heights (Il)USA
2089Wehrenberg Theatres, St. Clair 10 Cine'Fairview Heights (Il)USA
2091Cinema Pine #1Ste. Adéle, QuebecCanada
2093Mc Alister Auditorium, Tulane UniversityNew Orleans (LA)USA
2094 sPalace #1ArrasFrance
2098Redford Theatre (Base 6377)Detroit (MI)USA
2099 sPalace #5ArrasFrance
2100Redford Theatre (Base 6418)Detroit (MI)USA
2121 rGaumont Ambassade #1ParisFrance
2122 First Star IMAX theatre (Base 6390) Newport (KY) USA
2123PrivateCleveland (OH)USA
2124 Malco Towne Cinema #1 Rogers (AK) USA
2125 rEmpire #1LondonEngland
2140Rialto #1NiceFrance
2145 Iris Stadium #4 Casper (WY) USA
2149St Charles 18 Cine #9St Louis (MO)USA
2151Des Peres 14 Cine #7St Louis (MO)USA
2158Vista TheatreHollywood, CAUSA
2159 rThe American Legion post #43Los Angeles (CA)USA
2164Loew's Jersey TheatreJersey City (NJ)USA
2165 Malco Towne Cinema #12 Rogers (AK) USA
2168 lRoyal #1BerlinGermany
2169 rRoyal #1BerlinGermany
2170 lBFI NFT 1LondonEngland
2171 lBFI NFT 1LondonEngland
2171 lCinema West Theatres Storage warehouse (Base 6433)Petaluma, CAUSA
2172Bijou, Inc. Casper, WYUSA
2173Bijou, Inc. Casper, WYUSA
2174 lSoria Moria #1OsloNorway
2175Guild 45th #2 (Base 6417)Seattle (WA)USA
2179 Iris Stadium #3 Casper (WY) USA
2181Saint-Lazare Pasquier #1ParisFrance
2182 lSkandiaStockholmSweden
2184 rSoria Moria #1OsloNorway
2191 sEulenspiegelEssenGermany
2192 rSkandiaStockholmSweden
2198Saint Lazare Pasquier #1ParisFrance
2202 lSchonell TheatreBrisbaneAustralia
2206 lSavoy TheatreChristchurchNew Zealand
2207Alain Malherbe (private) France
2209 rSavoy TheatreChristchurchNew Zealand
2215Michael Hall of Beverly Hills Fine Arts (Base 6491)Beverly Hills (CA)USA
2216Michael Hall of Beverly Hills Fine Arts (Base 6490)Beverly Hills (CA)USA
2220 s pMonsieur Barbier (Private)AubagneFrance
2220 CLACO Equipment And Service, In storage Utah USA
2222Kino MansardeMuri/AargauSwitzerland
2223 Kinoton Germering Germany
2225Rialto #2NiceFrance
2227 Iris Stadium #6 Casper (WY) USA
2228 Iris Stadium #1 Casper (WY) USA
2230 sCooper TheatreLincoln (NE)USA
2231 lSamuel Goldwyn Theatre - AMPAS (Base 6389)Beverly Hills (CA)USA
2234 CLACO Equipment And Service, In storage Utah USA
2236 rEgyptianHollywood (CA)USA
2237 lEgyptianHollywood (CA)USA
2242Linwood Dunn TheatreBeverly Hills (CA)USA
2250 lIMAX Theatre, Ontario PlaceTorontoCanada
2256 rMann Chinese Hollywood #2Hollywood (CA)USA
2257 s pBen Kehe, Motion Picture Projection Services, Inc.Tulsa (OK)USA
2258 pBen Kehe, Motion Picture Projection Services, Inc.Tulsa (OK)USA
2259 lMann Chinese Hollywood #2Hollywood (CA)USA
2260 sRegentWestwood Village (CA)USA
2274Bekins warehousein storage, Buena Park, (CA)USA
2275Bekins warehousein storage, Buena Park, (CA)USA
2276 lThe American Legion post #43Los Angeles (CA)USA
2277PrivateCleveland (OH)USA
2284Dome IMAX, La DefenceParisFrance
2286Leo KinoInnsbruckAustria
2289Leo KinoInnsbruckAustria
2292Schauburg StorageKarlsruheGermany
2293Steve Kathan (Private)North Highlands (CA)USA
2299 rBergakungen GöteborgSweden
2300 lSagaStockholmSweden
2303Egyptian (Base 6307)Seattle (WA)USA
2304Robert Leader (Base 6484)Maryville (WA)USA
2306 sPrivateBrisbaneAustralia
2309Phillip Maddison (p)DrillhamAustralia
2311Academy of Motion Picture Arts And SciencesLos Angeles (CA)USA
2312Academy Museum, The David Geffen TheaterLos Angeles (CA)USA
2313Yves SEBAN (private)Verneuil en Halatte (oise)France
2314Yves SEBAN (private)Verneuil en Halatte (oise)France
2319Erkki Riimala Collection (private)HelsinkiFinland
