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Todd-AO Festival, Schauburg, Karlsruhe
4th Todd-AO Festival at the Schauburg. 3 - 5 October 2008 |
Read more at in70mm.com The 70mm Newsletter
and organized by: Herbert Born & Thomas Hauerslev,
Schauburg Cinerama Theatre, Karlsruhe, Germany |
22-01-25 |
Dear Friends,
We are now preparing the 4th instalment of the “Todd-AO 70mm
Festival“ to be held this year from 3 - 5 October 2008 at the
Schauburg in Karlsruhe, Germany. The Schauburg
Cinerama is one of the few surviving cinemas, with 70mm
projectors, a red curtain and the huge curved and wide 70mm
screen. It’s the perfect framework for the presentation of
70mm with 6-track sound. Some films are in original versions
and some, "70mm Vintage Classics", are dubbed into German.
This festival, dedicated to a movie format over 50 years old, is
a dream for a lot of movie fans around the world. Today, movies
and cinemas have reached a time of change – a change from film
based to digital cinema and a change in the way movies are felt
and understood. We are sure, that our “Todd-AO 70mm Festival”
presented on the curved screen of the Schauburg not only will
make you remember cinema-going from a time long ago, but also
make you aware of the responsibility we all have: To honour the
genius of so many people who have given us stories and
unforgettable moments in breathtaking and crystal clear large
format pictures.
Let us hope, that the splendour of 70mm not only serves our
nostalgic dreams, but also offers the chance for a young
audience to experience a historic and magic landmark of cinema.
three days in October 2008,
the famous Cinerama cinema "Filmtheater Schauburg" in
Karlsruhe, Germany presents a
series of classic film epics in the king of all film formats: 70mm.
70mm film is an experience unlike anything you have ever seen - a High Definition movie experience with extremely sharp images and
crystal clear 6 track stereo.
Why 70mm is so Special?
The audience get a lot more out of a film, if presented in 70mm with razor
sharp images and crystal clear sound. Films presented in 70mm are an
intensive experience, very realistic and almost three dimensional. It is an
experience which makes everything you have ever seen on film before pales
into insignificance. The audience really get value for their money!
The 2008 Weekend program will offer a variety of old 70mm
films with a GALA performance on Saturday evening
celebrating the world of 70mm film.
Traditional breakfast and lunch function on Friday, Saturday and
Around the world in Three Days on the curved Cinerama
screen. Almost everything is screened in the majestic 70mm format
at the Schauburg cinema in Karlsruhe. Join us and be part of this unique event and share the excitement together with visitors from all around the world -
including Holland, Germany, Denmark, England, USA and France - and hopefully many
Herbert Born
Schauburg Kino
Karlsruhe, Germany
More in 70mm reading:
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• Ticket reservation
Filmtheater Schauburg
Herbert Born
Marienstraße 16
76137 Karlsruhe
Weekend 70mm Program
& Breaks
3. October
“Hauptmann Florian von der Mühle” presented in DEFA 70 (a German vintage
70mm print)
"Song of Norway" presented in Super Panavision 70 (a vintage 70mm print)
"STAR!" presented in Todd-AO (in a new 70mm DTS print)
"Get together" Friday evening. With HOEPFNER & friends. 22.15 - Open End
Saturday, 4 October
09:00 Breakfast buffet before the 10 o'clock show
"The Last Valley" presented in Todd-AO (a original vintage 70mm print)
"Der Kongress Amuesiert Sich" presented in MCS-70 Superpanorama (a
German vintage 70mm print)
Followed by a Q/A with director of photography Mr. Heinz Hölscher
"The Wall" Presented in Panavision 70 and Dolby Stereo (a original
vintage 70mm print)
Gala performance of "Lawrence of Arabia" presented in Super Panavision
70 (a new 70mm DTS print)
camera with 2nd generation 128 degree "Bug Eye" lens. Editors collection.
Sunday, 5 October
09:00 Breakfast buffet before the 10 o'clock show
Short 70mm Film: "Tour Eiffel".
Short 70mm Film: "Tanakh Bibelen Al-Quran".
