Dear Thomas
Here are the 30 links as promised. Just some comments - I think it needs to
be made clear in some way that suggesting 30 links to articles on the
website does not mean that the other 500 or so articles are not as good! I
think that is a problem with lists, and "picking" articles.
You will see also that I have tried to be as representative as possible, so
that most areas of the website have been covered, whilst also putting my own
"flavour" on it.
Brian |
Passing of Brian Guckian, Ireland
By Mark Lyndon
Over the years, our
friendship grew,
extending to my wife
Margaret. We were
looking forward to
our reunion with
Brian and were
deeply shocked and
saddened by the
tragic news from
Dublin. Brian
achieved much in his
tragically short
life. He was a
passionate advocate
for film, at a time
when film exhibition
was becoming
increasingly rare,
less valued and
appreciated. A co
founder of the 70mm
workshop, his
scholarship and
research made a
contribution to our
knowledge of the
subject. |

• Go to
Chronological premiere list of
major 70mm films |
60th Anniversary By Tom
A picture report from the "Cinerama center of the world"
at the Dome in LA - people from Europe and the US are
together celebrating the 60th anniversary of Cinerama |
Adding the Sound to
By Hazard E. Reeves
In 1940 Fred Waller, the inventor of Cinerama, invited me to a
demonstration of his new process in the Rockefeller carriage house on West
55th Street in New York. Like everyone else who saw it at that time, I was
tremendously impressed with it |
The Entire Development of the Cinerama Process
By Fred Waller
I'm going to tell a more or less chronological story of the entire development of the Cinerama process. It's not a short story but I'll try to keep it condensed. |
Large Format in Brazil / 70mm In Rio Paulo Roberto P. Elias, Rio It was 1965. With great fanfare, the Cinema Vitória, opened its first 70mm screening, with the Super Panavision print of “My Fair Lady”. |
Trumbull - A Conversation
By Wolfram Hannemann
I’m absolutely confident that the digital image has caught up with film in
terms of frame rate, resolution, steadiness, brightness and colour
saturation. I’ve gone totally digital; I’m not interested in film at all. |
Todd-AO Festival 2006
By Thomas Hauerslev
During a full [2006] October weekend, classic epics will be shown in the impressive
70mm format on a huge 136 sqm curved screen in the famous classic cinema.
Come and celebrate with us the BIG weekend, in the BIG film format on our a
BIG screen. Share the excitement with visitors from all around the world -
including Germany, Denmark, England, USA and France - and hopefully many
Highlight from the 2nd Todd-AO Festival in Karlsruhe,
October 2006. |
new Schauburg is unrecognizable
Badische Neueste
The renovation in 1968 did not take quite as long as the almost 3 years it
had taken to produce the film, and was completed, including the golden
wallpaper, for approx. DM 300,000. By today’s standards that is an
incredibly small sum for such a conversion of Karlsruhe’s first large-capacity
cinema. Those responsible undertook a strategy of using technically
innovative and aesthetically pleasing design techniques in order to
benefit the public. |
Cinema, Bradford,
By Thomas
In West Yorkshire, in the
heart of Britain, one of the worlds most advanced cinemas is situated. Capable of
presenting not only 35mm and 70mm, but also Cinerama.
It is the only public theatre
left in the world capable of showing original 3-strip Cinerama. |
D-150 Curvulon Lens
By Richard Vetter
The D-150 Super Curvulon lens attachment was a basic design that I
conceived and submitted to Kollmorgen Corp. in 1964 and that
company was commissioned by D-150 to perform the final
design and fabricate prototypes. |
General Building
Specifications for the Dimension-150 All-Purpose Theatre
The concept of the
"all-purpose-theatre" for Dimension 150 exhibition, and the
exhibition of all other existing screen processes has been studied by D-150,
Inc for several years. The "all-
purpose-theatre" should be unique in appearance, functional in design, and economical in construction,
operation and maintenance.
• Go to
Dimension 150
Theaters |
The Story of the DP70,
the Todd-AO projector. The famous and time proven 70mm film projector developed by Philips
in Holland more than 55 years ago. The
DP70 was a remarkable 70mm projector. On Monday April
8, 1963 Fred J Pfeiff, technical manager of the motion picture
equipment department of Norelco (North American Philips),
received the 1962 Class 2 Oscar plaque for:
"The design and engineering of the Norelco Universal 70/35mm
motion picture projector". |
Stereo Surround On 70mm
By John Iles
“Superman the Movie” had an outstanding soundtrack for its day thanks to the
enthusiasm of Gordon McCullum and his crew at Pinewood. Today almost all films are made with stereo-surrounds (5.1) although not all
Directors and re-recorders take full use of the possibilities. |
"Pearl Harbor" in 70mm DTS |
70mm DTS at the Millennium
Dome |
Life With THX In Hollywood Part 1 |
Life With THX In Hollywood Part 2 |
"Hamlet" relives in
70mm!! - a visit to
the set |
The worlds largest screen -
in Oslo, Norway 1996 for "ID4" |
| |
70mm filmfestival in Krnov
Hans Haenssler
Thanks to the good organisation of Klima, Tomesek and many
other people, it was a interesting event for the
visitors of the latest 70mm festival in Krnov in the Czech Republic. |
70mm Retrospective - Mission Report By Rayton & Hauerslev Now, suddenly, 70mm is given a superior place of recognition, at one of the most important film festivals in the world -- and the audiences responded as if it was their long-lost child! This is the mission report from the middle of the 70mm "melting pot" in Berlin, Germany. |
Imperial Bio 2008
The auditorium is an amphitheatre in shape and seats 1,102
people in large, specially-designed "Imperial" seats with
more than ample leg room between the rows. |
70mm Festival in Karlsruhe, Germany
By Thomas Hauerslev |
Drake, Plymouth, England
By Kinematograph Weekly
The aim in designing The Drake
was to match up to the conception of the showman's ideal form of
presentation. We aimed at nothing less than perfection in public
entertainment. |
the Chief
By Thomas Hauerslev
During the 2007 Cannes Film Festival, Thomas Hauerslev
spoke with Loïc Ledez - The Master French Projectionist. |
70mm Come Back!!!
By Rick Mitchell |
of "Svalbard - Arctic Seasons"
By Thomas Hauerslev
We chose 65mm because the film is going
to be shown on a big curved screen, covering more than 100'
angle from the audiences point of view. No smaller format
could give the same feeling of being present in an arctic
environment. |
Master", a new film
in 65mm by Paul
Thomas Anderson
70mm adverts now
seen in San
Francisco newspapers - follow
this page for the
facts about "The
Master" in the
coming months |
36" in 70mm in Paris, France
Breaking News!!! Breaking
New French Film Shown in Paris in 70mm.
Francois CARRIN's first cell phone report "I had tears in my eyes after
the film. It was Fantastic!. Beautiful!. A Wonderful Film" |
Jan Jacobsen - His Story
By Bill Shaw
Jan suggested: "I
can build a 15-perf
65mm camera. No
optical printing
will be needed." So,
he went to work in
his shop in
Copenhagen and,
within 4 months,
showed Graeme a very
compact camera,
based on a tandem
7-1/2 perf
mechanism. On Dec.
3, 1968, Jan
delivered the camera
to Galt, Ontario,
Canada, home of
Corporation, the
original name of
Imax Corporation. |
The M.C.S.-70 Process and European Cinema of the 1960s By Christian Appelt It was a happy chance, that brought together, the MCS company and an inventor and film technician of special genius, the Norwegian Jan Jacobsen |