2323 sAl Monte TheatreOklahoma City (OK)USA
2324 sAl Monte TheatreOklahoma City (OK)USA
2326Oliver Oschman (Private)WürzburgGermany
2329Phillip Maddison (p)DrillhamAustralia
2330Kino RotterdamRotterdamHolland
2331Linwood Dunn TheatreBeverly Hills (CA)USA
2336Norwegian Film InstituteOsloNorway
2333 rBrian Walters (Private)Banora PointAustralia
2340Svenska PhilipsStockholmSweden
2343Lunar Drive-In theatreDandenongAustralia
2344 lPrivateGöteborgSweden
2345Cameo CinemaMurray BridgeAustralia
2346 Fred Sandall  (p) Traralgon Australia
2347 rFilmstaden Söder #1StockholmSweden
2348 lGold Coast Arts CentreGold CoastAustralia
2349 rSchonell TheatreBrisbaneAustralia
2350 lFilmstaden Söder #1StockholmSweden
2351Norwegian Film InstituteOsloNorway
2352 sUnited Artists Movies #7Granada Hills (CA)USA
2353Tim Burke (private)Hollywood (CA)USA
2356 sBijou, Inc. Casper, WYUSA
2359Lunar Drive-In theatreDandenongAustralia
2360 Fred Sandall (p) Traralgon Australia
2361 sBijou, Inc. Casper, WYUSA
2366Kino ARCADES foyerNeuchatelSwizerland
2370Lunar Drive-InDandenongAustralia
2371 rPrivateGöteborgSweden
2377 lRegent TheatreWoolongongAustralia
2378Motion Picture Academy
Linwood Dunn Theater
Hollywood (CA)USA
2379Motion Picture Academy
Linwood Dunn Theater
Hollywood (CA)USA
2381 rGold Coast Arts CentreGold CoastAustralia
2382 rRegent TheatreWoolongongAustralia
2385Le ColyséeColmarFrance
2386 rGaumont Champs-ÉlyséesParisFrance
2387Louis Lumiere. Palais de Festival Grand salleCannesFrance
2391 rSkala CinemaBielefeldGermany
2393 rIMAX Theatre, Ontario PlaceTorontoCanada
2394 lNederlands FilmmuseumAmsterdamHolland
2395Ton Beetz (private)GeldropHolland
2396Rialto TheatreCasper (WY)USA
2398 rNederlands FilmmuseumAmsterdamHolland
2399 sdeFabriekZaandamHolland
2401Phillip Maddison (p)DrillhamAustralia
2403Guild 45th #1Seattle (WA)USA
2408Lunar Drive-in TheatreDandenongAustralia
2410Lincoln TheatreCheyenne (WY)USA
2411Boston Light and Sound Boston, MA USA
2414Matt Lutthans (p)Marysville (WA)USA
2416CineramaSeattle (WA)USA
2418 CLACO Equipment And Service, In storage Utah USA
2420Fox Triplex #3Casper (WY)USA
2421America TheatreCasper (WY)USA
2435 sTim Burke (Private)Westwood Village (CA)USA
2438Matt Lutthans (p)Marysville (WA)USA
2439Academy Museum, Ted Mann TheaterLos Angeles USA
2440Dumped into a landfillLittle Rock (AR) USA
2442Gentofte KinoGentofteDenmark
2453Heights TheatreMinneapolisUSA
2455Heights TheatreMinneapolisUSA
2457Bob Leader (Private)Maryville (WA)USA
2458 sOrla Nielsen (storage)AalborgDenmark
2459 Iris Stadium #7 Casper (WY) USA
2460 Iris Stadium #5 Casper (WY) USA
2461 rSpegelnUppsalaSweden
2474 CLACO Equipment And Service, In storage Utah USA
2476Le ColyséeColmarFrance
2478Oak wood box observed October 2000. No trace of machine. -USA
2482 lLuc Barthelemy (p)ParisFrance
2484 CLACO Equipment And Service, In storage Utah USA
2487 rGeorge V #6ParisFrance
2490Mc Alister Auditorium, Tulane UniversityNew Orleans (LA)USA
2491 Iris Stadium #2 Casper (WY) USA
2493Hoyts storeAucklandNew Zealand
2494Hoyts storeAucklandNew Zealand
2504 Jean-Pierre Verscheure (p)MonsBelgium
2505 lTechnicolor, Ltd #2LondonEngland
2508Clarkson 6 Cine #1St Louis (MO)USA
2509 rTechnicolor, Ltd #2LondonEngland
2511 lSandrew #1StockholmSweden
2512Kenrick 8 Cine #8St Louis (MO)USA
2516John Carver USA
2530 rUGC NormandieParisFrance
2531 lGaumont Champs-ÉlyséesParisFrance
2729Louis Lumiere. Palais de Festival Grand salleCannesFrance
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Updated 09-03-25