• |
New book "Widescreen
examining widescreen cinema as a worldwide aesthetic and
industrial phenomenon |
Cinema System Helps 70mm Cinema Go Back To The Future
By Alcons / Schauburg
Behind the evocative
chandeliers and velvet curtains, an ongoing programme of technical
modernisation has seen the latest formats running alongside 70mm
Cinema System verhilft 70-mm-Cinerama Filmpalast zurück in die Zukunft
Von Alcons / Schauburg
Bei einem Upgrade der Beschallungsanlage wurden in der Schauburg in
Karlsruhe fünf großformatige Pro-Ribbon-Lautsprecher CR4 von Alcons
Audio installiert. Auf verfahrbaren Türmen können in der Schauburg
großformatige Kino-Frontsysteme Alcons Audio CR4 positioniert werden |
Recollections and Laments
By Stephen Winship
When we finally were able to enter the
theater's auditorium, my first impression was one of overwhelming awe. |
Journey To The Stars
Darrin Scot
FAIR opened last summer the "hit of the show" was the Spacearium
featuring a new space motion picture system created and constructed by
Cinerama for the Boeing Co. and the United States Science Exhibit. |
Cinerama Goes
to War
By Fred Waller
ALTHOUGH CINERAMA had its Broadway premiere only about a year ago, that
could hardly be called the first public demonstration. Years before
Cinerama had been tested and
approved by the U.S. Army, Air Force, the Navy and the Marines |
The Atomic Age-In CINERAMA
In the Himalayas, is the Indus River,
noted for its strong and swirling currents. In the middle of these
rapids, last July 20, a boat containing eight men and a three-eyed
Cinerama camera suddenly capsized. |
Adding the Sound to
By Hazard E. Reeves
In 1940 Fred Waller, the inventor of Cinerama, invited me to a
demonstration of his new process in the Rockefeller carriage house on West
55th Street in New York. Like everyone else who saw it at that time, I was
tremendously impressed with it |
This Cinerama Show
By Lowell Thomas
From coast to coast Cinerama has been the talk of the year. So far it
has been presented in only three cities; New York, Detroit and
Hollywood—with perhaps Chicago and one or two others by the time this
appears in print. |
Finding Customers for a
By Lynn Farnol
The sponsors of Cinerama believed in Cinerama. They had faith that it
presented a new sensation in entertainment. They believed that it was a new
way of telling stories, without the old frame of the traditional motion
picture. |
mr. cinerama
By Ralph G. Martin
eye filling curved picture from three projectors and ear filling sound
from multiple speakers made Cinerama seem real. Rollercoaster in this
scale model gives the audience a hair-razing ride. |
The Birth of an Idea
By Ralph Walker
An architect had a unique
conception of a building for a client at the World's Fair of 1939 in New
York. That concept had a profound influence on the evolution of what became
known as the entertainment wonder, Cinerama. |
The Entire Development of the Cinerama Process
By Fred Waller
I'm going to tell a more or less chronological story of the entire development of the Cinerama process. It's not a short story but I'll try to keep it condensed. |
Festival in Oslo 2010
By Oliver Klohs
This was the first time I visited the Cinemateket
70mm festival and I have to say that the level of commitment to a very high
technical standard was very impressive for me. |
- Exclusive Danish Re-release
By Biffen & Hauerslev
Biffen is
presenting the remastered version of Louis de Rochemont's CineMiracle Adventure
"Windjammer" for 4 days in July 2010 and welcoming
Carin-Anne and David Strohmaier to Aalborg to introduce
the film |
Todd-AO & Cinerama in Ireland
By Brian Guckian
“Breath-taking Todd-AO” debuted in Ireland on 26th December 1958 at the
Adelphi Cinema, Dublin with "South Pacific" and "The Miracle of Todd-AO". At
the time the cinema was one of the biggest in the city, with over 2000
seats. |
Todd-AO agus Cinerama in Éirinn
Le Brian MacEochaidhín
Thosaigh “Breath-taking Todd-AO” in Éirinn ar Lá le Stiofán 1958 i bPictiúrlann Adelphi i mBaile Átha Cliath. B’é "South Pacific" in éineacht
leis an gearrscannán "The Miracle of Todd-AO" an chéad clár Todd-AO a léireadh san tír seo. Ag an am sin, b’é an Pictiúrlann Adelphi ceann is
mór de na pictiúrlanna sa cathrach, le níos mó ná 2000 suíocháin. |
News from Cinema Retro Magazine
By Pfeiffer and Worrall
For the large format fans, Tom March has written a very fine "How
the West Was Won" location-hunt report for Cinema Retro's 17th
edition. |
are more things in life than just widescreen!
