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70mm Film Weekend in Centrum Panorama Varnsdorf, Czech
12 - 15 May 2016 |
Read more at in70mm.com The 70mm Newsletter
Written by: Pavel
Nejtek |
16.03.2016. |
Movie Friends,
70mm Cinema Panorama in Varnsdorf, Czech Republic, located on the border
with Germany, celebrates this year its 45th anniversary of its opening. In
1971 there was built a brand new modern 70mm cinema in Varnsdorf. We take
this opportunity to invite you to 70mm weekend that will be held on 12 - 15
May 2016. We will offer once again a unique experience with the royal film
format to the audience. There will be a weekend full of rare films that
appeared on similar shows very rarely or never, as the title of Oliver!
(1968, directed by Carol Reed).
Part of the event will not be only screenings of 70mm movies, but also
screenings of technical presentations, rarities and other movie attractions.
Last year we performed the title "Hello, Dolly!" on 16mm Cinemascope, then
35mm Cinemascope and of course on the 70mm format. Also this year you may
look forward to similar attractions as well as good meals and drinks in our
restaurant and bar, which are directly in the cinema premises. You can get
pizza for 4.50 euros, meat for 5.50 euros and beer for one euro.
Visitors can look forward not only to the quality cinematic experience, but
also to a gastronomic feast. Accommodation close to the cinema is available
from 10 EUR per night.
Stay tuned for details of the
Our partners and supporters:
Neisse Film
Kinomuseum Berlin
Email: 70mm@centrumpanorama.cz
Centrum Panorama
Západní 2618
407 47 Varnsdorf
Czech Republic
City Varnsdorf is located at the heart of the border triangle Czech
Republic, Germany and Poland, near the German city of Bautzen, where you can
turn of the A4 motorway. For The train journey can be used the connection
from Zittau or Děčín (Tetschen) with the Labe-Elbe ticket. Cinema is from
the train station less than a mile. In front of the cinema is also parking
for cars. For visitors from the Czech Republic we recommend the train from
Decin or direct bus from Prague. Bus stop is near the cinema.
More in 70mm reading:
Presents "The Big Fisherman" in Super Panavision 70
Varnsdorf Presents "The Big
Fisherman" in Super Panavision 70
PDF: 70mm Film Weekend in Centrum
Panorama Varnsdorf, Czech Republic
70mm Film Festival in Centrum
Panorama Varnsdorf
Czech Republic
Centrum Panorama Varnsdorf,
Czech Republic
70MM in Varnsdorf - a new
Internet link:
7OMM Program
an PTX - Die Rote Kapelle
12.5. 16:00
1971 / Director: Horst E. Brandt / 178 min.
East German spy title from 1971 takes us to the years 1938 -1942, when on
the territory of Nazi Germany operated Communist anti-Nazi spy group. With
this film you could meet in 2014 in Karlsruhe. Howler the East German makers
were aware of the qualities of western film materials and so cameraman found
in boxes labeled ORWO material from Kodak. The film will be in the German
original with Czech subtitles.
Battle of the Bulge
12.5. 19:30
1965 / Director: Ken Annakin / 147 min.
Now classic film depicting the eve of the Second World War. The film is a
last ditch attempt from the side of Hitler's Germany to prevent Allies to
occupy Europe. Even though the film includes some historical inaccuracies,
it is a classic in its genre and compared to modern and Computer created
films it is an honest filmmaking work. On command military operations, we
look at both from the point of view of Allies and German as well. The film
will be in the English original with Czech and German subtitles.
Die Hard
13.5. 11:00
1988 / Director: John McTiernan / 131 min.
Introducing Bruce Willis in the role of John McClane is probably
unnecessary. Classical action-movie of world class, to which it is a joy to
watch even after 28 years. The title is of surprising quality for 70 mm
strip. Perfect picture and sound with extra subwoofer track not let anybody
on doubt that terrorists do not have the slightest chance. You will see the
German version with Czech subtitles.
Mutiny on the Bounty (Ultra Panavision 70)
13.5. 14:15
1962 / Director: Lewis Milestone, Carol Reed / 178 min.
Mutiny on the Bounty is a famous film from 1962 inspired by real the events
of the late 18th century and also another title with Ultra Panavision 70.
English seafarers liked Tahitian women and local nature, they decided to
stay in the Pacific, which was not otherwise than overpower the captain and
officers, landing them on a barge and with the captured ship to sail alone
on the island. For the first time since 2009 this film comes to life on the
big screen in our cinema of 16.2 m bright in original with German and Czech
Ben-Hur (MGM Camera 65)
13.5. 17:45
1959 / Director: William Wyler / 212 min.
Historic title from 1959 takes us to the days of the ancient Romans.
Unbeatable Charleton Heston in the title role is betrayed and sent into
slavery, only to subsequently won freedom for and achieved retaliation.