70mm promotion reel of "The Last Valley"
Followed by a Q/A with director Mr. Ole Mads Sirks Vevle
Todd-AO History - a Q/A with Walter Siegmund of American Optical
Company, followed by a Todd-AO film
"Around the World in 80 Days" presented in Cinestage (a vintage
Technicolor print with 4-track magnetic stereo)
"The Bible...in the beginning" presented in Todd-AO (in a new 70mm DTS
"Exodus" Presented in Super Panavision 70 and 6-track Magnetic Stereo (a
German vintage 70mm print)
Dear Thomas
I would like to thank you for sending me my
"Friends of 70mm" certificate. I also wanted you to know that you can
count on my support this year again and in the future.
Thank you also for your efforts in continuing providing 70mm enthusiasts like myself with such a great web site.
Unfortunately I will not be able to attend Bradford wide
screen week end this year, my schedule will not permit me to
get away that week.
I will definitely be in Karlshure in October and cant wait
for a great week end of 70mm at the Schauburg. Hopefully
this year will feature more restored films. Last year in my
opinion had too many PINK presentations.
Kindest regards
Christian Losito
Macon, GA
Todd-AO Festival Program
Film Information
Breakfast buffet.
Picture by Herbert Born.
A Schauburg tradition served Friday, Saturday and Sunday mornings. Breakfast buffet
(Sunday at 9) Schauburg-foyer (incl. in weekend-pass)
 “Hauptmann Florian von der Mühle” (2:20)
+ Intermission after reel 4. Filmed in: 70mm, 5
perforations, 24 frames per second. Principal photography in:
DEFA 70. Presented in
the original 70mm German version with Czeck subtitles on the curved screen. Aspect ratio:
2,21:1. Country of origin:
DDR. Production year: 1968. World Premiere:
22.11.1968 Kino International, East Berlin, DDR. CSSR -
Premiere 3.7.1970.
Directed by Werner W. Wallroth. Music by Karl-Ernst Sasse.
Cinematography by Eberhard Borkmann and Hans-Jürgen Kruse
Manfred Krug (Hauptmann Florian),
Hartmut Beer (Geheimpolizist zu Pferde), Regina Beyer (Duchessa),
Herwart Grosse (Friedrich II.), Rolf Herricht (Amadeus), Jutta
Klöppel (Fanny), Herbert Köfer (Der Medicus)
German version
Film Library:
This story of the miller Florian, who gave all his money to the
war against Napoleon, is loosely based on a true story. After
the war, Florian's reimbursement is challenged, and he must also
pay taxes on his destroyed mill. He resists the tax collectors
and takes off to Vienna, where he intends to defend his rights.
On the way, he rescues the Duchess of Guastalla from assault.
She also wants to go to Vienna, as His Majesty Franz II is
trying to contest an heir in her favor. With cunning, luck, and
dagger, Florian fights his way through a slew of nobility and
their secret police. In the end, he acquires multiple titles,
and the Duchess acquires him.
40th anniversary screening.
70mm print thanks to
Kino Mir 70 cinema, Krnov, Czech Republic
films and
Looking for DEFA 70
 "Song of Norway" (2:38)
+ Intermission. Filmed in:
65mm, 5
perforations, 24 frames per second. Principal photography in:
Super Panavision 70. Presented:
on the curved screen in a 70mm Cinerama print, with 6-track magnetic stereo. Aspect ratio:
2,21:1. Country of origin: England. Production year:
1970. World Premiere: 04.11.1970 Cinerama, NYC, USA.
German premiere:
Produced and directed by Andrew L. Stone. Written by Homer
Curran. Original Music by Chet Forrest and Bob Wright.
Photographed by Davis Boulton. Edited by
Virginia L. Stone
Toralv Maurstad (Edvard Grieg), Florence Henderson (Nina Grieg),
Christina Schollin (Therese Berg), Frank Porretta (Richard
Nordraak), Harry Secombe (Bioernstjerne Bjoernson), Robert
Morley (Berg), Edward G. Robinson (Krogstad)
Movie poster art by
Howard Terpning
Super Panavision 70 films
Thomas Hauerslev's comment after the 1999 screening in
"The film’s second unit action had been directed by none other
than Yakima Canutt, who also directed the chariot race scene in
"Ben-Hur" and stunt scenes in countless Hollywood
productions. And sure enough within the first reel we had two
run away horses in the Norwegian Alps. "Ben-Hur" goes to
Norway. It was apparent the cast and crew knew what they were
doing during the filming because there were clear influences
from "Sound of Music" and "My Fair Lady". I was
happy to have seen it in 70mm and it was certainly not rubbish.