By Wolfram Hannemann
I was waiting for the auditorium to open and Francois
asked what I was waiting for, which I explained.
“But this is not even widescreen!”! - he said in
disbelief |
Orion Jardim de Faria - A visit to a Brazilian 70mm film Pioneer
By Paulo Roberto P. Elias
It took me less than five minutes to realize that I sat face to
face with a man totally involved with the film business, not by
profit but by passion. |
Camera 65 and the Metro Bourke Street Bigger than…
By Eric White
The Bourke Street Metro was
a two-gallery theatre, like the Collins Street Athenaeum, and as was the
case there, the projection rake was quite steep. |
notes for "The Brothers Grimm" 2-CD
By Jim Lochner
The Wonderful World of the Brothers Grimm was a pet project of
producer George Pal, better known for such sci-fi/fantasy films as
Destination Moon |
Film Festival, 2010
By Francis BARBIER
Cinerama, Ultra Panavision 70, CineMiracle, Super Panavision
70, Todd-AO, Gonflage 70mm, Sovscope 70, VistaVision, MCS-70… des noms
barbares aux oreilles et aux yeux des spectateurs les plus récents. |
“Ben-Hur” 50th Anniversary By Michael Coate Commemorating the golden anniversary of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer’s 1959 production of “Ben-Hur” |
“Sleeping Beauty” 50th Anniversary
By Michael Coate
Commemorating the golden anniversary of Walt Disney’s production of “Sleeping Beauty” |
Gunman takes 'Jedi' print OVERLAND PARK, Kan. (UPI)
A gunman with the scruples of a Darth Vader held a movie projectionist captive for two hours and stole a copy of the film "Return of the Jedi," apparently so he could make illegal copies of it. |
D-150, Coliseum, London By Harry Rigby I have just come across these two photos I took at the Coliseum in London. It shows the D150 lens nicely. |
Meeting Abel, Baker, and Charlie: The 2010 Bradford Widescreen Weekend By Jim Barg It was a trip that I had been planning in my mind forever, but I got lost from Forster Square to the Midland Hotel. |
"Inception" in 65mm By Steve Weintraub We went to the next best thing which was 65mm. So we have the highest quality image of any film that’s being made. |
Cinerama Showcase By Jim Barg The idea was to be able to show film in every possible format. We had 35mm, we had 70mm, why not Cinerama? |
KRRR! 5th 70mm Film Fest Krnov By Jakub Klima The Kino Mir 70 theatre will again be the meeting point for 70mm film enthusiasts from many European counties. |
Original 6-track Mix Recovered and Restored for West Side Story By
Chace Audio By Deluxe
the film helped to establish 6-track stereo sound for the 70mm format, yet the original ground breaking 6-track soundtrack has not been heard in the past 30 years. |
"Captain EO" returning to Disneyland in 70mm
Associated Press Disney's Heather Rivera says Disneyland will show a 70mm print of the 17-minute movie in the Tomorrowland theater. |
Fabulous Technicolor! - A History of Low Fade Color Print Stocks By Les Paul Robley Technicolor was a major color film process in Hollywood from 1922-1952. Not only did it afford a richer, almost 3-dimensional look to film, but it possessed one very cool quality: It was virtually fade proof! |
"Earthquake" at the Schauburg By Wolfram Hannemann It must have been almost 30 years ago that I first saw "Earthquake" during its initial release here in Germany. "Earthquake" made a huge impression on me. |
Movie Magic Tour By Pfeiffer and Worrall A British movie location tour no classic movie lover will want to miss. The Movie Magic Tour will encompass exciting locations, events and a Cinerama screening. |
Masking Configuration for 70mm Screens By 65/70mm Workshop The importance of screen masking generally should not be underestimated or neglected, as it performs an important technical function in enhancing the contrast of projected images. |
Spain & "Jesus Christ Superstar" By Miguel Carrara Madrid, 1973. Two years prior the death of Franco. The catholic church was still very powerful in the opinion of the common people, and naturally, "Jesus Christ Super Star" was banned. |