Widescreen 2.76: 1 this film certainly suits. In Europe, you could see him
the last time in 2009 in Berlin, albeit in an narrowed and corrupted
version. Our version in original widescreen format was screened last time in
2005. You will see the German version with Czech subtitles.
Dirty Dozen
14.5. 10:30
1967 / Director: Robert Aldrich / 150 min
Another war film of our 70 mm Weekend. After a long deciding, which of war
films is better, we leave that decision up to you, the viewers. We will
witness a suicide mission, to which a dozen defectors, serving up long
sentences or awaiting death is sent. Goal is clear: Infiltrate into French
chateau full of German officers and all of them blow up. Yet we are not
sure, which language version will be projected, but subtitles are sure. Even
this film was not shown on any of the 70 mm shows in recent years.
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
14.5. 14:00
1982 / Director: Steven Spielberg / 115 min.
Featuring E.T. from 1982 is like carrying coals to Newcastle. Spielberg's
classic will delight adults and older children. You can enjoy beautifully
colored 70mm film, although the format 1.85: 1, as in this format it was
made. But it will not miss the typical 70mm six-channel audio recording.
Take your children with you, it is very likely that they have this title on
70mm never seen before. The film will be in the English original with Czech
and German subtitles.
Alien Nation
14.5. 16:30
1988 / Director: Graham Baker / 91 min.
At its time slightly second-rate sci fi over time evolved into one of the
favorite sci fi movies of 1988. Visitors from outer space decided to settle
our planet, and in San Francisco it will be able to follow the story of one
of the newcomers, how he is as new policeman incorporated in the society.
Neither of Alien Nation is known to bee seen on 70mm screen. The film will
be in the English original with Czech and German subtitles.
Big Fisherman
14.5. 18:30
1959 / Director: Frank Borzage / 180 min.
The Big Fisherman is a gem of our 70 mm weekend. It is the first film
processed Super Panavision 70. The film tells the biblical story of the
angler Peter who became a follower of Jesus. The story is not only of
Peter's redemption and forgiveness, but also about a young Arab-Jewish girl
Fara. Jesus' teaching changes both of them their life. The film was recently
screened 56 years ago! Coming in German language with Czech subtitles.
Far from the Madding Crowd
15.5. 10:30
1967 / Director: John Schlesinger / 168 min.
One of the many adaptations of Thomas Hardy's famous novel of the year
1874th Young ambitious Farmwoman already has three suitors: Charismatic
herdsman Gabriel, likable but shy farmer William and finally nifty soldier
Frank. Amorous intrigues and misunderstandings will result in even murder.
Which of the suitors will have ultimately beloved wife? For the first time
the 70 mm strip, you may find only in our cinema. Shown in the German
language with Czech subtitles.
15.5. 14:15
1968 / Director: Carol Reed / 153 min.
The world famous story of a young boy from the English writer Charles
Dickens Oliwer Twist will impress us in the form of a musical from1968. We
believe that the musical based on a six-channel magnetic recording will
chain into the seats many of the spectators. Even for us it will be a
surprise, because we're not aware that this title in the last time has been
played in 70mm strip. The film will be in the English original with Czech
and German subtitles.
Das 70-mm-Kino "Centrum Panorama" in Varnsdorf, Tschechische Republik,
gelegen im Dreiländereck zu Deutschland und Polen, feiert in diesem Jahr den
45. Jahrestag seiner Eröffnung! 1971 war in Varnsorf ein völlig neuartiges,
hochmodernes 70 mm Kino erbaut worden. Bei dieser Gelegenheit wollen wie Sie
zum 70-mm-Wochenende einladen, das am 12. - 15. 5. 2016 stattfindet. Den
Besuchern bieten wir wieder eine einzigartige Erfahrung mit dem königlichen
Filmformat. Es wird ein Wochenende voller seltener Filme, die auf ähnlichen
Shows sehr selten oder nie anzutreffen waren wie unter anderem Oliver!
(1968, Regie: Carol Reed).
Ein Teil der Veranstaltung wird nicht nur projizierte 70-mm-Filme, sondern
auch Projektoren-Demos, Raritäten und andere Film-Attraktionen bieten.