A kitsch classic, perhaps, with its visible wiglines,
reflections of camera equipment, stunt seagulls etc. I was not
disappointed. The show on the Cinerama curve was quite
entertaining." |
(2:54) +
Filmed in: 65mm 5 perforations, 24 frames per second.
Principal photography in: Todd-AO. Presented:
On the curved screen in a new Todd-AO 70mm DTS print. Aspect ratio: 2,21:1. Country of origin: USA. Production year:
World Premiere: 18.07.1968 Dominion, London, England
Produced by Saul Chaplin. Original Music by Lennie Hayton.
Cinematography by Ernest Laszlo. Film Editing by William
Reynolds. Production Design by Boris Leven. Directed by
Robert Wise.
Julie Andrews (Gertrude Lawrence), Richard Crenna (Richard
Aldrich, Producer ), Michael Craig (Sir Anthony Spencer), Daniel
Massey (Noel Coward), Robert Reed (Charles Fraser), Bruce
Forsyth (Arthur Lawrence)
New Todd-AO 70mm print courtesy Schaun Belston & Kevin
Barret, 20th Century Fox Library Services,
Los Angeles, USA
Academy Award Nominated:
Best Actor in a Supporting Role
Best Art Direction-Set Decoration
Best Cinematography
Best Costume Design
Best Music, Original Song
Best Music, Score of a Musical Picture (Original or Adaptation)
Best Sound
40th Anniversary Screening
Hoepfner get together - 22:15. estival
sponsor Brewery Hoepfner invites you to taste their golden beer.
Free of charge for festival guests
This event is always very, very popular.
Breakfast buffet 10:00
Breakfast buffet.
Picture by Herbert Born.
A Schauburg tradition served Friday, Saturday and Sunday mornings. Breakfast buffet
(Sunday at 9) Schauburg-foyer (incl. in weekend-pass)
Last Valley" (2:06) (+ intermission).
65mm, 5 perforations, 24 frames per second.
Principal photography in:
On the curved screen in a vintage Todd-AO 70mm print
with 6-track magnetic stereo.
Aspect ratio: 2,21:1. Country of origin: USA. Production
World Premiere: 21.01.1971,
Rivoli, New York.
Directed and produced by James Clavell. Written by James Clavell. Music by
John Barry. Cinematography by Norman Warwick & John Wilcox. Edited by John
Michael Caine (The Captain), Omar Sharif (Vogel), Florinda Bolkan (Erica),
Nigel Davenport (Gruber), Per Oscarsson (Father Sebastian)
Original version.
70mm print thanks to
and the
Bradford International Film Festival
The film opens with an old style UK ‘AA’ Certificate followed by silent
‘Cinerama Releasing’ and ‘ABC’ trademarks. The Intermission title is 39 feet
long at the end of reel 5. Part 6 has a 3 min play in to the second half.
There is no play in to the first half
Very short end credits. Last credit is a silent ‘Soundtrack Available…’ etc.
70mm print number 11 / 8 reels.
Taking a Mini View in a Maxi
Todd-AO films
 "Der Kongress Amuesiert Sich"
Filmed in: 65mm 5 perforations, 24 frames per second.
Principal photography in:
Superpanorama. Presented:
on the curved screen in
70mm with 6-track magnetic stereo.
Aspect ratio: 2,21:1. Country of origin: Austria, France, Germany. Production year: 1965.
World Premiere:
World premiered 17.03.1966 in Vienna, „Apollo-Theatre“ and
24.05.1966 at the Gloria Palast, Berlin, Germany.
Directed by Géza von Radványi. Produced by Heinz Pollak.
Original Music by Peter Thomas. Cinematography by Heinz Hölscher. Edited by
Karl Fugunt & Henri W. Sokal.
Lilli Palmer (Princess Metternich), Curd Jürgens (Czar Alexander I), Paul
Meurisse (Count Talleyrand), Walter Slezak (Wax museum guide), Hannes
Messemer (Prince Metternich), Anita Höfer (Rosa)
German version
The Director of Photography, Mr. Heinz Hölscher will attend. Maybe with fellow MCS-70 veterans
Fromm and Dieter Gaebler.