Tricky Hollywood... By Volker Hannemann Did you know that parts of "King Of Kings" were filmed in Camera 65 ? I bet you didn't :-) |

Go to Max Linder Panorama, November
Go to
Belguiral's Max
Linder Panorama |
The Evolution of Widescreen Cinema
New book "Letterboxed:
The Evolution of Widescreen Cinema" explores the technological changes of
the widescreen technique and how the format has inspired directors |
By Pascal Belguiral
Avant tout je suis spectateur et ainsi chaque séance que j’exécute ce
doit d’être irréprochable : point, cadrage, fixité, niveau sonore. Il en
va du respect du public, de l’œuvre projeté et de la fierté que
j’éprouve à ce que chaque projection soit de qualité. |
By Pascal Belguiral
Each show I run must be perfect: focus, framing
and sound level. It is the respect of the public and of the work
being projected that are at stake, as well as the pride I take in
providing quality to every show |
Kevin Brownlow Interview
By Mark Lyndon
My mother said "Abel Gance is at the NFT", so I grabbed
the script, and the few stills I had
and rushed off and there I met the great man |
Kevin Brownlow Interview
By Mark Lyndon
The film
started as just an adolescent way of showing off. I had no intention of
making the film - what I wanted to do was to capture the imagination of
producers. |
 As Good As It Gets
By Anna Rudschies
Seitdem ich diese Kolumne plane, versuche ich, etwas Schlechtes am diesjährigen Festival zu finden. Der Fairness wegen. Lieber Herr Born … ich habe nichts finden können. Nobody does it better. |
 Todd-AO at the Savoy
By Udo Heimansberg
There were not too many 70mm screenings at the Savoy, because Düsseldorf already had six Todd-AO and one Cinerama theatre |
70mm Festival
Film Introductions
By Wolfram Hannemann
On behalf of the Schauburg
Cinerama Theatre it is my pleasure to welcome you to the 6. Todd-AO
70mm film festival to join us for our nostalgia trip in the splendor
of Todd-AO! |
Brazilian Film Festival honors 70mm Pioneer
By Paulo Roberto P. Elias
The 4th Cinemúsica festival decided to pay Mr. de Faria a tribute and interview him in front of the public |
Cinerama: Celebration and Citation
By Mark Trompeteler
Once again delegates from all over the world came together to view films at the Pictureville Cinema and focus on the contribution that
widescreen filming and presentation has made to cinema culture. |
Classics at the Astor Film Lounge
Starting in October 2010, Astor Film Lounge, will show a series of 70mm film classics under the title "Film Classics at the Astor Film Lounge" |
Remember "The Alamo"
By William Clarke
I was invited to attend a screening of "The Alamo" at the Carthay Circle - one of those magnificent old movie houses from the glory days of Hollywood - vast and luxurious. |
Some ruminations after "The Reel Thing XXV"
By Rick Mitchell Fotokem presented a split screen 70mm demo of R2A of "The Sound of Music" with a 4k DCP version and I have to admit that the results struck me as being equal. |
strip shoot in the Melbourne Hills
By Bruce McNaughton
Before the shoot I ran a few feet through the camera to check the
overlap points between panels and the consistency of exposure across the
three 35MM matching lenses. |
A Concert Article
By Jim Barg
From the beginning notes of
Ligeti's Atmospheres to the closing performance of the Blue Danube,
their performance made familiar notes come alive and the hairs on the
back of your neck stand up. |
Cinerama Theatre is getting technical upgrade
Seattle Cinerama Theatre is getting a 21st Century technical
upgrade with state-of-the-art digital sound and pictures along with a
refurbishment of the classic, mid-century, wide-screen theater |
movie miracle in Aalborg
By Lars Borberg
The biggest movie in the
world will now be shown in one of the world’s smaller theatres: The
Biffen, at Nordkraft (North Power) in Aalborg. |
"Windjammer" souvenir program
6 pages from the Schauburg archive - from a showing in Bad Godesberg 16.
