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"Great is my Country" in Kinopanorama
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Written by: Gerhard
Witte |
03.12.2014 |
Kinopanorama technology was developed between 1956 and 1957 by research
technicians at the “Scientific Research Cinema & Photo Institute” (better
known by its acronym “NIKFI”) in Moscow.
A review of "Great is My Country" from New York Times, July 1,
Technically, Kinopanorama is on a par with
Cinemiracle. It has a lot of
trouble with the match lines between the central panel and the two on the
sides, and the central panel often is darker (or sometimes lighter) than the
other two. But Sovcolor, the stock used, is excellent, and the nine-track
stereo sound is first-rate. A good musical score, strong and jazzy, runs
pretty much through the show.
• Go to the
Full review
“Great is my Country” was the first Russian Kinopanorama film. It premiered
on 28 February 1958 at the specially purpose-built
“Mir Kino Theatre” in
Moscow and was presented at the World Fair in Brussels in 1958 (EXPO,
17.04.1958 -19.10.1958), where it won a major award.
More in 70mm reading:
Kinopanorama page
Europe's Largest Panorama Cinema in Moscow
Kinopanorama Films
• Kinopanorama in
Lost Orphaned Film
Soviet Circular Panorama
Sovscope 70
Cinemiracle/Cinerama in
• Cinemiracle/Cinerama in
for "Great
is my Country" in New York, USA. "Great is my country/Vast is my Native
Land/Shiroka Strana Moya Rodnaya" originally premiered on 28.02.1958.
“Great is my Country” could be seen in New York at the
Mayfair Theatre, opening on 30 June 1959 using 3-strip projection
(Kinopanorama). “The Enchanted Mirror” ran at the same cinema from 21 July
1959 and both ran as a double-feature beginning on 3 August 1959. Details
below.... |
for the KINOPANORAMA films which were shown in New York in 1959. Not
especially for "Great is my Country"
There were actually 2 Kinopanorama movies shown at the Mayfair during the
Russian Trade Fair at the Coliseum - New York. "Great is my Country" from June
30th 1959 and "The Enchanted Mirror" from July 21st 1959 From August 3rd 1959.
Those two movies were shown alternatively. The fact there was an
intermission might be meaning the projectors were the Cinerama ones instead
of the KINAP or may be the Russians did not want to send 6 projectors to
this Expo.
The two posters regarding "Two Hours in Russia" (2 Heures en URSS / Zwischen
Nordpol und Krim) are not about "Great is my Country" but from the Extracts
arranged by J. P. Mauclaire (France) for the Kinopanorama in Paris (Premiere
in September 25th 1959) of the two movies:
• "Great is my Country"
• "The Enchanted Mirror"
"Two Hours in Russia" was then shown in other European countries such as
Germany and Italy and also
Hours in the USSR" in Paris, France. This film is a double-feature with excerpts from the two Kinopanorama
films “Great is my Country” (Pokoriteli morya,
Shyroka strana moya rodnaya) and “The enchanted Mirror” (Volshevnoye
Soviet documentary-panorama film “Two Hours in the USSR” premiered on
Thursday at the West-Berlin “Capitol” Cinerama cinema, Berlin. It was renamed “Zwischen Nordpol und Krim”. The Soviet ambassador in the GDR, M. G. Perwuchin,
attended the premiere.”
Previously, the double-feature film, now titled “Deux heures en URSS” (Two
Hours in the USSR), appeared for the first time at the only cinema outside
the USSR built especially for Russian Kinopanorama films called
"Kinopanorama" in Paris. The film
was shown with great success on a curved 24 metre wide screen, using 3-strip
projection with 9-channel magnetic sound. There were actually 6 Russian
Kinopanorama projectors and 2 magnetic sound reproducers available in the
projection room in order to allow a blended transition (without
intermission) between the films.
Full story here:
Cinemiracle/Cinerama in Germany
• Cinemiracle/Cinerama in

Soviet's Costly B' Way Review
is my Country" in New York, USA
From an article in "New York VARIETY" on 24.06.1959 about the expected
premieres of two Russian Kinopanorama (Cinepanorama) films at the New York
Mayfair Theatre.
The Soviet Government is spending $500.000 on leasing the Mayfair Theatre on
Broadway and on construction to equip the house to show two films in the
Soviet Cinepanorama process. The show, timed to coincide with the Soviet
Exhibition of Science, Technology and Culture at the N.Y. Coliseum starts
June 30 with the film "Great is my Country". According to Victor
Kalistratov, director of the Mayfair project and chief of the American
section of Sovexport in Moscow, the Soviet Government is leasing the Mayfair
for a period of 40 days at a cost of approximately $1.000 per day. House
will charge $2.50 top.
The second film to be shown at the Mayfair will be "The Enchanted Mirror",
which is to have its premiere in late July. "Great is my Country" is
the first Soviet picture to play on Broadway since 1943. The Cinepanorama
process involves three projectors and utilizes a nine-track stereophonic
sound system. It incorporates features of both Cinerama and CineMiracle. The
Americans, in turn, will show Circarama at the American exhibition in Moscow
later this summer.
Kalistratov complained bitterly about the costs involved in equipping the
Mayfair, but noted that this was due partly to the fact that the decision to
show Cinepanorama on Broadway had been made late and in a hurry. Also,
Mayfair was the only theatre available on Broadway for Soviet use. At the
same time, the Soviet representatives felt he was being asked to pay well
beyond original estimates.
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22-01-25 |