MCS 70 - Superpanorama 65mm cameras were engineered by
Jan Jacobsen
 "The Wall" (1:35). Filmed in: 35mm 4 perforations, 24 frames per
second. Principal photography in: Panavision. Presented:
on the curved screen in an original English 70mm print, with 6-track magnetic
Dolby stereo and split surround. Aspect ratio:
2,21:1. Country of origin: England. Production year:
1982. World Premiere: 13.08.1982, USA.
Directed by Alan Parker. Produced by Alan Marshall. Written by
Roger Waters. Original Music by Robert Ezrin, David Gilmour &
Roger Waters. Photographed by Peter Biziou. Edited by Gerry
Bob Geldof (Pink), Christine Hargreaves (Pink's Mother), James
Laurenson (J.A. Pinkerton (Pink's Father)), Eleanor David
(Pink's Wife), Kevin McKeon (Young Pink), Bob Hoskins (Rock and
Roll Manager), David Bingham (Little Pink),
70mm print thanks to Andrew Youdell, BFI, London |
of Arabia"
Filmed in: 65mm 5 perforations, 24 frames per second.
Principal photography in:
Super Panavision 70. Presented:
on the curved screen in
Super Panavision 70 with 6-track DTS stereo.
Aspect ratio: 2,21:1. Country of origin: USA. Production year: 1962.
World Premiere: 10.12.1962 Odeon Leicester Square, London, England.
German premiere 15.03.1963.
Directed by David Lean. Written by Robert Bolt and Michael Wilson.
Produced by Sam Spiegel. Music by Maurice Jarre.
Cinematography by Freddie Young. Edited by Anne V. Coates
Peter O'Toole (T.E. Lawrence), Alec Guinness (Prince Feisal), Anthony
Quinn (Auda abu Tayi), Jack Hawkins (General Lord Edmund Allenby), Omar
Sharif (Sherif Ali), José Ferrer (Turkish Bey, Anthony Quayle (Colonel
Brighton), Claude Rains (Mr. Dryden) & Arthur Kennedy (Jackson Bentley)
Movie poster art by
Howard Terpning
Celebrating the 100th anniversary of Sir David Lean and the 45th anniversary of the German premiere
Restored version
+ full cast
& credit
New 70mm DTS print #04
courtesy Jared Sapolin, Columbia/SONY, Los
Angeles, USA
Academy Award Wins:
Best Picture Sam Spiegel
Best Director David Lean
Best Cinematography, Color Freddie Young
Best Film Editing Anne V. Coates
Best Music, Score - Maurice Jarre
Art Direction-Set Decoration, Color John Box, John Stoll, Dario Simoni
Best Sound John Cox
Academy Award Nominated:
Oscar Best Actor in a Leading Role Peter O'Toole
Best Actor in a Supporting Role Omar Sharif
Best Writing, Screenplay Based on Material from Another Medium
Robert Bolt & Michael Wilson (The nomination for Wilson was granted on 26
September 1995 by the Academy Board of Directors, after research at the WGA
found that the then blacklisted writer shared the screenwriting credit with
Super Panavision 70 films
Breakfast buffet 09:00
Breakfast buffet.
Picture by Herbert Born.
A Schauburg tradition served Friday, Saturday and Sunday mornings. Breakfast buffet
(Sunday at 9) Schauburg-foyer (incl. in weekend-pass)
Shorts & surprises - the Sunday morning show
Short 70mm Film: "Tour Eiffel"
Eiffel" (10').
65mm, 5 perforations, 24 frames per second.
Principal photography in:
ARRI 765. Presented:
On the curved screen in 70mm. Sound:
Dolby Stereo SR. Aspect ratio: 2,21:1. Country of origin:
Germany. Production year:
World Premiere:
Munich Film Festival, 1994
Cast: Bruno La Brasca, Shan Cong, Jef Bay.
Director: Veit Helmer. Cinematographer: Joachim Jung. Editing:
Antje Botschen. Music: Christoph Oertel.
Lulu fulfils his life’s dream: he buys a bright red sports car.
From the top of the Eiffel Tower, he can only watch as his car
is being stolen. The police are soon in hot pursuit but during
the chase, his beautiful car is wrecked.
The 10 minutes running comedy has won 3 awards at major
competitions. The highlight was the presentation as the official
closing-film of the prestigious Venice Film Festival at the
theatre "Scala Grande" in September 1994. An audience of 2000
international film celebrities saw "Tour Eiffel" on a 180
square metres screen and clapped for over 2 minutes.
On Location in
Paris with ARRI 765
Films made with the
ARRI 765
70mm World Premiere
Short 70mm Film: "Tanakh Bibelen Al-Quran"
"Tanakh Bibelen Al-Quran" (4'20'').