October 1965 |
Blade Runner: The Original 70mm
By Mike Coate
The film opened in nearly 1,300 cinemas,
eleven of which showed it in the 70mm Six-Track Dolby
Stereo |
Mitte der 60er Jahre in Europa mit: “Hi-Fi Stereo 70“
Von Gerhard Witte
Der Film "Operation Taifun" war damals in Europa zugleich auch der Beginn für ein neues 3D
Filmaufnahme- und Wiedergabeverfahren mit dem Namen: "Hi-Fi Stereo 70". |
in the mid 60s in Europe with Hi-Fi Stereo 70
By Gerhard Witte
The film
"Operation Taifun" was the beginning of a new 3D filming and reproduction process with the
name Hi-Fi Stereo 70 in Europe. |
IMAX 70mm heute
Von Gerhard Witte
In dem IMAX-Kino wurde der
Film "Avatar - Aufbruch nach Pandora" in einer deutschen
Version in klassischer 3D mit 2 x 15/70mm
Doppelprojektion im Polarisationsverfahren vorgeführt. |
3D IMAX 70mm today
By Gerhard Witte
The German version of "Avatar"
was shown in classic 3D with 2 x 15/70mm projection using the polarisation
process |
& showing Sensurround @ the Schauburg, 2010
By Herbert Born
Some images from the first day of installation, and from the

• Go to
"Windjammer" Red
Carpet Event
+ Gallery |
recording of Tiomkin's ALAMO score
By Jeffrey Dane
The recording's release anticipates by about five months the 50th
anniversary of the premiere of the film itself on October 24, 1960
at the Woodlawn Theatre in San Antonio, Texas. |
real 70mm?
By Rick Mitchell
Despite the first word in the title, a secondary sub-title, History
and Development of 70mm, really sums up what this book is about, a
paean by fans of production in 65mm |
Movie Star Visits Copenhagen By Thomas Hauerslev Cinemiracle star S/S Christian Radich visits Copenhagen. See the images from a visit on the deck of the magnificent ship. |
Images from the Christian Radich By Thomas Hauerslev S/S Christian Radich is a heaven for fans of polished brass. Join in70mm.com on a tour to the finest ship of its kind. |
“Grease” is Still the Word
By Michael Coate
“The Dolby sound is terrific. This is a film that exhibitors might well play at higher sound levels for greater audience involvement.” — A.D. Murphy, Variety |
Roadshow Engagements of "It's A Mad Mad Mad Mad World" By Michael Coate Here is a list of the original roadshow runs of Stanley Kramer’s epic large-format comedy "It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World". |
Tysons Cinema, Vienna, Virginia, USA By Bob Collins
I recently found some old photos I had taken from the projection booth of a theatre I was managing in 1978. |
Which cinema? By Thomas Hauerslev
in70mm.com recently received 6 images of a large unknown 70mm cinema.