Letztes Jahr haben wir den Titel HELLO, DOLLY! ausschnittsweise im
16mm-Streifenformat Cinemascope, dann in 35 mm Cinemascope und schliesslich
als komplette Roadshow auf 70 mm-Filmband projiziert. Auch dieses Jahr
können Sie sich auf ähnliche Kuriositaeten freuen sowie gutes Essen und
Trinken in unserem Restaurant und in der Bar geniessen, die direkt im Kino
liegen. Leckere Pizza bei uns ist für 4,50 € zu haben, Fleischgerichte ab
5,50 Euro und Bier für einen Euro. Sie duerfen sich nicht nur auf ein
hochwertiges Kinoerlebnis, sondern auch auf ein kulinarisches Erlebnis
freuen. Die Unterkunft ist in der Nähe des Kinos und ab 10 EUR pro Nacht zu
Details über das
Unsere Partner und Unterstützer:
Neisse Film
Kinomuseum Berlin
Email: 70mm@centrumpanorama.cz
Centrum Panorama
Západní 2618
407 47 Varnsdorf
Tschechische Republik
Stadt Varnsdorf liegt im Herzen des Dreiländereck Tschechien, Deutschland
und Polen, in der Nähe der deutschen Stadt Bautzen, wo Sie von der Autobahn
A4 ausfahren. Für Die Bahnfahrt können Sie die Verbindung von Zittau oder
Děčín (Tetschen) verwenden mit dem Labe-Elbe ticket. Kino ist vom Bahnhof
weniger als ein Kilometer. Vor dem Kino sind auch Parkplätze für Autos. Für
Besucher aus der Tschechischen Republik empfehlen wir, den Zug von Decin
oder direkte Busverbindung von Prag. Bushaltestelle ist in der Nähe des
From the Chronicle, about opening of the cinema in
Mimořádnou událostí bylo zahájení provozu v
novém kině Panorama dne 27. května promítnutím širokoúhlého filmu Čajkovskij.
Tento film shlédli jako první dělníci a brigádníci, kteří kino stavěli. O
den později, v pátek dne 28. května přivítal předseda MěNV Josef Mynář
pozvané hosty, zástupce závodů a podniků, národního výboru, stranických a
mládežnických organizací z celého šluknovského výběžku. Mezi pozvanými byli
i zástupci z ředitelství Státního filmu a hosté ze Seifhennersdorfu. Dr.
Řeháček, zástupce Státního filmu potvrdil, že tak reprezentativní kino nemá
ani Praha. Zásluhu na vybudování tohoto objektu mají i projektanti, a to
hlavní projektant Stavoprojektu Bratislava Ing. arch. Ladislav Bořuta a ing.
Josef Poštulka. Oba jsou významnými projektanty. Ing. Bořuta dostal např.
první cenu za urbanistickou studii bratislavského hradu, ing.
Poštulka projektoval např. věžové domy v Bratislavě a jeho specialitou jsou
lanové střechy. Taková střecha kryje i naše kino. V kině Svoboda proběhla
přehlídka festivalových filmů. V roce 1971 se v našich kinech uskutečnilo
1176 představení, která navštívilo 201.216 osob.
An extraordinary event was the opening of the new cinema Panorama on 27 May
with projection of wide-screen movie Tchaikovsky. This film saw the first
laborers and temporary workers who built the cinema. A day later, on Friday
28 May welcomed by the Chairman MěNV Josef Mynář invited guests, Deputy
factories and businesses, the National Committee of party and youth
organizations from around the Šluknov Spur. Among those invited were
representatives of the National Directorate of Film and guests from
Seifhennersdorf. Dr. Řeháček, a representative of the State Film confirm
that such representative cinema is not even in Prague.
Credit for the construction of this object are also designers, and chief
designer Stavoprojekt Bratislava Ing. Arch. Ladislav Bořuta and ing. Josef
Poštulka. Both are important designers. Ing. Bořuta got eg. the first prize
for urban study Bratislava Castle, ing. Poštulka designed eg. high-rise
buildings in Bratislava and its specialty are roofs hanging on the ropes.
Such a roof covering our cinema. In cinema Svoboda was a parade of festival
films. In 1971, our theaters performances took place in 1176, which was
attended by 201,216 people.
außergewöhnliches Ereignis war die Eröffnung des neuen Kinos Panorama am 27
Mai 1971 mit Projektion von Breitwandfilm Tschaikowsky. Dieser Film haben
die Arbeiter und Leiharbeiter, die das Kino gebaut haben, als erste gesehen.
Einen Tag später, 28 Mai der Vorsitzende der Stadtverwaltung Josef Mynář
begrüßte eingeladene Gäste, Repräsentanten der Fabriken und Unternehmen,
Stadtverwaltungen, Kommunistischen Partei und Jugendorganisationen von den
ganzen Gebiet Šluknov. Unter den Gästen waren Vertreter des Staatsfilms und
Gäste aus Seifhennersdorf. Dr. Řeháček, der Vertreter des Staatsfilms
bestätigte, dass ein solches repräsentatives Kino nicht einmal Prag hat. Das
Verdienst auf dem Bau dieses Kinos haben auch Designer, und namentlich.
Chefdesigner Stavoprojekt Bratislava Ing. Arch. Ladislav Bořuta und Ing.
Josef Poštulka. Beide sind wichtige Designer. Ing. Bořuta bekam z. B. den
ersten Preis für die städtische Studie der Burg von Bratislava, ing.
Poštulka hat z. B. Hochhäuser in Bratislava entworfen und seine Spezialität
ist die Konstruktion von Seil-Dach. Ein solches Dach unser Kino abdeckt. Im
Kino Svoboda war eine Vorführung der Festivalfilme. Im Jahre 1971, in
unseren Kinos wurden 1176 Vorführungen realisiert, die von 201216 Menschen
besucht wurden.
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22-01-25 |