65mm, 5 perforations, 24 frames per second.
Principal photography in:
Superpanorama. Presented:
On the curved screen in 70mm. Sound:
DTS 6-track. Aspect ratio: 2,21:1. Country of origin:
Norway. Production year:
35mm World Premiere: October 2007, Bergen, Norway, 70mm World Premiere:
05.10.2008 Schauburg Kino, Karlsruuhe, Germany
and screenplay: Ole Mads Sirks Vevle. Photography and editor:
Morten Skallerud. Composer: Music published by Touch Music.
Sound: B.J. Nilsen. Producer: Ingvild Hellesøy. Production
company: Solepropriatorship Ole Mads Sirks Vevle. Genre:
Laboratory: Gulliver, Paris v/Simone Appleby.
Technical support: Dominique Benichetti. Sound mix: Europa Post Production, Stockholm, Gabor Pasztor.
Financed by: Vestnorsk Filmfond, with thanks to Irmelin Nordahl
and Hans Dragesund. Norsk Filmfond, with thanks to Peter Bøe.
Fond for Lyd og Bilde.
Summary: One God. One movie. One revelation. 3000 years after
the first records of the biblical writings, this movie presents
a complete screen version of the Hebrew Bible, the Christian
Bible and the Arabic Quran. Nothing is added and nothing is
taken away.
Festival participation: 2007 Bergen International Film
Festival. 2008 Scandinavian Film Festival, Bonn, Germany. 2008
Norwegian Short Film Festival, Grimstad
The making of "Tanakh
Bibelen al-Quran",
Norwegian Film Institute
Director's mini biography:
Ole Mads Sirks Vevle (b. 1971) won two prizes during the Critics
Week at the 2003 Cannes Film Festival for his short "Love is
the Law" (2003), which was co-directed by Eivind Tolås.
Vevle was educated at the Nordland Art and Film School, and has
made numerous short films and installations. Filmography:
2007: "Tanakh Bibelen Al-Quran" 2006: "Tungetale ved
første møte" 2005: "My Loneliness is Killing Me"
2004: "But What's It All About?" 2003: "Love is the
Law" 2001: "Int. Morning. Bedroom" 1999: "The Holy
70mm print thanks
to director Mr. Ole Mads Sirks Vevle (Norway), who is present during the 4th
Todd-AO Festival weekend
MCS 70 - Superpanorama films
"The Last Valley" 70mm show reel
"The Last Valley" comes with an additional reel of 70mm for which I’ll
try and provide a little background. It is my understanding that the
director prepared this reel featuring several sequences from the film to
help promote it, or use as a means of getting relevant parties/distributors
interested in the movie. It’s almost like a 70mm fifteen minute trailer –
however it’s interesting because it doesn’t feature any of John Barry’s
final score, but temporary dubbed music to help create the right atmosphere.
I assume therefore that this was prepared well in advance of its initial
release and before John Barry had scored the movie. Each separate sequence
is individually spliced together, so the reel contains a huge number of
Introduced by
Duncan McGregor,
Chief Projectionist, Pictureville, Bradford
Special Guest: Walter P. Siegmund, USA.
Special guest;
Walter Siegmund of Todd-AO fame, interviewed by Thomas Hauerslev
and the audience,
Subjects to be covered:
Meeting between Mike Todd and Brian O'Brien
Distortion Correction Printing Process – how did it work?
The story of the “Baby Bug Eye”
German still camera lenses for Todd-AO
Did Todd-AO live up to expectations?
Including rare film Todd-AO clips - including some distortion
corrected film
Read the
Siegmund Interview about "The early days of Todd-AO"
and a Todd-AO Epilouge
Garrett Brown
meets Walter Siegmund at American Optical
Followed by a brake and then "Around the World in 80 Days"
the World in 80 Days" / "In 80 Tagen um die Welt" (German)
/ "Le Tour du Monde en 80 Jours" (French) (3:03) +
intermission. Filmed
in: 65mm 5 perforations, 24 frames per second. Principal
photography in: Todd-AO. Presented: on the curved
screen in a French 35mm Technicolor Cinestage print, with
4-track magnetic stereo. Aspect ratio: 2,21:1. Country
of origin: USA. Production year: 1955. World
Premiere: Rivoli, New York, USA 17.10.1956–05.10.1958.
German premiere: 04.10.1957.