Maybe the readers of in70mm.com can identify the cinema? |
The Cinema Museum, London By Mark Lyndon Housed in the historic former Lambeth Workhouse, where Charlie Chaplin had spent a traumatic childhood, the Museum boasts one of the most impressive collections of cinema memorabilia in the world. |
70mm film festival in Krnov: say KRRR! wide and aloud!
By Jakub Klima
was for the fifth time that lovers of widescreen entertainment can enjoy
another 70mm event which took place in Krnov during first weekend in April
2010 |
A History of Widescreen and Wide-Film Projection Processes By Les Paul Robley To supplement 70mm screenings in Los Angeles in April 2008, I thought it might be appropriate to chronicle a brief history of widescreen and wide-film highlights from the birth of cinema to the present day. |
 VistaVision Introductions Von Wolfram Hannemann Einmal mehr laden wir Sie ein zu einer Reise in die Vergangenheit, als das gute alte Hollywood noch Hollywood war und sich mit wahrem Ideenreichtum gegen die drohende Konkurrenz des Fernsehens zur Wehr setzte. |
 „Erdbeben“ in der Schauburg Von Wolfram Hannemann Es muss fast 30 Jahre her sein, dass ich "ERDBEBEN" (OT: "EARTHQUAKE") zum ersten Mal gesehen habe, als der Film hier in Deutschland in die Kinos kam. "ERDBEBEN" hat mich sehr beeindruckt. |
Roadshow ways to Milan and Melzo: The 70mm Festival Italy 2009 By Jean-Pierre Gutzeit I was Invited to Milan by Mrs. Luisa Comencini, Fondazione Cineteca Italiana, for the festival „70mm - Bigger than Life” to supplement that project with several 70mm prints and suggestions. |
65/70mm Rules By Rick Mitchell Last night at a special program at UCLA's Bridges Theater devoted to unusual film picture and sound formats, two examples of 65mm origination and 70mm presentation were shown. |
Fred Waller's 1950 Diary By Thomas Hauerslev Fred Waller's 1950 desk calendar. A fascinating account about who is visiting Cinerama and Vitarama. |
This is Cinerama...at the London Casino By
W. G. Altria The London Casino Theatre was selected, after an exhaustive survey, as the best available in London for the showing of Cinerama. Nevertheless, considerable difficulties had to be overcome to make it entirely suitable for the purpose. |
How I Became A Trick Photographer
By Fred Waller D. W. Griffith wanted a cyclone to destroy a distant Village, sweep clean a country side leaving destruction in its make and at a cross road destroy a particular Inn in a particular way. I was asked to make a cyclon and film it and quick too. |
The Waller Flexible Gunnery Trainer By Fred Waller Before Cinerama, there was The Waller Gunnery Trainer. The Trainer was used by the U. S. Army Air Corps, U. S. Navy. and the British for the final training and retraining of machine gunners. |
2011, 2010,
2009, 2008,
2007, 2006,
2005, 2004,
1994 |
Cinema Exhibition
By Stanislav Novotný
The cinema exhibition lasted attracted a lot of visitors,
including projectionists who worked in Chrudim's 70mm cinema |
open-air cinema in Chrudim
By Stanislav Novotný
We had the 70mm open-air cinema in Chrudim, which was operational from
1969 till 1995. This cinema was equipped with two UM 70/35 |
of Music: A Proper Credit
By Paulo Roberto P. Elias
There is so much sharpness and detail that I cannot concur that
these restorations look bad. In "Sound of Music" colour
registration is consistent from the beginning to the end |
So, what about
the Sound of Music on Blu-Ray?