Directed by Michael Anderson. Produced by Michael Todd. Written
by James Poe, John Farrow and S.J. Perelman. Music by Victor
Young. Photographed by Lionel Lindon. Edited by Howard Epstein
and Gene Ruggiero
David Niven (Phileas Fogg), Cantinflas (Passepartout), Robert
Morley (Ralph), Noel Coward (Hesketh-Baggott), John Gielgud (Mr.
Foster), Trevor Howard (Denis Fallentin), Fernandel (French
Coachman), Charles Boyer (Monsieur Gasse), Evelyn Keyes (The
Flirt), Cesar Romero (Achmed Abdullah's Henchman), Robert Newton
(Mr. Fix), Ronald Colman (Railway Official), Shirley MacLaine
(Princess Aouda), Peter Lorre (Steward), George Raft (Saloon
Bouncer), Red Skelton (Drunk in Saloon), Marlene Dietrich
(Saloon Hostess), John Carradine (Col. Proctor Stamp), Frank
Sinatra (Saloon Pianist), Buster Keaton (Train Conductor), Joe
E. Brown (Stationmaster) and many more
51th Anniversary Screening
of the Cinestage showing at the Kurbel cinema in Karlsruhe
to Thorsten Meywald, Schneider Optics for providing a “Cinelux
Première” aspheric prime lens (1,7/62,5mm) and a “Cine-Digitar”
1,5x anamorphic attachment needed for showing
"Around the World in 80 Days" in the correct
Todd-AO aspect ratio.
35mm TECHNICOLOR print with square Fox sprockets and 4 magnetic
It is believed this
vintage French print was used for the opening of the
Richelieu Gaumont cinema in Paris. Perspecta Reconstruction by
Gunter Oehme. Thanks to Francois CARRIN, France for providing
this rare print.
Academy Award winner:
Best Cinematography, Color Lionel Lindon
Best Film Editing Gene Ruggiero & Paul Weatherwax
Best Music, Scoring of a Dramatic or Comedy Picture Victor Young
Best Picture Michael Todd
Best Writing, Best Screenplay - Adapted James Poe, John Farrow,
S.J. Perelman
Academy Award Nominated:
Best Art Direction-Set Decoration, Color, James W. Sullivan, Ken
Adam, Ross Dowd
Best Costume Design, Color Miles White
Best Director Michael Anderson
Todd-AO films
classic Todd-AO 128 degree lens, nick named the Bug Eye used extensively in
"Around the World in 80 Days". Image by Thomas Hauerslev
What is Todd-AO?
"TODD-AO 70mm film, plus the TODD-AO special camera, plus the
TODD-AO newly developed 6 channel high fidelity magnetic sound,
plus the TODD-AO "all purpose" 70mm projector and the great
arched TODD-AO screen equal the most revolutionary of all screen
inventions, with clarity of perspective, detail and color
reproduction never before achieved. As a result, with TODD-AO,
audience participation now has its fullest and truest
expression. Todd-AO is the dream of Michael Todd, plus the
technical skills of the American Optical Company whose research
staff headed by Dr. Brian O'Brien, jointly succeeded in
developing "a motion picture system that would photograph action
in a very wide angle....with one camera....on one strip of
film....to be projected from a single projector....on a very
wide screen....with a quality so perfect that the audience would
be part of the action, not just passive spectators.
 World Premiere of new 70mm Print
"The Bible...in the Beginning" - 16:30 - 19:24 + intermission
"The Bible...in the Beginning"
(2:54) + intermission.
Filmed in:
65mm, 5 perforations, 24 frames per second.
Principal photography in:
Dimension 150. Presented:
On the curved screen in a new
Dimension 150
70mm print. Sound: DTS Special Venue 6-track Todd-AO layout. Aspect ratio: 2,21:1. Country of origin: USA. Production year:
World Premiere: 28.09.1966, State Cinema, New York.
Directed by John Huston. Screenplay by Vittorio Bonicelli and
Christopher Fry. Produced by Dino De Laurentiis. Original music by Toshirô
Mayuzumi. Cinematography by Giuseppe Rotunno. Edited by Ralph Kemplen
Michael Parks (Adam), Ulla Bergryd (Eve), Richard Harris (Cain), John Huston
(Noah / Voices of God, The Serpent / Offscreen Narrator), Stephen Boyd
(Nimrod), George C. Scott (Abraham), Ava Gardner (Sarah), Peter O'Toole (The
Three Angels), Gabriele Ferzetti (Lot), Franco Nero (Abel)
Original version.