By Stefan Adler
I thought the holy rule for
preservation and restoration was not to make it “better” than it
actually was to begin with? Who knows what "better" is in fifty years? |
"The Story of the Schauburg"
A new 240-page book about one of Germany's leading independent cinemas, the great Schauburg Cinerama Kino in Karlsruhe |
The Lost Dominion 70mm Film Festival Report
By Paul Gordon
Vertigo looked amazing, a mint condition print! The Vista Vision
negative really showed through on 70mm and the sound was great |
Kino's 6th Todd-AO 70mm Festival highlights in pictures
Sunday and
People, posters, food, beer, curved screen, a lecture, fun,
children, ultra sharp images and 6-track stereo |
Conrad visits 70mm Film Festival
By Thomas Hauerslev
Mr. Conrad was invited to Karlsruhe to attend the German 70mm premiere of
the "forgotten" 9th Cinerama film "The Golden Head". This was the first time
he saw the film - 45 years after the premiere. |
I love the smell of mag in the morning!
By Bob Throop
Seeing all those reels of 70mm film at the Lost Dominion 70mm Film Festival made me think I’d died and gone to heaven! O’ death where is thy sting? |
WINDJAMMER sails again!
By Rick Mitchell
"Windjammer" sailed across the screen of the Cinerama Dome, 58 years after it first sailed across the screen of the Chinese Theater |
"Windjammer" @ the Dome
By Dave Strohmaier
The 1958 roadshow production "Windjammer", will screen at the Cinerama Dome, September 5th, 2010 |
"2001" and Trumbull in London
By Mark Lyndon
Trumbull showed us a tantalisingly brief excerpt of his new "2001" documentary and revealed that Warner was preparing a final cut of "2001" |
Remembering Dimitri Tiomkin
By Jeffrey Dane
Dimitri Tiomkin ended up in Hollywood, where he ultimately spent his
entire professional life composing music for movies |
70mm prints from 35mm 1.85 photography
By Rick Mitchell
In 1967, when MGM Laboratories made the first 70mm blow-up
from 35mm non anamorphic (spherical) photography, it did so to the full
projected 2.2:1 width of the 70mm frame. |
"Out of Africa" Performance
By Thomas Hauerslev
"Out of Africa" - one 70mm show
at the Karen Blixen museum 20 km north of Copenhagen. This gallery
posted while the xenon is still warm - report to follow. |
Magical Evening
By Thomas Hauerslev
Friday the 13th was a lucky day for 350 people who saw Sidney Pollack's blockbuster "Out of Africa"
in 70mm and practical picnic clothes |
“Raiders of the Lost Ark”
By Mike Coate
A list of the 70mm Six-Track
Dolby Stereo presentations during the initial months of the first-run
release in North America. |
Remembering “Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom”
By Mike Coate
The summer of 1984 was a memorable one not just for movies in general
but for fans of the 70mm presentation format. |
Remembering “Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade”
By Mike Coate The summer of 1989 was a memorable one, in
particular for fans of the 70mm presentation format. The studios that
season circulated over 500 large-format prints of eight productions. |
Apocalypse Now:
The Original 70mm Engagements
By Mike Coate
The film was shown on a reserved-performance,
guaranteed-seat basis and presented in 70-millimeter and Six-Track Dolby
Stereo, which showcased a then-new quintaphonic split-surround audio
mix. |
trip to Melbourne
John Steven Lasher
I was invited to give a talk
about the restoration of the Kinopanorama camera, the recent filming in
the Dandenongs, the telecine work and plans for a future cinema |
reel of China's 70mm Film History
By Rikart Købke
The Greatest film format of all time lying just next to the Greatest
comrade of all time. |
Test Shots
By Lowell Thomas
We are starting off with this 35mm picture so you may the better judge of what you are now to see and her. We call it - C I N E R A M A |
in Barcelona, Spain
By Ramon
I was browsing through newspapers listings yesterday and I was
amazed and the huge amount of blow-ups they had in Spain |
The history of