Dimension 150 70mm print courtesy Schaun Belston
& Kevin Barret, 20th Century Fox Library Services,
Los Angeles, USA. Read about the
Curvulon lens and
Dimension 150, and
see a list of
Dimension 150
Academy Award Nominated:
Best Music, Original Music Score Toshirô Mayuzumi
1967 Nominated Oscar Best Music, Original Music Score
Toshirô Mayuzumi
Richard Vetter, the engineer who developed D-150 process in his office in 2006. Image by Paul Rayton
Message from Richard Vetter, 29.09.2008
Dear Thomas,
Your presentation lineup is fantastic. Sorry to miss it. Congratulations to
you and your associates for planning it and executing it.
Dick Vetter
 "Exodus" (3:28)
+ Intermission. Filmed in:
65mm, 5
perforations, 24 frames per second. Principal photography in:
Super Panavision 70. Presented:
on the curved screen with 6-track magnetic stereo. Aspect ratio:
2,21:1. Country of origin: USA. Production year:
1960. World Premiere: 15.12.1960 Warner, NYC, USA.
German premiere: 05.10.1961.
Produced and directed by Otto Preminger. Written by: Dalton
Trumbo. Original Music by Ernest Gold. Cinematography by Sam
Leavitt. Film Editing by Louis R. Loeffler
Paul Newman (Ari Ben Canaan), Eva Marie Saint (Kitty Fremont),
Ralph Richardson (Gen. Sutherland), Peter Lawford (Maj.
Caldwell), Lee J. Cobb (Barak Ben Canaan), Sal Mineo (Dov
Landau), John Derek (Taha), Hugh Griffith (Mandria).
47th Anniversary Screening
and in honor of the late Paul Newman
German version
Super Panavision 70 films
Academy Award winner:
Best Music, Scoring of a Dramatic or Comedy Picture Ernest
Academy Award Nominated:
Best Actor in a Supporting Role Sal Mineo
Best Cinematography, Color Sam Leavitt
The Schauburg
Cinerama's practical information
| |
Novotel Hotel in Karlsruhe.
Weekend pass is EURO 100,00. Single entrance EURO 9,00 per
show, GALA on Saturday evening EURO 11,00, students EURO
7,00 and children EURO 5,00. weekend-pass for students is
Euro 70,00.
The weekend pass includes entrance to all screenings at the
festival. The weekend pass includes no accommodation, but we
have an arrangement with a very good hotel just around the
corner from the cinema. The price per night is EUR 67,00 for
one person and EUR 83,00 for 2 persons in a superior
double-room without breakfast. Complimentary breakfast for
weekend pass holders in Schauburg on Saturday and Sunday
The weekend pass also includes the following additional
• Welcome Coffee/Tee, Softdrink on arrival
• Festival Program brochure
• Entrance to Friday's get together with free beer
specialties from the local HOEPFNER brewery
• Breakfast buffet on Saturday and Sunday morning at 09.00
in the SCHAUBURG foyer
• Complimentary lunch break on Friday, Saturday and Sunday
• Todd-AO Q/A Sunday morning with Walter Siegmund
Hotel reservations can be made through
Herbert Born or
directly at the hotel +49 721 35260. Please remember to ask
for the special "Schauburg-Festival" rate.
on images to see a LARGE FORMAT flyer
the 2008 Festival Flyer
Press this link or image for the 2-page PDF file
on images to see a LARGE FORMAT flyer
2008 Credits. The organisers wish to thank
the following individuals for their help
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Todd-AO 70mm Festival is generously supported by the Georg Fricker
- Vincent Koch, Projection, Preparation prints
- Markus Vetter, Projection
- Jared Sapolin, SONY, LA
- Schaun Belston & Kevin Barret, 20th Century Fox, LA,
- National Media Museum, Bradford, UK
- Kino Mir 70, Krnov, Czech Republic
- Veit Helmer
- Ole Mads Sirks Vevle
- Francois CARRIN
- Thorsten Meywald, Schneider optic
- Andrew Youdell, BFI, London
Duncan McGregor,
Martin Hart, AWSP, USA
• Go to
How Georg Fricker became
the owner and operator of the last of Karlsruhe’s “picture palaces”.
Wie Georg Fricker
übernahm Karlsruhes letzten Kinopalast
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22-01-25 |