some cost- saving approaches to the 70mm experience
By Eric White
‘Blow-ups’ became popular as a sort of
Claytons 70mm: the 70mm you have when you are not having 70mm. |
Grimm" soundtrack released by Film Score Monthly
This 2CD set presents a key work relating to fantasy filmmaker George Pal,
composer Leigh Harline, and the widescreen Cinerama film process |
The 9th Oslo 70mm festival By Jan E Olsen
We hope our 70mm Festival presented in our newly renovated cinema will make you remember cinema-going from a time long ago,
and enjoy unforgettable moments in breathtaking and crystal clear large format pictures. |
Red Carpet Event
By Jan E Olsen Dave Strohmaier and Cinerama Inc. present the remastered version of Louis de Rochemont's CineMiracle Adventure
"WINDJAMMER" at a gala event in Oslo, Norway in early May 2010 |
Sensurround @ the Schauburg 5-6 June, the majestic Schauburg cinema in Karlsruhe (Germany) will host a 2-day Sensurround film festival - A World-Class event |
Sound level in the Broadway Theatre By
Wentworth D Fling Since the opening of "This is Cinerama" in the Broadway Theatre, there has been a lot of discussion about whether the sound is too loud. |
So This Is Still Cinerama By Chace Productions, Inc Cinerama, the format that earned it's designer, Fred Waller, the nickname "The Man Who Blew Up The Movies", made a return engagement to Chace Productions in the fall of 1998. |
"Mr. Cinerama" in Bradford
Richard Greenhalgh
Sunday night the International Cinerama Society will put on a program about the history of Cinerama. It should be a grand time. |
Speech for John Harvey By Richard Greenhalgh
Recipient of The Academy of the Widescreen Weekend's Roll of Honor. A projectionist, phenomenal collector, showman and Cinerama enthusiast extraordinaire. |
The passing of Karl Malkames By Dennis Doros Karl Malkames, a cinematographer, inventor, film historian and pioneering motion picture film preservationist, died March 8th at his home in Scarsdale, N.Y. He was 83 years old. |
The Lost Dominion 70mm Film Festival By Paul Gordon The Lost Dominion Screening Collective is proud to present the first annual 70mm Film Festival at the Canadian Museum of Civilization, Sept. 24-26th 2010, Museum of Civilization, Quebec. |
Limited Time Offer, 70mm T-shirt By Wolfram Hannemann I
have constantly been asked by widescreen enthusiasts whether my 70mm t-shirt would be available for sale. I have decided to give it a try, and will offer a limited special edition of the „70mm“ t-shirt. |
 Berg der Kinoträume: Paramounts VistaVision Von Christian Appelt Die amerikanische Filmindustrie suchte eine Lösung für ein kaum lösbares Problem: Wie war der Rückgang des Kinobesuchs zu stoppen? |
 VistaVision Review Von Werner Neuner Am 6.+7.Juni 2009 fand das 2.Widescreen-Festival in Karlsruhe in der Schauburg statt. Dieses Mal war das Motto „VistaVision, Technicolor und Perspecta Sound“. |
MCS-70 Superpanorama Camera for sale By Thomas Hauerslev Antique Camera in Paris, France are selling a vintage MCS 65mm camera. Something for the readers of in70mm.com? |
Sensurround film Festival, Karlsruhe By Thomas Hauerslev June 2010 Come and experience all Sensurround films during one loud weekend |
6. Todd-AO 70mm-Festival 2010, Karlsruhe, Germany By Thomas Hauerslev Schauburg Kino, Karlsruhe October 2009. 70mm films presented in all their screen splendour. |
Using the Cinerama Camera
By Harry Squires
The Cinerama camera presents problems not found in other motion picture cameras. The following material is a discussion of the features that have been observed or points of knowledge that have been gained from experience in using the camera. |
Matchline Elimination By Richard C Babish Matchline elimination begins in the camera and continues through the film handling process to the final projection. In the camera, four possible sources of trouble exist. These are edge vignetting, or masking, edge reflection, scratching and pressure exposure. |
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in70mm.com News 2010 |